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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Shinobi: I wouldn't have clled them things out even if i still had them on me. They'd probably fight more. Did anyone hear what name they were saying? Will: I sure didn't.. Shinobi: Good thing i have good memory, it was for the girrafe: Cyclonic. And, for the croc: Cronicle Will: Thanks.
  2. Shinobi: Now, pokeball go!!! The pokeball flys at the pokemon, and it goes in it. It shakes once, twice, them pops out. Shinobi: Man, what does it take... Houndoom, Crunch again!! Houndoom: Hound!! *Howls, then jumps on the Crocodile's back, then lands a crunch on his neck* Shinobi: Now, let's try this again, pokeball go!!! The pokeball captures it, and it shakes once, twice, 3 times, Shinobi: Cuaght! Now, it's time to put them into the Exploration box on my pc...
  3. When there's a sell at the Celadon mall, when he almost caught a pokemon, when he wants a rematch, and when he's been training 1 of his pokemon! my q: How many Brothers and Sisters does Brock have?
  4. Shinobi looks up from picking up the stuff. Shinobi: Woa, look at the Dragonite! I wish i could catch him... Shinobi gets back to work. He finds his bag, and looks in there. Shinobi: Well, there's the portible tv,....and the dvd player, ouch. Man, i wish i hadn't have brought them.... I lost everything, everything, *yelling now,* EVERYTHING!!!!!!
  5. Shinobi: Houndoom, go!!! Shinobi throws out a pokeball, and out comes Houndoom. Shinobi: Houndoom, give the girrafe a crunch that he'll remember for ever! Houndoom: Hound!!! Shinobi: Pokeball go! *the ball shakes once, twice, three times* Caught! Now, hHoundoom, Crunch the Alligator!
  6. Shinobi: But, where are you going? Oh, girls.... So secretive. Now what am i going to do. Need a brand new CD player, some of the CDs are impossible to find, my food, my extra pokeballs, everything!!! Ryan: *walking up next to Shinobi* Ouch, you lost everything. Shinobi: Litterally, i ddon't even have a shirt now.
  7. Suddenly, a huge Pokemon burst threw the woods. Shinobi instintly pulls out a Great ball. Shinobi: Woa! The pokemon looks like a huge giraffe, but has 2 arms comingf out of it's neck. It looks like an evolved form of Girraferig. ???: Cyclo!!! Cyclonic!! nic nic!! (Psy-Clone-ic) Then, suddenly another pokemon comes chasing after it. It looks kinda like a crocodile, but bigger. ???: Cronicle, Cronicle! (Crow-Knee-Cool)
  8. Shinobi: Yea, your right. Come on everybody! Hope: Ouch.. Ryan: Everyones ok, nothing was damaged, i hope. Shinobi: Oh, man. I left my bag down there... Shinobi heads down to what used to be the clearing. He goes over to the part that he slept at, and fould stuff everywhere. All of it, his stuff.
  9. Aftr everyone ate, Shinobi suggested they go to bed. Hope: Good, i could use some sleep. Shinobi: Well, now the risk begins with your head injury. You may never wake up. I'll sleep over here, to both make sure your ok, and, well, just for comfort. Hope: Ok, if you say so. Shinobi goes across the clearing, grabs his bag and blanket (which is a queen size), threw half over Hopes sleeping bag, and pulled the other half over him. He then calls out al of his pokemon exept Charizard, and gets them sittuated around him. Shinobi: Good night everyone...
  10. Shinobi: Fine, the Cheeseburger is great. Of course, i would have done just as good... Hope: boys. Can you stop competing! Ouch... Shinobi: Don't yell. That makes it hurt even more. Ryo: Well, look at the love birds. Got to feed each other, don't you..? Shinobi: Watch it. I'm not good with the Hiratsu, but i know how to throw a boomerang... Hope: Ouch, can you 2 stop yelling... Shinobi: Sorry, here. *gives her some more food, then kisses her on the cheek*
  11. Shinobi: Well, i don't like fish... I'll just fix me some rice. Where did you find the stream? Bremma: That way, why? Shinobi: Well, you need water to fix white rice. Bremma: Oh, ok. Shinobi: And, it might be best for Hope to have rice, too. It's smaller, and she will have to lay down. It will be easyer to eat. Shinobi looks in his bag, pulls out a small pot, and gets the water from the stream. He fixes the rice, and gets 2 bowls out. Shinobi: Here, Hope. Let me help. Hope: I can do it. Hope starts to sit up, but her head hurts to much. Hope: On second though, ok. Shinobi eats some, then feeds Hope some.
  12. Shinobi: No, but i do have *pulls his bag in front of him* same insant rice (takes only 10 minutes in boiling water), some Hamburger patties, cheese, buns, ketchup, the works. Anyone want hamburgers and rice? :) Will: Ok, why not. Hope: Ok
  13. Shionbi: Well, we can keep that one up under the bandadges, 'cause if we take it off, i don't know how much it will bleed. Will: Yea, that's true. Bremma: Is she ok? Shinobi: I guess so. And, i hope so.
  14. Shinobi pulls out a pokeball. Shinobi: Can we catch 1? Rei: Sure. Shinobi: I'm going to do this the hard way for fun. Hope: How is that? Shinobi: Easy. Lure them into it. Come here, pokemon, come here... *gets close to it, then suddenly lightly pops it with the pokeball, activating the captureing mechanism* Yes. Hi, Suphie. Welcome to my family. *pulls out a lap-top, and acesses his pokemon pc. I'm going to put it in a new box, just for exploration pokemon.
  15. Shinobi: Oh, no!:eek: Rapidash, show me the way... Shinobi gets on Rapidash, and they get to Hope a minute later. Shinobi: Will, is she alright? *Stares at Will for a second, with a mean look on his face. Then, shakes his head and gets on his knees next to her, lifting her head up* Oh, she fell on a rock. Come on, Will, help me carry her back to the camp. I have some bandadges there. Unto then- *pulls of his shirt leaving his back and chest exposed* I'll put this around her head. Will: You really care for her, don't you? Shinobi: I guess. No, i know. Yes, i do. Let's put her on my Charizard. Go, Charizard! *Charizard shakes the ball, forcing it to fall off his belt. Charizard leans down so Shinobi can get on and hold Hope* Ride Rapidash back, Will. Will: Ok..
  16. Shinobi: I told you not to tick me off, and your on the edge. Will: So, go jump it. Shinobi hits him in the jaw, and blood trickles down Will's cheeck. Shinobi: I told you not to tick me off. But, you didn't pay attention. So go. Will: But- Shinobi: Just go, damn it.
  17. Shinobi: Come back. Charizard, fly to him and birng him back. I don't care if you have to grab him by his shirt collar. Go! Charizard flys over to Will, grabs him by his shirt collar, and carries him back. Shionib: I told you about my additude. Right now, your pushing it. Don't make me hurt you. Now stay!
  18. Shinobi: Now they talk about food,.. *get's up again* Go, Charizard! Charizard: Char! Shionbi: Start a fire, Charizard. Charizard easily starts a blaze on the pile of wood.
  19. Shinobi: Why are you sleeping in a tree? Hope: I know why. Shinobi: Why then? Hope: He's wierd! Shinobi: That's true,. Are you always sitting in a tree? Will sits there thinking for a sec.
  20. Shionbi: Well, i don't use a sleeping bag. I just use a blanket and Houndoom's side as a pillow. Plenty confy, 'cause the grass helps me sleep. Hope: Well, i never thought of using Houndoom as a pillow. Does yours mind? Shinobi: No, he likes it. And, normally my pokemon sleep next to me. It conforts them, and helps keep me warm. Of cause, i don't sleep with Charizard, that would be dangerous. Hope: Not a bad idea. Well, i'm always prepared. I have a sleeping bag.
  21. Shinobi: Please, can we do it tomorow? I don't feel like battling... Ryan: Your just scared on my Mewtwo. Shinobi: Haha, Lugia would kill Mewtwo just by doing Aeroblast. Ryan: What? Is that even a move? Shinobi: Yes, it's Lugia's ultimate attack. It's done like a Hyper Beam, but it's about 2 times stronger. I know what i'm talking about. Ryan: Ok, sorry. Man, talk about an attitude.. Shionib: I'm only like this when either 1, i want to sleep, 2, i'm busy, 3, your disturbing me, 4,i want to be alone, or 5, i'm thinking about my past. 'K?
  22. ~~flash-back cont.~~ Shinobi pulls a flat file and a switch-blade out of the cloth. Tre: Woa, that's Illigal, get it away from me! Shinobi: I've had this since i was 10. Tre: You ever got busted? Shinobi: The cops don't care. Shinobi uses the file to work the switch-blades' knife into the key hole. He turns it, and the door unlocks. Shinobi: Bingo! Let's fly. Now, Eleanor, you take care of me, i take care of you. Shinobi does the same tchnique to start the engine. Tre: Woa, check out the stereo system in here! Shinobi: Exelent! Eminem Show, here yougo, an awesome set of speakers.! Shinobi inserts it, and blasts the speakers. The car bounces from the bass. Tre: Let's fly, guy. Shinobi: Idiot, it's 'Let's ride clyd. Tre: Oh, ok. Shinobi puts it into gear, and drives it to Cristina's house. Along the way, he runs into cops, and he gets there as sun comes up. When he gets there, he maxes the music and blared the horn. Cristina: Hey, i've been waiting for you! Where have you been? Shinobi: You, your not proud of me? I was up all night stealing this car, and you don't even know how to drive it. I'm a little tired, a littlewired, and i think i deserve a little appreciation! Cristina: Oh well.. Shionbi: Uuuuuuh man, let's go Tre. *gets in the Viper, starts it up, and opens Tre's door again for him. Turns down the radio, yells a few cuss words at her, then drives off before she can yell bakc at him* ~~end flash-back~~ Shinobi opens his eyes, then shakes his head. Shionbi: Oh, those were the days. Hope: What? [i]so, he's had another girl friend, ok. No biggy. But, i wonder why he got the Viper for her?[/i]
  23. Shinobi: Well, it doesnt' matter, as long as you eat your fill. Shinobi finishes early, and sits back to think. ~~Flashback~~ A young Shinobi walks into a car garage with a kid. ??: Come on,you can't drive Eleanor at night. You couldn't handle him at mid day. Shinobi: Shut up, Tre. Tre.: Oh, snap. Check that out! *loking at a Dodge Viper GTS, painted bright yellow with 2 light-brown streaks down the middle* Shinobi: Homeboy got Pika on the liscense plate, painted bright yellow, has a painting of Pickachu's tail in the back, and the thunder cheeks on either side of the grill. Well, Pikachu gonna have to thundershock himself all the way to the bus-stop in the morning. Man, i wish i had Sneasle with me. Tre: Why you want this? Shinobi: Things are going bad between me and Cristina. I need to give her a gift. Tre: Ok. You got your kit with you? Shinobi: Yea *pulls a rolled up cloth out of one of his pockets.* ------------------------------------------ OOC: This is a flash-back of when i was a kid. I will finish it later, i got 2 go.
  24. Shinobi: Well, come on. I'll buy. Hope: I'll pay, but, if you say so... Shinobi: Well, come on. Hope: I'll talk to ya later, Silvia. Shinobi: Come on, Silvia. Any friend of Hope's definately a friend of mine. Silvia: No, you two go on. I'll go put my stuff up. Shinobi: K, if you say so... Shinobi and Hope go to the small resturant on the ship. They get a seat, and, of course, the menus. Shinobi: Well, get anything you want. I don't care. Hope: I don't know. If you want, you could order.. Shinobi: Well, ok. How about, Angel Hair Pasta with Alfredo Sauce. Does that come with the Rolls and that wierd looking but great tasting cheese? Waiter: Yes, it does. ! for each? Hope: Yes. and, a tea with just a little ice. Shinobi: I guess i'll get a Cherry coke if you got one. Waiter: And, miss, do you want a lemon with that? Hope: Yea, why not?
  25. Shinobi: Well, is that all? Hope: Yea, i guess... Come here, Rapidash. Hope and Shinobi get on, with Hope in the front. Shinobi puts hisa arms around her waist and head on her shoulder again. They ride back to the pond, then Shinobi calls out Houndoom. Shinobi: Houndoom, track their sent. Houndoom: Hound! *howls*
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