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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Timeka: I'm surprised you remembered my shoe size.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shinobi: You said it was about 100 feet, and you all scuba dive to the bottom? Hope: Yea... Shinobi: Be back... Shinobi takes is shirt, shoes, and sword case and and back-flips in. He swins down to the bottom, picks up a rock to prove it, and comes back up. Shinobi: *brings his head above water* See...i do it all the time....go farther sometimes...*holds up the rock* see? Hope: You could have took that off of the side... Shinobi: No, i didn't... Shinobi then comes out, and picks the ring up. He walks over to Hope, slips it on her finger, and kisses her like they did after the pokemon battle.
  2. Shinobi: for real, you will? *looks at his watch* ok, it ain't quite april fools day... Hope: Yes, i will? Shinobi: thank you! You don't know how long it took for me to get enough courage to ask you. Hope: Now, what is your last name..? Shinobi: Oh.........god...been so long since i've used it......i can't remember*starts laughing* emberressing, ain't it? But, thank you! *steps fowards and hugs her tight*
  3. Shinobi: Nothing,...i was debating something... Hope: What were you debating? Shinobi: A question i might be asking somebody... Shinobi then leaned back against the rock, still wondering weither or not to ask her. Shinobi: [i]Should i ask her.....or not...should or not....Should.[/i]Hope, i have a question. Hope: What? Shinobi: Uhm,..*pulls out the ring, but palms it* How to say it.......*takes a deep breath, then shows her the ring* Hope...will you......marry me?
  4. Shinobi: No, i'm happy you came....and you always getting hurt? I thought you was gonna say that about me......I am happy you came....and it doesn't matter how strong you are, or how strong you lead to be. I, well,....how to put this...most of the stuff i say i'm going to do, i don't. Because i'm scared. Everybody lets on that their tougher than they are...And, in a way,....i'm sorry for pulling you into this.......most of it was my fault...if i hadn't have got you to come...this wouldn't have happened...
  5. Shinobi: I bet i can find the Venusaur....watch me.. Shinobi got up and wet to the back door. He went out, and walked throught the garden. The flolwers didnt' really amuse(sp?) him. His mom used to grow lots of them, and he didn't relly notice them any more. He crouched down and watched for anything that moved. He saw a few oddish and a gloom or two. He was termpted to catch one just to see what they would do, but he kept his mind on the big prize. Shinobi continued going through the forest, seeing Beelsprout, Oddish, and Gloom playing together, but he ignored them.
  6. Shinobi finishes, and puts on some new clothes he bought when he got te new cds. He comes out, takes the ciggerete(sp) out of Cristina's mouth, hold it in front of her face. Shinobi: This. This is bad for you. It can kill you. Don't smoke. Well, on second thought, go ahead. I'd like ta see you die.... Cristina said nothing, just glared at him. Shinobi then started flying back to the Saffron Pokemon Center. ~~30 minutes later~~ Shinobi lands out side the pokemon center. He walks in andleans against the wall, waiting for the others to take a shower. Shinobi: Guess who's back...back again....Shinobi's back...tell a friend.....*continues the song, just changes 'Slim Shady' and 'Shady' to Shinobi*
  7. Nate

    Dragonball RM

    Damien shaw that Yami Kami had left already, so he spread his wings wide, and started glowing. His whole body shrunk(sp?) a little, and the finger nails came in. He then took off, and ran into Drago. He merely nodded at him, and continued him flight out of the crummy planet.
  8. OOC: Shinobi flies DBZ theory, Timeka teleports dbz style...what a coincidence... Shinobi: Forget waitin...i'll be back.. Hope: Where you going? Shinobi: Over to Goldenrod....to my house.... Shinobi steped out side and flew off towards Goldenrod. Several times he disspaears and appears about 100 feet from where he disapeared. Shinobi: I'm curious how long i can hold that.. Shinobi disapears and reapears a full 200 feet from where he started. Shinobi: Hmmmm..a nice new addition to my speed somewhere....but how? I was at top speed posible....*srugs his shoulders* Oh well, good for me.. ~~30 minutes later~~ Shinobi lands in the front yard. Cristina is sitting on the porch, smoking a ciggerete(sp). Shinobi walks by her, pulls it out of her mouth, takes i smokes it for a second, then throws it out in the street. Shinobi: Been 2 years since i've had one.... Cristina didn't say anything. She just glared at him. Shinobi walks updtairs and goes into the bathroom to take a shower.
  9. Shinobi: See, Notrin, good idea taking Hope and Timeka. Bad idea hurting us. If you hadn'ty your plan minhgt have worked. But by hurting me and Seion, you've just unleashed a huge rage out of the both of us. So, your plan back-fred. Bye-Bye! Shinobi pulled out the perfectoball and layed it on the ground. Then he did another feury(sp) of roundhouse and mule kicks, and Notrian falls. Shinobi then dives, grabs the perfectoball, and tosses it. It shakes once....twice....three times...four times...five times.....six times....seven times.....eight times.....nine times...ten times........Caught! But, then it starts shaking again. It shakes 10 times, then stops. But, it starts shaking again. It shakes 10 times, then stops for good. OOC: Can everybody that's in my RPG AND POSTS join my forum? The link is in my sig, and you can clikc on the WWW button on my info bar. THANKS!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko [/i] [B]You honestly thought i was serious!?!? Silly! i was mearly joking. Id never do that. Silly! But i hope it does get going soon.. its evened out now. [/B][/QUOTE] Honestly thought you were serious!? In a word,...... yes.:blush:
  11. The explosion that came from Hopes' pokemons' attack wroke him up. Shinobi: Whoa.....Hope..you ok.... Seion: *the blast wroke him up, too* Timeka, are you ok? Timeka: Yes. Shinobi gets up, and calls out all of him pokemon again. They all do attacks the second their lights form into them, and Seion's pokemon did the same. Then, Seion, Shinobi, and Hope's pokemon do an attack at once. It sends him flying. Shinobi and Hope jups on the oppurtunity. Hope throws the Hiratsu again, then Shinobi appears over therer. He does a round house, connecting right into the dragon's face. The hiratsu hits just inches away from him, in the same spot. Shinobi's rebound from the kick was turned into another round house. He rose his speed and was hitting him 5 times everytime Seion and Hope blinked. Shinobi then finished it by a roundhouse to the neck then a strong uppercut. Notrian fell from shock. Shinobi then came back down and landed next to Hope. Shinobi: I hope..that did..something.... Shinobi then fell from exarstion(sp). But, he got back up. He was flaming mad. He wanted to either defeat that monster or kil him. It didn't matter to him. He had never felt that way towards a pokemon before. He had felt that way to several humands, but never to a pokemon. But he felt it none the less. He wanted to kill or capture, it didn't matter. Notrian got back up, and Shinobi appeared up there again. Shinobi: It may be true *kicks him* that you took *roundhouse kick* The people that *roundhouse again* the 2 main humans *roundhouse* care for the most *roundhouse* but it didn't help *roundhouse* By donig that *roundhouse* you only did 1 thing: *roundhouse kick* by messing with my *roundhouse* girlfriend you *roundhouse* ticked me off *roundhouse* and nobody in their *roundhouse* right mind would *roundhouse* fight me when i'm *roundhouse, stops backwards* TICKED OFF! With that, Shinobi mule kicked him. Notrian went flying, shocked that a human could do anything. Shinobi: Yea. Don't tick me off. And don't touch my girl either! With that, Shinobi landed again, and watched the smoke fly from Notrian's landing. Shinobi: When someone has to go to that level...i don't play....
  12. Shinobi: [i]I hope.......that Hope........is...ok...[/i] Shinobi turns his head just enough to see that Notrian was still holding them, then he blanks out totally.
  13. Shinobi: [i]Hope...i should have thought....should have protected her more...something....i should have done something..if i hadn't have let him see me.....i could have done something..distracted him so Seion could grab...niether of us thought.........[/i] Just then, Shinobi saw through his barely open eyes Will come down to grab him.
  14. Shinobi: [i]*barely concious* sh*t this burns....god damn..what da f*ck did i just do.....[/i] Shinobi's shirt had been burnt off from it. When they smacked the water, it stung alot. But, Shinobi didn't feel it. Nothing mattered. Except for 1 thing, 1 person. Hope.
  15. Shinobi: Will, do it look like a care? Thank you. Shinobi flies off at him. Seion jumps out at him. But, he opens his mouth and a HUGE beam shoots out. It hits Shinobi and knocks him into Seion. They fall and land in the water. They both sink, knocked out.
  16. Dern, Flora determined. I never saw her like that before.....dern...heh....so, it evened out. Maybe he hasn't been able to get on to find out, yet? Give these things time, Flora.
  17. Shinobi: Huh? *blushes* Oh sh*t.......*ripes a tear from under his eye* Shinobi turned back to the battle, and saw an opurtunity(sp). Notrian had just got hit by all of the pokemon fighting him. Shinobi did a baseball-like throw and it flew over to Notrian.
  18. I'll do it, i'm changing now....just letting you know.....but all but maybe 1 of my pokemon are ground pokemon so they won't change....
  19. Shinobi: I hope this works......... Shinobi was silent and the glow sorrounded them. After a few minutes it faded. Shinobi: Hope? Hope, are you ok? Alakazam? Alakazam: [b]It will take a few minutes....you will have to wait....[/b] Shinobi waited in silence in the dme as the battle raged around him....he noticed nothing...even though several times one of the dragons was thrown against ther dome,....he didn't mean to block them out...it just did....all he noticed was Hope....Her beutiful face.......her beutiful eyes.....soft hands...everything. That's all he noticed.
  20. Shinobi had Espeon teleport him the powders he needed. He made another dose of the chemicals he gave Hope. Will: What will this do? Shinobi: The blue speeds up recovery, the red should help fight blood loss.... Will: Ok *gets a bit on his finger and tastes it* tastes like... Shinobi: Strawberry, i know......
  21. Shinobi: But the pokemon- Derogn: [b]They are safe. I helped them leave already...[/b] Shinobi: Ok....you said we can recall our pokemon without damging the ball, right? I hope so...*holds out a pokeball* return Charizard! *slips the pokeball into his pocket and pulls out abother* withdraw Espeon! *places it in his pocket. Unclips the pokeball from his necklace* return Houndoom! *reclips it. Withdraws another pokemon* Return Regice!
  22. Shinobi: Don't talk like that. You will live,...i will be sure,...i doupt i could live with out you... Shinobi held her in his arms as he slowly got his strengh back. When he can, he stars flying up above the raising water. epsoen teleports the powders back to what was his house so they wouldn't be damaged. Shinobi: Live Hope, you will make it, i promiss.....
  23. OOC: Ant, you eat the powder. Ain't got time to post ic, sorry
  24. Shinobi: Guys, you can handle the battle! I'm going to do something... Shinobi picked Hope up out of the water dispite the headache. He started floating, and found a hill that wasn't covered with water yet. He then lays her down. Espeon knows what Shinobi needs. His eyes glow and several bags filled with a colored powder appear. Shinobi grabs them, and looks through them trying to find spacific colrs. He passes: Yellow (for paralysis(sp), Blue (for frost bite), Brick Red (for burns), Blood Red (for blood loss), a green oneand Neon Blue (To help accelerate recovery). He grabs the Neon Blue and Blood Red and moves the rest. Espeon's eyes glow and a cup and 2 chemical bottles appear. Shinobi mixes a hand ful of the 2 powders, then pours in the chemicals. It turns to a neon purple hlaf-liquid half powder like substance. It foams a little, but dies down. Shinobi pour it into her mouth and holds her nose so she has to swallow. She caughs and her pulse goes normal and her breathing steadies. Seion: Shinobi, let me help. *gets off of Heracross* Seion places his hands on Hope's shoulders and concentrates. A huge Blue glow elapses all three of their boddies. It stays for about 5 seconds, then disappears. Seion and Shinobi both fall, dizzy. Shinobi: Why am i dizzy? Seion: I don't know..it seems it used some of your energy since you were so close to her.....
  25. Shinobi's head hurt badly since the second Hope was stabbed. It was now bindingly painful (i'll release why in a while). He placed his breathnig device on Hope and holds her near th top. The water goes into the wound, causing more pain. Shinobi can now barely see from the pain. Shinobi: Hurry! Get this dude finished! All of my pokemon can fly or swim! Don't need to return them!
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