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Everything posted by stratigyless

  1. i just found the first water level block what now
  2. get them above level 50 then you should beat them:cool:
  3. raikou is a mutant dog entei is a mutant mut and suicune is a freak of nature dog !!!!:flaming: :flaming: :mad: sorry lost it there so what was the conversation about
  4. every 1 nos you cant catch mew without cheating i just hope that nintendo will send out a notice stating this **sigh** when will people learn
  5. mew can be traded in by another person who already has it
  6. dragonite should have hiper beam evolve tediursa charmander should have somtin like flame flower dewgong is fine bellossom fine persian is so so
  7. how come no 1 likes phy. pokemon at leats Ben thought about them
  8. every time i play i get better and i stink
  9. falkner : pidgeyot and ????? bugsy: spinarac,metapod,scyther whitney:nidorina,clefairy,miltank
  10. how in the world did u defeat the elite 4 with that lousy lineup :o
  11. umm ben i missed a few parts:( :( :(
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