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Everything posted by Nate
SHinobi: Hey, Hope. Going the wrong way, huh? You don't want to be with us? If you come with me, we can do the Kirby dance! *Hope's face get's red* Hopr: Come back here! *grabs the hietsu (the boomerang, sorry if i got it wrong) and runs after them swinging at them*
Shinobi: Thanks for letting me now what she said, espeon. *gets back on Houndoom, and comes back* So, do you have enough good pokeballs to catc all of these: Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Lugia, Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Celi-be, Ho-Ho, Mew, Mewtwo, an Mew? Hope: All but 1. Will that do? Shinobi: Well,.... let's go get a master ball from him.
Shinobi: Well, uhm, i wanted to make sure you were al right. But, i should have thought, with your pokemon and the boomerand (i can never remember that name), i should have let you handle it. But, hey, we're all kinda family, rigt? So, you wouldn't use a boomerang on me, would you? *jumps on Houndoom and starts riding him back towards the town.
Well, we know the birds are at the orange islands, at Fire, Ice, and Lightning. Mewtwo is probably at long island, w/ mew along side. When we get the birds together, Lugia will come out. We ahve theis covered.
Shginobi: Well, i figured that we may be leaving now, but i want to check something first. And, i wanted to prank you. Shinobi: Let me get Espeon to see if anyone is comming. Espeon: Espy, Esp Espeon. [b]yes, there is one[/b] Shinobi: Ok, yet's wait until then.
Shinobi: Ok, here. My treat. Hope: Thanks, Houndour, you weant some? Here, *produces a bowl and puts it on the ground. Pours some in it, than drinks the rest. MMMMM, that was good. Shinobi: Want anouther? I got enough money.... Hope: No, thanks. I'll be right back. *Walks off* Shinobi: Hah, she's obviously nuts about me... Espeon: [B]Yea, right. She doesn't care about you. I can tell. She's got something else on her mind. Someone else, maybe. *smiles* Hehehehehe.[/B]
Shinobi: (out of nowhere) Well, you won't have to worryt about that soon. We will be under water at noon. But, first, i need to find the legendaries. Hope: Ok, why do we need them? Shinobi: I have no idea what pokemon are dow there. I don't know how strong they are. Hope: And, he, how will we be down there. I don't have gills you know. Shinobi: Have you ever seen Star Wars: Episode I? Take Jar Jar Binks' home, and bingo! You've got it. Hope: Ok. Shinobi: Houndoom, give the loadest howl you can. *He does, it practically breaks Ryan's ear drum* Ryan: Ouch! How come you don't hurt? Shinobi: He's mine, i hear it all the time. You get used to it. Xion: (running up to them) (paanting) What's wrong? Are you ok, Hope? Lord knows your boooyfriiend would have a fit! Shinobi: Houndoom, crunch! Houndoom: Hound! *howls, then jumps* Xion: Sorry, get this dog off of me!! Shinobi: Oh, but, it's time for the final attack! Xion: Oh, no, don't please, please, please please, please please....... Shinobi: (smilrking all the way) Houndoom, Poop!!!! Ryan: HAHA! HE GOT YOU BAAAAAAAD!
Shinobi: Where'd she go? I can't find her..... Ryan: Oh, i see her. Go Gligar! Follow then, and leave a sent. Gligar: Gli, Gli Gar!
Sinobi: Where is she going? Ryan: I say let's follow her. Xion: (comming out the door) Hey, what's going on? Shinobi: Sush! Be quiet! No, Ryan, you and me. Xion, you stay here and eat. It anthing goes wrong, i'll have Houndoom howl. Ok? Xion: Ok, if you say so. Shinobi: (whispering) Now, if she sees us, we need to get back here, and act like we were eating all along. Ok? Ryan: Ok. They creap up to a corner. Shinobi: Hold on...... Ok, she's rounded the other corner. I wonder who that guy is?
Shinobe: So, it's saying we should attack her on sight, or that they should attack her on sight? I'm not sure... (Sorry for the short post. I think that Takuya should answer, that way we know it's correct. And, what does 'OOC:' mean?
You know you don't have Artincuno right off, right? I'd pick a 6th pokemon to last until we get him. After that, your in.
Shinobi: No problemo, (He does speak a very little spainsh) but i over-heard what you said. What was it about? Hope: I'd wather not say. Ryan: I wonder why Xion isn't up yet? Shinobi: Hey, he went swimming. Give him some time. You know, Hope, we will be like family, kinda. If you have a problem, tell us. You don't have to as a group. Ok?
Shinobi sees the worried expression. Shinobi: Oh, what a cute sneasal? What book was that in his hand? Can i see it? Hope: Well, i'm not sure. Shinobi: Well, ok. Hey, Ryan, Xion, and Ryo, you sure have been quiet. Why? Xion: why break up the lover's lock? Shinobi: WHAT!? Hey, Hope, can i borrow the boomerang?
Shinobi: You don't have to hide the book cover. I've seen it before. It's pretty good. You write good. Hope: Oh, thanks. (blushes) Shinobi: Well, um, well, do you want a drink? My treat? And, the pokemon could have 2, too.
Shinobi: Hi, did you come because of the message? Ryan: Yes, i did. Shinobi: did you see a girl down there? Ryan: Yea, why? Shinobi: Well, she's here for it, too. I'll call down and ask for them to escort her up.* He does, and a minute later, there is a knock on the door* Yea, come in. Hope: I was told to come up here. *Shinobi blushes at the sight of her* Shinobi: Well, come in. It's been a long time since i've seen you. I've missed you, Hope.I'll explain everything. (he explains it to them) Hope: Okay, i'm willing to do it. When will we go? Shinobi: Well, i figured we'd wait 'til tomorow and stay here. That would give the others enought time. Do you have any money? If not, i'll pay. Hope: Ok, if you don't mind. (blushes slightly)
me and blanko have been working on it.
they were posted in 2 completely different DAYS, how could they be double posting?
just letting you know, could i change it to Shinobi? I posted that accidently on the rpg itself.
only 1 thing, what r their attacks. Not trying to be rude, but it's in the rules. Fix that, and your in.
Shinobi: Oh, wait, what if someone else shows up? I sent more invitations. Ryo: He's right. Maybe we should wait. Or at least leave a note. Shinobi: Yea, i'll be right back. *Runs up to the roof, and leaves a message saying 'if you read this message, come to the hotel 4 blocks east of here. Ask for either: Shinobi, Rei, or Xion. Thanks!
David: Rei, Bremma, follow him. Rei: Why? He knows where we are, and where to go. David: Just in case. I have a feeling.
Shinobi: Wel,, uhm, well, is there anyone else here? :love: Espeon:[B]Come on, just admit it. You know you like her.......[/B] Shinobi: Hey, that's not true!:blush: Hope: He-he. Your Espeon must have forgot that when he speaks to you, everyone in the area can here it.... ------------------------------------------------------- Oh, when it's in bold, [B]like this[/B], it means, it's told through telepathy. ------------------------------------------------------- Hope: There's another trainer here, she's called Rei. She's in her room, though. I guess alot of people like Houndoor or Houndoom, one or the other....
ok, anyone want to join? And, when you join, give a description of yourslef, and list the pokemon on your pc. Oh, pc, if you want to go to the RPG itself, go to this link: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20926[/url]
Shinobi: Hey, let's look around. Houndoom walks out, then gos around the corner in front of Shinobi, and walked right into a Houndoor. Houndoom: Hound! *howls, then runs back behind Shinobi's leg* Shinobi: Hey, your a Houndoom, not a Goldeen. Come out. Hope puts the book down and walks over to Crunch. Shinobi: Oh, hi. I don't think we have met yet. I'm Shinobi.