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Everything posted by Nate

  1. Shinobi shto out of the cave, and into the open air. He saw the ice bridge, thing, and shot off to it. Hope was there, riding on her Lapras. Shinobi- *said as flying beside her* pretty effesiant(spelling) there, Hope. Hope- Yes it is. Shinobi- Going to Fire Island? Hope- Yes, i am. did you get the treasure? Shinobi- Yes, i did. Shinoni pulled a blue globe out, and tossed it to Hope. She caught it and looked at it. It had an image of a snow flake in it. She turned it in her hand, looking at it. Shinobi thought for a second, then snapped his fingers. Shinobi- Your a Jehovah's Witness, aint you?
  2. I have made several songs, and i am making a song for viola....which is basically a big violin.. but it sucks, so..heh. But, yes, i have mad several songs. One called 'White dove', and some raps, but that's behind me. Are any of you all that do gonna post them up?
  3. Shinobi shot over the ice bridge going to the chamber where the treasure lay. There stood David and Melody. Shinobi sighed. Shinobi- What...gonna tell me more of my faults, now? David- No, i am trying to talk sense into you. IT won't work..only Ash can do it, so there's no use in trying to get- Shinobi- Well at least i'm trying to do something, mr "i'm gonna sit on my little Charizard as he freezes to death and try to get some from this girl whos dry humping me from behind" So get out of my way. David- But there is no use, you have to beleive me. Shinobi- Ok mr ''I'm so smart that the whole world should bow down to me while i am being dry humped from behind", at least i'm trying. You are leting your Charizard freeze to death. David- He isn't freezing to death, Shinobi- Shinobi- Once again, you demonstrate your smartness, mr "i'm riding on a freezing charizard while i stop the world from being save and being dry humped from behind by the festival maiden'' So shut up. Shinobi then started flying, and shot over Charizard before they could react, and grabbed the ice treasure. He pulled on it until it poped out, then shot off, leaving David in there and Melody feeling quite...uhm...odd.
  4. OOC: Everything Takuya said is correct. IC: Shinobi- Oh...you don't mind if i ride? Hope- No Problem. Shinobi- Ok. You know Hope..you need to let her live a little. Hope- What do you mean? Shinobi- I heard you on the phone.....to much running around. Hope- Ok mr...uhm..smarty pants, when would you send her to safety. Shinobi- Simple, the first time a blast was shot at us. They continued talking for a while, until they got closer to the islands. Then, Shinobi bid farewell and jumped off Arcanine, and flew off to try to coect the treasure of ice island.
  5. Tad sat down at the family computer and turned on AIM. He opened up Comcast at the same time, covering the AIM box. He never thought to check it because of the time, 8 o'clock. He had an hour to go until she signed on. A dinging noise of sort made him jump. Very few people sent him a instant mesage any more, except for two people. One was at summer camp, and the other one wouldn't be on for about an hour. He practically leaped out of the chair from excitement when he saw who it was. IT WAS SASHA! He read it quickly. ''Well Well,..look who finally showed up''. He blinked, thinking of what to say. Maybe he should say something romantic. She knew he liked her, even though 3 time zones seperated them. Maybe he should say something kinda funny, like '/0 1 /\/\45 /\/\41t1/\| 4 '/4 |-|0/\/\13' You know..something crazy. About 4 other thougths came to him mind, and he settled with this. "I was on Anime boards looking at your beautiful picture, my love." Corny, he knew. But he said it anywy. His reply was merly a face: 0o. He chuckled to himself, and send her another reply saying he missed her. The continued chatting for a while, swapping plans on how they could bring her character back into an rpg he had made. After about a minute of no instand messages from her, he decided to open up a new subject: his banner. "Well..did you go and check my banner i made for you?" He asked quickly. "Yes, I did" She replyed quickly. "Well....waht do you think?" He typed quickly, without noticing the error. He instant messaged her again saying "what^". "..It's very good, concidering the program you are using." She said, with no comment of the mistake. Something odd, she usually said "Heh", or "HEHE", or something. He blinked at the computer screen. A little box said that she was typing something. He shot off typing, this time with no mistakes, this. "Well..are you gonna use it? Don't tell me you...you.." He sent it like that, for a little cliff-hanger. He could tell she was deleting the message she was about to send. A few seconds latter, she send a reply. "Don't tell you what?" "Don't tell me...DON'T TELL ME YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANY MORE!!!!!" He said jokingly, though he didn't say so. "You know that in able to love some one, you have to have known them CLOSELY for a while in able for that love to build, i find it kinda hard that that could happen over 3 time zones, eh?" "Sasha, you take things to seriously. OF COURSE IT CAN. Duh, you said it yourself." "Well....eh....." "Yep..caught ya, like Judge Mathis" "0o....ok....if you say so." They continued talking about various anime, video games, and rpgs, until Tad had to go. Unfortunately, Sasha had to go do something and had her away message on. He sent her an instant message anyway, saying bye and blowing her an internet kiss. He then signed off. He went to the living room, which was opposite of his bed room, to see if he could stay up later. The answer was a firm no. He walked to his bedroom, and both parents called out that they loved him. He said he loved them, too. As he walked past the computer room, he stoped, and put his hand on the door frame. "I love you, Sasha." tad said this, knowing she couldn't hear him. Yet, strangly enough, as he was getting into bed, he heard a voice that didn't sound like his mom or dad, or nosy sister say something back to him: 'I love you, too.' ~`(_Nate_)`~
  6. Nate


    Let me guess..your using AOL? [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32838]follow this link[/url] [color=#ff0000]I[/color][color=#f70009]F[/color][color=#ee0011] [/color][color=#e6001a]y[/color][color=#dd0022]o[/color][color=#d5002b]u[/color][color=#cc0033] [/color][color=#c4003c]l[/color][color=#bb0044]o[/color][color=#b3004d]o[/color][color=#aa0055]k[/color][color=#a2005e] [/color][color=#990066]t[/color][color=#91006f]h[/color][color=#880077]e[/color][color=#800080]r[/color][color=#770088]e[/color][color=#6f0091].[/color][color=#660099].[/color][color=#5e00a2]i[/color][color=#5500aa]t[/color][color=#4d00b3]'[/color][color=#4400bb]l[/color][color=#3c00c4]l[/color][color=#3300cc] [/color][color=#2b00d5]a[/color][color=#2200dd]l[/color][color=#1a00e6]l[/color][color=#1100ee] [/color][color=#0900f7]b[/color][color=#0000ff]e[/color][color=#0800f7] [/color][color=#1000ef]t[/color][color=#1900e6]h[/color][color=#2100de]e[/color][color=#2900d6]r[/color][color=#3100ce]e[/color][color=#3a00c5].[/color][color=#4200bd].[/color][color=#4a00b5].[/color][color=#5200ad].[/color][color=#5a00a5]q[/color][color=#63009c]u[/color][color=#6b0094]e[/color][color=#73008c]s[/color][color=#7b0084]t[/color][color=#84007b]i[/color][color=#8c0073]o[/color][color=#94006b]n[/color][color=#9c0063] [/color][color=#a5005a]s[/color][color=#ad0052]o[/color][color=#b5004a]l[/color][color=#bd0042]v[/color][color=#c5003a]e[/color][color=#ce0031]d[/color][color=#d60029].[/color][color=#de0021].[/color][color=#e60019].[/color][color=#ef0010]^[/color][color=#f70008]_[/color][color=#ff0000]^[/color]
  7. I'm using paint..i don't een think you can save PNG- wait, yes you can. I can't change the compression format...so..i have no idea how to do that. I'll save in PNG from now on. And what do you mean, anti-aliased text?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiHorsewoman [/i] [color=red][b]LeRoy the Redneck Reindeer[/b]-basically a song about Rudolf's country cousin who fills in for the red nosed deer.[/color] [color=green]Yes, I've very classy, I also like the Redneck 12 days of x-mas![/color] [/QUOTE] You mean the 3 shot gun sells 2 (something) and some parts to a mustang gt? All from Wal-mart???lol My al time favorite is....Eazy-E's christmas song. It's basicalyl a ghetto christmas from Compton. If you happen to have his Eazy-Does-It/5150 cd, then it's number 17. But tht's old school.
  9. Yippe..Movies...shall we watch Finding Nemo? *has a fish threw at him* Never mind. I think the distepeice theatre thing sounds kinda chicago gang-like thing. Say it with a rough voice, 'Say hello to my lil frien.' Can i be in your next video? I can be an extra that walks around saying that ^_^
  10. OOC: Shinobi can't teleport. Nobody knows what makes him fly, he doesn't either. At least..not yet.....he finds out later. He disapeers because of the speed. You'll understand it after a while. IC: Shinobi sped away from David, coming back to the group. He slowed down and kept up with both the legendaries and Hope. Hope- What did David want. Shinobi- Oh, just wanted to tell me some stuff...you probably know it. Hope- No, i don't. Shinobi- Oh, just how because he was nice to pokemon means he's a better person. I don't give up a good, pize winning Primeape to someone who can't cut it? That's wasteing a very good pokemon. It would be better to keep him. But what did Ash do? 'Here you go sir. He is attached to me and will probably have half of his talent wasted because you don't know how to fight, but here you go anyway.' That's my oppinion. Hope- Maybe there was a greater purpoise to what Ash does then what you can see, Shinobi. Shinobi- And? David doesn't have to tell me what i already know. It probably won't work, but who knows. It's worth a try. Hope-What won't work. Shinobi- The attempt to get the treasures from the islands. Hope- But only Ash can- Shinobi- Ash, the chosen one. I know.
  11. Well, i haven't made any banners for a while that were posted up...so here we go. This one is for Blanko. She said i could make one for her..so..i took a while, and the results is nothing like what i planed, but i like it. Comments and crituque, please.
  12. Shinobi looked at Hope and sighed. Shinobi- This shall be exactly like Johiko... Hope- Please don't tell me Seion's joining. Shinobi said nothing, but gave her an odd glance. She could take this as a no. Hope picked up Aurora, and Shinobi started floating again, then shot off after them. Hope followed, teleporting every once and a while to keep up. Within about 10 minutes, they had caught up to Darious, and was gaining on Cay and the legends. When they finally caught up, Shinobi slowed his pace to match theirs, and started chirping and roaring to them. Cay threw a wierd look, like she was wondering what was wrong with Shinobi. Shinobi ignored all the odd glances and continues his little talk. When he finished, Hope asked him what he had said.
  13. Shinobi- 'The Beast of the sea' is an underwater current which feeds all the ocean water. Three treasures. One on lightning island, one on fire island, one of ice isladnd. All of them are guarded by the legendary bird that lives on the island. Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno, respectively. Ash did it a few years ago. If that little ignorant snob can do it, i sure as hell can. Hope- Shinobi, your talknig about the pokemon league champion. Shinobi- So? He's stupid. That colony of diglet/dugtrio that he stoped. Was all in the news, but did he catch one? HELL NO. the Charizard he had? Gone. Let him go. Pidgeot? Nope, who needs him. He can protect some pidgy. Stupid, i tell you. Hope- Yea, but he is the pokemon league champion. Be nice. Shinobi- Yea yea...Let's go. Hope- Come on Aurora. Aurora- But mommy, i'm building something. Shinobi- We can finish it later sweety. Aurora- Ok.
  14. Shinobi then backed away, leaving Darious to figure out what he said. He sat down on a log, watching Aurora play. A few seconds later, Hope joined him. Hope- What's wrong. Shinobi- You can read minds..figure out. Hope- Shinobi, now you know i don't do that for fun. Shinobi- Just worried for the planet. Lugia was captured- Hope- I know, i saw it through you. Shinobi- See, you do read my mind! I knew it! Hope- Ok, sometimes. Don't worry. Shinobi- If you say so, Hope. Hope layed her head on his shoulder, and he watched Aurora play in the sand. He waited for Cay.
  15. Shinobi landed in front of them Shinobi- Maybe you just don't have a sence of humor. Darious- Maybe you need to get a life. Shinobi- Don't mess wit me, boi. Darious- Maybe you need to shut up. Shinobi- Make me... Just then, a figure appeared behind him. He didn't see her though, and kept talking. She put a finger over her mouth to signal to shut up. Shinobi- Well. You gone say sometin? ???- No, but i will, Shinobi. Then, the figure put her oarms around his waist and placed her head on his shoulder. He jumped for a second and was about to grab his sword, which was stung over his back, when he saw who it was. Shinobi- Oh, it's you, Hope. Thought it was someone important. Hope- What? Shinobi- Nobdoy has a sence of humor. Including you. Hope- Now, why would you say that? You know i know your kidding. Shinobi- Aight, aight. Shinobi then brought his hands over his headand gave her the best hug he could muster in the the way he was donig it. He then softly kissed her on the lips. ???: Eww.... Shinobi- Is that..who i think it is..... Shinobi turned around playfully, like he didn't know who it was. A little girl leaped at him, and gave him a hug. Shinobi- Aurora...how have you been. Aurora- Fine Shinobi. Shinobi- Good. You trained your pokemon any? Hope noded at the same time as Aurora. Shinobi- Good, at they big and strongnow? Aurora- Yes Shinobi- Good girl. Go play if you want....not much to do,...except wait for Cay. Hope- Who are all of these? Shinobi- Ah, yes. The guy ova there..Darious aka punk. The other one..is Lance. Cay's coming, i hope... OOC: Hope is Shinobi's g/f, but they aen't married yet. Aurora is Hope's little girl, and is 5. Shehas two pokemon that she keeps more as pets than to train. Aurora IS NOT shinobi's kid.
  16. Shinobi appear out of the back, shooting out behind it. Water ran down his hair all the way to it's end at his lower back. Then, it poured out onto his wet clothes, blending in like everything else. He tossed his head back, thowing all the hair behind him, except for a few clups determined to stay where they were. De didn't care. He started floating again, and started laughing. He came up to their level. Standing there, or wather floatnig there, he starting straight out laughing. He loooked at Darious and Lance, for second, and stopped laughing. He then took both of them, one per hand, and shoved them off of Dragonite. Darious tried to hold on, but his hand slipped. He plumeted to the water rigth behind Lance. They both slashed wdown ,and servficed a few seconds later. Dragonite took it as a game. He turned and dived in right behind them, shooting a big wave out and kicknig water straight up, hitting Shinobi in his face. He started laughing agian as they climbed back on Dragonite as he waded back to shore. He stayed up there, laughing his butt off.
  17. Shinobi rose up about 30 feet, and was still rising when Darious shouted at him. Darious- Hey, what about us?? Shinobi- Every man for himself....hehe Darious- That's not fair. Shinobi- Then hold your breath. Heh Shinobi had about 5 more feet to wise, and 10 seconds to do it. He looked down, then disapeered. He appeared half-way back [b]down[/b]. There, he stood, until the wave was right on him. Then, he ran square into it.
  18. OOC: 1 point for win, 0 point for loss, 0.5 POINT FOR TIE. Shinobi: So...that makes it 1.5 points each. Three ties, I swear I haven't seen this in a long...time. Finally the smoke cleared away completely, and he saw how much he could lower himself without touching water. He crossed his legs and sorta 'sat there', an inch about water. A slight wave came, landing in his lap. He let out a shriek. Shinobi- WHAT DA (BLEEPADY) (BLEEP) (BLEEP)!? Shinobi 'stood' up and looked at his clothes. Shinobi- AND I JUST GOT THESE.. Darious- Then why did you get so close to water? Shinobi- Because there shouldn't be any waves. Darious- Well, you must be wrong. Shinobi- Normally, THERE ISN'T. Lugia gone....No balance in the weather... Suddenly, Dariou's smirk droped into a frown. His jaw dropped. Shinobi- ....What? Darious- Uh...look...back...there... Shinobi was about to look behind himself when a shadow fell over him, with a foamy top barely visible. Shinobi turned around, looking square into a title wave. His jaw dropped, too.
  19. [color=red][b]Name:[/b] Sonic the Hedge-hog[/color] [color=blue][b]Initial Game:[/b] Sonic the Hedgehog, i think it was called.[/color] [color=green][b]Description:[/b]About 5 foot tall, looks like a hedge-hog, but is blue. Spikes coming out of his back, lookng like ice-cicles instead of quils[/color] [color=purple][b]Bio:[/b] Leader of the Sonic the Headgehog videogame franchise, Sonic is constantly fighting Dr. Robotnik along with his buddy, Tails. Eventually, he meet Knuckles, and all the other crew that accompanies him in Sonic VS. Shadow. Can run very fast, and loves coins. And loops to test his ballence and speed ^_^[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by White Mage [/i] This is an opinon. 1. Grand Theft Auto. Whats there not to love about this game? 2. Final Fantasy X. The only PS2 final fantasy game, and the greatest RPG of all time [/QUOTE] There is one thing to not to love about the game. Not everyone can play the game. How do you know that he can play M-rated games? That's why all the games i recomended might have about 5 cuss words in the total. And no violence, unless football is voilent.
  21. Shinobi- *appearing out of nowhere* Love happens in the stangest places...eh Daroius? Darious- How do you know me? Shinobi- I know all, boi. Well, not really, but i recognize you from somewhere. Probably in my travels. Daroius: ....oh. Shinobi- Well, this looks like it won't end. Half a point to each, is that fair? A tie. Shinobi stood there, a foot above the ocean, glancing from Lance and Darious.
  22. Shinobi trailed behind them on his Charizard, about 50 feet up, not trying to keep up. He grabbed Charizard's pokeball and returned him, then let himself plumit-just to fall 1o feet. He then shot off towards them at an amazing speed. A few times he blinked in an out, to appear about 200 feet from where he disapeered. He caught up them in just a few mnitues.
  23. [center]Sports[/center] It depends on what type of sports. I see you like skating, and you picked the right team to back, too, but you could also want a traditional sports game, too. If you want Traditional sports, Madden 2004 is the way to go. You get to make your own team, own stadium, in it's own location, decide what to sell at the stands, pull in money to buy your player's contracts, everything. It's worth it. 50 bucks for this game, unless it's an after-christmas sale. For basketball, i'd say something like NBA Street vol. 2. IT has all the regular basketball players, no fouls, very rare outs, tricks, you can unlock street ballas, the St. Lunitics, etc. All around awesome game. 40 bucks for this game. If you want extreme, or 'untraditional' games, either one of these would suite you good. [b]T[/b]ony [b]H[/b]awk's [b]U[/b]nder[b]G[/b]round is an awesoem game. UNlike the other THPS games made for PS, PS2, GBA, and N64, this one takes it in a new direction. You create your own skater(mine has purple corn-rows), and you play through as him, starting as a skater punk in New Jersy who happens to witness Chad Muska come to his town for a demo. Then, it all goes uphill, until your est friend backstabs you for footage and becomes pro off of your film([spoiler]after bustin that McTrist of the Helicopter in Hawaii, he should be shot! j/k[/spoiler]) Then, you create your own skateboarding team, choosing from a list of most of the skaters in the game. You also get to create a trick, create a deck, create a goal, and create a park to use said goals in if you don't like the huge levels from story mode. A well spent 50 bucks here. Or, Matt Hoffman BMX 2. I haven't played this one, but i understand it is awesome. You can do flat-lands, huge combos, everything. But i have seen it played. It's worth the money here. I'm not sure whether it's 20 or 30 bucks, can't help you on this one. I would love to help you on the others, but i don't know of any games that would fit in it unless you count racing games as others. Let me know. ~`(_Nate_)`~ EDIT: You should change all of those pictures in your banner to Bam Margera. Heh.
  24. Shinobi- Besides,...i came close to catching him. But i was nice enough to let him go. Eventually. Maybe you remember around time that blizzard came, about 2 years ago in April? Cay- Oh yea, i remember that. Shinobi- Caused by your truely. I didn't know it then, but....hey...it happens.... A shadow shot over them. Shinobi snapped his head up as it shot over them. He looked above them, but there was nothing. He blinks. Shinobi- Latios....... Then, another shadow shot over them, going almost the same direction. This one was slightly smaller, though. Shinobi- Latias.....Something's up. a battle of some kind. I have a feeling it has to do with guardians, i understand Latios and latias are the peace-keepers of Hoenn. But, i shall wait for....the..other one to come back. Cay- Lance. Shinobi- Yea. Lance. Shinobi sat up, staring at the clouds that looked like little....fire-balls and ice-cicles. Kinda frieky...
  25. Shinobi stood up and dropped his pokeballs. Out came Espeon, Unbreon, and Houndoom. They all lined up in a pose-like style, and Charizard landed roughly behind them and shot a flame out of his mouth. All together they bordered the bute stage. Shinobi shook his head. Shinobi- Drop it you guys. It ain't cool anymore. Houndoom- Hound? DOOM! Houndoom shot out a flame, like he was saying [i]i don't care, and if you wanna try me...[/i]. Nate stepped back and growled at Houndoom. He dropped his head, and layed down. Shinobi- Anywayz.....has anyone noticed like...a weather change? It's getting freikishly cold out here..for summer.
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