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Everything posted by Nate
David: Oh, so they are training it by using anger. We need to get the other legendaries. Shinobe: What, your getting to birds to help? Davbid: No, the dogs. We have got Suicune, and we are finding the others. Rei: Hey, we've found Raikou! David: Did you tell him why we need him? Rei: Suicune did. David: Ok, 2 down, 1 to go. Raikou: (through the translater) Are you looking for Entei? I know where he is, we were going to meat in a few minutes. I could go get him. David: Ok, can you do that? Thanks.
Shinobi walks up to a room, but sees the nameplate doesn't have his name. Shinobi: Man, where is it. Houndoom howls and Shinobi comes to him. Shinobi: Thanks *opens the door, and goes in. Puts his stuff down, then goes to the deck* Go, everyone else. *drops 2 :ball:s and out comes a Charizard and Dugtrio comes out.
Name: Shanobi Zoid: Raptoroid
oh, ryo, when we get the legendary, we choose one of the pokemon to put in the pc.
Shanobi juimps off of his Charizard. He calls him back into his :ball:, and runs to the Celadon Mall. Shanobi: Man, i hope they haven't left yet. He gets to the elevator, but decides to take the stairs. He runs to the roof, and is happy to see 2 people standing in the corner he put on the message to meat at. Shinobi: Hi, sorry i'm late. I was the one who sent out the message. Xion: So, the government didn't? Or pokemon hq? Why? Is this a private thing? Shinobi: No, i was the one who discovered it. Only i and a few others nkow. I have the right to search and mark it, and discover the pokemon. I have a form signed by the head of Pokemon hq, he said to keep it confidential. Ryo: Ok, where are we going? Shinobi: Well, it's, uh, on the bottom of the ocean. *Xion falls down* ------------------------------------------------------- nobody make plans to leave let. I will show you to your rooms firsty, then hopefully some more people will join before we go.
Ok, i did that because it would cut down on confusion. You know, right? But, ok. Anyone else?
A trainer walks up to the dock. Dr. Terry: Hi, 'm Dr. Terry. Who are you? ???: I'm Shinobi Dr. Terry: Hi, Shinobi, can i see your form? Shinobi: *flashes the filled out form* Dr. Terry: Ok, you may get on the boat. There are a few people there already. Shinobi calls out his Espeon, Umbreon, and Pidgeot. Espeon: [B]Hi, Shinobi. I'm hugry, got anything to eat?[/B] *Uses psycic power to open up his bag. grabs a sandwich and starts eating. Pidgeot swopps down and snatches the sandwich, and finishes it. Umbreon:[B]Hey, give that back! You can't- Oh, you've ate it. Brother, you can slam him into the ocean if you want.[/B] Espeon:[B]Ok, if you say so......[/B] *Starts glowing blue* Shinoi: Hey, stop that! Pidgeot, return. Go, Houndoom! *throws out a :ball: and a dog-like pokemon comes out. Come on, let's find our room.
Ok, i'll gbo to it now. But, hey, i would looooove to get some So, if you get like 5 for birthday presents, Christmas, etc. send me one!:sara:
mine: Tyranitar Venusaur Dugtrio Gyarados Aerodactyl Jolteon Flareon Arcanine Rapidash Fearow Beedril Pickachu Scyther Scizor Ditto
Lan21013 Ryo your in post a list of pokemon on your pc if you can, that way we know what pokemon we will have.
Meanwhile, Shinobe has finish fixing the system. Shinobe: David, i'm done! David: Ok, i'll check on the clones' power. ---------------- Sorry for the short post, i'm working on my RBG, Pokemon: Johiko league. Join it if you can, please!
Ryo is correct, i put these down as legendary: Mewtwo Mew: ryo Ho-Ho Suicune: Lan21013 Entei Raiku Zapdos Moltres Articuno Lugia: Me Pick 1 or the other, please.
Pokemon: Johiko League Now calling all :ball: trainers!!! With the mirecles of science, we have found a new landmass where :ball: have run abundant! There are many new types of :ball: have been found, but there are almost no humans. We must colonate this new area, and make it the best ever! Post here with your: Name: First, if you want last Age: No-one under 14 Gender: Favorite Type: Pokemon: You must list 6 pokemon, and try to stay away from big :ball: (CaughTyranitarCaugh), because they chew throught your food supply (litterally!). You must list all 4 of their moves, and you must list 4 of them. They must be ones that they or their pre-evolved forms can learn, so no tms! You can use hms to gain surf, cut, etc. Apperance: hair color, eye color, clothes, necklaces, etc. What your good at: Computers, a trainer (won a league tornament), communication (you can understand pokemon, and pokemon can understand you. On the 'what your good at', only 1 person can pick it, until all positions are filled, the we repeat. Only Trainer can have more than 3, then they are considered filed towards restarting. Pokemon rules: Only pokemon numbered 1-250 are allowed, so no ruby pokemon, unles you pm me with their info, attacks, types, and weakness/resistance. There is a limit on Legendary pokemon. You must pick 1 of these: Ho-Ho, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Entei, Suicune, Raiku, Mewtwo, Mew, Celi-be. Lugia isn't on there because i have him:p You don't start with these, we catch them near the begining. They must have true attacks (no tombstoner, or electric lightning blast, etc.) If they can evolve (i.e Ivysaur, Diglett, etc.) They will later, when we neeeeed to. I'll tell you when. Each person will have a pc (on there, i'm not sending you one), you can have a tyranitar on there. Thats it! Here's mine Name: Shinobe (unknown last name) Age: 18 Gender: Male Specialty: All - plant Pokemon: Houndoom: Fire Blast, Crunch, Flamethrower, Headbutt Espeon: Confusion, Psybeam, Nite-shade, Teleport Umbreon: Bite, Persuit, Tsckle, sand-attack Charizard: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Fly, Body Slam Feraligatr: Surf, Water-gun, Hyer Beam, Hydro Pump Legendary Pokemon: Lugia: Psycic, Psybeam, Fly, Aeroblast I have a tyranitar on my pc. Apperance: White hair, red eyes, red lipes (albino), Black Jeans, Long red/Black/Gray/White Shirt, Gray necklace. Good at: Computers Oh, we will be discovering new pokemon, as we come up w/ the bios, they will be able to be caught. So, as we get the Johiko League area, the people who joined it will help me come up w/ bios. Thanks, and i need help populating and colonating it!
Shinobe: If you say so... Do you know alot about computers? David: Yea, kinda. Why? Shinobe: I used to have i very nice lap-top, but it's messed up. Can you fix it? Anyway, if you need, i can help you. I'm kinda good at computers, but, well, i can't fix them. David: good, i could use a little help. I only have 2 arms, not 6. Shinobe: Ok, just tell me how. They walk into the house, and Shinobe checks over the computer. David: In the batle i told you about, it got damaged. I couldn't fix it, and noone has gotten here that's good at them. I can't figure- Shinobe: Oh, i know this system! My dad was a computer guy, but i didn't like it. I still learned some stuff. Maybe I could fix it, or help you.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The trainer [/i] [B]Name: Shanoki Underwood Age: 17 Specialty: All -plant Description: White hair kinda like Jessies, Deep blue eyes, wears black jeans, long red shirt. Team: Dugtrio Houndoom Espeon Umbreon Charizard Pidgeot I guess he has the Tyranitar on the PC. Are you saying you will mail us lap-tops? 'Cause i would really like one........................... [/B][/QUOTE] Just letting you know, i changed it.
I've added on to it, just letting you know. So, check it and continue all!
------------------------------------------------------- I just joined, sorry i'm late. ------------------------------------------------------- Suddenly, another person walks up to the building. ???: "Man, this is a mess. I was supposed to meet here? So immoral....." He says to his Charizard. Dvid: Hey, whos that? ???: It's me. I got a message to come here. This is my Charizard. I have 5 more Pokémon, what to see them? Oh, my name is Shinobe. David: Oh, no, we don't have time. We'll see them in battle soon enough. Shinobe: Now, why am i here? It better not be a quiz, or something, or you will pay.... David: No, it's not that (Explains the story) Shinobe: Really? Well, I don't beleive you... David: It doesn't matter. Your here, and you don't have to beleive it, as long as you help. ------------------------------------------------------- Oh, forgot to mention, Shinobe has an aditude problem sometimes. Now, back to the RPG....... ------------------------------------------------------- David: Now, I need you to come in here. I'll tell you what to do in the safe- Shinobe: That's safe? I don't think so...... It looks like if my Pidgeot did a wirlwind, there would be no house....
Ok, i found it, i'm reading it to find out the chain of events.
Thanks. Now, this is the first time i've done this, what do we do next?
Name: Shinobe (unknown last name) Age: 15 Speialty: trainer Pokémon: Legendary Pokemon: Ho-Ho: Fire Wheel, Fly, Wing Attack, Peck Charizard: Fly, Body Slam, Fire Blast, Scratch Dugtrio: Dig, Scratch, Fissure, Earthquake Espeon: Physic, Psybeam, Scratch, Houndoom: Bite, Scratch, Fire Blast, Persuit Umbreon: Bite, Persuit, Tackle, Scratch Pidgeot: Steel Wing, Peck, Fly, Wirlwind Apperance: White Hair, Red Eyes, Black jeans, Long Red Shirt, Android 17's Bandana
Name: Shanoki Underwood Age: 17 Specialty: All -plant Description: White hair kinda like Jessies, Deep blue eyes, wears black jeans, long red shirt. Team: Dugtrio Houndoom Espeon Umbreon Charizard Pidgeot I guess he has the Tyranitar on the PC. Are you saying you will mail us lap-tops? 'Cause i would really like one...........................