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Everything posted by erinzyger

  1. o.O We..all..love...WHAT? Knives ist scary...*shivers* Scaaaaary... But besides that, the banner that you made of him [b]is[/b] very cool. The picture you used...Yea. But the Hellsing one roxors!!! I mean really, the banner kicks arse! I like how you did the thing with the title and crosses running down the side. *thumbs up* Coolnessness. And the warthog one. No comment. o.O Let's just leave it at that. -Erin
  2. [color=green][b]OOC: I changed my sign up a bit because it goes along with her Bio. ^__~ -------------------------------------------------- Real Name: Lelia Streak Screen Name: Saga Age: 14 Description: A bit on the skinny side, but still a bit muscular now. Shoulder length red hair with blonde streaks and golden eyes. Gold/orange sweatshirt, yellow t-shirt underneath, blue jeans with a little bit of a flare at the bottom, and glasses. Bio: Before she came to OB, Lelia was constantly being beat up and getting picked on because she was a bit of a geek and because of her obsession with the world of Gundam. Her father was dead and her mother could care less about her problems. She had a very low self-esteem and was constantly trying to change herself to please other people. Then, one day, she found her way into the OtakuBoards and signed up under the username Saga. She found people who shared her same intrests and saw her for who she was, and not how she looked. She felt like the happiest person in the world. Her mom didn't care how much time she spent on there, so she spent most of her off-time on the boards. Slowly but surely, she changed from the old, weak Lelia Streak to the confident and friendly Saga! Because she followed the rules and put lots of effort into her posts ((not to mention had tons of knowledge on the subject)), she eventually became moderator of the Gundam forum. Now, she's on the quest to find the hackers and stop the Banning Hack, before it's too late! Forum: Gundam Weapons: A chain and blade and has a Gundam ((the Sun Gundam, weapons include a chain and blade identicle to her own and extendable heat blades in the wrists)) for Gundam related things.[/color][/b]
  3. Aw wow Dan! The Son Goku banner is awesome! I like the little shadow text thing you did with his name and the series title. It's a good pic too. And a Teen Girl Squad banner would be awesome. Can't wait to see that one ((if you do it)). *holds up an "I Think Dan Rugh Is The Most Awesome Banner-Maker On OB" poster*
  4. [color=green][b]Nariko sighed as she watched her brother leave. He was right. There were far more serious matters at hand. She didn't have time to be worrying about her little problems with Daisuke. Aya's problems were much bigger than her own. Speaking of Aya, she guessed she was getting pretty lonely back in the room. She walked back and reentered the room. "So, what'd Kensuke want to talk about?" Aya asked. "Oh, nothing...Nothing wahatsoever...But anyways, Aya, tell me something. If you don't want to answer, that's okay. But...what was life like with Aki? You seem pretty close to him." Nariko asked her friend. She could see her face fall a bit. "We were...extremely close. We did everything together. We went to all the festivals together, played games together, had fun together..." Aya paused for a moment, "Got in trouble together." Nariko nodded. [i]Wow...Now that's devotion to your sibling.[/i] "Anyways, when I was pulled from him, it was devastating. And I still don't know what has happened to him, how he's doing..." Nariko saw tears forming in Aya's eyes. She put her hand on Aya's shoulder and said, "Aya, it's gonna be alright. We'll find out what all this is about and where Aki is. We'll find out all we can. But right now, all we can do is hope and pray." "Thanks Nariko." Aya smiled through her tears. Nariko stood up and said, "I going to go do some laundry now. I'll be in the laundry room if you need me." She headed for the door, but then looked back and said, "Aya? Please, whatever you do, don't try to go after Aki. It's too much of a risk." She gave her a serious look that faded into a smile and then continued on her way.[/color][/b]
  5. Mwesha! I am addicted to singing in the shower. Though I usually only sing if I'm in the shower in the afternoon or in the evening, I sometimes sing in the morning. The scary part about it though, is that I usually sing really out of place songs. Lately, my "shower songs" have been "When You Believe" from Prince of Egypt, "She Blinded Me With Science" by Thomas Dolby, and snippets of a bunch of Melon Kinenbi and Utada Hikaru songs. Yesh, I am odd. But it's kinda embarassing sometimes, because sometimes I leave the window open, and people can hear me outside. I learned that when my Uncle Tom told me he could here me singing Mandy Moore songs in the shower while he was in the backyard. -Erin "She blinded me with science///And hit me with technology///She blinded me with science///And failed me in biology." -"She Blinded Me With Science", Thomas Dolby
  6. [color=green][b]Name: Phoenix ((AKA- Feathers)) Age: 22 Species: Half human/half demon Gender: Female Appearance: Hair-long, red, and wavy, usually kept under a black bandana///Eyes-Sapphire///Clothes- Black, silk halter top and black pants, and a silver necklace with a silver diamond pendant on it. Weapon (max 3): Wire ((yes, it cuts through stuff and it can be used to strangle people...multipurpose...LOL)) and a dagger for close range combat Powers (max 7): Rise From The Ashes- A spell that enables her to raise souls from the dead for 24 hours ((anyone who knows the life of a phoenix will get it)) Bio: Phoenix ((called Feathers by Omega)) is the lover of Omega and one of Armage's Elite. She's the daughter of a demon prostitute ((now deceased)) and a human father ((still living)). She grew up on her own, her mother dead when she was born and hating her human father. She became a free-lance assasin at first, but was drawn to Armage's organization by her new-found love, Omega, who she met by chance at a run-in on one of her missions. She now works as one of Armage's assasins. Personality: Phoenix prides herself with being a generally intelligent and crafty person. She always has another trick up her sleeve and a mysterious smile on her face that makes it seem that she knows something you don't know. When it comes to Omega, she's a devoted lover, who would do anything for him, even if it meant death. Organization: Assassins[/color][/b]
  7. erinzyger


    [color=green][b]The Sign Up Name: Adonia Gemma ((trans.- Beautiful Jewel)) Age: 13 Gender: Female Height: 5' 1" Weight: 90 lbs Hometown: Lilycove Appearance: Since my stupid pics won't work. Just try to imagine this. Asuka Langely from Evangelion, with a yellow tanktop, jean capris, and sneakers. And now you have Adonia. History: Adonia was born and raised in the lap of luxury. Her father was an extremely wealthy business man and her mother was a Pokemon fashion designer. Her parents wanted only the best for their daughter and they spoiled her with anything she wanted. This of course turned her into what she is today ((see Personality)). But she wasn't all bad. She had an interesting obsession with Pokemon right from the start. It all started when she began to take care of the family Persian by herself and grew from there. When she turned 13, Adonia wanted to take her Pokemon obsession further and finally become a real Pokemon trainer. Personality: Adonia is a spoiled brat. When in contact with humans, people see her as a brat and a bit of a snob. She loves the fact that she's rich and let's people know it! But when she's with her Pokemon, that's a completely different story. She's a caringperson who loves her Pokemon companions to pieces and would do anything for them. ------------------------- Your Starter Pokémon Nickname: Centa Name: Treeko Type: Grass Moves: Pound and Leer ((just used Jokopoko's Pokedex site))[/color][/b]
  8. [color=green][b]OOC: Yeah, I finally got off my butt to go and update. Hooray for procrastination! :laugh: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nariko led the younger girl back to her bedroom. She turned and shut, almost slammed, the door. She let go of Aya's wrist and sat down on her mattress. "Um, Nariko? What was that all about?" Aya asked. Nariko took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She looked up at her friend and began, "Well...I was trying to kick Daisuke out and one thing led to another and eventually he was...um...how do I put this? Well..." "Kissing you?" Aya finished her sentence. Nariko gulped and nodded sheepishly. She flopped onto her back and continued where Aya had left off, "And believe it or not, I [i]liked[/i] it!" She heard Aya giggling and gave her The Look. But soon she was laughing too. She threw a pillow at Aya and she threw it back. Nariko caught it and said, "But seriously Aya, I'm confused. I don't know exactly how I feel. I'm pretty sure I [i]am[/i] in love with him, but there's still this little voice at the back of my head telling me no." "Could that be the voice of your brother?" Aya joked. Both girls laughed again at the thought of a mini-Kensuke living in the back of Nariko's brain. Suddenly, there was a knock on her bedroom door. She got up and opened the door to find the last person she needed to see right now: her brother. Not only could she not stop imagining the mini-him, but he was probably furious about the earlier happenings. Despite this, his face seemed calm and cool. "Glad to see you're enjoying yourself. Nariko, may I please speak to you in the kitchen...alone?" he asked, making emphasis on the word alone. Nervously, Nariko nodded her head and followed her brother out to the kitchen. They sat in complete silence for almost a minute until Kensuke began. "Nariko..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: And there's your que Corey. :P[/color][/b]
  9. :) Thank you so much for all the suggestions guys! I found out today from Micah ((the second oldest)) that they were able to salvage a few things from the downstairs ((the fire started upstairs)). Actually, he found some clothes that were untouched in the dryer. It hadn't gotten to that room yet. Again, thanks for the suggestions! -Erin
  10. It was the oldest one, Zach. He's a sophmore in highschool or somehting...He didn't set the fire perposely, but he was messing around with firecrackers or something in the house...can't remember what exactly...but it started a fire and eventually got out of hand.
  11. Thanks for the advice D. It was the 3 brothers, Jordan, Joey, and Micah, and Zach. I don't think you knew them. The only problem with your advice is that they're...you know, tough guys. And the only one who I really see anymore is Jordan. I just really don't know what to do...
  12. This evening ((or would it be afternoon?)) at around 4:30, my friends's ((there's 4 of them)) house caught on fire. None of them were hurt, except for the oldest, who's hand's were burnt, but not too badly. The rest of the boys and their parents, luckily, weren't home. Because the fire got so out of hand, they had to eventually knock down the house. They're staying with friends in town now. I feel so sorry for them, loosing their home and all their belongings, and I want to help them. The only problem is, I can't think of anything to do. I really want to help them somehow though. If anybody has any ideas on what I can do, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you. -Erin
  13. Name- Aeris Albina Age- 16 Gender- Female Sign- Gemini-Air-Mercury Weapon- Ruby-Jeweled Glaive Abilities- She doesn't have much magical ability, besides basic zodiac wind spells. To make up for that she has great agility and strength. Features- See attachment Yup, same shirt, jewel, hair, and she has garnet pants. Persona- A sweet, kind, and soft-spoken person who believes that everything has some good in it, no matter how evil it may seem. Bio- Aeris was born into a community of underground slave trade((meaning that the opperation was secret, :P not litterally underground)). Her family was shipped around to many a place on Earth before she was finally split from them and sold to a rich and powerful maharajah. She was treated like nothing more than a toy there, but she kept her head up high. She thought that he would eventually turn over a new leaf. But she was wrong. One night, he tried to go too far, but Aeris was able to escape. It definately wasn't easy, but she had been taking secret lessons from the captain of the gaurds in defense and attack. She used these to get away and make it out of the country. She lived off of peoples generosity for 3 years. She then witnessed "The Accident" and received her zodiac powers.
  14. MWESHA! I love this banner! 10/10 definately. I really like the animation on it. It actually makes it alot cooler. C-ya on the other side! -Erin "For the sake of damsels in distress...The CLAMP Campus Detectives are on the case!" -Imonoyama Nokoru
  15. Yo Dan Rugh! I love your banners! Especially the Fushigi Yuugi ones. They always seem to turn out the best. I like this new animated Nuriko one. [spoiler]:sob: It's too bad Nuriko-sama had to die.[/spoiler] I like the little sign you put on the "o" in Nuriko. How do you do that? *sigh* I wish I could make banners like you...:laugh: Now when do I get my CCD one? C-ya on the other side! -Erin "Tama-baby!" -Nuriko
  16. [color=green][b]Hey all! I was just wonderin', has anyone here heard of the book[u]To Take A Dare[/u] by Crescent Dragonwagon? Man, I loved that book! I've already read it twice and I'm planning on reading it again once I finish [u]The Book of Three[/u]. I liked the characters and story. [spoiler]It shows that there's always time to turn around. Even after all that she got mixed up in, Chrysta was able to start over. Ah, happy endings.[/spoiler] C-ya on the other side! -Erin[/color][/b]
  17. OMG, I loved the Goosebumps series when I was little! My favorites were [u]How I Got My Shrunken Head[/u] and the [u]Triple Header[/u] books. Like you said Hells Fire, they weren't truely scary, but they were good reads. Actually, they're the reason my little sister is so bent on horror and stuff like that. She read the Goosebumps books and it went from there. I still read them, but not that often. :D I wanna read [u]The Beast From the East[/u]. C-ya on the other side! -Erin
  18. [color=green][b]Wow! I love this wallpaper Devil! I like the pic of Daisuke you used and the contrasting blue ((as klin said)) is a good idea. C-ya on the other side! -Erin "Tonight we fell in love...A love with many problems lieing ahead...One truely difficult to steal." -Daisuke Niwa[/color][/b]
  19. [color=green][b]MWHEA! Viva la Gravi! I love this series to bitsies already. I haven't been able to watch the anime, but I've started to read the manga. Heh, I was obsessed with it before I even read it. It's very addictive. *huggles the "London" shirt from volume 1* I love Shuichi's clothes! Yea, they're a little...out there sometimes. But I love them anyways. And Yuki and Shuichi's relationship is...."interesting". I can't wait until October when the next volume comes out! And I've been waiting for a while to watch Yami no Matsuei for a while too. I finally found the DVD series in FYE and I'm goin' to buy it once I get enough money. :sweat: But I have to be careful so that I have enough to go to Genericon. And FAKE looked kinda cool when I skimmed through it in Borders. Well, c-ya on the other side! -Erin "It was the cauliflower! Flamenco!" -Shuichi Shindou[/color][/b]
  20. [color=green][b]Yea! I love Kodocha! I was actually introduced to it by Chichiri's Girl...I don't even know how long ago. I've been borrowing the GNs from her, as I do most of the shoujo manga I read. I love the story line for Kodocha, never a dull moment. Tsuyoshi and Hayama ((aka- Leopard Boy!))) are my favorite characters. And I can't wait for the next volume! *pokes Chichiri's Girl and says, "Send now!"* -Erin "I don't hate it." -Hayama Akito[/color][/b]
  21. [color=green][b]Heh, I just rented the movie too. I just finished it...half an hour ago? Prolly less. But anyways, it was a really good movie! But then again, aren't all of Miyazaki's works wonderful? Believe it or not, I think I liked this one better than Spirited Away. Sounds crazy but yeah. Sheeta's "accent" sounded like it was there one second, and then gone the next. Or maybe my hearing's screwed up. It reminds me of Botan in YYH. On and off accents. The animation was not as good as Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke ((of course it's not, it's older)) but I liked it anyways. Oh, does anybody know the voice actor who does Pazo's voice? It sounds so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. I would go up and look it up, but I want to watch it in Japanese now. C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*[/color][/b]
  22. Thank-you-so-friggin'-much-Dea-chan! I like how it came out actually. The two-tone pencils screwed it up a bit, but it's a cute Lyra pic. I like the cross-choker you gave her. It's like the on in the "Punk Lyra" pic you drew when you were still in NY. Heh, maybe you should post that one next. As soon as I get back to "the even colder north", I'm printin' this one! C-ya on the other side, sole sista! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*
  23. [color=green][b][u]Banner 1[/u] Never seen this anime but...Amazingly adorable! Chibis always make a good banner. 10/10 [u]Banner 2[/u] Ummm...Looks like an avi to me, but well done anyways. 9/10 [u]Banner 3[/u] Never seen this one either. ^-^The way you seperated the text makes it look a bit off, but otherwise it's okay. 9.5/10 [u]Banner 4[/u] MWEAH! My fave banner out of all of these! Sanzo looks so...so...so crazed! ^-^() 10/10 [u]Banner 5[/u] Astroboy always kinda scared me, but I like the banner! 10/10 [u]Banner 6[/u] I absolutely love your text choice! The pic's real nice too. 10/10 [u]Banner 7[/u] Kurama! My only complaint here is that there seems to be too much space in the bottom right corner. 9/10 [u]Banner 8[/u] Wonderful!!! I've wanted to see Magic Users Club for a while. You chose some very good pics for the banner. And the avatar to go along with it is funny. ^-^ 10/10 You're really good at making banners, Ayokano! I hope to see more works from you in the future. C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*[/color][/b]
  24. Well, I'm afraid of only three things in life: needles, losing control, and being alone. I fear needles because...Well, I don't really know. I just don't like the feeling when the go into your skin and the pinch that you feel. It's like sometimes I think that somethin' will go wrong when the doctor sticks the needle into my arm. Losing control is another one of my fears. I'm pretty nuts ((any of my friends can tell you that)) but I like to have control of myself. When I lose control and get really angry, it really scares me afterwards. Like someday I just wont stop. And my third fear, being alone. If you put a camera in the room I'm in in the middle of the night, you will constantly find me looking over my shoulder and turning on lights and speeding down halls. I get really paranoid, even though night is my favorite time.
  25. [color=green][b]OOC: Yay Corey! You posted! *gives you a 100 point pin* ((
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