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obi-wan kenobi

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About obi-wan kenobi

  • Birthday 09/03/1987

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  • Biography
    i like cheese
  • Occupation
    jedi knight

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  1. ohhh i see now thanx guys big help i never got to see any of the dragonball serise so that is why
  2. marron who we all know as the daughter of krillin and android 18 is said here to appear only in dragonball gt [url]http://www.theotaku.com/dragonball/characters/maron.shtml[/url] that is not true as she appears in dragonball z before and during the tornament cheering on android 18
  3. yeah the first half isnt as good as the second not enough action for me. but still it is good as all dragonball/z/gt is
  4. i dont know how any of you can even know the name of that level i dont remember old kai sayin that is what it is called is called! so where did you guys find it out?
  5. i didnt know that android 8 even exsisted! must be in one of the movies i havent seen
  6. yeah its taken him all time since the sayian saga just for him to finaly admit that goku is better than him damm thats some pride
  7. ahhhhhhhh it all makes sence to me now thanks alot
  8. This has had me wondering for a while I noticed the buu eats videl chi-chi and bulma and they go to ?haven? Then he absorbs gotenks and piccolo and then gohan they go to the pods inside of buu But when it comes to vegeto he gets absorbed and he goes inside buu like something that had been eaten but he was absorbed. Why didn?t he end up in a pod like the others? i am confused!!! can anyone explain this? PS: I missed a part of that episode how to goku and vegeta split the fusion
  9. I see your point he isn?t necessarily good, more innocent makes more snce when you think of it that way.
  10. i have been arguing with some friends for a while now and i have decided to ask you guys!!! what is the greatest film ever? i think the top 3 ever are 3. the sixth sence 2. the matrix 1. star wars so what do you guys think?
  11. yeah thats what i though. in fact i just found about 7 german sites that have this pic on also and they clam it is sommat to do with a show called dragonball v "vertigo" (which is the biggest pile of bull ever)oh well...
  12. That is a good question and I am not sure why but I thought of this once before when goku was killed the first time by who was it again? Raditz, I think (I cant remember it very well) And all these years later I still have no answer
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B]which as you probably know by now, Kid Buu, and Fat Buu are not one in the same[/B][/QUOTE] You are correct kid buu and fat buu are different. Fat buu is pure good and kid buu is a form of the pure evil buu that came out of fat buu when he was half evil and half good. (If that makes any sense)
  14. I have found this pic of gotenks at ssj8 Now although I am pretty sure it is fake or something like that tell me what you think? or tell me who or what this realy is REAL OR FAKE
  15. I hate him. Taking credit for other peoples work... dam him It got very frustrated when that video of him defeating cell got showed at the tournament where goku meets supreme ki for the first time before the buu saga. Speaking of Hercules Afro I thought is was funny in the buu saga when goku imagined himself doing a fusion with herc he had an afro and everything it was sooooooooooo funny.
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