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Everything posted by r-studios

  1. Hey guyz i was just wondering if anyone liked Invader Zim and if they new what happened to it. Is it still on the air??
  2. Theres a spot nestled in the trees in my back yard near my canal were i put a boat seat i just love to go there cus its peaceful and shady away from the hot florida sun.
  3. Hmmm having exact change kinda makes me happy. And when someone is kind or caring to me or another person
  4. LOL save it from being eaten by someone thats great i guess i shouldnt have mentioned the vegetarian thing. And no i had not a clue were the nest was so i couldnt put back there. This topic has brought alot of sad stories in wow. But its cool in a way to be able to discuss this. I guess i should tell u another part to the story (why i did nothing) i checked on the bird periodically and found that it had moved across the street somehow so i figuired it best to leave it alone that it would be ok. But then it got killed so ya you know the rest.
  5. OMG I Think E.T. is scary too hes so creepy no one ever agrees with me. Hes especially creepy when hes all white and dying and stuff BUt anyway Indecision scares me
  6. it was either abandonment or death i dont know how to choose
  7. im really really really trying to find something new something in a story thats never been done
  8. something odd happened today my mom woke me up (i was sleeping on the couch)and she said, "theres a baby bird in the road". Being us vegeterians n all we wanted to save it from being hit by a car. Most likely it was trying to learn to fly. We wer stuck with a major delima the mother was trying to attack us while we looked at the bird. And if we touched it to move it off the road the Mother might abbandon it. I decided not to do anything for if it died it was meant to. And it did it was hit by a car (i did not witness this) but my mom told me. After that i felt weird was there anything i could have done. I wanna know yur opion what would u have done what could have been done (being otakus and respecting things like this and knowing that lose lose situations like this come up in Anime) I wanna know tell me what u feel.:whoops:
  9. ok this is a continuation of my thread that was in the Lounge i need help with manga story ideas i have a huge writers block so im pretty open to suggestions right now. Looking 4 somethin with swords in an alternate world that has Japanese elements (like a Final Fantasy type of setting) but u can also post ideas for something totally different cuz im really open If u wanna talk to me one on one we can talk on AIM my sn is RAJ853 or drop me a PM :D
  10. OK THEN TO THE LITARATURE FORUM (half shaded do u have AIM) Sky 3 can u send it there
  11. my forgivingness because the world needs that
  12. not too gory really and o yes there will be romance between the main character and a girl (do u have AIM)
  13. hmm well u just have to gather yur courage i guess
  14. well i have drawn a character that i would like to use and i'll have to scan the pic but its pretty open cuz i have got the worst writers block right now. I would like it to be serious (i can deal with all the characters in a while) with some comedy once in a while to break that (like in Rorouni Kenshin). im leaning towards a alternate world setting (like a Final Fantasy,Naruto,Inyu Yasha type world) with japanese elements thrown in to the mix but im absepting lots of stuff
  15. if u dont ask him out your being just as shy as he is he probably would really like u 2 or a least get a friend to do it for u
  16. HI ALL, havent posted here in a while :wigout: but i need someones help i really need help on a manga story development if any one can help please reasponf :blush: :box: :laugh:
  17. Anyone read Naruto in Shonen Jump
  18. More anime movies r showing up in Theaters these days like Cowboy Bebop coming April 14 even though it is in select theaters its still a step torwards Anime's growing popularity
  19. Hey i really really need someone to help me write the storyline for a manga i need somethin good maybe just some ideas to get me started i want it to be like the manga Naruto mixed with dot hack sign kinda stuff so like ninjitsu and fantasy but like in its on seperate world e-mail me if u want just really need a writer [EMAIL]rstudios8@yahoo.com[/EMAIL] :whoops:
  20. o-k then i guess ill tweek it some
  21. AFTERMATH if the aftermath of war is peace then the aftermath of peace is war if the aftermath of love is heartbreak is then the aftermath of heartbreak is love if the aftermath of a problem is another question then we'll never have all the answers..... -Raji Purcell
  22. Hey eveyone any writers out there wanna help me create a story for an online Manga I have the characters the main guy is shiro he will have friends and the world is one like on .hack//sign cept not a video game i mainly need a threat 2 the world or some kinda mission for the main character if i think of somethin on my own i'll tell ya but im all ears till then [EMAIL=rstudios8@yahoo.com] there my e-mail and the main character
  23. Actually not the same guy but thnx for the advice
  24. Heres Shiro the main guy for my series i need a story for:therock: ENJOY!!!!
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