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Everything posted by stratigyless

  1. stratigyless


    pikmin seems like a good game
  2. call me crazy but i read in a gaming magizine and they said that the PS2 is faster has more memory and alot more other things that say ps2 is better
  3. they are going to make a game but the translating people will get it all wrong.
  4. i cant believe you let that happen i always keep the room dusted and vacumed and when im not playing it i gently wrap it plastic wrap
  5. nintendo all the way because it was the first system i played and all my friends have it
  6. i like blue and silver because they would match the room they are in
  7. cant help ya there check a place like cheatcc
  8. I am a fox kind of person (kick samus's butt with the deflector sheild) and up b and b i the best
  9. i would just burn them like i did......
  10. Gyrados atrocious Arcanine legendary Golem megaton Shellder bivalve Jynx human shape
  11. there continueing the series ....how pathetic
  12. you may have trained them but me no
  13. i like digimon1 but everything else no
  14. i got a memory card and i have no prob sorry cant help:( :(
  15. protoman is destroyed in mega man 3 because it shows that he is slashed apart and dumped in the reprodution plant
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]Thats spam..You could just edit your post. Some of the new characters are: Wario, Waluigi, Ice Climber Brothers, and thats some of them..... [/B][/QUOTE] peach and ...... where is that egm mag with all the good pics of it........
  17. i never knew what was on his back know i know the people i heard it from said it was a key of some sort
  18. maybe it a zelda thing that cows dont eat
  19. uhh i just wanted hints because they were hard
  20. i thought that you could only use old pokemon to battle :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :ball: :(
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