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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Shinobi: *calling out Lugia* Take me to da top.... Lugia: [b]Having more fun or catching pokemon?[/b] Shinobi: Just go up... Shinobi climbs on, and Lugia goes to the very top. He stops about 1 inch from the light pokemon. One started to glow. Shinobi jumped off, and Lugia dropped, too. The beam shot out at Shinobi. He noticed he would either get hit my it, or it would hit the water, hurting (or killing) everyone in it. He knew what he had to do. He slowed down, and it hit him. He fell, paralyzed.
  2. OOC: Uhm,..Blanko's right.......And, he was down there thinknig, too.He wasn't drowning, he did it to make it look like it. Shinobi is good at that type of stuff..... IC: Shinobi: I don't know.....wanted to have fun.....see what you all would do....And,..Hope,..Nice....*looking her over* Leon: Can you swim? Shinobi: Yes, i can. See.... Shinobi dives down, and rides the bottom. He comes up behind Hope. Shinobi: *hold finger over his mouth* *in a tristed, non-human voice* Gotcha! Shinobi, with a smirk on his face, pulls her under, dispite the kicknig and thrashing. He holds her under for about a minute then spins her around so she can see who's doing it. But, sh's out. He grabs her by the waist again and raises her back up. He holds her on the surface and brings her over to the shore. He lays her down, and she starts breathnig again. Shinobi: Phew... Hope: Why did you do that!? *swings at Shinobi* Shinobi: *Blocks* Sorry...*blocks another* Just *blacks* playing.
  3. We arent' insulting FUNi, we're just critisizinbg them. There is always errors in somethnig,.....just FUNi is maknig a big one on perpoce*sp*.
  4. OOC: I"M DROWNING! IC: Shinobi stayed down, dispite the fact that he knew he would need air. He just sat there, slowly letting the air out of his lungsd so they would see that he's missing. Shinobi: [i]For a big group they sure don't notice a ton, do they?[/i] Shinobi reaches into pocket, pulls out a 14 kt ring. It has 5 diamonds on it. He looks at it for a second, then puts it away. Shinobi: [i]Should i...or should i not..should or not...should or not...[/i]
  5. Shinobi: Hope, wana swin? Hope: Ok... Shinobi switches shirts to the shirt he swims in, and stays in the baggy pants he had on. Hope takes off the outer lawer and pads, leaving her in the robe of sorts. Shinobi: [i]Damn...[/i]*Hope eyes him* Shinobi walks over to the deeper edge, and back-flips in. He swims around, then takes a deep breath. He dives, and stays down there. Thn, he lit out some air so a fury of bubbles came up. Then he sat back (so to speak) ans watched...
  6. I was introduced to TheOtaku by a friend, but didn't know it ad a board. Then, i was aol searching for Morums, and one said they had been asked to team up with OB, so i came back and found htis. I registered as, well, what do ya know? The Trainer...
  7. Shinobi: *joking* you ain't got me in check, see? *pushes him* Seion: Stop. Shinobi: Make me *pushes again *joking again* Seion: Ok *pushes again* *playing* Shinobi: Ok, forget this *picks up bag* Bye Seion: *chuckles* funny Shinobi: Yea...And i came from 6th street....It's ok, Hope...I understand why you'd do that,..too...
  8. Shinobi: Wait, you didn't just sake me hand...did oyou...oh my god....youve changed..*drops to his nkees and waves his hands up and down, then falls on the ground laughing* Oh my god....come on dude, the right way. They start off shaknig, but pull back and cup their fingers so they connect like (I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DESCRIBE IT....do it all the time but cain't describe good........)Then they pull at each other and tap each other on the back with the other hand. Shinobi: Yea, right way...*both ball fist up, Shinobi drops his of Seions then Seion does it (again, cain't describe)
  9. Shinobi: Dat son of a- oh, that's right...heh...stopping... But it- that's why you went with Seion's plan........THat was nice...just didn't kill ihm....wait,...Sythe,...as a guard..... Leon: Yea,... Shinobi: Oh,......you don't know how bad i wish i had have saved the dude so i could...oh forget it,...da dude's dead so i'll let him be...
  10. Shinobi reachec into a pocket and withdrew his tracker. He pressed a button, and a microphone came up. Shinobi: Leon, you know if you want i can do some stuff, get dat dude dead..i got da power...... Leon: No thanks.. Shinobi: No, i'll do sometin when we go back...he'll pay....don't nobody do that to a friend of mines friend......don't worry dawg....
  11. Shinobi: *from no-where* Hope, i'm, sorry... Hope: Oh yea? Shinobi: Yes...I'l change....I'm sorry....I just get mad at Seion sometimes and can't stop it.....I'm sorry Hope..
  12. Shinobi: [i]All of my true friends exept Hope are gangstas,...my dad dipped when i was like 5 months,....if i live my old life my brother will follow and live mine......and our rematch? I'd win...And i ain't becomnig no professor...[/i] Will: [b]Well, still, you'd be stupid to kill yourself[/b] Shinobi: [i] Well,...in Hope's eyes that's what i am already, so it don't matter.....Hope is my life....but damn...to much.......to much.....*tear in his eye* Damn...*half-crying now* to goddamn much![/i]
  13. Shinobi: WHAT DA F*CK DID I DO!? damn it...i'll be back when i feel like it... Shinobi places the lap-top in the over-sized pocket on his hip, and picks up the bag. He walks off from the group and Hope. Shinobi: Why me...*picks up rock* why me why...had to fall in love wit da strict one.....*throws the rock* Why do i bother.....i'll just lose her again..... Shinobi climbs up into tree, and goes up high. Shinobi: Why don't i just end this, quick.... Will: [b]How?[/b] Shinobi: [i]Stop it, Will....[/i] Will: [b] If your thinknig what i think your thinking, you better not..[/b] Shinobi: *acting innocent* [i] why whatever do you mean?[/i] Will: [b] Kill yourself[/b] Shinobi: [i]Oh, why da hell not. Hope was the one who kept me alive. Was gonna kill myself years ago...i didn't because of Hope,..i have no reason to live no more...[/i] NO REASON AT ALL! *screaming out*
  14. Shinobi: Hold on,..*pulls out lap-top* maybe i don't have to..... Shinobi opens up a program, and rapidly starts typing. Then, he reaches into his pocket and withdraws a tracker. Will: What are you donig with that? Shinobi: You'll see... Shinobi places it in a tray, and starts typnig again. A minute later, he stops, and picks up the chip. Shinobi: Out this behind your ear...but be carefull*hands to E4 Will* I'm going to be able to do this after all*smirk on his face* Will puts it on, and Shinobi types some more. Shinobi: Now, do it again. Will makes another turtle. Shinobi then takes off the chip. Will: OUCH! Shinobi: Yes, it hurts...it wasn't exactly made to come off... Shinobi pulls off the small peice of skin attached, and places it in the tray. He then types some more, and a new chip comes out. Shinobi: And now, through the power of technolgy, anyone can do it through this chip...
  15. Shinobi: This shall be fun...i wish i had at least one of their powers.... Hope: Why? Shinobi: They can make pokemon..come on....awesome...
  16. Shinobi: Thank you.. let's eat... Shinobi grabs about 5 peices of chicken and a TON of Rice. Shinobi: Race ya... Seion: Let me refuel my plate... Shinobi: NO..go from there....3...2...1...go! Shinobi tilts the plate up on it's edge and it all pours into his mouth. Shinobi: *nod, swallows* Oh, that's alot to swallow at once..i won....so easy...
  17. Shinobi: Forget these bands.....Ha!!!!!!*puuls his arms out, then in quickly, then out again. They bust like string* So hard, ya know... Will: I can put ya in more.. Shinobi: What is your problem?
  18. Shinobi: *fake sob* That is *fake sob* so heartfelt *fake sob* man...*busts out fake crying* NOT! Come on...... OOC: Couldn't think of notin'.
  19. Shinobi and hope just finish as they say that. Shinobi: You 2 are orphans? E4 Will: Yes... Shinobi: Oh, sorry ta hear that.....
  20. Shinobi: Ok, i wanted to have fun,....well,........ Hope: You said you were watching us. Shinobi: I was till- oh forget it,.....i should have stayed longer *chuckles as he says it* Well, uhm, anybody want to have fun? They are quite easy to catch...
  21. Shinobi had listened in. Shinobi: A wanksta, eh? We'll find out soon enough...And i ain't scared neither! *callnig out to them* Hope: How did you know what they said? Shinobi: Keen hearing and sight,...i just got to shut up when i do it..not much passes me....And it's rarer i don't spice up battles,..their just so boring.......Now,..where were we... Hope: The wager... Shinobi: Yes, here we go.. Shinobi places a hand on Hope's cheeck, and slowly pulls hr towards him. Just as they were about to kiss, Seion and the rest came out. Shinobi continues on as normal. He places his lips to hers and kisses her.
  22. Tru, we do want Saddam to lose parts, and knowing Bush, probably his head, it's funny. When they make them, we should mail one to saddam and hopefully he will give up, seeing as we hate him that much and all. *gets yelled at for coming up with such a stupid idea* Sorry...
  23. It's nice, i do like how you put half of the face on the avi. and the other on the banner,..now you should like *racks brain* put them together, then do one with the upper face in the avi. and the lower half in the banner or somethnig. That would be coll. I like it.
  24. It's nice. I like the second one better, you can actually see what it says... 9.5/10
  25. Shinobi: Hope, what did he just think? Hope: Uhm,.....You are a punk, you have to make a bet to get a kiss.... Shinobi: Ok, just a second.*apeers next to Seion* What was that? A love peck? Honestly.....biatch *swings arm out, connecting and throughing him back a few feet* And don't make me go gangsta style on ya...*pulls out *8-Mile cd and turnes it on* And i can't deny i.... i'm calling out DrupleDra! Hope: Catchy....Kyogre, Thunder! Shinobi: Solar Beam! The light hasn't faded from Houndoom! Quick! Kyogre growls and cloud form around him. They shoot out thunderbolts, striking DrupleDra. They hurt alot because of the Ice in him. But, DruplDra glows, and the plant opens on him head. A beam shoots out quickly, landing right on Kyrogre's head. It falls in pain. It gets quickly, though. Hope: Ice Beam! Freeze it! Shinobi: Solar Beam QUICKLY! The folwer golws again, and glows brightly. But, it doesn't shoot a beam out. Thwe light pokemon slowed their light production. Kyrogre shoots out the icy cold beam, sorrounding DrupleDra. It roras in pain from the fire type in him. Soon, he is covered in a block of ice. Shinobi: No! *falls to the ground, on his back* GREAT! Hope: Either way you win....Kyrogre THUNDER! Kyrogre is sorrounderd in clouds. The thunder shoots out, sticknig the cube of ice. The ice absorbs some of the hit, though. Hope: Ok, HYDRO PUMP! Kyrogre slamed it's mouth shut, and started building up water. He held it until he couldn't, and shot out a high-pressureized(sp) blast of water. It connected into the cube of ice, sliding it back fastly, and chiping the ice. Kyrogre stoped, but the block didn't. It conntinued sliding, and went out of the battle area. Shinobi: Go figure....shoot...*gets up*
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