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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Shinobi glanced up from the stereo system and saw he was neer the garage. Shinobi: [i]Time for some fun...[/i] Shinobi suddenly speeds up. He glances at the speedometer and sees he's at 60, rising quickly. About 20 yd. from the garage door, he guns it HARD, then slams on the brakes. The tires lock up, sliding on the asphalt(sp). He turns the steering wheel slightly, turning the car side-ways. It skids to a stop, and Shinobi revvs the engine big time. Seion hears this, and opens up the garage door. Shinobi backs the car back into the street, and straightens it. He then pulls it into the garage, parks it next to the Panoz like it was, and gets out. Seion: so, ya back... Shinobi: Yea, Will, you obviously didn't check out the stereo system in here..... Shinobi reaches down towards the cd player, places 'The Eminem Show' into the cd player, selects 10, and turns the streo system to max. He then steps away. Shinobi: If you EVER want to hear correctly again, i'd step back..... Will: Ok, could you pause it for a sec *stepping away* Seion: I don't care.... The music starts playing, and the car starts to move up and down from the bass. (Note: The bass is so high you can't hear Eminem at some points). Shinobi: Now that's a stereo system.
  2. There, is that good? And, there is such thing as double lives.....
  3. Shinobi: Man, honestly.....that's the way poeple live here.....I can't beleive she.....oh.......i mean......the cops boost cars themsleves...do you think that they would arrest themsleves....... Seion: That's what we do with the cars after we hijakc them anyways... Shinobi: Ok, 1) It's boosting, you hijack planes. 2) I steal for fun and profit, not for the pleasure of destroyingt something. *to himself* But it is fun sometimes...... Seion: Oh.... Shinobi: I'll be back.... Shinobi walks up to the Viper, unlocks it, then starts it. He revvs the engine furiously, then pulls it out. Shinobi: *rolling down the window* I'll be back in a few minutes.... Got to get some stuff... Shinobi pulls out of the garage, says bye to Edd, and drives off towards his house. Shinobi: *pulling up* Good, no-body's home, everyone left... Shinobi unlocks the door, and walks up to his room. He goes into the closet, and pulls out a long duffle bag. He puts it so the strap goes over one shoulder, across his chest, and down to his hip on the other side. He goes down-stairs and to the back door, when he walks into Cristina in the kitchen. Cristina: So, what are you doing back, why is the Viper in the front yard, and what's in the dufle bag? Shinobi: Nothing, i parked it there, and it's nothing to do with you.... Cristina: *sighs* Now i see why i dumped you... Shinobi: Shut up, i'm out of here......*cusses kinda under his breath* Cristina: I heard that.. Shinobi: SHUT UP! Cristina: Make me... Shinobi: ATTITUDES, GOOD GRIEVE.... Cristina: Your the one with the attitude... Shinobi: No, you do.. Cristina: *walking towards him* Now, you are in my house now, so stop..... Shinobi: Heh, your house, your forgeting who bought this house for you all, took me forever to get the money.. Cristina: What!? You wish... Shinobi: Yea, just jealous... Cristina: What ever... Shinobi: You know you are, admitance is the first step to recovery.. Cristina: What? *slaps him* Shinobi: *to himself* Oh, i know she did not....Tell me she did not... Cristina: Yes, i did.. Shinobi: *reacing towards the top of the duffle bag* Oh, man*unzipping it* Heh, she bragged....*grabs something and pulls it out with his right hand, while he's rubbing his cheek with his left hand* Shinobi pulls the object out of the bag, reveiling a HUGE sword. He brings it about 2 inches from Cristina's nose, then holds it there. Shinobi: Now, I am NOT in a good mood. I was just half-dumped, i'm mad, i found out you have destroyed half of my cars which i bought, i found out i need to hide the other half that i bought somewhere else, and now you slapped me. So, if you like that nose of yours, you will leave me alone... Cristina: Oh, ok..... Shinobi: Thank you, not *putting the sword back in the case* I'm out of here.. Shinobi walks out the door, and gets in the Viper. He starts it, revvs it for a minute, then drives off, spinning his tires for the first 30 yd.
  4. Shinobi: Dang, i get Eleanor normally, ok..... Will: What are we doing with these? Shinobi: These are mine. We need to get them away from Cristina. I know of a place. Hope: Hey, i get the Ferrari.. Shinobi: Ferrari F-50 GTRI...Awesome car... Seion: I got da Saleen. Shinobi: '01 Saleen S7, another awesome car. After getting everyone hooked up with a car, Shinobi walks up to the last car, a Panoz. Shinobi: And the last one, a 2000 Panoz GTS...Just as good as Eleanor, maybe better in some ways...Can everyone start them? Everyone: Yea... Shinobi: Ok, follow me boys.....*pulls out his pc, and does some switchinog so he has Sneasal* Hey, boy, be'n long time. Ready? Sneasl: Sneas!! Shinobi: Ok, follow me... Out of the garage comes Shinobi with Sneasal at his side, Seion with Bremma at his side, and the rest coming out by themselves. Shinobi: *over the cb* O, we need to sneak past Cristina's, so she don't know and cain't follow us.. Hope: Yea...Gotcha.. Shinobi: Ok, follow me. We turnin' right up here, then left, then left again. We taking a pass around my place. It works with ease, and Shinobi turns on the radio. He turns it to q94, and BLASTS IT. Everyone can hear the bass. They get to another garage in about 20 minutes. When he gets there, he turns down the radio. Shinobi: Ok, hey Edd man i need to hide some cars here for a few months. Damn,..can't hear worth (bleep). Edd: What, ya steal 'em? Shinobi: Yea, i stole him. After this, we are gonig to get the cops to arest us. I quit. Though i do miss it some times... Edd: Yea, pull on it. Shinobi: *over the cb* Ok, everyone come on in... Shinobi pulls out of the way, and sits there as everyone comes through. After everyone does, he opens the door to the car and looks behind him. Shinobi: Yes, she ain't following us... *reves the engine* Ok, let's go...*still with the car door partially opened, he slowly pulls into the garage. He parks it between the Viper and the Ferrari, and shuts it off. Then he gets out* Ok, Sneasal, return. i'll let you stay with me for a while. Shinobi turns on the radio, and blast it so you could hear it through-out the garage. OOC: I put in Feraligatr. Sneasal's attacks: Feint Attack, Beat-Up, Crunch, Slash.
  5. Shinobi: Hold it, if you feel his pain, then you should know....right? Will: Unless he's dead.. Shinobi: Ok,....come up here*pointing up the steps* MY room...or what used to be my room....*lookngi around* Zack took my room.....*calling down the stairs* Mom, where's my stuff? Veronica: Im Zack's old room... Shinobi: They've moved everything....If the box could hold some of my stuff i'd put it in there....then i could sleep confortably sometimes...*looking at his bed* Well, some cash.....*pulling a few $50 bills out of his drawer*, some more pokeballs...., the keys to the cars i hope i have left......*pulling some keys out of the drawer*...Let's go... Hope: Ok..... Shinoib: Now, the cars...*walking down the street to a garage* Here, can you all drive? Hope: Yes... but some are to young... Shinobi: Cops don't care, the whole town's run by gangs.
  6. Shinobi: *as they flew above Goldenrod* Ok, my house is right.......there... *pointing to a 2-story house painted white with black shutters* Now, off Ja Rule....*turns it off, and places the cd player in one of his pockets* Now, Lugia, land where i pointed! Lugia: [b]Ok...[/b] Shinobi: Well, look who's here... ???: So, you finally came back. Shinobi: don't get used to it, Cristina. I'm just checknig on the family and my cars... Cristina: Ok Shinobi: Now, i need to do some other stuff, too. Where is the Hyondai Superbike? Cristina: Gone.. Shinobi: Ferarri? Cristina: Same... Shinobi: *getting mad now* Diablo 6L? Cristina: That's mine now legally Shinobi: Good, how many tickets? Cristina: 5, almost lost my liscense.. Shinobi: Good, because their illigal in Johto. Cristina: Why? Shinobi: Uhm, dude had to stop once and started flippnig when he put on the brakes....Badder than my wreck....And i thought you dumped m,e...*walking away* * going into the house* Hey mom, hey dad....How's it been? Veronica: so, you staying home now? And who's that girl following you? Shinobi: No, just getting some stuff...And this is Hope, mom, dad, Hope, visa-versa it true... Zack: So look who showed up... Shinobi: Hey bor.. Zack: Get off of me.. Shinobi: Attitudes,...everything has changed in this town....EVERYTHING....
  7. Shinobi: Now, we need to go........Unless you want to watch a movie...... Will: No thanks, enough action for today..... Hope: Yea, let's go..... Shinobi: Ok.... [i]Maybe i should go and get that DvD...[/i] Hope: [i]Don't think so......[/i] No, don't even think it no more! Shinobi: ok......
  8. Hope: Ok,....why do you have a switchbade? Shinobi: I've had this for so long, i forgot i had it, really. But, i've had it for self-protection. You need it in the underworld of Goldenrod....So many gang wars.......I was the leader of one gang, they were in like 5.....I was in like hundreds...or so it feels...I would show scars but Seion healed them.... Hope: Ok......... Shinobi: I also have a revolver, a sword, a few daggers, and other weapons at home......
  9. Shinobi: Well, we need to get going, do you want to go back home? Katrina: I guess.... Shinobi: Ok. Tell my family i miss them,....and tell Cristina, Katrina: Yea? Shinobi: she's stupid. Katrina: If you say so.... Shinobi: Ok, Charizard, Go!!!! Now, Charizard, fly Katrina back to Goldenrod. Charizard: ^_^ Shinobi: Get back in 2 hours and you get a treat along with the one i owe you..... Charizard: ^_^ Shinobi: Ok, now, go... Bye Katrina....
  10. Shinobi: Well, Katrina, how have you been since i last saw you? Katrina: Same ol', same ol'. Go figure. Shinobi: I know, that's why i left. I had to get away from the monotiony. And, i wanted to get away from Cristina.
  11. Name: Shinobi (real origional, hey Flora?) Age: 25 Race: Human Bio: You should know. Shinobi started off as a regular person, but later learned hgow to use the Hiratsu by his girlfriend, Hope. After this, he started to protect areas around Japan by using the Hiratsu and his sword. Skill: Fly, can dash at amazing speeds. Weapons: Sword, Hiratsau Description: White hair, blue eyes, red lips. Wears red color contacts sometimes. Wears something kinda like Inyu Yasha(sp, can't remember at the time) Side: Good.
  12. Shinobi: Well, not trying to be a rasist, but a black girl, ghetto at that, turning country,...... Katrina: Ok, the race facter again.. Shinobi: well, it's true.... And, this Girl, as you said, is my new girlfriend, the one that i told you about. The others are Bremma, Will, Ryan, Ryo, Xion, and Seion.
  13. With about 30 minutes to go in the movie, there's a thud on the beach. Shinobi looks away from Hope to see what it is. Seeing it's Charizard with Katrina on him, he slowly gets up. Katirna's wearing a country hat and cowboy boots, with a cowboy vest on Shinobi: Well, Katrina, blong time no see- *snickers* Uhm, were you at Celadon's electronics section about 11 today? Katrina: Yes, why? Shinobi: In the country section? Katrina: Yea...........why? Shinobi: *on the ground laughing* Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I was bombin you! Katrina: Uhm, can someone fill me in on 3 things, 1, who are these guys, 2, who is this girl *staring at Hope* that you were laying next to, and 3, why are you laughing?
  14. Shinobi: Ok, let me get my pokemon out...... Shinobi pulls out his pc, and puts in the new ones. Now, he has: Houndoom, Espeon, Umbreon, Pidgeot, Charizard, Dugtrio Shinobi: Now, let me get out some ultras,.....i want a Sneasal....
  15. Shinobi: Well, the small dog looks like a baby form of Entei, which may mean i shall soon have one. The Big dog and the tiger looks like they evolve from one enother, because they look alike, sorta. Pyrogar: Pyro, Pyro Gar!! *starts glowing white. It's so bright, you can't se it. Then, it molds into a dog-like pokemon, like the big dog Shinobi catpured* Pyroguess: Pyro, Guess..........!!!
  16. Nate


    Name: Shinobi Age: 21 Country or affiliation:Gog bio: He was orn in Magog, but moved 3 years before the war started. With the new-found Gog poride in his heart, he is willing to fight until the death. However, he still really doesn't see why they must fight. If he could be one, he would be a democrat to settle it and combine the 2 continents.
  17. Shinobi: Ok, do a little temperary treeking, now, pokemon go! Out of 7 pokeballs comes a red tiger with black stripes, a white dog with alternating black and red stripes, bird with red wings, steel silver body, and black feet, a human-like one with fingers per hand, no toes, and blank eyes, a baboon with all black fur and holes on the snout, a small dog with alternating white and black stripes, and a pokemon that looks like Magmar but it 3 times bigger. Small dog: Enteioung!!!!!! Big Magmar: Magdagmar!!!!! Red Tiger: Pyrogar!!! White dog: Pyroguess!!! Baboon: Jugeinon!! Humanoid: Takronar!! Shinobi: How did i pulls 7 out instead of 6...... maybe the league rules don't apply here...
  18. Shinobi: well, since the blob don't wanna fight, pokeball go....*drops it above the pokemon, and it shakes once, twice, three times, stops* Shinobi: well, wonder what it does.... Pokedex: Omibby, the amoeba pokemon. It is the baby form of grimer, and is weak. It is a water pokemon, but can do poison and water attacks. It's starting attack it toxic Cry, which both paralyzes and confuses the opponent if odne twice in a row. That is it's only attack until it's one level from evolving, when it learns bot toxic touch and bubble. Shinobi: Ok......Will, have you been giving that thing drugs, i didn'tg even ask it anything.
  19. Shinobi: Well, on second thought, i think i'll stay here...i just went shopping........How ya think i got Jaheem and Ja Rule......... Seion: Yea........Stop showing off..... Shinobi: well, anyone up for a movie? I got, Save the Last Dance, The Jurasic Park Triligy, Cradle 2 da Grave, Armageddon, Star Wars Triligy, D2, D3, Mighty Ducks, etc..... Hope: It don't matter to me..... Shinobi: Hummmmmmmmmmm,..................Armageddon. Shinobi goes into his bag, pulls out a box, pulls a screen up off of the top, then pulls out Armageddon and places it in. He presses play, and sits down next to Hope. Shinobi: If i could, i would have a bigger screen....
  20. Shinobi: You should know man, you were there....! Seion: Uhm, the thought excaped me... Shinobi: Heh, dang. That was the best night of our lives in Goldenrod.... Seion: No, don't remember... Shinobi: *in his ear* In Joe's Bar and canteen, remember? She was so drunks she could barely stand. But, later, we really hit on. But, it broke, remember? Dang, you don't remember sheeet....
  21. Shinobi: ouch......*grabs his cheeck. Hope swings again, but e catches way before she got to his face* I don't fall for that twice. Oh god that's gonna leave a mark....good thing we don't know each other that good (OOC: and i can't cuss on OB), or there would be some WORDS exchanged here.....
  22. Shinobi: Now, Charizard, go to Azeala Town and pick up Katrina. Charizard: Zard! ^_^ Shinobi: Now get going. Get back here within an hour and you get a treat. Charizard: ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ Shinobi: Hurry, go! Now, time for the jump.... Shinobi lays down the cell phone and crouches. Then he jumps, doing like 10 backflips, then stops and stars frontplipping. He does that like 10 times, before landing in the water head first. Shinobi: *comming back up* Woa!!!!!!!! That was awesome! Been long time since i done 'dat..... Hey Hope, come back in... *looks over there* Uhm, Hope, waz's wrong?
  23. Nice banne and avatar Flora,.........nice. YOu change it like every week. To much changing for me to keep up, but, hy. Nice. Nice.........................
  24. Shinobi: Ok, pokeball, go!!! Hope: He can't throw this far.... Shinobi picks out a pokeball ,and does a fast-ball throw towards the new pokemon. It shakes once, twice, three times, four times, then the light goes out. Then, it comes back on and starts shaking again. It shakes 5 times, then the light stops. Shinobi: Pick it up before it does that again... Hope bends down to pick it up, and Shinobi bends over a few inches (you know.............:eek: )
  25. Uhm, hard....... 1) Black hair/brunette. Long hair. 2) Likes Rap, hip-hop, no country *shivers*(important) 3) Don't matter what race. 4) Uhm, nice to talk to about anything, ANYTHING (important) 5) Likes animes, some sports. 6) Not to fat, not to skinny 7) No rascists.. (important) I personally call myself picky, but- hey.
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