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Everything posted by stratigyless

  1. i was at school today and an eighth grader was arrested for harrasment and selling firecrackers and and maybe possibly some dope and forgot the other thing If this has ever happened to some one what did you do about it:eek: :(
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Endymion [/i] [B]That game is evil, I tells ya. Evil!! If you would've asked me a few days ago, I would've told you that it was one of the best game I've ever played. However, since having to defend that rickety old gate with less than a thimble of life at Helm's Deep (and losing just before destroying the catapult), I have decided that this game is the most evil of all video games ever made. I don't know how you "gamer" types beat that level, but I still think it's evil. [/B][/QUOTE] yeah umm about that part the only way i beat it was the a health restore code for the charecter you are playing as uhh
  3. The new matrix movies will be coming out in america in may 2003(reloaded) and I think november 2003 or somewhere around there(revolutions) I forgot the exact dates
  4. Who thinks that the new matrix movies reloaded and revolutions will make star wars II look like it was drawn with crayons and markers;)
  5. Actually you have free control in the batllle and can move around cast spells and summon freely ( I mean there are no turns like in ff)
  6. Yes every one will miss rare but I think all the shooting and adventure games will be missed that most I especially miss banjo kazooie because that was my first game ever on the n64 and I shall miss all the charecters but if bill gates uses banjo and kazooie in an xbox game then I will personally hunt him down(with spike speigals help)and hurt him really bad not to mention blow up microsoft I dont have an Xbox which is really unfair(Bill Gates maniacally laughs in the backround and lightning cracks) DOWN WITH MICROSOFT AND BILL GATES
  7. It looks pretty good to me but I only saw a little of spike speigal play it at a friends house he was fighting bunnies .... disturbing
  8. It could probbably show a sign that that charecter is a black mage or... maybe like spike speigal said just for the affect
  9. So far My stratigy is have all there overdrives full even the aeons and train a lot. So far I tried this twice and he used cross-cleave, lance of atrophy, and full-life all in one turn and killed all of my best charecters poor auron.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I just beat him and I used at the overdrives ( Aurons tidus and rikkkus) bahamut shiva and ifrit and I beat him quite simple actually after you figure our what his attacks and what they do and have all overdrives full unless your really good But now I am stuck at the caves and have no clue where to go ...ahhh stuck again jeez [color=indigo]*combines posts* Please don't double post. Just use the edit button. - Desbreko[/color] Now I need help defeating the 4th seymour (Why ME WHY!?) and getting the ultimate weapons and the maggus sisters
  10. I never noticed that they didnt do that any more the things you learn when you pay attention
  11. Maybe Because it was some of the first sonic games before the gamecube and dream cast
  12. I'd like to see a monster-rancher game go on the game cube those games are fun except for the third one*shivers and throws it into a volcanoe*
  13. stratigyless


    The best way to do it is to place your palm on the right analog stick and just move in a clock-wise position and besides it tells you what to do at the top of the screen
  14. uhg i cannot beleive that i am saying this but my lulu....sure she knows all the fire water lightning and blizzard spells and bio and death and demi but i dont like to use her as much so my party is rikku(mug rocks!) auron whoes only does 4000 damage and yuna to cura and cast nuls and all of her other spells because all my other charecters are just plain bad even tidus who only does like 750 so in other words snigelfager i am asking for your help and dare mock me and I shall reach through the cmompurter and ring..(moderater looks over here).. just help please and all others tips would be apreciated
  15. I need help getting past the third seymour any suggestions would be great!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sandramaxwell06 [/i] [B]Apparently you haven't played the game or else you would know that the ESSENCE of the game is the disney characters. Without it the game wouldn't be the same and it would probably suck. I think the disney characters really make the game fun. I don't know about you, but I had fun in the game swimming with Ariel and flying with Peter Pan. This is the only game you can do that. The Keyblade was the coolest weapon I have played with since Auron's weapons in FFX. I think that is a great way to have the character both close the keyholes and fight. [color=blue][size=1]I removed the attachment because it was erroneous. -Crazy White Boy[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] guess what I have played the game and I have the ultima weapon all the spells collected all the dalmations and have donald goofy and sora all at level 99 and getting the ultima weapon was real easy just go to the area before final rest and keep gong 2 areas away and reurning and there should be wjite mushrooms black fungus and rare truffels and also invisible and false angels . the white mushroooms dont give you many mystery goo even with 3 lucky strikes on i case anyone would beg to differ!:flaming:
  17. okay i admit I was wrong just recently found some good games for it
  18. the only thing about animal crossing is that you have to keep playing it or else everything in your town goes hay-wire but it is still a good game
  19. no i mean cheatcodecentral.com aka cheatcc.com
  20. It was like popular for like two months and they are still making games for it and all but they aren't exciting enough and are most of them anyway yaw too short
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]I know one thing they could do - make EGM look silly and actually [i]put[/i] Sonic and Tails in there. Hey, it could happen; SONIC team isn't held to a single console, and GCN has been the one getting their games... [/B][/QUOTE] you saw that to? and it I think i would be cool if you could change charecters everytime you die and that you could play as banjo and kazooie that would be a great charcter but sadly made by rare and sonic and tails would be a great adition
  22. I think the game was ruined by the disney charecters and the "keyblade"
  23. this is a pathetic one but ursula from kingdom hearts was a very annoying boss both times ..shooting the electro-beams from her mouth wht next batman wearing orange!
  24. Final Fantasy X because that game is fun to play and sometimes challenging otherwise its the battle moves and all the graphics
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B]The first game that got me hooked wasn't a Nintendo game. It was either Night Stalker or Dungeons and Dragons for Intelivision. Then Sonic Adventure 2 for Sega Genusis. The first Nintendo game I ever played was probebly Diddy Kong Country 3 for SNES. I can't quite remember..:cross: [/B][/QUOTE] isn't that game for the dreamcast? My first game that I played and beatwas Wayne Gretsky's 3D Hockey for the N64...yes pathetic I know and I was only six at the time but the first game that had credits at the end...pokemon :ball: sigh
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