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Everything posted by stratigyless

  1. gary beat ash so bad in that ep
  2. ya no this sounds like that post legendary
  3. ok calm down both of you
  4. learn somtin new every day i never knew that stelix thing
  5. normal because i have something against grass
  6. thank you i just got crystal i try that there then in silver
  7. i have a fealing you played pokemon to much
  8. heh this is zelda not genral take it over there
  9. which town is max repel in at the mart
  10. alakazam,charzard,nocktowl
  11. evry time i go to them they move befor i get there does any1 no what to do
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Madmax [/i] [B]ash:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] your kidding gary 4 ever much better then ash
  13. the girl should use steal type and her name should be WE R SORRY YOUR MESSAGE CANNOT GET THROUGH PLEASE TRY LATER
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