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blak rose

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About blak rose

  • Birthday 09/27/1989

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  • Biography
    i like doing stuf
  • Occupation
    world's youngest buisiness owner

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  1. heh heh. i like it. but i agree that the ending needs work, but wat to i know? just as a suggestion, devil jin should somehow come to a world power and get defeated by some little guy with a great plan. but thats reel common, so do wat u want 2 with it. anyway...
  2. so that's what we really look like on teh inside...
  3. eh... i went to see it in theater and i didn't think it lived up to full martin potential. i'll leave it at that. anyway...
  4. uh... im bored. anyway, i saw a simpsons quiz goin on a while ago and i really like the simpsons and i also like king of the hill, so it thought what that i should start a king of the hill quiz. anyway you know how it works and if you dont youll get over it. anyway... this is an easy one. what is cotton's favorite band and where does he see them play? *schizo mood starting* *grabs a knife* *stabste cows in the pasture* *eats the cows* :demon: :demon: :demon:
  5. [color=darkblue]thanks again, everybody. all the replys are great. i guess i should tell you about the people in my family. i have a grandfather who is retired from the airforce. i don't think he'll be going back. i have an uncle who is also retired from the airforce. i also have another uncle who is still in the airforce, we don't think he'll be going to war. ever. but, that's just what we think. he still has 4 years or something left. ( it keeps changing lol) i think a "hero" isn't anyone who just fights in a war. i think they have to have done something important out on the battle field. but again, that's just me. anyway...[/color]
  6. [color=darkblue]ok... maybe i wasn't too clear. thanks, everyone, for the replys. when i said war heros, i meant any soldier fighting anywhere, or if they're stationed at a fort somewhere and might go to war. maybe i wasn't clear the first time. they don't have to be heroes, but someone who might just be wanting support mail or something like that. anyway...[/color]
  7. [color=darkblue]do any of you know people who are in the war in iraq, south korea, or anywhere else? if you do, please post telling me who they are and a little bit about them. if you know where to send mail to them, can you also send me that address? in my class, we're writing to the soldiers and we need more people to write to. these people would be prefect to write to. thanks from me and ssj3.[/color]
  8. finally! ever since the end of the fourth book i've been dying to read this one. can anyone cuont how many times the print date for this book has been moved back? i remember that it was supposed to come out in june of 2002, then in december of 2002, tehn it changed again. well, hoperully this time it's final. anyway...
  9. i watched every episode of this show, only because it was something to do. i think that any of these girls could see through the lie, the corporation just wouldn't allow them to. but on the other hand, a guy gets to go to france, lie to 20 women, give them a bunch of neclaces and other free gifts, trick them in to loving him, dump them, and get to do a lot of other stuf that would cost him 50 million dollars for free. any guy's fantasy. what i don't get is where they got this guy from. why couldn't they have come and gotten me?(besides the fact that i'm 14) i want 50 million dollars! anyway...
  10. i never knew many people actually watched the simpsons, until i looked under the shows category. i want to know what everone's favorite simpsoms episode is. here's a list of my favorites: - the one where the simpsons go to brazil - bart the daredevil - the one where homer climbs mt. springfield - all of the treehouse of horror episodes what episodes do you like?
  11. ahhh... great times coming back too me! here are some quotes that i love bart: *holding pattie or selma's wonder bra* "i've said it before and i'll say it again, aycaramba!" wiggum: "if i can bring down just one criminal on stilts, i've done my duty." (also in the grimes jr. episode) wiggum: "i like to think we made a difference here today." lisa: "remember dad, in brazil it's hot when it's cold in springfield." homer: "oh, so this is opposite land. everything's different." lisa: "no, dad, only the weather's different." homer: "i get it, so hot snow falls up." lisa: *sigh* "yes, dad." i happen to like that conversation, even if anyone else doesn't. anyway...
  12. i'm with ssj3, but i like the chest. i think the chin is too pointy, but hey, who am i to judge? i can't draw dbz worth a... well, you get the idea. anyway...:)
  13. i know a few people who consider all blondes to be stupid, which is a stereotype that is good for jokes, but not true in real life. some of the smartest people i know (personally). anyway...:)(:
  14. i haven't heard about a new kingdom hearts game, but when i do, i'm definately going to get it. i also haven't heard of a movie, but it would be cool if one came out. anyway... :)
  15. blak rose


    yeah, why not ask her. as a great man once said, go for it. the worst that can happen is she will say no. plus, if she gives you her number, you can talk to her mom and convince her not to make ashley go to boot camp. you don't want a girl who's stronger than you, right. p.s. if you can get her number, e-mail it to me.
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