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Everything posted by erinzyger
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] She is trying to make you her slave and have complete control of you. If you fall into her demands now you will become her slave, you will be asking permission just to go out with friends, and you will do whatever she wants. Dump Her. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=chocolate][b]I beg your pardon Harry, but I am trying to do nothing of the sort. I encourage him to go have fun with his friends...He just doesn't listen... -Erin[/color][/b]
[color=chocolate][b]OOC: People call me Liam, not Kelly. Just thought I'd let you know, peoples. ========================== IC: ========================== Kelly slowly crawled out from her hiding place underneath the bleachers. She looked at the used-to-be dance floor. There was nothing left of the crowd, but a few bodies. Her eyes widened. [i]Who the hell did this?[/i] She wondered to herself. She was about to leave, to try to find a way out of here ((or at least a payphone)) when she spotted something ((or more particularily someone)) that held her back. She recognized one of the bodies among the dead: Mark! She was about to scream, but thought better of it. The gunmen were still most likely around. As she ran off down the hallway, she wiped mascara-streaked tears from her face. She headed for her first classroom choice, the art room.[/color][/b]
[color=chocolate][b]Kelly wrapped a ringlet of her raven black hair around her finger as she watched the dance floor from the bleachers. She scuffed her sneaker against the gym floor and raised an eyebrow. The DJ was playing a new rap song. She hated it. Another "drugs 'n' pimping" song as she called it. [i]I should run up and switch the CD with my AFI CD...[/i] she thought happily. Her friend Mark leaned against the wall beside her. "Who wants to go beat up a prep? Liam?" he asked jokingly. She smirked at him and said, "Do what you like Carters." He laughed and began to walk off, "Exactly what I'm going to do." He disappeared into the crowd. She shook her head. She was about to leave herself, when she heard "it". "It" was loud and sharp and peircing. "It" was a gunshot. And then a scream. Kelly's eyes widened. She jumped up and hid under the bleachers. As more gunshots rang out and more screams were heard, she curled up into a ball, covered her ears and started to pray.[/color][/b]
Sorry peeps. I'm not joining this here. So, Arunue, you can start this as soon as you want. I'm going to join the other version...most likely...*evil smile* -Erin
[color=chocolate][b]Heh, maybe you should stop making jokes about going out with the other girl. Maybe she wouldn't get so upset. -Erin[/color][/b]
[color=chocolate][b]Name: Kelly "Liam" Rogers-Otis Age: 12 Race: Hispanic/White Eye Color: Chocolate Brown Hair Color: Raven Black Appearance: Tanned skin. And these clothes: [url=http://www.hottopic.com/Assets/product_images/zm/240043_zm.jpg]MacGirl Pink Mesh Denim Pants[/url], [url=http://www.hottopic.com/Assets/product_images/zm/293883_zm.jpg]a Tripp Black And Purple Clip Sleeved Hoodie[/url] ((no, she doesn't look like the model)), [url=http://www.hottopic.com/Assets/product_images/zm/289506_zm.jpg]this underneath it, a Purple Glitter Star Zipper Sleeveless Top[/url],[url=http://www.hottopic.com/Assets/product_images/zm/384182_zm.jpg]a pair of Volatile Black And Plum Maryjane Joggers[/url], and a[url=http://www.hottopic.com/Assets/product_images/zm/227968_zm.jpg]Steady Black And Purple Fang Kitty Bandanna[/url]. Bio: Kelly ((preferrably called Liam)) Rodgers is a city girl. Is now, always has been. Grew up in New York City, but moved to ((insert name of this city)) when she was 11. She's only been here for a year, but she's established a reputation for being...different. She never had much of a relationship with either of her parents, but it's not like they totally ignored her. They were there for her when she needed them. She's closest to her sister, Mina. They're total opposites, but their like best friends. Personality: In general, she's a quiet girl with weird friends. In class, she is the one who makes the smart comments once in a while, but really doesn't talk. She's not really a rule breaker. She sees no reason to go out of her way to break a rule just to get attention. Unlike most of her peers, she is totally into rock/techno. She never really got into the whole hip hop thing. In fact, she hates it when all they do is rap about drugs and "pimping". She likes her music with meaning or no words at all. But she goes to the dances anyways.[/color][/b]
Writing Mew Mix 2015 (erin PLEASE don't kill me for this....)
erinzyger replied to Chichiri's Girl's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chichiri's Girl [/i] [B]yo this is dedicated to Erinchan![/quote] Aw! I feel so loved! *hugs her soul sista* [quote] It was odd but she remembered playing it to Dea and Surichi while he had been asking Dea something.[/quote] Didn't she play it for Dea and [b]Chirichi[/b]? [quote]It scarred the crap out of him.[/quote] I also think that she also broke a few windows and other miscellanious objects. [quote]They had been walking home from school when they were complaing about a whole week of exams. Dea had gotten well, pissed off, and had smashed her fist into a car. The owner came out of his house when the alarm went off so they ran. They ran so fast they lost there place and ended up lost in the wrong side of town....[/quote] Hehe, I remember that. [quote] She thought about the other brother, Swurichi, her boyfriend.[/quote] I beleive the spelling is S-H-U-I-C-H-I. [quote]yeah I'd write more but my bro wants on...[/QUOTE] Aw, poor Dea-baby. ----------------------------------------------- Anyways, this is definately going well so far Dea-chan. We're going to have to start drawing it seriously soon. -
Writing Mew Mix 2015 (erin PLEASE don't kill me for this....)
erinzyger replied to Chichiri's Girl's topic in Creative Works
[color=chocolate][b]*cough, sputter, dies*...*comes back to life* Oh my God! Deanna! You're frickin' brilliant! *pokey* But why didn't you tell me you were going to do this before hand? Oh, and is this the part with the android and the...yea...You know what I'm talkin' 'bout, Dea. -Erin[/color][/b] -
[color=chocolate][b]Elle laughed out loud as she saw the melon whack the pixie in the side of the head. She turned to Kaelin and yelled, "Oi! Runnalls! Throw me one o' those, wontcha?" Kaelin gave her a confused look. She laughed again. "Usually, I wouldn't be helpin' you lot, but that loks like it'd be a bit o' fun." She floated over to the other faerie* and stole a couple of the orange fruits. She threw one at the pixie with the chain and it hit him in the stomach. "Right on target!" Elle cheered. She turned around, looked over her shoulder, and chucked another one at a different pixie. "What did I tell you? We don't need your help!" Finny yelled angrily. Elle glared at him. "And what did I tell you? I'm doin' this fer fun!" She was about to throw another one when she was hit in the shoulder with a rock that one of the pixies had thrown. She grabbed it and yelled, "Aagh! Tha's gonna leave a bruise!" She picked up another fruit with her good arm and took aim... ------------------------------------ *Faerie is how I spell fairy.[/color][/b]
[color=chocolate][b]*nods* Will do Karma. But anyways...I really like this new one, "Drip Drip Drip". It ((for some reason)) reminds me of the Linkin Park song "Crawling". I especially liked this: [quote]A pixelated fairytale through the TV screen Forget reality, it's all a dream Angel wings and a girl who sings The sweetest song. And then the credits begin to roll It's all over, time to know That this could never be real. Drip drip drip of my soul teaches me to feel. Yet I am numb. Drip...[/quote] Yes. I really do. And I'll be sure to PM you. C-ya! -Erin[/color][/b]
[color=chocolate][b]Okay, I want to start posting stuff from my sketchbook and things like that in the art and design forum. But whenever I try to submit, it says that my file is too large. Can anyone tell me how to resize it? Thanks! -Erin[/color][/b]
[color=chocolate][b]Oh wow Karma! These are wonderful...And I'm not just saying that to be nice. These really are good. Have you ever considered writing a poetry book and getting it published. I'm actually quite partial to the first one. It's so...dark. One problem though. Your "Open Diary" link thingie isn't working for me...Yea...Well, c-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers* -Erin[/color][/b]
[color=chocolate][b]OOC: Sorry 'bout the late post guys. I've been grounded for the past week, so I'm postin' today. X_^ Hope 'm not too late. ------------------------------------------------- Elle closed her eyes in silent prayer as she played the last note on her violin. She put it in rest position and looked to Melina questioningly. Melina had set her glasses down on the pillow next to her and was now massaging her temples. Elle frowned, "What's wrong this time?" "Elle, look at the forty-third measure. You're C sharp. It's off." the older musician replied. Elle's jaw dropped. "WHAT?!?! It was perfect! What are you talking about?" she yelled. Melina massaged her temples even more, "Stop yelling, you stupid apprentice. If I say it was wrong, it was wrong. Who do you think has better knowledge: you, the apprentice, or me the professional?" Tears welled in her eyes, "But...But I-" "No buts Elle! You failed! I drilled you for hours and you still failed." "But I had the rest of the song right didn't I?" "Does it matter? The smallest mistake can make the rest of the song sound wrong." That was the last straw. Elle turned and stomped out the door. She didn't even turn around when Melina poked her head into the doorway and yelled, "You'll come back! You always will!" [i]Yea right...[/i] The black haired girl thought with another frown. She kept on walking until she heard a cry for help from someone a few blocks away. [i]Wonder what that could be?[/i] And so, she went off to investigate.[/b][/color]
[color=chocolate][b]OOC: Sorry for the late reply peeps. I've been grounded this whole week ^^(). And you can control my chara. if you're in conversation with him and such. But no major changes. -------------------------------------------------------- Nano sighed as he cleaned out another glass. Tonight was a busy night at Monte's, almost as busy as the night when he overheard the rumor of his first bounty. But this night felt different. This night didn't feel like a "something-very-good's-gonna-happen" night. More like a "I-think-there's-going-to-be-a-bar-fight" night. He just had this sinking feeling. "Nano! Anotha drink fo' me an' mah buddy ova he'!" a slurred voice called from one end of the bar. It was one of the regulars, Fridgy. He came here every night, drowning himself in the drink with his imaginary friend. Nano just smiled and slid Fridgy's drink down to him. Fridgy gave him a drunken smile, showing a mouthful of yellow teeth and took up his drink. That's when it happened. On the other side of bar there was a great outburst of yelling and two men stood up ready to fight. [i]I knew this was going to happen...[/i] Nano thought with a frown. The two men were now attracting the attention of the entire bar. They started throwing punches at each other, most of them missing their target. Soon the two men's buddies began to join in the fight and soon enough, it was all out bar brawl. Nano knew that this was the time to step in. He pulled his crossbow out from under the counter and shot one arrow across the bar, right inbetween the two main fighters. It hit the was right next to their heads. Everyone stopped to look at him. Nano cleared his throat. "Gentlemen!" he began "I'm sorry to interrupt your little argument, but I must ask you to stop at once." He turned to the taller of the two men, "Just, what would your children think if they knew you were in a bar fight?" Just looked down at his shoes. Nano turned to the other man. "And Luke, I think Rivette would be delighted to know about Lichelle." he said sarcastically. Luke did the same as his friend. "Okay, now that that's settled...You may go back to what you were doing before this little incident." he directed this at the entire crowd. And they followed his order. Nano settled himself and flipped the channel to the bounty hunting show. [i]Wonder if there's any new bounties...[/i] He watched intently as Cindy and Arnold began a report on the newest bounty. The Cowboy Killer. "Ya gonna take th' bounty Nano?" Fridgy asked. Nano thought about it for a minute and then slowly nodded. "You know, I think I will Fridge." he replied.[/color][/b]
[color=chocolate]Name: Nano Age: 14 Occupation: Does odd jobs and bartends ((even though he's not old enough to drink)) at a bar called "Monte's" Weapon of choice: Crossbow Ship: zipper ship called "Bombay" Aprearance: Please click [url=http://weiss.eternity.nu/images/omi03.jpg]here[/url] Bio: Nano used to live with his father in an abandoned bar on Mars. He and his father would live off of stolen food and a cheap mini-heater that was found in a garbage can. Nano never liked living there, but he put up with it. He did all the work while his father [i]attempted[/i] to find a job. He said he tried, but Nano could tell otherwise. So, at the age of 13, Nano left in the middle of the night to go find himself a real job and a new life. He eventually found a job as a bartender at Monte's. A few months into this job, he got into bounty hunting. He was having a boring night, even though the bar was filled and talking. So, he decided to eavesdrop on a conversation or two. He heard an old man with a metal arm ((*coughJetcough*)) talking with some other men ((*coughnotSpikecough*)) about a bounty he heard about. Nano immediately took interest. Since then, Nano's been taking up bounty's all the time. He's made quite a name for himself. His boss of course, has no problem. ^.~ Brings in more customers. Nano's personality is that of a very mature child. Okay, let me explain. He is usually just another one of the men, able to joke around and talk with the other older guys ((who are usually much older than him)) at the bar. But on the other hand, deep down inside, he's still a kid.[/color]
[color=chocolate]War of Genises Banner: Wow Rube! I really like this one. 10/10 Shinji/Kaworu banner: *pats you on the shoulder* I still think [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=502213]this[url] ((
[color=chocolate]*twitch* DEA!!! *calms herself* Heh, anywho, I'm actually with you Karma. Kyou's ((
[color=chocolate]Eh meh, I have a few Christian bands that I like. First off, Sonic Flood! I like their version of "Open The Eyes of My Heart Lord". :P Definately my favorite Sonic Flood song. And Supertones. Their version of "Lord I Lift Your Name on High" is pretty cool. It's also my favorite Christian song in general. My friend Jacky says that Double Edge Swords is a really cool Christian rock band. :sob: Unfortunately I wasn't able to listen to/see them on that His Night. I had other things I had to do...But she says she'll eventually find a sample of their music for me. That's all I can think of for the moment, but I'll probably think of some more eventually. -Erin[/color]
[color=chocolate]MWEAH! Much better Ruby! 10/10 most definately![/color]
[color=chocolate]Asuka/Rei Banner: I personally love this banner! I like the way you did the top and sides. My only complaint is the way you cut the pic of Asuka. It's a little frizzy around the edges of the back of her head, and halfway down, her hair sorta...disappeared...yea. But otherwise, very nice banner. 9/10 Mutio Banner: Hmmm...Very intersting Ruby. The pic and the color set don't really match. I dunno, it just doesn't look right to me. And the pic is sorta faded. Could use some work. But brownie points for doing a BS#6 Banner! 8/10 -Erin[/color]
[color=chocolate]Name: Maluspuer* Karsh Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Undetermined. Possibly human, but there are other possibilites ((in other words, this guy is too bad to be human)) Deck: None Weapon: A sword with a burning ivy design on the blade and a box of matches ((explained in bio)) Description: [url=http://www.angelfire.com/art/illustratedhp/moogle_dracosexy.jpg]Click here[/url] Bio: Maluspuer is the evil sorceror who murdered the original gaurdians in order to gain the Decks. As a child, he was abused and neglected by his father, a priest at the god of darkness, Necrotearph. Having no friends or connection with his father, he had lots of extra time on his hands. Unfortunately, he devoted it to evil. He came up with multiple plots ranging everywhere from stealing a chicken from a local farmer all the way up to murder. Then, when he turned 19, he found out about the cards. He found out about how they could make anything happen. How they could give him the power he needed. So he set out to murder the gaurdians and take their decks, therefore being able to take revenge on his father and the rest of the world for the abuse he suffered as a child. But, he was thwarted by the Deck Master. Maluspuer has the general villian personality when you first look at him. Bad to the bone. But he takes it to the extreme. When he kills someone he takes great pleasure in it. His signature is when he kills someone he takes out one of his matches and burns an "M" into their neck. --------------------------------------------------- Hope that's okay Fairy. And for anyone who wants to know a funny tidbit, Maluspuer translates to "badboy". Heh, just thought that was funny.[/color]
[color=chocolate]OOC: She's baaaaack! LOL, signing up just like I promised Geist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Elle Morgan Age: 12 Gender: Female Description: Multi-blue eyes, black hair that is left down but spikey and choppy in cut, tanned skin, black tanktop, blue shorts, hardly ever wears shoes, black-and-blue wings, a sapphire stud nosering, and...ELFIE EARS! ((LOL, sorry, couldn't resist)) Background: Elle has always been an outcast among the children of Goobly. She doesn't hate them, but she doesn't exactly fit in with them either. She has a special dislike for Finny, but no one is really sure why ((don't worry, I'll come up with a reason for our rivalry as the story goes on)). She is the apprentice of the musician, Melina ((hope you don't mind me using a Greek name)).[/color]
[color=chocolate]Sanzo Banner: Nice job Ruby! I love the pic and colors. They go well with dear Sanzo's personality. THe only complaint I have is the text. It's a bit hard to read. But otherwise, very good. I give it a 9.5/10 Naruto Banner: Very, very nice! Heh, the pic of Naruto is funny! 10/10 Evangelion Banner: Okay. Kaworu side-wonderful! Shinji side...Here's where you need to work. First off, the text in the top left corner (("Fate")). It's sorta out of place. It's smaller than the other side, and a bit crammed. I like how you "fogged" Shinji's pic like Kaworu's, but the background, with Eva 01...It seems a bit off. Not as good as the other side. ^__^ But overall, it's a very good banner! 9/10 You're a really good banner artist Ruby! *puppy dog eyes* Could you teach me your ways? LOL, can't wait to see more! -Erin[/color]
First Name: Erin Age: 192 ((Nah, but I'm not tellin' ya anyways. You'll hafta guess)) Hair Color: Brown with Copper Streaks Eye Color: Brown ((Oh, how I wish they were green)) Height: 5' 2" Wardrobe: A very wide variety actually, but no skirts or dresses. I have tons of t-shirts and jeans, but don't most people? Personality: Usually happy, extremely hyper around my friends ((and sometimes around complete strangers)), and all around weird...But let's just say you don't want to catch me on a bad day. Hair Style: Usually down and parted down the middle ((even though my mom hates it when I do that. Favorite Music Type: Pretty much a little bit of everything, except for rap ((excluding Sean Paul. I like Sean Paul...)) Favorite musical Band/Artist: None in particular. But I'm quite partial to Boxcar Racer, Blink 182, Trapt, No Doubt, Austin Sherrie, Blake Shelton, Savage Garden, Sum 41, Linkin Park, GACKT, Megumi Hayashibara, Utada Hikaru, Melon Kinenbi...Yeah... Hobbies: Playing violin ((Yay! Third year!)), singing, writing, drawing, playin' Chrono Cross, debating about things with my friends/classmates/sister/mom, reading, bein' crazy, and shortenin' words with an apostrophe.
OOC: Okay, where's my prize? LOL, I hope you like my idea for the PMs...I got the idea from BGC Tokyo 2040. NeNe-gram! ------------------------------------------------------- Lelian sighed heavily as she looked at the thread in front of her. [i]*sigh* Where do people get these ideas? I mean all it says is "Hiiro Yui ROOOOOCKS! Smiley, smiley, smiley...one thousand more smilies". They could at least spell his name right. Oh well, reply.[/i] She clicked the reply button and stepped into the thread: [color=chocolate]Yes, I'm sure you'd like everyone to know about your love for Mr. [b]Yuy[/b], but this isn't the place to do it. You could have at least put a little bit of reasoning behind it...Oh well, c'est la vie! Thread-Closed![/color] And just as she promised, she closed the thread. [i]I'm pretty easy on first time posters, but these are the kind of people that I just don't like...[/i] She thought as she left the thread. She was driven from her thoughts when she heard a loud pop. She looked up and saw a large PM notice. She reached out and clicked the button to read it. A small box with a cartoonish picture of K-win opened up and began to speak: [color=silver]Hey Saga! Just to let you know, we're meeting about the hacker problem today. Go to the abandoned portal to the Inu Yasha forum. Bye![/color] The PM disappeared and was saved to her folder. "Hmmm...The abandoned portal? Okay then! Better get going!" she said to herself. And so, she headed off to the meeting with the rest of the mods.