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Everything posted by Nate

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sakuramon [/i] [B]R/B/Y:Bulbasaur,Ivysaur,Venusaur.Charmader,Charmeleon,Charizard. Squirtle,Wartortle,Blastoise. G/S/C:Cyndaquil,Quilava,Typhlosion.Totodile,Crocanaw,Feraligator. Chikorita,Bayleef,Meganium. R/S:Torchic,Combusken,Blaziken.Treeko,Grovyle,Sceptile.Mudkip, Marshtromp,Swampert. Q:Explain in Detail how to uproot SudoWoodo in Gold and Silver.And what type is he?? [/B][/QUOTE] Uhm,...Sakuramon,...i posted that,...exept for 2 trypnig errors,....it should be my question......stealer....
  2. Shinobi: No, i could see you, you weren't running at the speed of light..i disapeer....just con't hold the speed forever unless i'm in a vacum(sp), so the air don't slow me..but then the air in my body would expand and kill me....and it would be the most painful way to go, too.....but your slow...I know i'm drifting but i can't help it.... Shinobi looks at him arm, and sees it's still bleeding from the shot.... Shinobi: When i apear somewhere, i use my speed..i don't teleport.....so that's speed when i disapear...not teleport.. Hope: Your repeating yourself.. Shinobi: Yea..loss of blood will do that...I'm just going to sit here..
  3. Shinobi: Ok,..how to get a power...i didn't really learn it,..i was born with the ability of speed and flight,...or so i was told,....i found out at about 2.....And, i can move faster than Seion,...i disapeer when i kick in the true speed...can't do it now because i'm weak and it uses my energy... Hope: Rest... Shinobi: I know..I ain't gonna do it....and,...Seion wasnt' gonig as fast as light...cause you couldn't see him...like me.... actually never clocked myself...or i take that back..did twice,...the stop watch busted both times....did it in a Radar trap, too. Didn't even pick me up...
  4. Red/Blue/Yellow: Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard Squirtle, Warturtle, Blastoise Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur Gold/Silver/Crystal: Cyndaquil, Quilaa, Tyflosion Totodile, Crocanaw, Feraligatr Chickarita, Bayleef, Meganium Ruby/Saphire Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile Mudkip, Marshtromp, Swampert
  5. Shinobi slowly gets gets up, and walks over to Sythe. Shinobi: Heheh....who gets the last laugh now... Shinobi takes off the duffle bag, places the sword back in there, and places the double edged sword an ench from his neck. Shinobi this is for the trouble you caused- *slashes him on the chest* this is for the pain and fear- *slashes him on the legs*, this is for trying to kill Hope, *stomps him* and this is for trying to kill me! Shinobi slashes him across the chest again, cutting deep into him. Blood gushed out, and then it turned to a different color. Shinobi had busted the sac around the heart. Shinobi then grabs the swithc that works the C4, and walks in there. He opens a box, follows the wires, and cuts 2 open. He then ties them together. Shinobi: Let's blow this biatch...*Hope glares at him* Sorry, i'll stop cussing now... They gfo to the blown-out door, and Shinobi flips the switch. He then drops it, and they all run like mad. Seion: What did you do? Shinobi: Changed the circuit It'll go off in about 15 more seconds...Get out of here! Hope: How far? Shinobi: About half a mile..To dodge the debris. We're safe from the explosion now....This way! Shinobi grabs Hope's hand, and they run through a small forest. Then, they get to an opening. Shinobi: Three,...Two,....one,...jump! Shinobi jumps onto the ground, bringing Hope along with him. Everybody else drops, too, right as the explosion rang off. Shinobi: Stay down! Cover yourself! Shinobi stood up and stood next to Hope, blocking the debris. After the shower ends, Shinobi lays down, from the pain of his ribs. Shinobi: Oh sh*t, never run with broken ribs.. Hope: You could have killed your self, Shinobi.....You could have Shinobi: *at the same time, so their voices kinda mix* pressed a rib into my heart,*after she's done* I know....Just wanted to protect the group...and you...*reahces up and places a hand on her face as he says it* *withdraws his hand* Oh, all 150 poounds of muscle ache....Oh god,...don't none of you EVER get hit with a sledge hammer..it f*cking hurts.....
  6. Shinobi was still talking when Sythe walked up to the cell. Sythe: So, you haven't broke out yet....wierd.. Shinobi: Shut up! Sythe: Make me...look up at the top corner. There's 6 blocks of C4 up there. You all die if i press this button *hold up a switch* Shinobi: That's a switch, not a button. And, that would kill everybody in this building! Sythe: Except me, speed boy. Shinobi: You bast*rd! Sythe: Uh-uh...watch your mouth in front of the lady.. Shinobi: Just shut up, and i'll kill you quick when i get out. Kepp talking, and I'll do it slow and painful. Sythe: You wouldn't dare... Sythe walks away, and Shinobi sits down. They start talkngi, and neither hear foot-steps coming up the hall. Shinob ilooks up from the floor to see Sythe standnig in the cell, and a guard on either side of the door. Sythe: Grab him. *points at Shinobi* A third guard walks in and grabs Shinobi and drags him into the hall. He trips Shinobi, maknig him fall to the floor. Sythe opens a cabinet, and pulls out a sledge hammer. Shinobi: Oh hell naw, let me up you muta F*cking b**ch of a mutha f*ucking d*ick- *gets kicked in the face by Sythe* Shinobi stops talknig, and apeers behind the guy holding him down. But, the other guards caught him and Sythe still conected with the sledge hammer to his left knee. Shinobi: AHH! Shinob ifalls, and Sythe hits him in the chest with it, kncking the wind out of him and cracknig a rib or two. Shinobi falls to the floor, and they start stomping him. Hope: STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE NOW! Shinobi: Shut up before they do it-*gets kicked in the back, knocknig the wind out of him again* They continue for a few minutes, then stop. Shinobi fakes being knocked out. They leave him for dead and walk towards Hope. Shinobi sees this and slowly gets up. Shinobi: You......you......cowards.....this is......between...you and...me....leave Hope...out of this..... Sythe: Ok.. Just then, an explosion blew through the door. The guards ran that way, and it was left to Sythe, Shinobi, and Hope. Sythe opens the duffle bag that he took from Shinobi, and took the sword out. Shinobi reached in his pocket, and pulled out a small staff. It was a little over a few inches long. He pressed and button on it, and un-screwed the 2 caps. Out comes 2 collapsed sowrds blades. He presses the button again, and they come completely out, the lock in place. Shinobi now has a double-sided sword in his hand.
  7. Shinobi and Hope was brought into the building. Right off, you could tell they had been here for quite a while, as it was brick, and done very nice. Apearently(sp), pokemon hq didn't keep this trip as confidentual as they said they would... Sythe: Put them in there..*pointing down the hall* The guards nod, and escort them to down the hall to a prison-like cell. Their both shoved in there, and they lock the door behind them. Shinobi: Damn it...should have ended this a long time ago.....Shouldn't have pulled you into this...Damn it...*gets up and paces* Hope: Don't beat your self up.. Shinobi: I know... I know..*starts hitting the wall*,.....well, now what...
  8. Shinobi: Uhm....maybe you should redo that trick......why must they get me? I'm not that important, am....Shoot..i see why they want me.... Will: Huh? Shinobi: I was the head of the electronic side. I kept records of everybody, kept the combo to the weapons locker...They need that info... Suddenly a person apeered next to him while he was talking. It was Sythe. Sythe: No, i want to KILL YOU! Sythe lunged out and grabbed Hope. Shinobi: Let go of her! Sythe: *pulls out a switch-blade, holds it to Hope's neck* Watch your temper....come on now, Shinobi, come back... Shinobi: No! Sythe: Ok, be like dat den. Two more people apeered. They both grabbed Shinobi. Shinobi: Come on...got to use 2? So,..so,...so weak..you never could handle me 1 on 1, could you? They take off, and land out about 2 miles west of the group. Obviously, the gang had been here for a while, there was a building there.
  9. Shinobi: Hold on..let me cshow ya how ya do this... Shinobi disapeered and reapeered with 3 of the AKs that they dropped. Shinobi: Yea..but nice idea, Hope...want to do it again from here..so they know who killed 'em? Hope: Ok..but your not killing them.. Shinobi: If needed... Hope does it again, taking out another 15 people. Shinobi: We gon party like it's they birthday... Shinobi aims the gun and fires with almost deadly accuracy. Shinobi: But we don't give a (bleep) cause it's not they brithday! Shinobi fires again taknig down 1 dead and 3 more with serious wounds. Shinobi: Oh snap...1 down permanoutly(sp), and what is Registeel? Shinobi disapeered and reapeered down there. He kicked several before they shot, but one shot him, hitting him in the arm. He gets back quickyl, and blood is pouring down his arm. Shinobi: Damn it them mota f*ckas! Shinobi picks up the gun and fires again, then agian, then trys again, btu it's out of bullets. He shruggs and throws it to the side, and picks up a second. He continues like this, but doesn't kill any 1 person. Just, now there's alot of blood down there. By now, he's used up all of the guns all but 1. He looks at it, and quickly recognizes it. Shinobi: Sniper Rifle..I'm not gonig to use that..*picks up up, and looks through the sniper scope* One left, Sythe. Oh, wait, that sub must be huge, a few dozen more are pouring out.
  10. yea..i can finally jump over a board....of course, withouth the trucks or wheels on it and laying bottom down, but, hey- a jumpo is a jump. I'm thinking about calling that the bored jump (get it, bored, board...heheh)
  11. Shinobi flys up and catches a glemps(sp) as the dragon flew off into the sun-set. Shinobi: Awesome...awe inspireing... Shinobi then lands and they continue. After their done, they had caught about 10 pokemon a peice, but were to tired to add them in. Also, along the way he taught Seion a technique he had learned when he was a kid. Shinobi: *half to himself* Let me die in this paradise.... Seion: Huh? Shinobi: Nothing, nothing at all..... Shinobi then looks over to the hole from the hill he was laying on, and saw a sub sitting there. He looks hard at it, and figures out where it was from. Shinobi: What da... Shinobi gets up and wakes the group up. He then flys up higher to get a better view. He could see 5 rows of gaurds there, all holding semi-automatic weapons.... Shinobi: Everybody exept Hope, Will, Seion, and....*looknig between Bremma and Timeka*...Timeka..get out of here. Go that way...until you get to woods....*waivngi behind him, and then looks to see they will be oging about a mile.
  12. Yes,..you did....*shows Setsuna the PMs and the place on the thread where Rei said that. Shinobi: I had to leave my precious legendaries at home... Sorry...had to say it...
  13. Shinobi: Houndoom, prepare a Fire Blast! *stops* There he is... Standing in front of them is a 30 foot sleek black dragon, with a horn over each eye and over it's nose. Shinobi: Whoa! The dragon pokemon turns around and flys off before Houndoom can use the fire blast, or Shinobi can grab a pokeball. Shinobi: What is that thing?
  14. Will: Shinobi, wait up. Have you seen the pokemon Treecko brought? Shinobi: Yes....i got one..... Will: I did, too. A porcupine pokemon? Shinobi: Yes..i need the pokedex from Treecko. *Will reaches in his pocket and withdraws a black pokedex* Will: i wonder if they evolve into one another.. Shinobi: Don't know,...Don't care,...
  15. Shinobi: Wow, 2 new pokemon... Shinobi puts in the new pokemon, but keeps Andialiot out of the pokeball with Houndoom. Shinobi: Ok....let's continue looking... Shinobi puts on his head-phones and inserts his Nellyville cd. He tuns it up to max and as usual activates bass boost.
  16. Shinobi: Look carefully in the bushes. You should see a set of eyes. Shinobi sits down and switches pokemon so he has Andialiot. Shinobi: Andialiot, cut down those bushes... Andialiot: Andialiot tuned around on it's horse-like body and swung it's syhte tail out. It sliced through the bushes like a knive through butter. Where the bushes stood, a plant-like pokemon, almost like a pokemon copy of Palmon. It had a flower on it's head, but the rest of it's body looks like a cactus. Pokemon: Pailo, Pailonia! Shinobi: Get out there! Shinobi tossed the pokeball attached to his necklace onto the ground between Shinobi and the pokemon. Out comes a dog-like pokemon with a wrip-like tail. It stood up to Shinobi's lower stomach. Shinobi: Houndoom, crunch! Houndoom jumps up on the pokemon and bites it right on the face. Shinobi: Great! Pokeball go!! The pokemon went it, shook 1 time,...2 times,...3 times...captured! OOC: Pokedex up-dated.
  17. Shinobi grabs his cd player out of the tree, and pockets the cd case. Shinobi: Let's roll.... Shinobi rubs his face, and sees the scar from Jake is still there. Shinobi: [i]So that blue golw merely healed the bone...not completely healing me...[/i] OOC: Pokedex list wil be undated in a minute.
  18. I think it's safe to tell ya, Sheikahmon doesn't want people to have legendaries, and Celebi is a legendary because there's only 1 of them.....
  19. Shinobi: Uhm..what's wrong with this place? Why must we leave? How do we know your telling the truth? (not much to post...so i kept it short..)
  20. Shinobi: This is boring...beat it three times already... Shinobi closed the game box, went into his hard drive, and deleted all the games that had this in the title: BEAT He then went into the bag and busted the cd copy of each and every game. Shinobi: I love busting CDs.......especially ones i don't like.... Hope: I don't see why... Shinobi: Don't see why? Heh...that's about as funny as when Will said that he was getting wrip-lash from me paseing(sp). Hope: HUH? Shinobi: After you left for me thinking that i wanted to be left alone... Hope: Oh..ok...i don't think i'll ever completly understnad you, Shinobi... Shinobi: heh.....my family doesn't completely understand me...and THAT is bad....And ithought about this..we should do some more books. You know..one for your past..one for mine..then we do the one where we meet...or at least for this journey from Celadon to Johiko...a very good romance novel...i mean you and me....Bremma and Will....Bremma and Seion....Seion and Timeka.....Very nice book....very LARGE BOOK.....
  21. Shinobi was finally getting tired of searching for info on the new PS3. He had found about 2 sites with info about it, and that was limited. So, he signed off and played his burnt copy of GTA: Vice City. Hope: Isn't that illigal.. Shinobi: Heh......i can delete it in the time it takes for the cops to start their engines..... Hope: Yea..but aren't there ways to recover that? Shinobi: Yes....and i have a device i made in this so it is completely erased. You see, when you normally delete information, it just tells the hard drives you can place new info over top of them. It's still there, even after the hard-drive puts somethnig in it's place. The device goes in and erases the inof straight out of the hard drive. COMPLETELY. Hope: Oh..ok... Shinobi: And my intire game collection is in this computer.......and still got 80% memory open... Hope: HUGE memory space.. Shinobi: Yea..costs a HUGE amount ot money, too.
  22. Leon went back to camp, and Shinobi closed ther PC Program. He un-shrunk AoL, and continued surfing the web. (sorry for short post, g2g)
  23. Shinobi: It should automatically.......oh..wait..the league rules don't work when your in an area that's not in the league..just like forever ago on Exploration... Shinobi shrinks down AoL again and opens up the pc program. He accesses Leon's box like he did last time, and handed him the lap-top.
  24. Shinobi: I don't mind.....it's ok...and i think Hope would like to see it, too.*checks his pockets for the pokedex* Oh shoot, Treeko got the pokedex....Call it out anyway... Leon: Ok...pokeball go! Out comes a ghost-like pokemon. It looks like a clasical ghost, but is deep blue instead of white. Shinobi: Either a night pokemon or a pokemon that lives neer the sea most of the times..... Leon: Yea... Pokemon: Chi! Chipan! Shinobi: Cool....... Shinobi smirks and reaches for an empty pokeball. Shinobi: pokeball go! The ghost pokemon went in, but it came out quickly. Shinobi: Shoot! Oh well...wasn't going to keep him anyway.....
  25. Shinobi: So..Leon's info.. Shinobi had hacked into the gang's database. On the screen as a file with Leon's picture, past, everything... Shinobi: Ok....save this.... Shinobi then goes to the Team Rocket database, hacks in, and pulls the info on Seion and Bremma. He also puts them on the favorites. Shinobi: *Half to himself* I'm curious.... Shinobi goes back to the pokedex screen and opens up Leon's box. He looks to see what pokemon he has, and sees a few he would like. He then opens AoL again. Shinobi then disapeers, grabs Seion's pokedex quickly. He then re-apeers next to Hope before she even noticed. He put in Seion's name and the date he got it, and accessed his box. Shinobi: Heh heh......Wait...what am i doing.... Shinobi closes it, un-shrinks AoL, and puts the pokedex back. He then e-mails his sister to see how she is doing.
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