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Everything posted by Nate
Shinobi pulls out his CD player, and starts it. Espeon: [B]What song are you listening to, Shinobi?[/B] Shinobi; Well, what do you think? It's the only one i've listened to since i met Hope. It holds true to me. Espeon:[B]Oh, yea, that '2.B.A. Master'. Seriously, Shinobi, I think your the onlt one that even has that cd.[/B] Shonbi: Well, Misty's Song on there holds true to me and Hope. You know that. Espeon: [B]I guess....[/B] Shinobi: Oh why should anything so easy ever be so hard to do..*singing along with the song kinda* *raises the volume up to max, and activateds Bass Boost, and now all the pokemon can hear it throught his headphones* But i can't pretend that i... feel for you.. the way i do.... can't you see.... I want to tell you what i'm feeling, but i don't know how to start, I...... *looks down at his Houndoom, and continues to sing*
Shinobi: Ok, i'll take you on. This will be easy. 3-on-3? Will: Ok. My name's Will. Shinobi: Are you related to the Elete Four Wiil? Will: Yes, i am. Shinobi: Ha, your brother's a push-over. I beat him using only my Houndoom and Tyranitar. But, i' only going to have to use Houndoom now. In case your wondering, it was a long time ago... Hope, want to watch me cream this guy? -------------------- OOC: Xra, let Blanko type it. She's very good, leaves no detail out. Is that ok, Blanko?
Ok, i get who Latios and Latias is... Thanks.
OOC: Actually, i'm on all the time. Just, i'm not in favor of getting up at 3 am to post. ------------------- Shinobi: Actually, i've known who i want, and he knoes i want him. I've wanted him since i was like, 12, when i first saw him. He was awesome. Xion, Ryan; Oh, yea, who is he? Shinobi: Lugia. He's flying, and Physic, and can do lightning, fire, and Ice attacks. He's the ultimate Pokemon. And he knows it. That's why he hides under water. I've seen him several times. He's told me why he hides, too. So know one can catch him. Exept for me, that is. Hehe.... What do you think, Hope? * Turns around ands sees Hope walking away* Hope, where are you going?!
on the rpg, or where is the rpg? Rpg is in the Adventure arena. We or in route to find the legendary pokemon Oh, you didn't list what legendary pokemon you wanted.
Will, your in. Thanks, meat us, don't go to the Celdaon Mall.
Sinobi: Yea, if they see him again, tell him to look for Shinobi. He knows me, i think. Bremma: Ok,i'll tell them.
Shinobi: Ok, thanks. I didn't think about when this would happen. I usually kepp a few potions, but, hey. Ok. Hope: Ok, come with me. They go back to her room, and she heals Houndoom. Shinobi: Thank you. Houndoom: Oom, Houndoom Shinobi: *laughs* and Houndoom thanks you. *looks around the room* Well, nice room. I think you got more room than me. Oh well. Still, this is nice. You need to see mine. It's kinda messed up. Of course, the pokemon didn't help, either. Well, um, well, oh! I need to check on the pokemon. Shinobi stands there for a sec, then goes to the door. He turns around and looks at Hope again. Shinobi: Thanks again.:love: Hope::therock: No problem. Shinobi: *Goes back to his room* Hey, everyone. *all his pokemon sorround him* Why didn't you wake me up when Houndoom left? And, houndoom, why did you leave? Houndoom: Hound... Shinobi: Espeon, translation. Espeon:[B]He said he doesn't know, he just felt this urge to leave. Hey, don't look at me. He really said that.[/B] Shinobi: Oh, Houndoom, it's ok. Wait, you didn't bark or anything until Crunch and me showed up. That's not like you. Wait, do you like Crunch? Houndoom: Hound, doom doom oom houndoom. Espeon:[B]He said, 'why should i tell you? Oh, yea, your my master, so i should. Yes, i do like her. Just like you like her trainer.[/B] Shinobi: Ok, Houndoom.
Shinobi: Wait. Who should we get first. I think the Dogs, 'cause they don't have a set place. What do you all think?
OOC: Well, are we going to get them? I've waited 2 days, no posts
Shinobi: Wait, Hope, did you say something? Hope: Oh, never mind. Shinobi: No, what did you say?
Shinobi has prtty much looked everywhere. That is, exept for the other rainer's rooms. And, he wouldn't go there. So, he looked again. Shinobi: Well, maybe Hope could help, or at least her Houndoor. *goes to where he last saw hope. When he sees her, he stands there for a minute, staring, and thinking of what to say* Uh, Hope? My Houndoom is somewhere on the ship. Can you or your Houndoor help? Hope: Huh? Oh, i guess. Go to my room, knock, and when Houndoor comes, tell him what's wrong. He'll help. Shinobi: Thanks, Hope. *goes to the room* *knocks* Houndoor: Hound, Door, door, houndoor. *Howls* Shinobi: Hey, boy. Hope said for me to get you to help me find my Houndoom. You met him, remember? Houndoor: Hound *nods* Shinobi: Ok, come on... They look through-out the ship, but can't find anything. Then, Shinobi remembers Houndoor's sent smelling nose. Shinobi: Hey, Houndoor, can you smell him? It was a few days ago, but you should still know what he smells like. Houndoor starts sniffing, and finds his scent. He goes towards the back of the boat, where the dock is. He goes down the dock, and to the small part of trees that sorrounds the dock. Shinobi: He's somewhere out here? *Houndoor barks 'yes'* Houndoom! HOUNDOOM!! Houndoom: (very faint) Hound......:help: Shinobi: Houndoom, is that you!? Oh, god..... Houndoom! *Houndoom is laying in a heap. He has obviously lost a finght with a wild pokemon* Oh, god, Houndoom, are you ok? Please, speak to me. Houndoom: Hound...... Shinobi: Come here, i'll take you to the Pokémon Center in town. Houndoor, go back to Hope and tell her to tell Dr. Terry not to leave with out me, and, Houndoor, watch my pokemon... *returns Houndoom, and starts running to the town*
Shinobi: Well, hold on. I met the dogs a long time ago. Bremma, you were there. Remember, when Team Rocket clones Mewtwo? i was stil a loner, and had a bad aditude problem. Let me check my lap top, find out where they are. But, i can tell you now, don't need to check it. Want me to say. Ryan: Ok, o' fearless leader..... Shinobi: Ok, we know that Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno are at their islands in the Orange Island. It's rare they leave. We can get them together, and Bremma can tell them not to fight. Then, Lugia will come out, because they are together. He's mine, ok!? Now, Mewtwo and Mew are probably at New Island. That's Mewtwo's hide-away. Burnt Tower has Ho-Ho. Ilex Forest has Celi-be. Ok? Now, let's get going. Hope: Maybe he's right..., Maybe he's wrong,...
Ok, James. sorry.
OOC: Who is Treeko and Latrio? ------------------------------ Shinobi: Woa, where am I? Oh, yea, on the ship. What time is it? *looks at the clock in his room, and sees it's 12 midnight.* Oh, i need to get up. I've had more than enough sleep. Time for thought-sleep. *gets up slowly, as to not disturb his sleeping pokémon* Shinobi sits down in a chair, closes his eyes, and starts thinking. [I]I wonder if Hope likes me? She said she needs to get to know me more, but you know girls. They hide their feelings. I wonder what pokemon are on the new continent. I hope there are alot new ones. Hopefully another 100! That would be something to brag about. e catching all 100 pokemon on thte island. Good thing i brought alot of pokeballs. And, if needed, i could access some more on my pc box. I wonder where the new continent is? I hopw it isn't at the bottom of the ocean. If so, i need to switch my Charizard, Houndoom, and Dugtrio out for some water or Electric types! I wonder......[/I]Goes on thinking, until around 3 am. Shinobi: *finally opens his eyes* Man, that felt good.You know, that's the easiest way to release your feelings. Northing better, huh Houndoom? Houndoom? Hello, houndoom, i know your awake. *turns around and looks at the bed, where all the pokemon are. They are all there, exept Houndoom* HOUNDOOM!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!? Shinobi looks at the door and sees it's open enough for Houndoom to come out. He gos out and starts searching the ship for Houndoom.
Shinobi: Well, i wasn't normally a loner, i was allways a loner. That is, until Expedition (It's another Pokemon rpg). So, i'm used to being alone or in groups. And, besides, we can be safe once we get the legendarys. They should be stronger than any thing else on there. [I]I hope/[/I]
Shinobi: Hey, why don't you come up here? I know, you are a loner. I was one, too. I know it's hard. Don't worry. You'll get used to it. Hope: Yea, i guess. Hey, i didn't know you were a loner! Shinobi: I was, until the last expedition. Then, i had to team up, like you. I never said anything because no one asked me about my past.
OOC: If it's in italics, it's when he's thinking. ------------------------------------------------------- Shinobi: Man, i still can't believe it. I know i had that in the bag. What went wrong.........? Well, i better head back to the ship. Shinobi goes back to his room and calls out all of his pokemon. Shinobi: Well, good battle everyone. Sorry everyone couldn't battle, but i could only use 3. Man, your the only true friend i have right now. Exept for Hope, and that's a maybe. Well, i'm used to it. I just don't think i can last in agroup like this for to long. I'm a loner, not a group-y. Houndoom: Hound, doom hound. Shinobi: I know, hound. I know we are a group. But, i'm talking about a person group. [I]It's weird. I don't lke being around people, but Hope's different. She's more doctile. I don't know why, but i'm drawn to her, like a Pikachu to a Lightning stone. I know i need to do it. But, i'm reluctant. I like it how i am. But i know it's a course of life. I hae to do it. Wel, what if i don't stay in this group? What if i go off and stay there after they leave the new continent? I don't know, and i might find out......[/I] Shinobi lays down and falls alsleep with all his pokemon around him Exept for Dugtrio, who is (of course) a mole. :sleep ------------------------------------------------------- OOC: The person in the middle, with the hair up, is almost like me. Just, make her a boy and with white hair. [IMG]http://www.gojiita.net/perl/show.pl?img=tenchi_35.jpg[/IMG]
Shinobi: Well, i knew this would be easy. Only 2 more to go.... I hope we can do it. But, that was smart, Charizard! Trapping them i glss, nice technique. Need to remember to fight on the sand more. Well, let's go! Hope: I was ready to go along time ago.
Shinobe: But, they know we are on it. What if they delet the files from it? Then we couldn't get into them. Right? David: I know Team Rocket. Remember, my dad? Oh, well, you might not know, but. *tells the story* Shinobe: Oh, ok. I didn't know that. David: Well, put it this way, Team Rocket is the smartest team of Pokémon stealers. You know that, right? Shinobe: Yea, that's true. If so, that stupid guy, what's his name, Ash, wouldn tr have defeated them. He's stupid. All those times he let the pokemon go. Like, when the Diglett and Dugtrio were destroying the dam, don't you thing he could have caught 1? Did he? No. That proves it.
Shinobi: Yea, i guess (to himself) man, i thought this was going to be a sinch. Oh well, i'll still win.
Shinobi: Well, do you want to battle? Just, no using the Hiatsu, ok? Hope: Ok, hehe. I don't use that in Pokemon battles. That's mean. They batle, using 3 pokemon. First is Houndoom vs. Sneasle, with Houndoom wining. Then, it's Houndoom vs. Raichu, with Raichu winning. And, finally, it's Raichu Vs. Dugtrio. Hope: Raichu, Quick attack!! Shinobi: Dig to block!!! Hope: Jump high, Riahcu to block it! Then, Thunderbolt!!! Shinobi: Haha! you know Thonderbolt won't affect Dugtrio! Dugtrio, just stay there! *After the Thunderbolt, Raichu is panting slightly* Dugtrio ,Magnitude! Dugtrio: Trio Trio Trio Trio!! (magnitude 4) *Hits Raichu, nocking him bakc* Shinobi: Now, finish with an Earthquake!! Dr. Terry: Stop this, now!!! You don't fight on this ship! Do you want to sink it before we even leave!?
Shinobi: Well, now we are getting a master ball to help us catch the Legendaryies. Want to help us? We will be using then Legendaries to help us on the new area. Bremma: Oh, ok. I'll help. But, when we get them, i want Articuno.
Shinobi: Hey, Ryan, are we there yet? Ryan: About. Ah, there it is! He's a friend of mine. I know he'll loan me some masters. I hope.
Shinobi: Well, i like to train pokemon. Normally i have at least 1 battle a day. I just don't feel like batlting todya, though