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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Shinobi: Prepare to get cold, it's most of a mile down....i don't know exactly at this moment....Well, everything is automated...we'll be fine... Shinobi: *over cb* Don't touch anything Will, Ryo, Ryan, Xion. Everything's automated. Move the controls, the auto-pilot cuts off. Will: If you say so....
  2. Shinobi: Ok...SYSTEMS ACTIVATE! There was a sudden Whir as the engines started up. Shinobi: Now, no-body left anything, did they? Cuase once we go down, it will be a while be fore we go up. Unless you can teleport or move fast without busting the dome, like Will, Hope, or me. Ok..i got my sword....the bag...my pokeballs.....my cd player...dvd player...DVDs and CDs....let's go. Shinobi goes out of the hatch and over to the other sub. Shinobi: LATCH CLOSE! DESTINATION: JOHIKO! Shinobi climps back in the other and says the same thing. Shinobi then looks around. With him are Timeka, Hope, Seion, Leon, and Bremma. Ryon, Ryo, Xion, and the Wills are in the other sub.
  3. Shinobi: Ok....might as well level it up... Shinobi goes into his items box and withdraws 20 Rare Candies. Shinobi: For Machop...And....here... Shinobi switches to his pokemon box and pulls out a Raichu. Shinobi: Zach gave it to me.....i don't need him..... Timeka: THANKS!(*.*)
  4. Shinobi: Right here *pointnig down* is a staircase. We go down there, there's a dock. There should be or whather BETTER BE, 2 subs ready to go. But we can't take Timeka......She don't have no pokemon....
  5. Shinobi: *grabbing the lap-top* Try now....You done? Leon: Yea.. Shinobi: Ok...to the Whirl Islands... They get on their pokemon, and fly towards the whirl islands. Shinobi: Ok.....fly over...land there Lugia... They land and enter the cave. Leon: Raikou, light this place up. Shinobi: Thanks....here it is.... Timeka: Uhm..am i coming with you? Shinobi: Oh great.....Timeka....
  6. Shinobi: Here...give me your pokedex...i can do it on here.. Shinobi pulls out his lap-top. and opens a screen. He takes Leon's I.D number, and types it in there. He then types Leon's name. Shinobi: When did you get the pokedex? Leon: 3.15.99 Shinobi: Ok.....here you go. Shinobi hands the lap-top to Leon. Leon: Thanks... Shinobi: I can also hack into the Pokemon league database, change info, all that different crap....can do a ton of stuff on there....stuff you wouldn't beleive....
  7. Shinobi: Ok,....That will do....I didn't want to go back anyway....Well, we need to get going....oh...we need to get your legendary..what do you want? Leon: Raikou. Shinobi: Ok,....dern that will take longer.... Just then, Suicune burst through the bushes. Bremma: Kytuuuuu! KY TUKY! He said that he found Raikou. Shinobi: Really? Well, good thing....catch him Leon... Bremma: *talks to Raikou* He said he will lt himself be caught without a fight. Leon: Ok..Pokeball go! The pokeball shakes once, twice, three times...caught. Shinobi: Ok...Xion get Suicune...we won't need Entei... Everybody got out a flying pokemon, and they flew towards the Whirl Islands.
  8. If your saying Raditz, yes..i doupt someone could live with a HOLE IN HIS STOMACH. Plus, there are scenes in the death tornament with him in it (i think). Thanks for letting me be Rohan! you won't doupt the choise, he's strong! SS4 is very easy for him.......
  9. Nate

    Gundam: Evil Arises

    The President was still talking when an explosion rocked the building. Kazumaki: HUH?! WHAT WAS THAT!? Pres.: It's Him! Dark Angel Gundam! Kazumaki: Ok...Come on!
  10. Shinobi looked over away from the beach. He saw a figure there Shinobi: So..how should we declare this.... Leon: Tie.....So what happens... Shinobi: I don't know..He starts walking towards the bushes on the side of the beach. Shinobi: MMMH! When will they leave me alone....Come on out Code name: Red Tiger... A figure steps out of the bushes. Red Tiger: Please, call me Rick..it is after-all my name.. Shinobi: So, Rick, finally you leave that dump you call a hq....Now i know why i hated you....coward... Rick: Heh...watch what you say.. Shinobi: so,...one) I'm not in it no more. Two) I have more power in te gang than you do.... Rick: How? Shinobi: When we were in gang wars,...who helped? Did you? No, you left. I supported that gang more than you EVER DID> I kept it alive. And I can kill it, too. Should have done it anyway. I bet when i walked out, hlaf them followed me... Rick: Wrong... Shinobi: look, you may get your way with everybody else,...but remember my rule..I come to you... Rick: Awe, cut it..You were scared of me... Shinobi: Yea, right... *turns around* Return Charizard... Rick: I ain't done with you, code name: Pure Playa (said with the e taken out so it sounds like pur) Shinobi: Don't call me that...How did you find out my new screen name anyways... Rick: Honestly, why tell someone so low in the rankings... Shinobi: The only reason i didn't over-ride you is because of Code Name Sythe... Rick: Heh...so true... Shinobi: I should have killed him... Rick: Ah, but you didn't... Shinobi: forget this.. Shinobi started to lunge at Rick, but he dissappeered right asd he moved. He reappeered behind Rick. With one fale swoop, he had Rick by the collar, and had him off the gorund. He twitched his hand, and Rick went flying towards the surf. Shinobi: I'm more of a fighter than you ever were...Watch it,..you might getr your cloths wet....not leave before i personally KILL you. Will: Uhm, how did you move like that. Shinobi: With flight, or at least the way i learned it, comes amazing speed....Now leave Rick....And it's codename: Shinobi's Hope...Not that i wil need it...
  11. Shinobi: here'd Will go? Well, let's go...Charizard I CHOSE YOU! GET OUT THERE! Leon: Lantern! Go! Shinobi: Oh shoot...Carizard go high! Get up as high as you can! Leon: Hydro pump quick! Before he goes up to high! Charizard charges up into the air, kinda towards Hope. Lantern shoots the Hydro Pump at Charizard's Tail. Charizard pulls it in and the water goes harmlessly past it. Shinobi: Now, BODY SLAM!!! Charizard turned around and dropped quickly at Lantern. Leon: Get in the water! Shinobi: Huh-uh....Out of the beach, out of the area... Leon: Oh geat...a fish out of water...Hydro Pump! Charizard continues to drop at Lantern, and Lantern starts charging up the Hydro Pump. Charizard tucks in him wings, giving him more speed. Right as he get to Kantern he opens his wngs and slams into Lantern. When Lantern got hit, He launched the Hydro Pump by accident. It hit Charizard on the back, and they bothe fell down.
  12. Shinobi: Houndoom, Fire Blast! Houndoom shoots a blast out of his mouth, blocking the Thunder. Shinobi: Ok, now Crunch! HARD! Leon: Dodge it! Thundershock! Houndoom leaps up at Magneton, and gets zapped. Houndoom: Hound.... Shinobi: Come on....Fire Blast! Aim it low! Leon: Huh? Oh.....Sonic Boom! Houndoom blasts a fire blast just below Magneton. The tempurature is scorching on the beah anyway, so it made it even hotter. The sand slowly started to melt as the Fire Blast flew over it. Just before the fire blast got under Magneton, it launched the sonic boom. Houndoom couldn't move in time and was hit full force by it. Both pokemon fell down, Magneton from the heat, Houndoom from the blast. Both got up quickly. Shinobi: Quick! Headbutt to knock it down! Leon: Tackle! They both charged at each other, hitting each other. They both fell. Just this time, Houndoom quickly rolled over, and stared at Magneton. Shinobi: Quickly! Crunch it while it's down! So hard it's parents will scream in pain! Now! Houndoom jumped on Magneton, using it's crunch attack Leon: No! Thuder now, get him off of you! Magneton started powering it up, while Houndoom kept crunching him. Magneton powered it up as much as it could, and launched it at Houndoom's head. It hit him, sending him flying back about 10 ft. Leon: Get up quickyl! Shinobi: Now, hurry.... Houndoom starts to get up, but gets up slowly. Magneton gets up quickly, but falles back down. He doesn't get back up Will: I declare Magneton onable to continue. Shinobi wins this round! Unknown to the group, a person watched them from the bushes sorrounding the beach. ???: Hmm..Leon might lose....*over a walkie-talkie* Better send more reinforcements! If he loses, we must be ready. This guy runs....
  13. OOC: I'll post a pic as soon as i find one...it's a rip off of Animorph's Andalite...HeHeHeHeHeHeHe
  14. Ok, i'll join as Ubuu, but i don't know his attacks......
  15. Shinobi: *turning around* Dang, you must envy each other's pokemon, don't you? Will: In a way.. Shinobi: *kinda to himself* Man, having 2 kids named Will, very confusing and hard.......
  16. OOC: Not quite stuck-up, just somewha rude and obnosious(sp)...
  17. Will: There's someone else, waiting...It's Shinobi.. Shinobi: *floating up higher* There they are.... Will jumps up and wves at them to signal to stay there. Shinobi Spirit: Ok....we fonud somebody...but who? Shinobi: Honestly...you don't remember....WILL! Shinobi Spirit: Ok....you NEED to sleep more. Shinobi: I sleep less per year than you've been dead per year. And that's tough. I do it all the time....
  18. Shinobi: Ok..Houndoom get out there! Shinobi tossed the pokeball out, and it opens, reveiling a red light. The red light molded into a dog-like pokemon, with a long whip-like tail and horns instead of ears. OOC: I need the pokemon's attacks and the 3 pokemon your gonig to use. I'm using: Houndoom, Charizard, and.....Arcanine.
  19. Shinobi: Ok, return guys..time to go.. Shinobi gets everybody and they go out. They call out their flying pokemon and head towards Fushia. Hope's on Lugia with Shinobi, and Timeka's on Heracross with Seion. Everybody else is on by themselves. Shinobi: Well, there he is....Time to battle...And for my little trick..Hope you should remember...
  20. Shinobi: Ok....This is gonna be tricky...Come on guys *drops his pokeballls, calling them all out* Now, some switching. Shinobi switches around so he has: Charizard, Houndoom, Espeon, Umbreon, Arcanine, Flareon. Shionobi: on th beach, use hot pokemon, right Will? Will, E4 Will: Huh? Shinobi: Uhm, Eleate 4. E4 Will: Yea, i guess... Shinobi: Ok, let's train..
  21. Shinobi: Ok..i'll take you...I win...you quit the gang and join us... Leon: Ok..if i win... Shinobi: Hmmm..... Leon: If i win you come back? OOC: Blanko, you post next. This will be good....
  22. Shinobi: Ignore her, she's lik that sometimes...And i thought i was yelled at...Now, why are you here? And, you can't harm me,...probably couldn't even lay a hand on me.. Leon: I was told to come here to see if you had changed your mind...I was told to see if you had gotten ready..But i knew you ment what you said..so i came to battle you... Shinobi: Yea...They use that all the time.When their busted, they tell that fib. I was in the gang, i would know....Now, if i was going, yes you could say i'm ready. BUT I"M NOT GOING! Yes, this is how i am when i do the transport, but you guys need to get someone else to do your dirty work. Now, if you have any other business, state it now.
  23. Shinobi: Oh man...they are trying....Yes, what do you want? Leon: He told me to come and try to get you to help. Shinobi: Ok, first off....He knows i come to him..I usually kick the crap out of anyone who is stupid enough to come on his orders..Then again he doesn't remember much like me...But i'm gonig to let you off. Second off, i told him i quit. Why me.....
  24. Ok..and i liked Rohan..I guess i'll be Ubuu............man...Rohan's better than Ubuu would ever be..don't know why you want him anyways..look at Rohan's attacks...i don't even know what 1 of Ubuu's attacks or....
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B]I try to, I can ollie decently. I can grind pretty well. Can't do flip tricks for some reason though.. Skateboarding isn't my thing though, I'm an inliner. [/B][/QUOTE] Same here. I would whather inline skate than Skate-board. It uses less power and you can control it better.
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