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  1. Raikou


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B]Well after you catch on to their strategy, Exodia decks are fun to play against, since you have a set limit to beat them. It just seems to me that most of the members here think Exodia decks are always sucessful. I mean they're not [i]that[/i] easy to play. Exodia isn'y even really playable now, either. Since beatdown decks dominate the scene, and almsot every deck has Card destruction now, they're tough to win with. [/B][/QUOTE] I couldnt have said it better myself ^_~ [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Don't double-post, please. Use the 'Edit' button. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. Raikou


    and dont forget it is funny watching the other guys face.
  3. Raikou


    exodia isnt boring use him as a tyool not as your main deck monster.
  4. time wizard comes in the joey deck i just got it. its not shiny like my onee from a pack. and yes they do screwup packageing cards
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]THat's the way that Lauren told me. Although she explained it differently. [/B][/QUOTE] i can see a bit of light coming thru mine
  6. i was wondering. how many people have the whole set of exodia or just some peaces. i hopefuly will have a piece.(if i win the action:D )
  7. its the 8 digit number fro garnecia elefantis dial in 49888191...
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