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Everything posted by Nate
Shinobi wakes completely up and gets out of the tree. Shinobi disapeers and re-apeers next to Hope. He loke at the pokemon, but doesn't say anything. He sits down on the ground, and watches the pokemon. Shinobi: Uhm..forgot the name of that pokemon... Hope: Milotic....you need sleep.. Shinobi: Yea..right....not....don't sleep alot......Just walk around..or something... Shinobi reaches in the computer pocket and pulls out his lap-top. He goes to get on AoL. Shinobi: I have conection down here....weird.......
Shinobi heard a rustling, and he snaped alert, listening. He looked over in the trees, and sees nothing. He jumps up higher, and sees a siloete(sp). Shinobi: idiot...... Shinobi disapeered and reapeered in the tree he was looking at. He swung out and hit something. You could hear a thud, and Shinobi apeered on the ground. He raised a foot and brought it down on the area. A body apeered. ???: Damn you... Shinobi: Ah shut up *kicks him again* Stop stalking me *kicks him again* and leave *kicks him a third time, sending him spraled out on the ground* Ok, Sythe? Sythe: Idiot..*he disapeers* Shinobi: *kicks down again, he reapeers* Just cause i can't see ya doesn't mean i can't kick the crap out of you... Sythe: Heh...other way around..you can't hurt me.. Shinobi: Yea? *brings his foot back and kicks him with his toe* Sythe: Heh...didn't hurt... Shinobi: Ok...here! *shinobi apeers above Sythe and slams his feet into him, knocking the wind out of him* Huh? why did you come here? Want to kill me? Sythe: *remembers how to breathe again* Yes..your good for a- *shinobi stomps on him again* Shinobi: Get out of here...before i kill you..... Sythe: Your funny.. Shinobi drops to the ground and gts into his face. Shinobi: O' yea? Stick around....... Sythe: Ok...i'm out... Sythe disapeers. Shinobi scans around and sees he's at the hole. He disapeers totaly and Shinobvi finds him again in one of the subs. Shinobi: Yea..good ridinsh(sp)...Why didn't i kill him while i could......Oh well... Shinobi goes back to the tree, grabs his cd player agian, then leans up against the trunk of the tree and goes half-way to sleep.
Shinobi saw Hope catch the pokemon. He just sat there, watching over the group, and thinking. Shinobi: [i]I know it's him....No-body else it could be....he rivals my speed so i can't see him.....Damn it......He needs to stop following me and go get a life.....[/i]
Shinobi disapeers and reapeers in a hotel. He then disapeers again and reapeers next to Leela's room. Shinobi: Good..no-body saw..... Shinobi knocks, but no-body answers. He cracks the door and finds it deserted. He sees a note and reads it. He then puts it down and disapeers. He reapeers outside the hotel. He does it again and reapeers back in the cemetary.
Everyone talked exept Shinobi. He just floated with his legs crossed. He just sat there, thinking.. Shinobi: you know..i could be there in the time i'm waiting for Leela or who-ever she is..... Will: How do you figure... Shinobi: Two reasons....1) I can fly...2), with flight comes speed.....
Shinobi looks at Hope and sees thast she's sivvering. He disapeers and re-apeers with the bag in his hand. He pulls out the blanket and tosses it over her. Then he pulls out his cd player and cd case. He jumps up onto a low branch, and pulls out his 50ยข cd and turns it to number 8. Shinobi: If i can't. Do it homie, can't be done...... Shinobi sat up there, listening to the cd and watching over the group.
Ok...but it was a huge hit in the Pokemon forum.......I think it would work here too....
Shinobi: So...new pokemon.... Shinobi sat back, but didn't go to sleep. He just couldn't stop thinknig. He felt there was something around him. Somethnig familior(sp). He shook his head and layed down. He still couldn't sleep. He tryed ofr 30 minutes, then put the idea away and watched over the group. Shinobi: [i]We're here....just feel weird...like we're being watched...But....i should at least see it...unless...no..it couldn't...but that would explain the half-dead batteries...and he's the only one i know who can do this...oh well...[/i]
Ok....i know this is off topic but why post the answer with the question? IMHO You should have it like: How many villains are in DB? Then someone else posts the answer. If they are right, then they post the next question? (don't answer that, cause i won't be able to tell you if it's right or not).
I personally like the fusion dance, because of the vest and the cockyness. Then again..i'm a cocky person...
I found some...forgot the url to them though..... One was on MonsterSkate i think..check there...
Really? I can barely ollie over a skateboard with it's wheels and trucks taken off....I truely suck....That is, when moving...most of the time the back truck doesn't come up...but standnig still....can go up a few inches now.........
Hope: It's low tide, that's why! ~~45 Minutes Later~~ Shinobi: Ouch....My shoulder....Espeon go... Shinobi drops a pokeball and Espeon comes out. Shionib has Espeon check for any broken bones, and his left shoulder blade is shattered. Shinobi: No wonder i can't move my hand.... Shinobi tries to clinch his fist, but he can't. Shinobi: Shoot....Come on...Before high tide.. Shinobi lays there and starts levitating along side the oters. He sits up a little once, then lays back.
Uhm..thanks for the resize..but can you make it a 500x100...it's 200 somethingx 143.....
Shinobi: I'll be back...*points to the top of the dome* i'm catchnig one of the light pokemon.... Shinobi jumps up and fliys up to th top. He sees everall pokemon, kinda like light bulbs, just not screwed in. They look uncapable of moving. Pokemon: Li...Lightbob....Lightbob Light... Shinobi grabs a pokeball, and tosses it at one. It goes in and the pokeball plomets to the ground. Shinobi sees this and drops, catchnig up to it. He puts his hands next to his body and his feet together and pushes down. He grabs it about 30 ft above ground but can't stop in time. He hits the ground with a sickening 'THUD' head first. you could hear a crack as his shoulder-blade shattered. Shinobi: Ah sh-(bleep)! *blank out* OOC: I'm doing the new pokedex listing 1. Lightbob 2. Shigar 3. Chipan 4. Seany 5. Nogard 6. Cue 7. Cuepin 8. Paliunia 9. Grandpai 10. Sapeel 11. Spiax 12. Grutien 13. Granpi 14. DrupleDra 15. Sacain 16. Rowenoth 17.Windson 18 Sitan
Shinobi: What, did the enigines cut off? Will: Yes... Shinobi: Damn it...damn damn..*continues for a minute half under his breath* Will: Stop.. Shinobi: I can be meaner...Well..just sit there....... Shinobi starts going around the dome, until he finda a gaping hole in the side. Shinobi: Dang got bigger since last time...SEION HOPE WAKE UP! Shinobi pulled up right next to the hole. The suction from it pulled them up against the hole, and the water stops coming through. Shinobi: Well..nobody will get wet....*over cb* will sit there and i'll be over there in a few minutes.... Will: Ok. Everybody got through the hole. Shinobi: Get away from the hole...i'm pulling away... Shinobi pulls the sub out of the way after closing the latch on the side. Shinobi then does like he did on the beach (lunging at the wall but dissapeering before he hits it. You can see his siloete(sp) in the water a few times, heading towards the other sub. Shinobi then apears in the sub, drenched. He shaks some of it off, and takes the caption's seat. He turnes the switch and brings it around to the hole again. It gets sucked up against the hole, and he opens the latch. He then turns off the power and getsout with the others. He closes the door, then pushes on it. He gets it off enough for some water to come in, and that sucks it out. It goes over and settles next to the other sub. Shinobi: So...i hope everyone got their stuff.....if not then i can get it for a fee. *his eyes are $$ symbols*
Shinobi: Ok...the top of the dome...PROBE LIGHTS ON! Automated Voice: It cannot be activated at this time. Shinobi: Why da hell not? Automated Voice: The is not enough energy. Shinobi: PROBE LIGHTS ACTIVATE! Automated Voice: They cannot be activated at this time. Shinobi: *at the same time* PROBE LIGHTS ACTIVATE! Automated Voice: The cannot be activated at this time. Shinobi: Ok.... Shinobi reachs over to a switch on the dash-board. It was labled: Manual Over-ride. Shinobi twists it. You can feel a shudder as the probe lights activate but the engines tune to half-power. Shinobi: Good...don't need full power anyway.... Shinobi started to slow their descent. The other sub dropped past them. Shinobi brought it down to the bottom of the ocean floor, and stopped descending. The other sub was sitting on the ocean floor. You could see it had hit the ground hard. Shinobi: Damn......(bleep)ing engines....The government will know about this...
Teecko, Mudkip,......and something..... Treecko=grass Mudkip=Water Something=Flying
John, Gary,...and.......i tink ash....
Shinobi: Uhm..Seion...return Magmar... Seion: Why? Shinobi: The extreme heat is hitting the extreme cold and is causing a melt-down in both the hull and the circuits...That's why i didn't do it... Seion: Translate.. Shinobi: The heat from Magmar and the coldness from the water is reacting melting the circuits. Seion: Translate. Shinobi: Best i can do...Return magmar.... Seion: But- Shinobi: NOW! If this ship starts filling with water the sub will sink. Not that is isn't now, but you get the point. If it sinks and we all DIE,...Exept for me and Hope because of our abilities...I will be reliable..'K? Seion: Harsh Shinobi: No...I don't want to be blamed for any of you all's death. So RETURN MAGMAR! Seion: Ok... Shinobi: HEAT ACTIVATE! Automated Voice: I am sorry, but the heat cannot be activated. The battery is not powerful enough to run it. Shinobi: Why? Automated Voice: The battery is not charged, there for if too much power is pulled the engines will deactivate. Please restrict to 1,000 watts of energy use. Shinobi: But that will mean....dang it....EVERYTHING DEACTIVATE... Seion: Why? Shinobi: You heard why....DEACTIVATE...It's ok...just a few hundred more feet and we'll be there...or to the top of the dome...just don't stick your toungue or any wet oblect to metal. It won't come of..After we reach the top of the dome we go down 50 ft., we reach the bottom. There should be a hole there that allows pokemon in and water in, too. It is just big enough for a human to get in. I'll maneuver the ship so that you are in water for about 2 seconds. Just, don't play.... Shinobi says the same thnig to the other sub over cb, and they continue dropping in silence.
Shinobi: Actually, i have bigger...just don't have him with me.... Shinobi sat back down and started thinking...
Shinobi: Uhm...*looking at a dept gauge* About half-way.... Leon: Rats... Shinobi: Ocupy your time with toughts....:rolleyes: :angel:
Shinobi: so.....your in Red Tiger22's gang....or was....Leon Leon..Leon..don't remember the name... Leon: I joined a few years ago... Shinobi: What city? Leon: Celedon...there's only one... Shinobi: Not for that gang...they had at one time a part in ceveral cities.....Leon...Leon...i remember the name from it,....what rank were you? Leon: Shock Troop. Shinobi: Were you in a war? Leon: Yea...Lynhaven Shinobi: Hopefully not the same as Seions....i remember droping for that...you were protection, right? Got off first and held them off? Leon: Yea... Shinobi: Ok.....Dat was da life...in a way..dangerous..but a code anyone could live.....Slowly coming back....or at least parts....
Shinobi: Hold it....oh forget it..... Shinobi continued watching the pokemon as they went deeper and deeper, ocasionally asking one of the Wills if the sub was ok... Eventually it got almost 2 dark to see Shinobi: LIGHTS ON! PROBE LIGHTS ON! He then pics up the cb mike and yells it so the other sub activates the lights, too.
OOC: WE'RE IN A SUB! HOW CAN HE WALK AWAY!? Thank you...sneaking it at school...the ones at mine are locked so i can't post... IC: Shinobi: Seion,..cut it....it was a gift man....and i gave her one too..so don't snap at him....'k? Seion: What ever..... Shinobi: Might as well sit down.... Shinobi sits down in the caption's seat and Hope sits down next to him. Shinobi sits back and watches the pokemon swim by......