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Seion had been watching Shinobi since after their battle. Seion had known him since he was 12, but he had never seen Shinobi like this. He was always walking by Hope, and when he wasn't talking to her, he was staring at her head. Seion: Shinobi, you sure have changed.. Shinobi: (kinda dreamy voice) What do do you mean....? Seion: I mean, ever since Cristina, you hade a hard exterior, and a hard interior too, for that matter, but still. You'd love 'em and- Shinobi: *puta a hand over Seion's mouth, then whispers in his ear* I'm tire off runing from my past. I've been running since i was 13, and i'm tird of it. So, drop it, ok!? Seion: *pulls Shinobi's hand off of his mouth* Ok, but you've still changed... Shinobi: *walking away from Seion* It's love, dawg, don't worry 'boud it....*joins the group again* Hey, everybody...*everone looks at him* from now on, my past is off limits to the public. If you are a little curious, ask me in private. ~~Sudden Flash-Back~~ After leaving Cristina's house, a Yound Shinobi is mad. He has the stereos blasting in the Viper, and doesn't hear the cops comming up to him.(Blanko, Xra, you should remember.....HeHeHe) Suddenly, the tires blow out. He went over a spike strip without him seeing it, and all 4 tires are out. Shinobi looses control, and the car goes into a 900 degree spin. Shinobi catches it, but he catches it sideways, causeing them to barrel-roll. There is a thud every time the roof hits the asphalt. Then, the thuds stop, but they keep spinning (I later turns up that they were air-born) The barrel-rolling stops, and they come down so the fromt-right fender is touching. The air under the car keeps it from comming down all the way, so thye are just sliding von the fender. After about 10 yd.s of sliding like that, the car comes crashing down. When it does, they land in grass. The rear-left tire cuts into the dirt, tearing out the rear axle. Without the axle, the rear end itself hits the ground, and bounces up, flipping the car onto the roof. (from here, all Shinobi knows is from what he's told) It slides on the roof for avout 5 yd.s, then stops. Both Shinobi and Tre is knocked out, and off course, are layng on the roof (no seat-belts) They are both rushed to the hospital. Tre is pronounced dead at the hosptial an hour later, and Shinobi is forced to stay in there for about a month. He barely lived through it. (from here, Shinobi remembers) After he's released, he gets in a Black Mittsubishi Eclipse and goes over to Cristina's. When he pulls into the drive, he sees a new car there, a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII. Shinobi: So, she finally got a new car... Shinobi gets out, and uses the key Cristina had gave her to get in. He goes into the living room, and walks into... another guy. Shinobi looks at him, then looks at Cristina. He has a confused expression on his face. Cristina: Sorry, but i thought you were dead... Shinobi: WHAT!? You, you thought i was...., AHHHHH! Shinobi goes to the counter, slams the key down, then goes out. He kicks the dar to close it, then drives off. ~~End Flash-Back~~ Shinobi suddenly blinks several times, then flings his head wildly, sending his White hair flying around his face. He then drops to one knee, and pulls out a locket-a locket with Cristina's picture in it. He stares at it, thinking. Shinobi: [i]This was the only thing she ever gave me, after all those cars i gave her...[/i] Shinobi then gets up, and pulls the picture out. He then balls it up, and throws it onto the ground, and stomps it.
Shinobi: Nah, i got my Charizard, and i can get out a Pidgeot, Gyarados (for when we go to Johiko), and i can ride Houndoom for a few minutes. Will: Look here... Shinobi: What?
Shinobi: Well, let's get going. Shinobi puts a T-Shirt up under his regular shirt (he had borught that with him when they headed to high ground), then joins them. Shinobi: So, it's going to rain...(looks up, seeing dismal(sp) clouds) Hope: Yea... Shinobi: Good, i like rain. It's peacefull... Shinobi suddenly looks down from the sky. Shinobi: It's not going to rain, it is. One hit me in the eye...*Suddenly* Ouch! Oh, it broke.. Hope, Will: What? Shinobi: Nothing, just one of my last 2 contacts. *pulls out the other contact* Hope, you should remember. I had blue eyes when we met. I'm suprised you haven't said nothing..
Shinobi starts to cry. He doesn't make any noise, just tears start pouring Shinobi: Where have you been? Hope: I was just..walking and fell into a cavern... Shinobi: Ok. When i called, why didn't you answer? Hope: I dont know,... i was going to, but i didn't... Shinobi: ok.. Shinobi walks up to her and gives her a hug.
Will: Well, she's on the boat. Shinobi: *sighs* I knew I shouldn't have worried like that... Will: Have you done that before? Shinobi: Yea, with a friend. Just, that time, he was killed.
OOC: Hey, i was going to make it rain. And, i wouldn't react like that, i like rain. IC Shinobi: Hold on. I think I hear something. *looks around* Oh, never mind. ???:[b]Hi Shinobi..[/b] Shinobi: Who is this? Show yourself! Hope: Who are you talking to? ???: [b]This is the Legendary you've wanted since you were 12[/b] Shinobi: Lugia? Lugia: [b] Yea, it's me. Come to the center of the clearing, i will meet you there.[/b] Shinobi: Lugia.. Ok. Shinobi walks to the center of the clearing. Lugia: [b]Now, look up. When you look back down, i will be next to you[/b] Shinobi does it, and hears a thud. He looks over, and sees Lugia standing next to him. Lugia: [b]I understand you want to catch me. I will let you, but only if you promise to never abuse me, and to never put me in a pc box.[/b] Shinobi: Ok, Lugia. Lugia:[b]Ok, you may catch me[/b] Shinobi pulls out one of his master balls, and catches him.
OOC: I thought it was like 30 or 45, 'cause it would probably take 15 to search the shipalone. And, it wasn't just Hope missing. Read my thoguhts before i talked about Hope. IC: Shinobi stops sobbing about 3 minutes afterwards. Shinobi: Oh, look at me. I'm too soft. Will: *kknocks on the door* Hey, can i come in? Shinobi: Just a sec *clears his eyes*. Yea, you can. Will: I think I know where she is. But, she's coming back, don't worry.
Shinobi: *overhearing what bremma said* A total tie is what happened here. We both had the same amout of 'points', as you could call them, when we finished the pokemon battle. Bremma; Yea, it makes sense now.. Shinobi: Well, Seion, will you join us? We're going to a new pokemon league, as soon as we get the rest of the Legendaries. Seion: Yea, but i got dibs of Zapdos, unless one of you all has called him, then we can battle to find out who gets it. Shinobi: No-one wants Zapdos *to himself* Don't know of anyone who would...
Shinobi: get out there! Seion: *without seeing what Shinobi called out* Go Electabuzz! The Pokeballs fly to the center of the clearing, then pore(sp) out a red light. The light then forms into 2 pokemon. One looked almost human, just yellow with blask thundebolts on his arms. The other looked kinda like a cross between a cat and a dog. Espeon: [b]Well, Electabuzz. Nice to meet you[/b] Electabuzz: Buzz, Electa Buzz Buzz! Espeon: [b]What manners...[/b] Shinobi: Start it with a Psybeam! Seion: Thunderpunch, Electabuzz!! Espeon's eyes start to glow an eire(sp) blue, and suddenly electabuzz glows blue, too. Electacbuzz trys to fight it with a Thunderpunch, but Espeon holds him at bay with his psycic powers. Hope: (to herself) Well, this will be one sided... Seion: Body Slam, Electabuzz! Break the currnt! Shinobi: Now, Nite-Shade! Espeon uses a Nite-Shade to slowly weaken it, and Elecabuz pulls off a body slam on him. After about a minute, Electabuzz can barely walk, so Shinobi has Espeon stop. Shinobi: Now, finish it! Psycic! Seion: Quick, while he's powering up! A few quick Thunderbolts!! The Thunderbolts hit Espeon at the same time the Psycic hits Electabuzz. Espeon: [b]So woosy(sp)...[/b] Electabuzz: Buzz, Buzz, Electa... They both fall down at the same time. Hope: Neither pokemon can battle!! Both are rewarded with a half a win! Th match is a complete tie!
Seion: Go, Heracross!! Shinobi: Get out there! In the center, the pokeballs opened. A red light pored out of the pokeballs, forming into 2 pokemon. One looked like a huge beetle, and the other looked like a dog with a wrip-like tail. It howled, and the bug started hovering just above the ground. Shinobi: Crunch, Houndoom! Seion: Heracross, go higher! Heracross goes high sbove the clearing, and Houndoom misses. Heracroos just flutters around up there, with Houndoom watching him. Shinobi: If i had switched them up, and used houndoom in the first battle, Umbreon could Feint Attack his way up there...(to himself) (to Seion) You know, that if you have him do that, we could go all night and all day. If he lands, he's mince meat. Take your choice. Either way, I win this. Seion: How do you figure!? Shinobi: Well, if he stays up there, he'll get tired and have to land either on the ground, or in a tree. If he touches a tree, he's disquallified. Get it? Sion: Oh, ok. Land, Heracross. Shinobi: Now, Houndoom! Crunch, then Fire Blast! As soon as Heracross lands, Houndoom is all over him. He cruncvhes him repeatedly, then gives him a huge Fire blast while he's standing on him. Heracross trys to wuard off the attacks, but he was fliped up-side down. He falls down, and stops moving. Hope: Heracross is unable to battle1 The wound goes to Shinobi! Shinobi: your Heracross didn't stand a chance.
Shinobi is now a nervous wreck. He's looked throught-out the beach, the ship (exept the trainer's rooms), and throught-out the forest. All he found was a few new pokemon, which he captured. So, he headed back to the ship. Shinobi: Man, where is she? *goes into the room, grabs head phones, and sits down. Shinobi starts thinking, with thoughts running through his head.* Shinobi: [i]Cristina...Love...Hate...Eleanor...Spikes...Spin-Out...Barrel-roll...Fender...Axel...Torn Out...Tre...Killed...Crash...Drunk...Loner...Mad...Hope...Like... Love...Missing..Sad...Dead...*thoughts race through his head to fast to be understood*[/i] Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Houndoom: Hound!? Shinobi: Espeon, translation 9sobbing now) Espeon: [b]He asked what's wrong[/b] Shinobi: (yelling so loud everyone on the ship can hear him) EVERYTHING!!!!!*Hits the table next to him, and starts sobbing* Maybe I should have gave her room.. Maybe i shouldn't have...I should have done something...(semi-crying now)
Wrong again, if i remember correctly...
OOC: Sorry. I will do the next one, Blanko. Promise.... IC: Shinobi: Umbreon, Feint Attack.. Seion: Magmar, Flamethrower when he appeers in front of you! Umbreon runs at Magmar, then dissapeers. He appeers behind Magmar, then turns around and Takles him. Magmar shot a Flamethrower at where Umbreon should have been, but it missed. Shinobi: Ok, Bite him on the neck! Seion: Turn around and Slash! Magmar spins around and claws at Umbreon before he can bite him, but Umbreon decides to bite his hand. Shinobi: Ok, next up, Body Slam! Seion: Tuck and Roll! Umbreon jumps back about 10 ft., then charges at Magmar. Right before he hits, though, Magmar moves, and Umbreon goes flying past him, skidding almost to the edge of the clearing. Shinobi: Watch it, come back! Seion: Magmar, slash him out of the clearing...! Magmar charges at the slightly dazed Umbreon, and starts slashing at him. Umbreon dodges the first few, but gets hit by the next 3, throwing him to the very edge of the clearing. Shinobi: mbreon, jump out of the way, and go above him! Seion: Flamethrower him when he gets above you! Umbreon does a Feint Attack, and appeers above Magmar. Magmar looks up, and eads him with Flamethrower. Umbreon walks right into it, and lands again right on the edge. Seion: Now, Magmar, finish it while he's down! Flamethrower! Magmar does a Flamethrower at the still-down Umbreon, knocking him out of the clearing. Hope walks onto the battle field. Hope: Umnbreon is out of the clearing. Shinobi: Man, you've got to be kidding me. He isn't even under a tree! Seion: Yes, return Magmar! Shinobi: Well, return Umbreon. Sorry buddy. Hope walks off the batle field.
Shinobi: Wait, i just saw Hope walk on here, where'd she go? Will: She's gone somewhere, i can't locate her... Shinobi: *calling out the door* HOPE!! HOPE!!
Shinobi: Have you seen them? And, we are here for a mission. Why should we hep you? Hope: He's almost alwats like that (whispering to Shinobi) What's your problem? Pokemon's lives are at stake here! Shinobi: (whispering back) Well, none of them have been killed yet, right?
Shinobi: [i]she won't open to me, or anyone. I wonder why...[/i] Well, let's get going. Hope: [i]Well, they think i won't open to anyone. We'll see...[/i]
Shinobi puts on the new shirt. Shinobi: Well, exactly the same size. How'd you know? Hope: *points to her head* Remembering. Very easy, once you've lost most of your memory from an incident. Shinobi: True. But, i can't beleive you knew exactly what type of cd player to get,.. and these cds are so old, there, well, they're- Hope: Oblsolite? You wouldn't beleive what obsolite cds my brother has..
Wrong, BogCajones. Higher than that......If i remember correctly..
Shinobi: Well, i was just hopeing.... *sulks back* Hope: Hey, what's wrong? Shinobi: Nothing. We got Pokemon to discover, let's go. Hope: No, there's something. What is it. Shinobi: Well, that's how i catch most of my pokemon. I nkow it's cheap and easy, but still. Hope: Well, your right in a way. You don't know where they live, or how they act, so you get another pokemon to help.
Shinobi: How come you were on a Dragonite, yet you never talk about him. Hope: What are you talking about? Shinobi: You know what i'm talking about. Hope: Ok, ok. Don't be so touchy. Shinobi: Well, sometimes i am. But don't change the subject. Hope: Ok, ok. He's my fathers.
Ok, Ant, you in.....
Shinobi:That Dragonite i saw, could that have been Hope's Dragonite? I didn't know she had a Dragonite. But, if so, why did you get on the Rapidash until she got out of view? Now i know i'm confused... Ryan: That is wierd. Why would she want to hide the fact that she has a Dragonite?
Suddenly Shinobi get's a Spongebob-like grin. Hope: What..? Shinobi: If there's one of them things, there's bound to be another. Think he could lead us to them...? Hope: Why? Shinobi: Well, if there's new pokemon, i'm all over it. I have a goal of getting 1 of every type of pokemon on this island. It would help if he showed us to some more new ones.
Shinobi: Well, i found the shirt. *holds it up, and looks at Ryan throught one of the many holes in it* Ryan: Hehe Shinobi: I don't find that funny. I wonder where Hope is going. *pulls out the cell phone, and calls her*
Your wrong, Solo. It's not 9.