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Everything posted by BEUD

  1. When i started collecting yugioh a gay *** kid named Devron(gay name right?) stole my Change of heart and soul excange
  2. BEUD


    :babble: how do u distinguish cards by rarity all yhe foils confuse me:huh: i know gate guardian is secret rare. can you tell me the other types of foils and what they look like? :help:
  3. I can see through my common cards. does that mean theyre fake?
  4. For Card translations go to [url]www.cards-n-collectibles.co.uk/cards/gaming/yugioh/translations.htm[/url] if the one above doesn't work go to google search and type KAIBA STRUCTURE DECK CARDS and look for the site above and copy it then try it [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Don't double post. Use the 'Edit' button. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. Can any one tell me the 8#code for japanese Pharaoh's Servant cards
  6. Does anyone know the Japanese Paraoh's Servant card codes???:toothy:
  7. DEVIL LEVEL 8 DARK FIEND EFFECT:DESTROYS ALL MONSTORS ON FIELD AND DEACTIVATES GOD CARD EFFECTS. ATK 5500 DEF 5500 BEAT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>>>>>>>> ?????? L:12 DARK ?????? D:???? ATK:9999 DEF:???? HEHE >>>>>>>>> Ultimate Sacrifice Magic At the cost of 500 of your life points deduct half of your opp. remmaining lp. (e.g. ULTIMATE SACRIFICE= you:8000-7500 opp.: 8000-4000 I have struck yet again (IRON MAN RULES) (>")>SION
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