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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Shinobi: Yes, you could hide it. Ever heard of trees? Of laying it down in bushes? I used to steal, i know how to hide stuff. Then, you always could have sold it in town............... Seion: Hey, how do you know i even stole it? Shinobi: I've told you. That is all the proof really needed, in my book
  2. Shinobi continured thinking. Shinobi: Well, when we left, Seion had wroke me up. Everyone else went back to sleep. That could be it. Seion: I didn't do it! Shinobi: But you could! You were with Team Rocket, you said it yourself! When you start like that, it's hard to quit! Seion: But i didn't! I was fishing, see!? *holds up a HUGE 5" fish. {there was sarcasm on the HUGE} Shinobi: *bursting out laughing* So, you still don't know how to fish!
  3. Zapdos Moltres Articuno Mewtwo Entei Raikou Suicune Celi-be Jugia Ho-oh. I left off Mew because you can't catch him regularly. Not sure if i'm right, though.
  4. OOC: Another thing missing,....just like in Exploration.... IC: Shinobi stood there, thinking. Just them, Seion and Bremma come walking into camp, hand-in-hand. Shinobi: [i]There was everyone here when we left. Any one of them could have stole it. But, where did they hide it?[/i]*turning towards Seion and the rest of the group* Ok, no ricks. Where is the Hiratsu? Seion: What are you talking about? You mean that boomerang? I don't know...*starts to walk away* Shinobi: Seion, Seion, Seion. You never were a good booster, you don't steal good either. Next time, don't give it away, ok? Now, where is it? Seion: I don't know what your talking about,... *kinda to himself* Thinking i stole it...
  5. OOC: Uhm, i fell asllep at 4 a.m., how could it be 2 a.m. when i leave? It would have to be at least 5.30 a.m. or 6.00 a.m. Shinobi: you know, if you want i can like, beat 'em until they promiss to stop forever..... Hope: That will be quite alright, so brutal... Shinobi: Well, that's what it takes for some people,... you should have let me take on Jake though.... He couldn't harm me ifi was blind... Hope: Maybe, well, *zips up the bag* lets go..
  6. Shinobi looked into his pockets and found a pokeball he nkew he had never had before. It felt warmer than all the others. Shinobi: warm, this must be it. Shinobi calls out Moltres, and gets on. About 30 minutes later, he arives at a HUGE MANSION. Shinobi: Woa....... Shinobi has Moltres land next to Hope, and he gets off. He recalls Moltres, and gives the pokeball to Hope. Shinobi: I didn't mean what i thought that time. Sometimes i think stuff i don't mean. Beleive me or not, that's the truth. And, uh, how did you know to give me the pokeball, Hope?
  7. Shinobi hears the explosion, and turns around. Shinobi: Catch him, i want him! Hope: Why? Shinobi; Have Alakazam tell you. You should know, i want to catch all the new pokemon on this Island!
  8. Shinobi goes to where Rei is standing, looking down in the spring. Shinobi: What are you- *sees the blob* Oh, ohhhhhhhhhh, Rei. You can handle him. My pokemon are weak. Oh, well, hold on. Shinobi quickly calls out all of his pokemon. Then, he has his Espeon heal all of them. Shinobi ok, i'm guessing that's the evolution of Muk. Go, Dugtrio! OOC: If you don't mind, Sheikahmon pm me with his attacks so i can type out a battle. Thanks.
  9. Ok, i'll post another. My Q: How do you type the spainsh character e with an ` over it!? Just kidding. Here it is: How many battles does a gym have to win without losing to become an oficial pokemon league gym?
  10. uhm, have you ever seen the episode after the episode that Vegiito was absobed? Vegeta pulled out 2 internal organs holding the absorbed people. So, he does have internal organs, Washu Hakubi.
  11. BlackGatoMon is correct. Your question, please?
  12. Shinobi: ok, I don't really sleep. So, when you all are sleeping, I do something i call thought-sleep. It's like a trance, i guess. I look like i'm sleeping, but i'm thinking about pretty much anything and everything. That's the only reason i don't go to sleep sometimes, 'cause my mind is active. It doesn't have time to rest. Well, tha's how i release my feeling. I don't yell (or at least not most of the time) and i don't cry. I let it out like that. But, it seems it hasn't been enough. I've had to many feelings. Does it make sense now? Seion: yea, i guess. Shinobi suddenly remembers something. Shinobi: I still have the cell phone... He goes into the directory and calls Hope. Hope: Yea? Shinobi: If you don't want to talk to me, don't let me keep your cell phone.
  13. Later, about 12 midnight. No-one was awake when Shinobi got up. He walked around for a while, looking through the sawmp. When he came back, he called out houndoom and sat down where he slept. Then, he went into a deep trance like, which he calls 'thought-sleep'. Shinobi: [i] Why did i think that, i should have known that Hope would know.... I didn't think that she would be that mad... I don't think i could last in this group (especially with Will) for much longer without Hope to calm me when i'm mad. It seems this isn't working to relay my feelings any more...Oh i wish Hope was here, she'd now know how I really feel....[/i] He continues to think about various things untill aout 4 a.m when he falls asleep.
  14. Shinobi heard Bremma's last remark. Shinobi: Maybe,... maybe she just wants to be alone, maybe she heard my.... Oh, it was my fault....... Shinobi got up, and walked around for a while. Will: Sit down, Shinobi. Shinobi : I'm bored. I like to walk around when i'm bored. Will: Well, then stop going in circles. I think your giving me wrip-lash. Shinobi: Your not even moving. Be kinda hard to. Will: It was called 'sarcasm'. Maybe you've heard of it. Shinobi: *stops pacng* WHAT!? Your saying i have no humor? HAHA! That's funny.....
  15. They go to the volcanic part of ther island, and find a TON of new pokemon. They catch everyone they see, and return to the beach. Shinobi man, i've got like 16 new pokemon in my pc box, i guess i need to get a new box ready... Hope: Don't you think we should Show Will some of these? Shinboi: Later, i'll show him later...
  16. OOC: The Bouncer (Ant) delete the double post, it's against the rules, just like on Fusion and Fanatics. IC: Shinobi was half-way through a dream (one that he didn't like mind you) when it suddenly got worse. He saw (don't ask me how) Hope get on Dragonite, and leave. Shinobi: *waking up* Ah! *breathing heavy* Hey, Hope- *turns around* HOPE!? Shinobi looks around, and doesn't see her. Shinobi: Oh, man. Why did i say that...
  17. Shinobi: [i]Why does everyone worry about me. Tre did, Hope does, huh!! Why can't they leave me alone...[/i] Shinobi quickly eats, then goes back to the tree he was leaning against and goes to sleep.
  18. Shinobi: Here, Will, may i finish? Will: Yes, you may, O' fearless leader *alot of sarcasm there* Shinobi: Good. I'll have this down in 5 more minutes. Shinobi has Charizard make the flames higher. Will: Your going to catch the swamp on fire.... Shinobi: I have Feraligatr. Don't worry. Will: Alright... *5 minutes later* Shinobi: There, done. Everyone, let's eat! And, it's not burnt, and it will probably be 2 times as good as your would have been. and, if it is art, how come we are eating it? It should be hung in a musium...*snickers*
  19. Shinobi: Well, Hope, that's how i am. Maybe I push things to far, maybe i go a little extreme. I don't care. Ok? I like my life the way it is. Is there a problem with that?? Hope: No, i have no problem with that. But, i think your acting like a boy. So, i will say that 'boys will be boys'. Shinobi: What ever. Shinobi stands up, and goes to the edge of what you could call a clearing and leans up against a tree. Shinobi: *to Will* Where did you get your rice? Mine only takes 10 minutes. Yours takes 20. And, i'm hungry..
  20. OOC: There was no double posting. IC: Shinobi: well, what about the others? Great,.... Shinobi gets up, grabs the communicator, and puts it in his bag. Shinobi: Well, what about the ones who need the birds? Like, I want Ho-Oh? What about us?
  21. OOC: Ant! You blew my idea! An, we wouldn't make camp in a swamp....Newbe's..... And, there's a rul against goddmodding. Read CAREFULLY. Sorry if i hurt you, but, please, pay attention. Sheesh! And, folks, please ignore the last post by The Bouncer. IC: After a few minutes of sitting where he fell, Shinobi started to get up. Hope: Stop, you need your rest. Shinobi starts to get up anyway, but as soon as he does, he drops to one knee, holding his leg. Hope: See, now, lay down. You need your rest. Shinobi: No, just 'cause i can't walk doesn't mean i can't move around. You see, i have held sometrhnig from you, too. Hope: What? Shinobi: The abolity to fly, or as some call it, levitate. Hope Huh? Shinobi, with help from Hope, slowly stands up. Then, he VERY SLOWLY starts to levitate. First, his heels come up, then, finally, his toes. Shinobi: I'll go up to signal them, Lugia, return! Hope: Ok, just, Shinobi? Shinobi: *stops going towards the sky* What? Hope: Be carefull. Your body couldn't stand another fall like that. Shinobi: My body could handle a thousand falls like that. Hope: The only reason your not dead right now is because you were able to push up to slow your fall! Shinobi: Yea, yea,.... Hope: *to herself* *sighs* Boys will be boys... Shinobi: You mean, men will be men, right?
  22. Shinobi stood there thinking about it. Shinobi: Well, i wasn't leaving. I was just going to Explore some. I had to get away from the others. And, to give you more room. Hope: Oh, ok. Shinobi: But, if you want, you could come.....
  23. About an hour and 45 minutes after his fall, Shinobi started to stir. Shinobi: Ouch, i ache all over..... Hope: Oh, thank god your safe! I was afraid... Shinobi: *whispering* Now you see how i felt when i found you.... Hope: I know, but it's different for boys. Shinobi: well, I'm not your average boy. You could say i'm soft. Emotional-wise...
  24. Shinobi sat down to think. When will saw this, he left. Shinobi: [i]I feel like i shouldn't be here, i mean, i like Hope, and i wouldn't have met her if i didn't, but this group is to big...With will listening in at every turn... Who knows what else he's listened in on...Hope havng the visions, me feeling like this, it just won't work. I've got to get out of here...[/i] Shinobi gets off the ship. He looks over to where Hoep was, and stared for a minute, then shook his head and went to the hut. Shinobi: *walknig in* Hey, Rei, can i go on and Explore some more? Rei: I guess.... Shinobi: Thanks. Sorry for walking out like that. I just didn't find it that improtant,...sorry...
  25. Shinobi: Come on, Ryo, Ryan, Xion, let's leave them They'll catch up. *to Seion* Just leting you know, don't come to me when your pokemon are ko'd. I'm tellnig you, stop showing off for Bremma... Seion: Yea,yea, just go... Shinobi:Come on, Hope. *climps on Lugia, then helps Hope up on him. (later) They had been flying over the swamp for some time now. Shinobi was on Lugia's upper back, and Hope sat behind him. Shinobi gets on one knee to get out the cd player from his bag, and searches through his new CD collection. He pulls out Eminem's 'The Eminem Show' and maxes the volume. He listens to number 1, trhen switches to 'Withpout Me', and activates the bass boost. Then, in a daring attempt (or at least Hope thought so) he stands up, with his hand on Lugia's head to balance, like Ash did on Lapras in the Orange Island league. Hope: Shinobi, sit down! Shinobi: I've done this for so long, I do it like you walk! Shinobi sees the bag slipping back, so he has Charizard slow down. He grabs the back and puts one of the straps around his left shoulder, so Charizard can speed up again. Shinobi: Well, because of that, they got ahead of us... Charizard, drop below the tree tops so we can find them again! Shinobi skilfully dodges stray branches. After the first close call, Shinobi tells Hope to la down on Lugia's back. Shinobi looks back at Hope, and smiles. Hope yelled something, but Shinobi couldn't hear her because of the wind and the music. Then, it happened. Hope had yelled for Shinobi to duck. But, he couldn't hear her, so he was hit inthe back of the head by a stray branch. He was knocked off of Charizard. Shinobi: *as he was falling* This is gonna hurt... He fell, hitting 3 branches, then landing on his back. Shinobi: I'll feel this in the morning... Shinobi then blanks out.
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