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Everything posted by stratigyless

  1. I love this game I just came off it because it was late the only bad things in the game are the camra angles they don't stay at the rightangle and the 4th mission on the car levels are a little too hard
  2. maybe cheatcc has what your lookng for
  3. me no my friend yes he rules as marth and can kick anyones butt with any charecter
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]No, you actually just have to rub it, but you can't have two. To get rid of the first, just treat it *really* bad, and it will leave you, then you can start a new one. Good luck! [/B][/QUOTE] or just trade it to sa2b on your gcn
  5. even though roy is stronger marth is quicker like you said and i think can jump higher that roy which comes in handy when you fall off the edge in hyrule but then again everyone has different opinions ...okay shutting up now
  6. they all like to hide out on route 39 and 38 but can never get to them
  7. you know when you have played pokemon to much when you paint an iguana red and attach a flamethrower to his mouth -try to teach a fox how to bend a spoon -and to find the orange islands
  8. did anyone notice at bilbos birthday party frodo was doing the hobbit dance? it was pretty funny until my mom turned it off. has anyone else seen it?
  9. gir is the most amuzing part of the show next comes gaz and the guy from mystreious mysteries then dib and zim are bth annoying and are big dorks
  10. so far i'm getting magic the gathering cards, animal crossing, lilo and stich dvd(uhg), and a microscope that i have found so far everytjing else in my parents closet9that i have looked at so far0 is my sister's stuff
  11. the worst gift I got was from my aunt. It was a CD that said the f-word every 1 second I didnt even realize it until i started using 3 weeks later and my 8 year old sister was in the room and i was playing it eally loud on the computer...poop sis traumitized for life ... wait so am I!
  12. now i usually play with marth no since i unlocked him because he has a lot of good techniques sp?
  13. actually You can see some good parts of the movie like at the wall at helms deep brace the door! [color=blue][size=1]Please improve your post quality. As it stands now, your posts are very poorly constructed. -Crazy White Boy[/color][/size]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]This is for GameCube, not Xbox ;). And yes, it's one of the more enjoyable games I've played in a while. Anyone I talk to about it knows how much I like it. There are a couple threads in the GC section on it if you look around a bit. As for looks... Games to me are for fun, not for me to feel cool as I play them. AC is cute, but not disgustingly so. It suits the game, and it helped me get attached to some of the characters and right out hate others. I can't imagine this game looking any different than it does. Its style works. [/B][/QUOTE] he didn't say it was for XBox [color=indigo]Lol...it was a joke. - Desbreko[/color]
  15. i kinda learned that the hard way the fairy in oot wanted me and i did din's fire and hit three chickens boy I ran for the hills
  16. the water temple was a confusing one umm where are you stuck at
  17. I think that Kingdom hearts was a horrible game the charecters feet are huge, they have Disney, DISNEY charecters in what could have been a great game. What would happen if Sora lost the keyblade would he use his house key and throw it at people honestly people come back to reality
  18. which jafar? and i do hate disney and the game was wayyyyyy to easy and kairi isnt even a princess so why is she a princess of heart jezz some things just dont make sense like the secret movie at the end ....whoops did i say all that
  19. kingdom heatrs the game was a little challenging at first but square should have never done that Disney: hmm we need something to make us more popular no it cant be a sword ummm a key and well have all of the disney charecters in it muhahaha
  20. my favorite is sonic adventure 2 battle because the game has 2 different endings and they have cool charecters and a few rejects in it cough *tail robotnic* cough but the ending really stinks though and some of the missions are pretty tough
  21. i suggest sonic adventure 2 battle that game is great
  22. i think aragorn is weak the wall level i cannot complete with him again because hes not fast enough in attacking
  23. whats your favorite charecter mine is legolas who i think is the best and my two other friends thinks its gimli and aragorn but i think aragorn stinks and gimlis not fast enough
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