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Everything posted by Nate
[size=2][i]Nate looked at Houndour, who grinned.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] Houndour, flame thrower. Sandlean sand attack. Syther and Sneasal use slash, and Frittimana use Frost Wind. [i]Houndour stood up on his hind legs and shot a flame out at Weezing, who counter attacked by self-destructing. Sandlean shot a dust of Sand into the air, blinding Raticate who did a Hyper fang on Rhyhorn. Syther and Sneasal both slashed Arbok, knocking him out. Nate pulled up his hood as Frittimana jumped onto his shoulder, then into the air. A freezing cold north wind came through, hitting Rhyhorn and Golem with shards of ice. Golem fell, knocked out. Rhyhorn was close.[/i] [b]Grace:[/b] DO IT! [i]Nate looked over, and saw the pilot push a button. A door opened, and a machine gun came out.[/i] [b]Grace:[/b] If I have to kill you, that will be ok. [i]Frittimana jumped into the air froze completely solid. He landed and broke into pieces on the cold, hard ground.[/i] [b]Grace/Nate:[/b] What was the point of that?! [i]All of a sudden, the ground started shaking as a ice glacier came from within the mountain and slammed into the chopper, blowing it to pieces. Nate walked over to the pieces of ice, containing parts of Frittimana.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] He sacrificed?his?life for me? [i]Nate looked at Grace, who had a worried look on her face. Nate looked back to see his mom and dad coming over the hill. He pushed down his hood and forced a smile.[/i] [/size]
[quote]OOC: Have you even been reading my recent posts? Hope is there because of the problems with Aurora. And David just wants to know what Jack uses the Master Ball for, and when, more as part of his job than anything else.[/quote][size=2]You notice he was in character when he asked that, right? That?s because the dude was in the mountain the whole time this happened. IC: [b]Shinobi:[/b] Might want to add another Omega on that list. [b]David:[/b] Huh? [i]Shinobi held up a master ball.[/i] [b]Shinobi:[/b] Lugia. [i]David stood there, as if in aw. Shinobi stood there, then looked at Hope and chuckled.[/i] [b]Shinobi:[/b] Are we looking for Aurora and Nate or what? [center]+=)(=+ [/center] [center] [/center] [i]Nate looked at Jon and shook his head. They finally got to the chopper point and an Apache landed not far from it. Grace untied Nate and handed him the electro cage containing Frittimana.[/i] [b]Grace:[/b] don?t try to get him out. [i]Nate nodded, then carefully felt for his pokeballs stashed in a pocket. He chuckled after counting up 5 pokeballs in his pocket. As they were about to get in the Apache, Nate pulled Houndour, Scyther, Sneasal out, and had Sneasal break Frittimana?s cage. Then, he called out Sandlean.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] Put Jon and his pokemon on the ground, get in the Apache, and leave. [b]Grace:[/b] Not without a fight. [i]Grace drew 6 pokeballs, and called out her pokemon: Raticate, Golem, Arbok, Weezing, Rhyhorn, and Nidorino.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] 5 on 6, eh? Bring it. [i]The apache pilot looked at Grace for a second, the pulled out of the way after getting a nod. Nate looked carefully at the guns on the front?[/i] OOC: Sorry Flora...but my parents started limiting the time I have to get on...sorry. [/size]
[size=2][i]Nate slowly wakes up, and looks around. The Frittimana is still by his side, but in a different way. Nate is tied to a chair and Frittimana?s in a electro-cage beside him. Nate looks around and tries to move, sending a burst of pain through his body.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] Da fu- [i]Nate gets hit in the back of the head by someone, shutting him up. He sits there for a second, then looks to the left and right. Nobody?s in the room except a girl, and he has no idea who she is.[/i] [b]Girl:[/b] Well...finally. I thought you?d never come to. [b]Nate:[/b] Who are you? [b]Girl:[/b] I?m Grace. I know of someone who wants you. Really bad. But I don?t plan on giving you to him, I?ll trade you to him. [b]Nate:[/b] Nice idea. But, you need to think on the presentation a little, you know? Don?t go straight out with the facts your a villain for crying out loud. [b]Grace:[/b] Shut up. [i]Grace hit him in the back of the head again, knocking him out?[/i] OOC: no-one knows about this. [/size]
[size=2][b]Nate:[/b] David?David?David? [i]Nate turned and walked back into the cave. He walked back down the tunnels and got the room, and was walking over a tunnel made by a Digadon when the ground suddenly shook, knocking Nate down. A pokemon emerged and roared, he obviously hit Nate?s feet and it startled him. Nate drew a pokeball, until he noticed it was a baby pokemon. Nate chuckled and called out Frittimana.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] Frittimana...time for some testing. Icy Breath! [i]Frittimana jumped into the air, and his body suddenly froze. A wind shot from his body, breaking chunk after chunk off the ice surrounding Frittimana until it all came off. The pokemon hit the ground, almost out.[/i] [b]Pokemon:[/b] Sandlean?Sandlean? [i]Nate tossed a pokeball and caught Sandlean (pronounced Sand-Leon) with no problem. Nate picked up the pokeball, then got dizzy, too. He fell out then and there, Frittimana?s pokeball falling out of his hand and Frittimana came out. He curled up next to Nate to watch him.[/i] [center]+=)(=+ [/center] [b]Alila:[/b] Ha! Now...I can get both of them, and get even more. [i]Trillidon appeared, still in body armor.[/i] [b]Trillidon:[/b] Why do you want him...he has no powers. [b]Alila:[/b] Yes he does, just not psychic. A very rare power, so rare he doesn?t even know he has it. He just thinks he?s normal, cause he?s done it all his life. [b]Trillidon:[/b] And that it? [b]Alila:[/b] He can breath under water. OOC: NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT. No sensing it or anything, and nobody finds him yet. [/size]
[size=2][b]Nate:[/b] Yep. Very easy indeed. Ok, time to pull info. [i]Nate called out Frittimana and did a scan of him. He is 2?5? and weights 25lbs. Nate pushed some buttons and put in that his name is Frittimana and is a rodent type pokemon. He put him in as an ice type pokemon, and left the second type black, for now.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] Oh?will you cut the master ball crap? Cause I have a master ball, does that put me in suspicion? [b]Aurora:[/b] You won?t supposed to talk about that Nate. [b]Nate:[/b] So? I?m gonna walk down, check an idea of mine. [i]Nate walked down the spiral staircase until he came to another crack with water pouring out. He stopped at this one and waited, hoping a pokemon would come out in a gush of water. For about 10 minutes, he waited, and nothing came out. He was about to leave when he noticed something was at the front of the crack, putting the water out. He took a pokeball and tossed it into the crack, capturing the pokemon with no problem. It wasn?t until he tried to get the pokeball out that he noticed a problem.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] Uh-oh. I better...go?get Aurora. She?ll know what to do. [i]Nate runs back up the staircase and gets Aurora, and they both come back down.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] what should I do? [b]Aurora:[/b] well?it sure ain?t coming out?. [b]Nate:[/b] No duh. Wanna knock the wall down right there? Just enough to get it? [b]Aurora:[/b] I guess.. [b]David:[/b] I guess that would work. [i]Nate calls out Sneasal, who froze the rock into solid ice. Then, he had Houndour flame it, which made the rock very weak and cracked. He finally just kicked it and it shattered like an egg. Nate looked behind the rock before he grabbed the pokeball, and there were literally hundreds out pokemon back there, in their on community.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] Whoa?check this out guys. OOC: Down Takuya...down! lol. [/size]
[size=2][b]Nate:[/b] Ok?cool beans and all that junk but can we get back to the pokemon? [b]Aurora:[/b] Right, right. [b]Nate:[/b] Go, Houndour! Bite on the blue one. [i]Houndour growled and walked up to Frittimana, who seamed too frightened to do anything. Houndour looked at him with a soft eye and bit him softly, juts enough to weaken him. Nate tossed a great ball at Frittimana and he was cough after 3 shakes.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] No prob. Your turn. [b][i][u]OOC:[/u][/i][/b] Ok, here?s what I got so far: 1)Charcolt: Stage 3: From: Charizard; to: Nothing, 2)Digadon: Stage 1: From: Nothing; To: None yet; height: 2 feet; weight: 12 pounds More to come. [/size]
[size=2][i]Nate looked at Aurora, who shrugged.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] We?ll work together. let?s go down some, towards the bottom. [b]Aurora:[/b] Fine by me. [i]Nate and Aurora walked down the spiral staircase. The ground steadily became smoother until it was like sand. The plants were growing more steadily.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] Why are they growing more here? [i]Just as Aurora was about to answer, Nate pointed at something. There was a steady stream of water coming from a crack to the edge, then falling. A sudden gush shot out a pokemon, who almost fell off. It grabbed hold of the edge and slowly pulled up. Nate drew a poke ball and pointed to it. The pokemon looked confused.[/i] [b]Pokemon:[/b] Rya?Ryachana. [b]Nate:[/b] Well?what is this we have here?a Ryachana. Looks like a Rattata to me. [i]Then another gush shot another pokemon out, looking like the first one but was more of a pale blue than Ryachana. He too grabbed hold to the edge, but couldn?t pull itself up. The Ryachana pulled him up.[/i] [b]Pokemon:[/b] Fritti?Frittimana. [b]Ryachana:[/b] Rya?Ryach?.Ryachana Ryachan. [b]Frittimana:[/b] Fritti...Frittimana mana?mana?Fritti! [b]Nate:[/b] Well?looks like we got a ice one and a normal one. I?ll take Frittimana? [b]Aurora:[/b] And I?ll take Ryachana. [/size]
[size=3][i]Nate walked up behind David and taped him on the shoulder.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] I?ve been here for the last five minutes. [b]David:[/b] no you haven?t. [b]Nate:[/b] [i]*clears voice*[/i] Aurora said ?Not exactly... Just because it looks like mew doesn?t mean its mew... Its a Basic Level pokemon? and I said ?and how do yooooou know?? [b]David:[/b] ?oh. I knew...that. [/size][b]Nate:[/b] Sure you did. I?m not worried about that dude...he?s just a wanna be. [b]David:[/b] I agree. [i]Nate turned and looked at what was ahead of them. It was awesome, with a spiral staircase going down a well with a huge waterfall going down the center, mist going everywhere. Vegetation grew in the cracks between the concrete, and plant roots stuck out on the sides at places, making covering the spiral very difficult.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] Let?s go. OOC:Sorry for not posting...I've really been working on my manual and wheelie balances on my BMX. Sorry.
[size=2][i]Nate chuckled and opened the poster. He grabbed it by the top and tore it in half.[/i] [b]Nate:[/b] Your no better than anyone here. And I can flow better than you, anyway. Backup does everything. [b]Lamar:[/b] What you mean? [b]Nate:[/b] I saw your concert at Goldenrod a year ago. You suck. Your even here. Let?s get going. [i]Nate looked at Aurora, who picked him up. He half saluted then took off, kicking in the air to go forward. He shook his head, wondering why John had asked them.[/i] [b]Aurora:[/b] That was mean Nate. [b]Nate:[/b] He?s no better than anyone else. [b]Aurora:[/b] Your so much like Shinobi it isn?t funny. [b]Nate:[/b] I know. [/size]
[size=2][size=3][b]Nate:[/b] I think it?s a step cousin?or something like that.[/size] [size=3][b]Aurora:[/b] You mean?you actually thought about something?[/size] [size=3][b]Nate:[/b] Holy smokes your right. David?your to blame for ?dis. [/size] [size=3][i]Nate chuckled to himself, and Aurora lets a little half chuckle. Nobody else even smiled.[/i][/size] [size=3][b]Nate:[/b] Man?tough crowd.[/size] [size=3][i]Nate looked out at the extinct volcano in front of them. This was gonna be a big climb. He called out Syther and had him fly ahead, checking the terrain. There was a pretty neat path, as Syther could walk along most of it. This might be easier than we thought.[/i][/size] [center][size=3]+=)(=+[/size] [/center] [center][size=3][/size] [/center] [size=3][i]Shinobi called out the half cat-half dog Espeon. Hope chuckled.[/i][/size] [size=3][b]Hope:[/b] Come on Shinobi?think.[/size] [size=3][b]Shinobi:[/b] I?ll do.[/size] [size=3][b]Espeon:[/b] [u]Why hello Rapidash. How are you today.[/u][/size] [size=3][b]Rapidash:[/b] Rapi?dash dash?Rapidash *whiney?s a few times*[/size] [size=3][b]Espeon:[/b] [u]Oh, is that so? Nice to hear. But?I am not a young Magmar, and you WIL loose now.[/u][/size] [size=3][b]Shinobi:[/b] You can do whatever Espeon, just do good. I gotta win this fight, if not, you win. Cause I couldn?t get more wins than you.[/size] [size=3][i]Espeon stands up tall, jewel in fore-head shining brightly. Rapidash stomped a hoof contently. Rapidash made the first attack, charging at Espeon doing agility.[/i][/size] [size=3][b]Espeon:[/b] [u]On please.[/u][/size] [size=3][i]Espeon used a Psychic on him to slow him, then hold him still. He slowly picked him up. Then he dropped him for about 5 feet in the air. Rapidash quickly got up. This went into a physical fight, claws, bites, and all to many stomps were used. Espeon finally jumped out of the cloud of dust and started glowing blue. He shot off towards Rapidash, who was also glowing blue. A blue beam came between them, which got bigger and bigger until it was bigger than the balls of psychic energy the pokemon were in. It finally exploded, throwing them both backwards. Shinobi shielded his face and eyes from he dust, and Hope did the same. Finally, the dust settled and they were both on the ground. Espeon slowly rose.[/i][/size] [size=3][b]Shinobi:[/b] I win! I?m still in it. Now, who ever wins has to win the next two![/size] [/size]
[size=3][b]Nate:[/b] I wonder what Shinobi and hope is doing.[/size] [size=3][b]Aurora:[/b] Let me see.[/size] [i][size=3]Aurora closed her eyes and concentrated. She could see for a few second that they were having a pokemon battle.[/size][/i] [size=3][b]Aurora:[/b] A pokemon battle?Loser gets the sofa for a month.[/size] [size=3][b]Nate:[/b] That?ll be fun.[/size] [center][size=3]+=)(=+[/size] [/center] [center][size=3][/size] [/center] [i][size=3]Shinobi called out the fox-like Umbreon, who?s yellow wings shone compared to the black on his body. The next song began, Linkin Park?s Hit the Floor.[/size][/i] [size=3][b]Shinobi:[/b] Pursuit, now![/size] [size=3][b]Hope:[/b] Thunder wave![/size] [size=3]?There are just too many Times that people Have tried to look inside of me Wondering what I think of you And I protect you out of courtesy Too many times that I've Held on when I needed to push away Afraid to say what was on my mind Afraid to say what I need to say?[/size] [i][size=3]Umbreon leaped up in tune with the music, charging at Raichu. Raichu?s cheeks sparked and a paralyzing wave came out, barely missing Umbreon, who hit Raichu square in the stomach. Umbreon landed on his feet, and Raichu bounced backwards and landed on is feet, too.[/size][/i] [size=3]?Too many Things that you've said about me When I'm not around You think having the upper hand Means you've got to keep putting me down But I've had too many stand-offs with you It's just about as much as I can stand Just wait until the upper hand Is mine?[/size] [i][size=3]Umbreon leaped up and bit Raichu on the nose per Shinobi?s orders. Raichu called out asking Hope what to do.[/size][/i] [size=3][b]Hope:[/b] Agility![/size] [i][size=3]Raichu hit Umbreon off, then started running towards him, dashing for left to right. Umbreon watched him carefully, and took off to attack. Umbreon faded out ,then faded in right as Raichu moved to that position. Raichu was hit dead on into a water spring. Raichu climbed out and got really mad. He shot a huge thunder at Umbreon, but made one huge mistake- he was wet. The thunder both Umbreon and Raichu. Raichu didn?t stand up.[/size][/i] [i][size=3]The match was over before the song.[/size][/i]
[size=3][b][QUOTE][/b]take it from here nate! by the way no pokemon allowed on the chopper... well there is one exeption... If a pokemon hates pokeballs and refuses to go in one... They can ride inside the chopper as well but no having them out in the right just to let them out lol...(you can tell the pilot is easily annoyed so lol he has rules.)[b][/QUOTE][/b][/size] [size=3][b]OOC: [/b]You mean I can't? Man...I was gonna have Houndour bite him a few times. lol.[/size] [size=3] [/size] [center][size=3]_-IC:-_[/size][/center] [size=3][/size] [size=3][b]Nate:[/b] Why? Your not the boss of me.[/size] [size=3] [/size] [size=3][b]Pilot:[/b] Do as I say or you stay here.[/size] [size=3] [/size] [size=3][b][b]Nate:[/b] [/b]Ok...Ok.[/size] [size=3] [/size] [size=2][i][size=3][i]Nate ran back down the steps to the room, opening the door with the card key. He grabbed his stuff and pointed to the roof to let the others know that the helicopter was here. They all grabbed their stuff and followed. He returned Houndour after he got onto the helicopter to annoy the pilot. He looked at Aurora with a smirk[/i].[/size] [size=3] [/size] [/i][size=3][b]Nate:[/b] You know, maybe we should wait for some others to come?[/size] [size=3] [/size] [size=3][b][b]Pilot:[/b] [/b]No, if they need to come, they can find their way.[/size] [size=3] [/size] [size=3][b]Nate:[/b] Ok, if you say so, [i]sir.[/i][/size] [center][size=3]+=)(=+[/size][/center] [size=3] [/size] [i][size=3]Shinobi I walked into the dome Hope had outside her mansion and called out Houndoom. The dog-like pokemon rubbed up against his leg, happy to be able to fight now. Hope called out Syther. Shinobi knew this was going to be a good battle.[/size][/i] [size=3] [/size] [size=3][b]Shinobi:[/b] How about we add something to this, eh? Make it fun.[/size] [size=3] [/size] [i][size=3]Hope sighed, remembering the last few times he added something, one of which almost gave Hope to Jake, Aurora?s father.[/size][/i] [size=3] [/size] [size=3][b]Hope: [/b]Like what?[/size] [size=3] [/size] [size=3][b]Shinobi:[/b] How about,? [i]*thinks for a second*[/i] How about the winner gets to throw the first dart at the picture of Seion, eh? [i]*hope chuckles*[/i] For real?how about this: The loser gets to sleep on the sofa for a month?[/size] [/size]
Ok..since I am back now..with Flora's permission I will now take over, and I am posting the link to the rpg now. [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38972]If you do not post on here by 7 PN eastern US time, i will leave the hotel without you[/url] _-Nate-_
[size=2][b]Nate:[/b] There sure are a lot of people coming with us, eh Aurora? I wonder how many John asked. [b]Aurora:[/b] I don?t know. We?ll find out? [b]Nate:[/b] Why not just read his mind and find out? [b]Aurora:[/b] That?s mean. [b]Nate:[/b] Well?if you say so. [i]Nate got off of the bed he was sitting in and called out Houndour. He stepped out of the door after checking for his card key, then went up to the roof. He sat on the beach chairs on the roof, with Houndour sitting on his stomach and chest. He looked at the sky, day-dreaming about Mount Pouliko.[/i] [center]+=)(=+[/center] [i]Back at Hope?s mansion, Shinobi was sitting in a chair thinking-for once.[/i] [b]Shinobi:[/b] Hope?I do kinda feel like an exploration?. [b]Hope:[/b] Then go with them. [b]Shinobi[/b] No, that would make it feel like we don?t trust them. You know what..what I really want to do is fight. Just a battle, what ever. [b]Hope:[/b] I do have pokemon, you know? [b]Shinobi:[/b] No duh????let?s battle. [center]+=)(=+[/center] [i]Back at the hotel, Nate is still on the roof when a big helicopter comes. It?s almost time to go?[/i] [/size]
[b]Name: [/b]Nate Jackson [b]Age: [/b]13 [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Personality: [/b]Fun and fun-loving, he is willing to do any challenge or bet. He will do anything except [u]go to bed[/u]. Combine that with a step sister in the next room and things can get hectic. He?s also cocky as izzle. [b]Description: [/b]About 4?3?, 120 lbs, with medium dark skin. He gets his entire attire from Shinobi: Black pants with ?Nate? written down the side in red letters, black shirt with a dragon on it in red, black, and white. White and Black DC Avatars (skateboard shoes) [b]Bio: [/b]He was born in the goldenrod slums to Katrina and well?no one. His father left Katrina shortly after the got pregnant, so?it was a single parent home until Katrina met Shinobi. He helped her raise Nate for the first year and a half, until he suddenly had to go. Thus, Nate never met him enough to remember him, and thus forgot him until he turned ten. Then, he met Shinobi with bot hhis pokemon liscense and the prospect of getting adopted by him. Nate liked him from first site, so he agreed. Two months later, he?s been adopted and is living with Nate. [b]Pokemon: [/b]Houndour, Sneasal, Syther [b]Reason for going: [/b]Wants to experiance what his adopted father has done many times... Thinks it will be fun.
[QUOTE=Godelsensei][color=gray][font=Courier New] As is the point that it would "just be retarded". Hmmm...I can just imagine some thirteen-year-old transfering every vote to Chippy the Pinecone. [/font][/color][/QUOTE] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]Honestly, I can truely see this happening. what would hit the headlines..i have no idea.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]Voting? Not me. I'm a kid...But...for some reason...my social studies teacher swears we can vote but we don't want to. Even if i could...I wouldn't,...as the US will eventually fall.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]_-Nate-_[/color][/font]
[quote][color=#503f86]Justin shuffled uncomfortably "Des, I hope that?s your finger?"[/color] [color=black][color=#503f86]Chaos shook his head. "No. Way."[/color][/quote][/color] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]This is funny...absolutely funny.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]I love this thing, even though i'm still not in it. But..I don't mind. You know..you should put this on a fan-fic site for others to see..it rocks. and i could actually understand the 1337. lol[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]_-Nate-_[/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]Nice, Flora. For a beginer. If these were regular images, it would be better, but as a wallpaper it's too plain. Take 'em and paste them into scenes like you did with the didmon u showed me eariler...then it would rock.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]_-Nate-_[/color][/font]
Is it bad that the Vice President isn't in the news?
Nate replied to outlawstar69's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]John Adams once said that the Vice Presidency was the most useless public office ever incented, or something along those lines; it was created initially to break ties in the Senate.[/font][/size'][/color][/quote] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]Yep...John adams said that it was the worst job, the most useless, thankless job there is. That's why the only vp i know of is John Adams and Dick Chaney.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]_-Nate-_[/color][/font] -
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]Skateboarda fazizzle dizzle![/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]Either a pro skateboarder or a soul skateboarder. You know...asomeone who is good but doesn't want to be sponsered.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]I don't know why i want to be a skateboarder..it's just something that i like. IT's hard, but who cares? That's life. No..i take that back. Skateboardnig's life. The hardness and school and everything's details. Live to skate. Skate to live. Die from anti-skaters. Live it up, have fun...FASIZZLE DIZZLE! j/k..those two words get stuck in your head.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]Either that..or a violist. Noty a violinist, that is not a spelling mistake. A VIOLIST. A person who played the viola for a living. Know what a viola is? Didn't think so. I love music, it just sounds cool. I'm starting a band with some friends..and i'm playing bass guitar, so..maybe I'll be in a band. Who knows. Except for god, nobody.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]Skater..violist..or skater. Take you pick. [/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]_-Nate-_[/color][/font]
[center][u][color=red]General Information[/color][/u][/center] [color=red][b]Name:[/b] Nate[/color] [color=red][b]Sex:[/b] Male[/color] [color=red][b]Dob:[/b] May 30, 1994[/color] [color=red][b]Eye color:[/b] Icy BLue[/color] [color=red][b]Hair color:[/b] Black[/color] [color=red][b]Legal guardian:[/b] Mom/Dad[/color] [color=red][b]Adress:[/b] Wha.....[/color] [color=red][b]Ocupation:[/b] skateboarder[/color] [color=red][b]Personal information:[/b] Is this your description...?[/color] [left][color=red][b]Bio:[/b] Born in the US, he moved to Japan when he was young. He liked it there because there was anime and some good skatweboarding and snowboarding spots. He doesn't like 'The Program".[/color][/left] [center][u][color=red]distinctive marks[/color][/u][/center] [color=red][b]Number of tattoos: [/b]None[/color] [color=red][b]Location: [/b]N/A[/color] [color=red][b]Scars:[/b] None[/color]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]Yep, that's right. We were doing an assignment in English here we write a similie/metaphor poem describing us. As I was reading a friend's poem, this idea struck me, so I wrote it down. Here it is:[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am love, without me there is no life[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I heal sadness, no death can stop me[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I work with joy to make the world go around[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am love, I am in everyone[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am hate, I control the Earth[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I make sadness, and cause death[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I work with death to control everything[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am hate, I am in many[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am joy, I make the flowers bloom[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am in birds and puppy dogs[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I work with love to keep people alive[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am joy, I help people[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am death, I control the afterlife[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I make the ultimate sadness, I am a void[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I work with hate to control all[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am death, I effect everyone[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am music, I am everyone[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]Whether it's a bell or the beautiful harp[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I work with everyone to change the world[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am music, I stand alone[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am a heart, I contain all of the above[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I look weak, but I am strong with friends[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I work with other people to make the world[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=purple]I am a heart, I am strong[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]So..what do you think? If you like them, I can make more. Let me know, please.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]_-Nate-_[/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][color=red]Lady M..nice to see you back.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]I remember your poem on your son, and I remember your pics of him. I still think of that day, and I still think of you. You never knew me, or at least I think you didn't...but I was still touched by your poems and your sadness. It's nice to see you back, alive, healthy, and well. Or at least I think the least two are correct, but anywho...you can im me any time at BamMargera4lyf or NateShinobi1976..but if you want to get up with me, you'd have luck getting me at BamMargera4lyf.[/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]Even if you don't Im me, I want you to know this: [color=#ff0000]W[/color][color=#ff2400]e[/color][color=#ff4900]l[/color][color=#ff6d00]c[/color][color=#ff9200]o[/color][color=#ffb600]m[/color][color=#ffdb00]e[/color][color=#eddb12]B[/color][color=#dbb625]a[/color][color=#c99237]c[/color][color=#b66d49]k[/color][color=#a4495b]![/color][color=#92246e]![/color][color=#800080]![/color][/color][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][color=#ff0000]_-Nate-_[/color][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=red]Man....I've been here for a short time. You guys are kinda scary..but hey, maybe i'll be like that eventually.^-^[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=#ff0000]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=#ff0000]Anyway, i found The0 when a friend of mine wanted some pics. Ok, i get them. Never notice the boards part, but i notice the DBZ. HUGE DBZ fan at the time. Well, i was on some DBZ forums, but i wanted more. I was on google, lookin for some forums to join, but all of them were crappy. Then i see the driscription on one of them, and it went something like this: 'Well, theOtakus' forums wanted to join this forum, but we didn't, so oh well' or something like that. So i was like "Oh snap, The0 got a forum. let me check this out" so, i went to the0 and i couldn't find the link (i was lookin on the left bar instead of the top one-i'm dumb sometimes and when i'm not dumb i'm stupid). I gave up about 5 minutes later, and went out to bike, or somethin like that.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=#ff0000] Anyway, i got on the next day and went to the0. What do you know, i see it. Look through the adventure forum, and i saw two pokemon rpgs i would like to be in. So i joined it later in this name:"The Trainer". I was used to the forums where you could change it any time you want, so it didn't bother me. Until i noticed i couldn't. So, when the nmae changing came open i changed it to Shinobi1827, after my rpg character that i always used (shinobi). After a while, and a few people IMing me thinkin it was the real Shinobi and clicked the wrong name, i changed it to Nate. And here I am.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=#ff0000]I was a spamy n00b back then, until i became a spammy junior member. But i cleaned up and became better. If i was a mod, i would have been gone on my third post. I never quite understood how two posts that were four days apart could be double posting..all the forums i saw had it so you couldn't post back to back in like 5 minutes, but it was ok if a few days past. Come to think of it, i still don't quite get it, but oh well. I know not to do it ^-^[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][color=#ff0000]_-Nate-_[/color][/size][/font]
What's your opinion on Valentine's day?
Nate replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [color=#707875]I've always thought it was a bit odd to have one day of the year for all that stuff. Shouldn't you be buying flowers and doing romantic things all the time, rather than on just one day of the year? *shrug* [/color][/QUOTE] [color=gray]And that's me on Christmas right there ^^^^^^^^. I like it because..of the chocolate I never give, but i receive. Except maybe this year. And the half-off chocolate sells the next day, that rocks. _-Nate-_[/color]