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  1. thank's for that info i was wondering the same thing
  2. Are their any non-gameshark codes for this game because I'm not the greatest at this game and I'm in a tough spot.
  3. I have JAPwizard because My initials spell *** and I'm a wrestler and there is a move called the japwizzer. I didn't know how to spell it when i first registered so it was spelled wrong.
  4. Does anyone have good description on how to get the unown pokedex in gold?
  5. You can find release dates for any console at [url]www.cheatcodes.com.[/url] It says DBZ-Legacy of Goku is coming out on May 5 and DBZ-Card game will be on June 15 both for Gameboy Advanced. :drunk:
  6. I don't know the first question but I do know Gohan dies at the hands of Majin Boo.
  7. I'll sell you one that is a japanese version and is also a copy to where you have to have amod chip for it. I'll sell it for $10.00:D
  8. does any1 no where i can go to get downloads of dbz games :D
  9. Does anyone know here I can get the playstation game Dragonball GT: Final Bout?-_-
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