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Everything posted by Nate
Nate picked to the pokeball up happily, and put it in his pocket. He tossed 2 berry treats to Houndour, who ate them redally. His hp was now at full. He walekd down the path again, and slowly the path begam to widen. I became more walkable, and some small houses were built into the tree trunks around him. He walked nito the main part of the city, dominated by a huge maple oak tree. Nate looked at the top, in awe. Houndour barked at him, and he came back to his senses. He walked toward the pokemon center to heal the newly caught pikachu and sneasal.
Yep..they are both hard...and a pain at first. Litterally. *looks at hands* Thanks all of you for your help. I still may go into the bass guitar. Don't know for sure yet.
Nate continues walking down the path, Houndour beside him.As he walked down it, a Pikachu burst out of the shrubs on the other side and growled. Houndour barked back.Nate stepeb back, hopnig to catch this one. Nate: Ok Houndour..........uhm........bite. Houndour jumped out at Pikachu. It yelps and turned around, and was about to run when Houndour landed on it and bite in hard on the back. Pikachu turned, and his red cheecks glowed yellow, then sparks shot out of them. Then, finally, a bolt of lightning shot out, hittnig Houndour. He growled back. Nate: Now, ember! Now!!! Houndour opened his mouth and fire shot out of it, burning Pikachu. Pikachu stood there, and was about ot attack, but stoped. Nate: Good, pokeball go!!! Nate tossed the pokeball, and ti shook 3 times before the captuing device totally took over.
A prep in my book is..a sobby rich kid, who wears that plaid shirt/vest combo *sivvers*; listen to..like..no music..;watches no tv, as it is 'vile'; have a schedual with no space for fun in it; never talks in class; always the teacher's pet; go figure. But that's me. Yes, i was, a long...long..time ago...a prep. But i got over it and i am the opposite. Cool. heh..go figure again. ~`_Nate_`~ EDIT:[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alastor [/i] Ok a prep of hat we consider where I live is a person who talek weird and says " dude alot" the wear Aerocrobie and Finch, Aerpostle and Skateboarding shoes like DC. They wear snug shirts, and really slim jeans. They die their hair all different colors, listen to rock/punk. Theres many more, I could go on forever but I'm not [/QUOTE] Get it straight..skateboarding is not preppy! Wathc a skateboard video antony, they cuss more than u do in some of them. And that's ALOT
Well...if you don't mind voiding your warrentee, open it and dont' touch anything, but look at it. If there is like, something touching it, holding it open, then it's that. But it's probably something with the button, like,it's messed up and piceks every hit up as two. But don't listen to me. ~`_Nate_`~
Heh...keep the callouses......i figurede that. Didn't know the bass guitar only had 4 stings..i learned something. Yippee..if i learn both, i'll have an insturment for all three clef....viola for alto, bass for bass, and acroustic for reble. Cool.
no, i know thebass..but there is a...bass guitar..you know..plugs into an amb..makes very loud....i understnad that much
Anyone here play the guitar? I'm just starting,..using an acuistic quitar, but i want to get a bass quitar after i get better. Who here plays it, and is it extremely hard? I also have 2 quiestions about it, heh. 1. What's the dif between a bass and an acroustic? 2. is a base harder to play than an acroustic? Are the notes different? Just wanted to see who here plays, thanks! ~`_Nate_`~
OOC: You know..if you got on AIm FLora..we could short this out quite easily. IC:The beam connected, but it only froze the upper half. The lower half was still burning. Sneasal stood there, panting. Nate: *sigh* my super potion..where is it???? Nate was going through his bag, throwing stuff to the left and right of him. He finally pulled a squirt-bottle like thing.He walked up to Sneasal and sprayed it on him, kinda evenly. The liquid glowed on his body, then sunk in. A minute later, he stoof up and shot an ice beam at the tree, and it froze completely. Nate: They'll unfreeze eventually..and the fire's stoped, so let's go, Sneasal. Nate returned Sneasal and called out Houndour. Nate scratched him behind the ears and he barked happily. Nate: Let's go Honudour! Nate took off running, hoping to catch up to the group. Houndour looked at him for a second, then noticed it was like a game. He took off, catching up to Nate easily. Nate slowed down as the stitch in his side good bigger, and Houndour slowed, too. He kept walking, and evrntually he came to a small path. He walked down in, not noticing it was the start of the city of Edge wood.
ooc: sorry..i'm getting all of this worked out, slowly......
OOC: In ther forest....it would get dark...early..right? And..what do pokemon bleed??? Nate looked around him,...there was no excape..none easily, that is. Nate: Damn you Houndour.....*sigh* i figured it would happen.. who knows what those kids did to him in the school *not knowing he was fresh caught* Just then, Sneasal's pokeball shook free, and it fell. Sneasal came out, and aimed at a near-by tree. Nate watched as a beam of ice shot out of Sneasal's hand, freezing a tree. There was now a path open. Nate took off, then thought, maybe they should put the rest out, too. Sneasal was way ahead of him, however. He held both hands out and two beams shto out, freezing 2 more. Only one remained on fire, butt it was huge. The heat coming from ti was melting the ice of either side of it. Sneasal shot a beam at it...
Nate layed back, after stuffing his face with marshmellows for a solid hour. He slowly fell asleep, and the fire went out. In the dark, he heard a rustling, and thought it was Houndour. He roled over, and fell back to sleep, until he turned over and stared into a pair of deep red eyes. He yelped, and Houndour jumped, landing next to him. Nate sat up. Nate: Houndour, light the fire again. Houndour shto an ember at the flames, never taking his eyes off of the pair of eyes and the dark vauge body that belnoged to it. As the fire became bigger and started letting out more light, the figure gained more color, namely silver and browm, but stayed mostly black. The eyes still glowed red. he caleld out. Pokemon: Sneasal! Sneeee! Sal! Sneas! Nate: Uhm......ok..what ever..Houndour! Ember! Honudour growled and shot a firey blast at the sneasal, but Sneasal jumped up. He landed on a tree, and growled back. He then lept down, and landed onHoundour's back. He started slashing at Houndour, while Houndour did his best to get his mouth around a claw. He succeeded, and slamed Sneasal into the dirt. Nate: Now..bite! Houndour placed his paws square on Sneasal's chest, and bit him on the neck. Sneasal yelped, and tryed to fight back, but couldn't. Nate tossed a pokeball at it, before Houndour killed it by accident. Houndour looked At Nate, eyes glowing red. He was breathnig deeply, and blood dripepd off of his teeth. There was a small puddle of blood by his feet, from Sneasal. He barked at Nate, and Nate forced a smile. Nate: uhm...houndour..it's me....uhm..your quite frankly FREAKING ME OUT HERE!! Houndour steped back, but charged at Nate. Nate jumped up, grabed an over-hed tree branch, and swung around it, landing on another on on his feet. Houndour placed his front legs onto the trunk of the tree and barked at him, then shot an ember at him. Nate: AKK! Nate jumped to another tree and tryed to return Houndour, but he dodged the beam. Nate tryed again, to no avail. He then jumped to a third tree. Now, the clearing was clearly starting to catch on fire, and smoke rose into the air. Nate jumped down, landing on Houndour. He pinned him down, then grabbed him by the muzzle, and made him look at him. His body squirmed, tryingto get free, but Nate's full weigth was holding him down. Nate: DONT' EVEN TRY TO DO THAT. got it? Houndour stop squrming, anf shot a flame from his mouth, through his teeth, and slightly burned Nate's hand. Nate got off, and Houndour spun around, onto his feet, and stood up. Nate: JUST GO. *houndour barks* I SAID GO! Houndour whined, and walekd over to Nate. His eyes stoped glowing red, and he rubbeda against Nate's leg. Nate: If you want to stay there will be ground rules here. I am the TRAINER. you are the TRAINIE. Got it? Houndour noded. Nate: You may stay. Return! He held out his pokeball, and Houndour disapeared into a red light. Just then, Nate noticed he was sorrounded by fire. He started sweating, worried.... OOC: I'm off punishment and ready to post..finally.
It was getting dark, and Nate was only halfway through the forest. Nate: I shouldn't have stoped to try to catch that pikachu...Well, Houndour. Houndour: Hound?? Nate: Let's make a fire.... Nate grabbed some soft, dry wood for kindling, and put it in the middle of the small clearing. He grabbed even more, and in a few miutes had a big pile. Houndour used an Ember, and the kindling burst into flames. Nate then grabbed a log about a foot long and tossed it onto the fire. Honudour used Ember on it, and it slowly began to catch, too. Nate: Not bad, Houndour. Nate rubbed Houndour's head, then pulled his bag over to him. He pulls out some marshmellows... OOC: Who got married, FLora? Oh, i forgot to tell before..but until Saturday, i won't be able to post thta much or get on IM at all, becausei 'm grounded. I have to sneak on when my parents aren't home to post when i can...
OOC: Ok..i talked to BLanko a few nights ago..and she said i could come in..so...here i go. IC: Nate looked out the door of his dorm while tieing his bandanna on. In the distance, to his left, there was some professors and new students. Nate grabbed his bag and his pokeball after putting the visor on backwards, the snuck to the right of the room. He was lucky they hadn't assigned his room yet, but he had left in time anyway. He walked down several gray halls, and finally got to the exit. He walked out and steped into the sun, then looked around. He then took off towards Edgewood. He calld out his given pokemon, Houndour. He barked at Nate ,but Nate kept going. The dog-like pokemon looked at him, shocked. Houndour walked up to Nate and licked his hand. Nate: That's better....Hey Houndoom. hhmmm...what should i name you? Houndour barked, then nodded. Nate: Hm..Crunch. How's that? Houndour barked again, happily. Nate then walked into the woods...
Go.........i was gone over the weekend..and i have this.........ok..i shaw be looking at them..and all of those who wanted to be judge is one.
[color=red] [font=croobie] [size=3]I got this idea from one that was posted in the Request forum, so i figured i'd do it for him. Here's the deal. I need three judges, and there can be unlimited participants. If you want to be a judge, let me know via pm. If you want to be a participant, post here lettnig my know. [center][b]The Regulations[/b][/center] [list=1] [*]The banner ban be no bigger than 500X100, and no smaller than 100X50. [*]It cannot be motion, must be a still banner. [*]I can be based on any movie, tv series, anime, show, or anything. [*]You can post multiple, but the last one that you post will be used. [*]The deadline will be November 21, 2003. You can start turning them in tomorow. [/list=1] [center][b]Members:[/b][/center] Nate (me) .h4ck Haze_Gundam006 Stun gun Milly Kyo no Ryu Baron Samedi [center][b]Judges:[/b][/center] [list=1] [*] [*] [*] [/list] Ok, this is how the judging will go. 1Anime banners- 1a action anime- 1b anime quote banners- 2Real life- 2a historical event banners- 2b funny quote banners- 2b anything else- 3non anime but still cartoon- Again, nothing bigger than 100X500, and onthing smaller than 100X50. If it cannot be used, then do not post it, and do not post banner...after banner..after banner..after banner..please. If you want to put one in place of another, then delete the post that had the one you are replacing. Also, you can only have one entry in each catagory.[/font][/color][/size]
Tell a teacher. Or, just wait for them to lean over to your ear, then turn and show them the business end of your fist. I can half-way relate, there's two kids here lately at my dchool who walk up behind me and just keep yelling 'posuer!' in my ear. Then, when i'm at my locker (we ave old double stacked lockers, i got the bottom one) the stand behind me and kick my keet into the wall, and all that other stuff (slamming the locker door, kicking my leg, etc.) I finally got amd and grabbed him by the shirt collar and slammed him into the wall opposite the lockers, and told him to shut up or i'll kick his ***. He hasn't messed weith me since, but i did do that today, so tomorow's another story....
Ok..i was hopngi more would join quicker, but....if it's ok with you all, and Flora agrees, then, i'll starti n 2 days or if 2 more people join. Or, of FLora wants, she can start it whenever she feels like it.
hmm...the first one..it stay un-readable to londg , and it took 3 cycles to figure out what it reads. I also did not see a black box, so i think that's fixed. But, i would work on a motionless first, please. The second one: OH MY GOD, I CAN READ IT NOW! j/k, heh.i'd make it a 450X100, instead, or maybe a 450X90 or 450X85, cut that bottom space out. Also, since your using Paint Shop Pro, (or so you told me), put a bakcground.... First one: 6/10 Second one: 8.5/10
[font=croobie][color=red]Heh...Flora. you can draw. Didn't know that...you should have said something! [size=1]then again i should have looked...[/size] ANYway,...wasn't Pidgeotto a little bigger? Or maybe you ment him to be tht size......i like the way you had the fire catch the feathers on fire. You sure do like Houndour, don't you.....what's holding him up? I noticed the legs are stiff, like he's standing on something. It's great anyway, 9/10.[/font][/color] ~`_Nate_`~
hm....it's pretty good..but it truely looks liek you did it on wax paper, by tracing. Because, if i remember right, that's how wax paper scans out, but i may be wrong. Either way you go, it looks good. but please..DRAW/TRACE A LITTLE DARKER lol.
uuuh...M*A*S*H! I love that show, ti's so funny.....and your father mulchahe(sp). So, your deaf in the end! HAHA. j/k Yea, i'm wierd. I like the show. So sue me. Good job in gettnig in.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ::Ex-Soldier:: [/i] [B]The perfect marriage can happen and probably has happened. Just because animals do not marry, does not mean we have to do the same. As Karma said, we are completely different other animals. And we know whats right and wrong, while an animal wouldn't. [/B][/QUOTE] [font=croobie][color=red]you don't see cats running aronud with guns shooting people, do you? Yet, we know what's right and wrong but animals don't....that's messed up.[/font][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] It is in chinese (kanji I guess) and its Eminems favorite curse word with another curse word after it. [/QUOTE] [font=croobie][color=red]I bet i know what word it is, and i think i know what it looks like, as i have wrote that kanji on my skateboard decks many times.... I like tattoos...though i am to young to get one on my own and my parents will never let me get one, i draw tattoos on my arms alot, epsecially when i was in 5th grade. We drew some tyte tattoos...[/font][/color]
But hold on, what made infidelity? Marriage. Do other animals marry? No, because it is not a life need. Humans made it, with our imperfect minds, it's going to of course fail. that's why god never made animals get married. What makes it sick? It's life. If people didn't want infidelity, then why did they create marriage. They knew it was gonna happen. I mean, say your married for 30 years. After a while your gonna want something else. Say, the 'seven year itch'? Ever heard of it? Think about that post, then tell me if infidelity is wrong....