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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Shinobi: Well, want to go? Well, after Seion wakes up... Hope: Ok, if you say so... Shinobi: Ok, Lugia, take me up a couple thousand feet. I'll tell you when to stop. Hope: When are you going to stop? Shinobi: When i can't see the ground or when it gets hard to breath, which-ever happens latter..... Hope: Ok...... Shinobi: I'll be fine, i do it all the time. Hope: Ok,.... Shinobi goes up what looks like 2,750 ft., when his cell phone rings. It was kinda getting hard to breath, so he got ready to jump. Shinobi: Yo! ???: Uhm, hey Shinobi...(it's a girl-ish voice) Shinobi: Ok,.....i could have sworn you forgot my number..... ???: Uhm, it's in the directory... Shinobi: Ok, Katrina, you hav to stop calling me..... I'm taken by someone else..... Katrina: You told me you'd only love me.....That's mean...... Shinobi: I never said any- oh, yea, i did...But i love this girl, i liked you... Katrina: Well, could you at least let me meet you and se you one last time?? Shinobi: Ok, but remember that you and me are over. And don't try to change my mind. Katrina: Ok, i know. When can i come? Shinobi: If needed, I'll send Charizard to pick you up. Katrina: Yea, that will be fine.... Shinobi: Ok, I'll send him in a few minutes? Katrina: Yea, tha' will be fine....
  2. Shinobi: Well, there they are *turning down the Cd player, which is blasting* Hope: Yea....... Shinobi: Yes, some more swimming......*pulling off his shirt, then stands up on Lugia* Be right back...... *hands the cd player to Hope* Hope: He's crazy... Shinobi: No, i'm having fun.........*jumps off, doing a few backflips before landing in the water face-first*
  3. OOC: After we get the spirits, how do we summon them? Shinobi was walking throught the cemetary, looking around for other people. He had been told by a few spirits that others were here, and he was tired of being alone. Shinobi: Uhm,..where are they? *to a spirit he found on the way over* The spirit floating next to him looked like a ninja (NOTE: He has Shinobi's suit (from the video game)), and he looked like Shinobi with it on. Shinobi, tired of walking, started levitating to get a better view. Spirit(the one i found) They're in the middle of the cemetary. Shinobi: Ok, uhm, spirit, what is your name? Shinobi Spirit: Shinobi, like you.. Shinobi: Ok.. There they are! *comes low to the ground, and dashes towards them like Goku or Vegeta does* Shinobi Spirit: Woa, he's got more powers than i thoguht. Not only is he a ninja from my planet, but he can levitate... _______________ OOC: The spirit is the same race as Shinobi, and they both have the same aromr on. _______________ Shinobi: Yea, yea, let's go....
  4. Shinobi: *Drying off with the shirt he had on* So, ready to go? Hope: Ok, you swim good. Shinobi: Oh, just pure skillz. Hope: Yeeeeeea......... Shinobi: *pulling out a long shirt* Well, you know what clothes i like...Big 'n baggy..... Hope: Just a guess, guys wear them now.... Shinobi: What, you don't like them? Hope: Not really... Shinobi: well, to tell you the truth, i don't either... Hope: If you like 'em, put 'em on... Shinobi: Heh.......Go Lugia!!!*drops Lugia's balll, calling him out* Come on, we gotta hurry. I gotta stop at Goldenrod city, do some shopping. Hope: I thought girls were the ones who liek shopping. Shinobi: I'm picking up some new cds, some new dvds, and some new clothes..... Hope: Why, i got the wrong ones? Shinobi: No, these are ones i've wanted for a while. They get on, and go towards Goldenrod. When they get there, he stops, helps Hope off, then goes straight to the electronics store. Shinobi: Now, need Nelly, JeLo, Jarule, Jaheem, a bunch of people she's probably never heard of.......*pointing at a girl in the country section, then shivers* Uhh,.............scary....hope they don't take over the world.. Hope:Yea.... Sinobi: Now, over to the DvDs. Hope: You can't play DvDs, you don't have a TV. Shinobi: Portable dvd player with a tv attachment. Hope: Hmmmm,.....Safe the last dance Shinobi: Grab it. Like Mike, Gone in 60 Sec, Fast & Furious, Armageddon, Jurassic Park Triligy, Caddle 2 da Grave, Star Wars Triligy.....(i'm promoting movies hee, and i'm buying these) Hope: How are you going to pay for these? Shinobi: I'm not, Cristina is. *pulls out a bank card* and all these times she's though she's been buying expensive diners and gorceries.... Hope: Ok...That's illigal... Shinobi: No, she gave this to me, and said for me to keep it. So I did.. Hope: Ok...... Shinobi: Now, let's roll.
  5. Seion: Uhm, why are we going to Orange Islands whe the Wirl Islands are far away? Shinobi: Oh, man, wrong island chain. Go to below,......Uhm, man, what was it's name.........just go to Koga's gym's city. Seion: Ok. When are you coming? Shinobi: We'll be leaving in a few mintues. But i'm doing something first. 'K? Seion: Ok.............*hang up* Hope: Hey, you didn't have a cell phone! Shinobi: No, you assumed i didn't. I never said yes or no. Now, i'm gonig to go swimming.... Shinobi stands up, and takes off both of his shirts. He then crouches and takes off his boots and socks, the goes into his bag and finds the baggy-est pair of pants he has. Shinobi: Uhm, uno minuto.. Shinob walkls inot the bushes, and changes pants. He then comes out and goes to the pier. He stands there for a second, then crouches low. He jumps high and does a back flip before diving in head first. He goes deep under water, kicking feriously. When he comes up, he does a half flip, then a full barrell-roll, then a half so he's kinda coming down on his back. Then, just before he splashes down, he curves his back so he dives back in head-first. He does some more flips like that, just doing a different combo every time. Then, after donig it about 7-9 times, he's tired, so he stops.
  6. Shinobi: Uhm, no,.........I jus' wanted to be alone,........away from the group,....to think.... Hope: Uh-Huh,......yea...... Shinobi: Ok,....ok......I know I've told you this before, but-I truely do love you. More than i can ever admit,.....Maybe more than you believe,..........but, it's true,.......more than I ever loved Cristina, and tha' is alot,...... Hope:.......... Shinobi: I know you porbably know, and I'm almost positive Will knows, listening in like that,........light right now...... Hope: Uhm, how do you know? Shinobi: Just guessing, knowing him,.......
  7. OOC: Ryo's in College, DOmon posts spareingly and Lan seemingly quit. I will pm Domon and Lan to find out why. IC: Shinobi: I just hope Jake does as he says, but it don't matter. If he don't, i can mak 'em. Hope: Yea, how? Shinobi: *reaching into a pocket down next to his foot, pulls out his computer and a bag* This *holds up one of the items in the bag* These are tracknig devises. Once you put them on, they will only come off with oil, and you have to drown them. They're almost indestructable, and they can track anywhere on the Pokémon world. When they touch human skin, like this, *pulls up his shirt and plants it on his back*, it lets out a pure wave. The computer picks it up ands shows a light on the screen. It's like radar. When it's not attached, it let's out a broken wave, like the reast *steps about 20 yd. back so she can see the blinks on the screen in the middle* See? There are like 300 in there, a couple 500 more at my house. Or, what used to be my house. I can find out where every tracker is, so if one of these are on Jake, all of your borthers, sister, parents, and Jake's thugs are. So, we'd be pretty safe then. But, these are last resort. Hope: Well, uhm,.. how hard are they to make? Shinobi: Ok, if ya got skills like me. *places a hand on his chest* And, 'n order for these to work, you'd have to wear one, too. Hope: Where at? Shinobi: Uhm, back, leg, any-where. But, it will be on for a long, long time, unless we go home early so we can get some oil, or stop at a city on the way over there to get some, so i'd place it on the lower back. Hope: These won't come off? Shinobi: Uhm, not unless you looooooooove pain.....
  8. Shinobi just sat there, until Hope got out, when he got up and went around to the other side of the lake, where Hope wouldn't see him. He laid down in the sand, and just layed there. Then, suddenly a Fearow walked up to him, with Jake on the back. Jake: So, the little commoner scum is back. Shinobi: Uhm, you came to me. And, don't make me kill you. I'll do it personally, and i think Hope would like it..... Jake: Ok, well, that idea's gone,..... How about a pokemon battle? Shinobi: One condition. I win, you never, EVER, mess witrh Hope, Me, or anyone in the group. And that includes your thugs. Jake: If i win....... Shinobi: Uhm, I must promiss to forever leave Hope alone. Jake: That's forever? Shinobi: Forever.... Jake: And, she must marry me.... Shinobi: Uhm,........ Jake: Well? Shinobi: [i] Well, it would add in spice. Plus the fact that i probably won't lose will get his hopes up making it easyer...., but what,....if i,.....lose????[/i] Deal....
  9. Shinobi continued to walk through the bushes. He eventually got to a lake, and saw Hope swiming. Seeing this, he sat down next to one of the trees lining the bushes and watched. The pokeball attached to his necklace started shaking really hard so he detached it and called out Houndoom. Shinobi: What houndoom? Houndoom: Hound.......*rubs his head against his leg* Shinobi: I know boy. You haven't been able to walk with me for a while. *rubs behind Houndoom's ears* Houndoom: Houndoom, Hound Hound... Espeon: *through the pokeball* [b] He said to call out the rest of the pokemon, too.[/b] Shinobi: Ok *drops all of the poeballs. Out comes Charizard, Lugia, Feraligatr, Espeon, and Umbreon* Lugia: [b]Hi again. I kinda like that pokeball.....[b/] Shinobi: Heh,........... Lugia: [b] Of the many times I've seen you, and that is alot, you'venever been in love like this......[/b] Shinobi: This is true....
  10. Shinobi walked little in front of the group, thinking. Shinobi: Uhm, i should tell you all where to go, in case i get lost,..... Uhm, go to the Orange islands and go to Whril island. Have a pokemon fly into it, and go towards the middle. There will be a srair case, climb down. When you get there, there will be a dock. Tell the guy that your here by Shinobi, and if he gives you any lip and asks for the password, it's 'Nellyville'(positive i misspelled that word, forogt how to spell it) After that, he should shut up. Wait until i get there. K? Seion: If you disapper, who shall be the leader? Shinobi: Uhm, i don't know. Hope.... Oh, wait, she ain't here,... probably that creep Jake, she can handle herself. Uhm,....*does an eenie-meenie-minie-mo thing in his head* Uhm, Seion. Ok? Seion: Yea, that's fine. Shinobi: Om, i'll be back. Oh, since no one seems to want the dogs other than Suicune, you might as well go get him. I think we have all the invite people... Shinobi then walks off into the bushes. Seion: Going to find his love... Shinobi: *from of in the distance* I heard that.
  11. Uhm, Xra, am i in? You never said yes or no.
  12. Shinobi: Let's get going..... Just then, Zapdos and Articuno flew over head. As soon as Shinobi heard them, he pulled out 2 mastrer balls. Seion: Hey, ther they are. Shinobi: Pokeball, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seion: you can't throw that high.. Shinobi: Yes i can, watch...*throws the pokeballs like a baseball, with them going high enough to capture them. The both miss, though* UUUUUUUUh! Lugia, go! Lugia: [b]I will not defeat them, for they are kin. I will weaken them, though.[/b] Shinobi: Ok, Aeroblast on both of them! Lugia: [b] Ok,..............[/b] Shinobi: Now, pokeball, go!!!!!! Shinobi does a fast ball pitch at the 2 birds, it conects with Articuno, bringing him in the ball. Without giving the ball a chance to stop shaking, Shinobi quickly picks it up and passes it to Seion to give to Bremma. Then, he throws another one at Zapdos, hitting him. Just as he goes in, though, he does a thunderbolt, busting he capturing system. Shinobi: Ok, Lugia, Aeroblast Again! Lugia starts one, and Zapdos powers up a thunderbolt. They unleash the attack at the same time, doing massive damage to each. Shinobi: Ok, Pokeball, go!!!!!!*throws a masterball at the downed Zapdos, and he goes into it. It shakes once, twice, tree times, captured. Shinobi: Yes, here you go Seion, as a present from me to you for saying you stole it. I'm sorry.
  13. Shinobi looks over to Hope Shinobi: Hey, Hope, why are you crying? You never got hurt.. Seion: Man, she is crying...... Shinobi: Back off, go to Bremma or something. I'm conforting her. You seem to forgot that any relationship can be pulled back together. Just look at me and Cristina. Seion: Well, you 2 still didn't stay together long. Shinobi: Naw, just 2½ years....
  14. Shinobi: *in Seon's ear* Uh, sorry, but i think your relation, it just went down the drain boy...*lightly pops Seion on the face* Seion: Back off. Now, why do you think that? Shinobi: Uhm, if i liked Hope but she was going steady wit' someone else, would i try to steal her? Seion: Knowing you, yyou would. Shinobi: Ok, ok, but would a girl? Seion: I think not,.. Shinobi: Thank you.
  15. uhm, can we make up people? Cause if so, i hav one: Name: Rohan Appearance: Looks kinda like Goku, just a little shorter. Bio: Formed after Goku and Gohan fused. They did a technique they made up, and it created a spirit. Then, that spirit formed into Rohan. Attacks: Banshee Beam, Kamehameha, Final Big Special Galick Kameha Disk (first starts off doing a Final Flash, then starts a Big Bang, then a Special Beam Cannon, then a Galick Gun, etc. takes forever to do, but can pretty much kill any non saiyan), Atomic Spirit Bomb (a HUGE Spirit Bomb that can destroy a planet if used the wrong way),Destructo Disk, Energy Sword, Meteor Shower, Asteroid Field, Thuder Blast, Leo's Assult, Crab's Pincer, Kabling Ball, Confusion Wave, Swift Strike, Brutality Beating, Play-Time (MUCH stronger than it seems), Novideion Attack, Boom of Doom, Kai-o-ken (up to x100), and alot more (just they use the word Hell, not sure if it's alowed) Weapons: Sword, Saiyan Battle armor, Metal Vest uder armor (can be used a weapons, mostly used for defense) Other: Senzu Beans, Cape like Piccolo's
  16. Name: Shinobi (why not?) Age: 12 Gender: Male (go figure) Description: Uhm, the name should tell you what he looks like (if you've seen the game) Warrior's Spirit: Ancient ninja Shinobi. Used to live somewhere in Brazil, keeping peace. Then, he suddenly dissapeered Bio: A kid who was born with the powers. He wasn't taught them. When he heard about this, he got so mad, that the Shinobi spirit came to him. Ever since, he has vowed to defeat all of those who wish to use the power for evil, even if it means he dies in the prossess.
  17. Shinobi: Hey, Hope, want me to handle him? Hope: No, i have him. Shinobi: Oh, but i could ehlp. It would make me feel SO GOOD. Ad, he'd deserve it for calling me scum.... Hope: I have it. But, i'll throw in a few for you, if you wish. Shinobi: (jumping on th oppurtunity) Ok, make it about FIVE, or maybe TEN.
  18. After shinobi explains everything, Will gets out of Shinobi's head and goes into his own body Will: So you're worried the same thing would happen to us and you didn't want to be a part of it? Shinobi: Yeah that's just about it. Will: *wipes face covered in blood* Don't worry, so things didn't work out. You're stronger than that Shinobi. *pats Shinobi on back* Just because it happened before doen't mean it'll happen again. Shinobi: I guess you're right. Thanks Will...
  19. Shinobi: Now get out of my body before Houndoom burns yours! Will: Don't do something you might regret, I might die but what if i did fix your problem? My spirit would haunt you like it is right now for the rest of your days. Wouldn't want that now would we? Shinobi: *sighs* Fine, but hurry, I'm getting impatient.
  20. Shinobi calls out Houndoom and Espeon before he goes to the camp again. Shinobi: Now, we need to stop this.. Will: We know, Bremma told us. Shinobi: I think I'll keep Houndoom and Espeon out, just incase this is a trick.
  21. Shinobi: He started, i finished it just now. And, i will get him back for that. Bremma: Stop the silly fighting. It's going to ruin the group. Shinobi: But- oh, ok......
  22. Shinobi went to the stream, and started washing the blood out of his mouth. Shinobi: So, we shall continue,.....this fighting will break the group up.........so, what do i do...........? Shinobi starts throwing rocks into the stream. Shinobi: I could call out all of my pokemon and go back with them around me,.... or i could fly back......
  23. Shinobi now had Will on the ground hitting him. Shinobi: I've wanted to do this for so long............ Shinobi continues to hit him, then stands up, and walks over to Seion. Shinobi: *placing a finger about a centimeter away from his nose, gets a serious look on his face* YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS...... Shinobi walks away, and spits into the ground. Seeing it's red, he puts one finger on his gum line to see where it's bleeding. Finding it, he starts going towards a stream to wash off.
  24. Suddenly, there is a small pop as a Houndoom comes out of the pokeball. Shinobi: Houndoom, return! You got them off of me... Shinobi starts floating up above them. Shinobi: You forgot a little power,....... get me now....*smirks* Note: I'm VERY HIGH above you now, so jumping won't hit me....
  25. Shinobi: Besides, i was with Hope, so it had to be you..... Seion: *getting VERY MAD now* I didn't do it! Shinobi: Hmmmm, why should i believe you...? All evidence points to you.... Just admit it.....
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