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black cat 2

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About black cat 2

  • Birthday April 5

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  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by TarMeg1989 [/i] [B]Yes, Tarren taught me out of breaking up. And he loves me. He told me :D I am soo happy. I was right. Anyway, we now have a committed relationship. I am officailly happy now, and I don't think I would be deppressed anymore. *jumps up excitedly* :D Thanks for yall help. You helped a lot. [/B][/QUOTE] meg, i may be wrong but listen to what i have to say he could just talk u outta breakin up wit him because he doesn't want to be alone and for him sayin he loves u dont believe everything u hear i think he sounds like a real jerk whos usin u and i do think its possible to love at tht age and i'm in love also i love my boyfriend so much and i dont know wht i would do without him anyway live life like there is no tomorrow dont waste time wit this jerk find someone better thts what i have to say but if u think im wrong stay wit him
  2. i would just like to say my stepdad and my mom are sixteen years apart _mal :flaming:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B]In my opinion it's an incremental thing.. I wouldn't agree with a 7 year age difference when the younger person is 13, actually I wouldn't even agree with a 4/5 year difference there, but if they were 20 or over I wouldn't see it as a problem. My reason for that is that between the ages of 12-18 there's a huge difference in maturity between the two extremes. After that, there's not much of an increase in maturity.. you just kind of learn more. So yeah. I'm more against huge differences in matturity, than huge age differences. [/B][/QUOTE] see thats what i dont get, if they are 20 or over it isnt wrong but if the person is under 20 it is wrong. im for it except if they are like 2 or 3 and goin out wit a seventeen year old, now thats wrong. i know a 12 year old goin out wit my brother whos seventeen. in my opinion it isnt wrong. i only know bout this cuse i swore to secrecy agiant my mom. but still i believe they CAN be in love and they are -mal :flaming:
  4. it may sound wierd but my high is diet mounian dew. when i figiured out was the first time i had it. it was this year. it was at my grandma and grandpa's anniversery. we had the party at our house and my aunt brought dmd. me and my cousin took one sip and we were bouncing off the walls literilly. i have a deer head hanging in my living room. it freaked me out and i was laying in a featle position saying "the fury pony is staring at me" over and over agian. it freaked out most people. my older cousin(a different cousin) had a friend over who was my age. it was a guy and he was pretty cute. that night i did the one thing i will always regreat. no actully it wasn't that bad. we went in my room and we kissed for like an hour or so. beware me when im on diet mountian dew (dmd). i still know the guy and we are going out. diet mountian dew sitting right in front of me...gotta go get hyper *drinks dmd and breaks into gun shelf andgoes on a shooting rampage* :devil: hahaha
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red]Ginny, my heart and soul go out to you. I'll keep you in my prayers. _____________ The rest of you, this is Ginny looking for a little help here. I personally don't think sitting around bashing each other's religion is appropriate. --Chris[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] you are absolutly right jc. things usually get outta hand on threads because of ignorinte things some people say. i admit i get outta hand to. almost everyone does but sonner or later it gets back on topic. ginny, i hope you feel better and you and your family are in my prayers.
  6. this is one of my favs. i'll edit if i remember more. my minds is all topsy-turvey. if i mispell some things or it's not right dont blame me its my mind's fault. SIGNS bow:theres a monster outside my window can i have a glass of water? VHD:BLOODLUST D: I wouls if i could believe you meier. your credibility however is less than impecible under the surcumsatnces...you kidnapped the girl. thats all i can think right now. i mean think OF right now. stupid me...stupid stupid me.
  7. i dont have any advice this time but im really sorry to hear about your mom. i don't think by reading your posts you are going to make a suicide attemp. i hope you feel better and you should try to make your mom happy. you have all my best wishes.
  8. i think the girl had every right to wear that shirt at school. if she was going to d.c. to see the white house it wouldn't be such a good idea. i think if they can make fun of a president on the radio you can wear a shirt like that. but on the other hand it could offend other students who like bush. it also makes the president look like a fool. but i still think she should be able to exprece her feelings...at least on a shirt. if she wrote "i hate bush" or something like that on her note bookor all over her shirt it would be a different story. thats how i feel. i'm sorry if i offended anyone in anyway.
  9. most of my friends are guys. preety much because im one of the only girls who like anime in my school. but the guys are really nice and the girls that are my friends except me the way i am some even are "popular". some guys are huge losers. the rest are all nice. some of my guy friends are so wierd. no offense to them. when they are around me and other guys they make fun of the stuff i like. even if they like the same things. therefore we get in many fights. the rest will never make fun of me. so we always get along. so you can always find a good friend even if thier a guy.
  10. mierer do you really think people care if they breack the rules to stand up for someone they are trying to get to feel better? i dont think so. why cant you be a little more nice and offer advice to her? you might have been happy when your grandpa died but you just remimded me of someone in my school who i hate and when his dad died he was running around with a sign on his back that said "my dads dead today is the best day of my life".
  11. i take walks sometimes and alot of site see-ers come down my road. i was walking once and a car stop where i was and they rolled down thier window so i started to walk slowly forward and getting ready to run if they got out of the car. i wasn't far from the car and i heard a kid say "mommy whos that scary man"?(just so you know im a girl) the older woman(the mom of the kid) said "it's not a man i think. well they sure are scary". i was so offended i ran home crying. big wup i was wearing a hat that covered one of my eyes and a black shairt and black pants. if people thimk thats scary them i'm scary every day
  12. well all the stuff that has happened to me i'm surprised i havent broken a bone. while i was readin this my cat was sleeping on the chair im resting my feet on i read something funny and bumped my cat(she easily gets mad) well that made her mad and she tore up my legs(luckilly my legs are under covers and i have pants on so it didn't effect it as much) so know i can barley move my legs and i'm stuck on the computer. oh know here comes my cat!
  13. it happenes to me when i don't concetrate on anything and have all the lights of and have music on. it's always different depending on the music. like when it's punk music or music about something bad that happens something bad happens in my "day dreams" when it's soft music something good happens in the "dreams"
  14. lady, that had to hurt when your head went through the wall. lan,was the bike ok? just kidding. something simular happened to me but it's to embarrassing to say to people i don't even know.
  15. i would quite if i were you. my sister worked at kroger's and she smashed her finger in the cash register they still made her work so she quite and got a job at an embriodery shop and they are so nice to her. find a better job.
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