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Everything posted by erinzyger
OOC: Holy Crapamolis peoples! I didn't even notice that we had started. Well, I might as well post now. It's better than later... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rozalina yawned as she looked at the clock on the wall outside of her prison cell. [i]2:00 in the morning? Damn I wish these gaurds would hurry up and sleep...[/i] The pot-bellied officer who was [b]supposed[/b] to be watching her was already nodding off into dreamland. The theif sighed in annoyance. Another 15 minutes passed and he had finally fallen into a deep sleep. This was her chance! [i]This'll teach them for messin' with me![/i] She sucked in her stomach as much as possible and held her breath. She slipped through the bars that had held her prison for the last few hours. Once she made it through, she sighed again, this time in relief. She began to walk away from the cell when all of the sudden an alarm went off! She looked down to see a red laser running across the floor and right through her foot. "Oh ****!" she yelled. She ran like a bat out of who knows where down the halls. She could here the frustrated rants of the officers as they tried to chase her. She clenched her teeth and continued running out of the prison until she had finally lost them. "Phew! That was a close one!" she said as she opened up her palm-computer. "You've got mail!" rang a voice with an Irish accent from her computer. "Yay! Mail!" She opened her mailbox and saw one lone message from a man named Ace Sterling. [i]Hmmm...What's this?[/i] She opened it. "Theives Guild...join...Idaho...Cool!" she hit reply. [i]Mr. Sterling- So glad to see that you know of my wonderful skill! I'm willing to join up with you. I'm currently in Russia, with no way out. I had a bit of an...accident. You will have to come here. If I try to leave the country, knowing my luck I will be caught for sure. I meet you in Moscow, okay? ~Rozalina Rasputin[/i] SEND! "Wonderful! Now, to make it to Moscow!" And so she set off for the capital to await the arrival of Ace Sterling.
[color=green]OOC: As some of you already know, I decided to write a story along with my poem, "The Queen of Theives". :) And finally I finished the first chapter! Jeez those codes took forever to put in :sweat:. So here it is! Enjoy and review. [center]________________________________________________[/center] [center][b][u]The Queen of Theives[/b][/u] [b][u]Chapter 1: Memories[/b][/u] [b][u]By: Erin Zyger[/b][/u][/center] Darcy folded her arms across her chest and leaned back a bit. She smirked at the town before her. [i]Those ignorant fools. They think that life is all fun and games and riches. Soon they'll find out that they're wrong. Oh so wrong.[/i] She turned away from the bright lights and loud noises. She shoved her hands into the pockets of her black pants and began to sing a song to herself.. One would recognize it as Greensleves if anyone had been around to here it. The seventeen year old theif came to a set of metal stairs that led down the back of the building. [i]Hm, too long.[/i] She decided to take the easy way down. She took a quick look over the edge and jumped down, close to the stairs. Her plan was to catch the stairs somewhere near the middle and then jump the rest of the way down. It wasn't to far of a jump. Well not for her at least. But of course, her plans were derailed. She did catch the steps, but not quite enough. She slipped and lost grip on everything. This cought her by surprise and she didn't have time to react. She fell and hit the snow covered ground...[b]hard[/b]. The impact knocked her unconscious. [center]**************************************************[/center] Darcy began to dream about her past. It was so long ago, but it all seemed so clear... [center]**************************************************[/center] [i]Momma! Poppa! Watch this!" Seven year old Darcy Azure called out to her parents as she biked down the streets. She headed straight for her homade ramp and went off it, landing the jump perfectly. Her mother and father clapped and laughed. She smiled proudly and turned back towards her house. She laughed as she went over another homemade ramp. She jumped off of the old bike that she had found in the dumps and put up the kickstand. She ran over to her parents and said with a smile, "See, I can bike better than anyone in the big houses!" Her parents smiled but it was forced. They didn't enjoy talking about the rich people. Darcy didn't seem to notice and ran off to the backyard. She scrambled up the small tree that leaned against a wood fence and leaned out on the farthest branch. "Paco! Are you there?" she called out. A short Mexican boy poked his head out from behind a bush. "Hola Darcy! Como estas?" he replied. Darcy jumped down from the tree branch and landed in Paco's yard. "Yo estoy muy bien. Y tu?" Darcy answered, walking over to Paco. "Yo estoy muy bien. Gracias!" Paco walked up to meet her. "Denada!" Darcy laughed. Paco laughed along with her, "You are getting much better in your Spanish, Darcy." "I know!" she grinned, "So, Paco, you wanna come over tonight? My mom's making grilled cheese and tomato soup tonight and I got some new comic books from the rich peoples dump! They're in perfect condition. I can't believe all the things that those people throw out!" "Yea! What kind are they?" the Mexican asked. "Superman, Spiderman, Fantastic Four, and Justice League." she said, taking two peices of bubblegum out of her pocket. She held one out to Paco and said, "Want one? I saved up my allowance forever to buy a pack of gum, and I wanted to share it with my best friend ever!" Paco laughed and took a peice. He unwrapped it and said, "Gracias Darcy. Muchos Gracias!" He popped it in his mouth and chewed. She unwrapped her own peice and popped it in her mouth. "So, Paco," Darcy blew a bubble and popped it, "are we going over to my house or what?"[/i] [center]*************************************************[/center] Darcy's memories skipped to later that night, after her parents had left to go visit some friends. She and Paco had been left alone, sure that nothing would go wrong. But they were wrong. Oh so wrong. [center]*************************************************[/center] [i]The flames licked at her heels as she ran for the window with Paco. The smell of smoke had woken the two of them up at around midnight. When they realized what the problem was, they immediately made their way to the window. Darcy went first. She crawled onto the windowsill and then swung herself down so that she balanced herself on a drain pipe but still gripped the side of the house. "Paco! Hurry up!" she yelled, her eyes watering and coughing from the smoke filled air. Her lungs couldn't take much more, but she couldn't just leave her best friend hanging there. "I can't move! My foot is stuck under something!" he cried. A quickly burning nightstand had fallen onto his foot. He bit his lower lip and strained to himself free. The flames were moving quickly towards him. Darcy held out her hand and said, "Grab on! I'll try to help you!" Her friend grabbed the offered hand and Darcy pulled hard, trying to help him out. She held tightly onto the windowsill so that she wouldn't fall. But slowly, their hands started to slip apart! The young red-head tried to get a better hold of the boys hand, but only succeded in losing her balance. She screamed in horror as she slid down the side of the house, landing in the small garden below. She tried to scramble back up the drain pipe, but it was no use. She tried to run and find her father's ladder, but stopped in her tracks when she heard a deafening, agonized scream. The flames had reached Paco and he was now dieing with the rest of the house. Darcy felt sick to her stomach. She fell to her knees and looked up at her burning home. "PACO!" she screamed, tears beginning to run down her face. She slumped to the ground and began to cry her heart out. This was all her fault. She hadn't been fast enough to save him. Paco was dead because of her! She continued to cry as she heard the sounds of approaching sirens. The sound rang in her ears as she stood up. She looked once more at the house and went back down on her knees. She felt so sick, so stupid and angry. Finally, the sickness took over and she threw up everything she had eaten that day.[/i] [center]*************************************************[/center] That was one of the two worst days of Darcy's life. She learned later that the fire had been set by a group of rich kids who thought the house was abandoned. She hated them more than ever now. Her dream sequence skipped to eight years later. [center]*************************************************[/center] [i]Darcy Azure, now fifteen years old, sat in her room, staring out the window. Since Paco's death, she hadn't spoken much. She didn't eat as much either. She never made friends or even attempted. She usually just sat in her room, or took long walks around town, always avoiding the burnt ruins of her old home. When their house had burnt down, she and her parents had gone to live with her aunt and uncle, their last living relatives, five blocks away. They had accepted them greatfully, knowing how hard it was even with a house. Darcy reached for the picture frame by her desk. It was a picture of a seven year old her playing tag with Paco. It was the only thing she had to remember him by. Everything else had perished in the fire. A single tear rolled down her face and landed on the glass of the frame. She wiped it away with her sleeve. She would never forgive herself for not being there. Not now, not ever. She knew that it had been those ignorant rich people from the mansions who had set the fire, but it was no use. She had driven it into her mind that she could've been able to help him. She hated the rich people. They thought that people of lower status were nothing. Nothing at all. They didn't care how many lives they had ruined, how many people they had broken, or how many people were lost because they had made a mistake. Darcy continued to stare at the picture when someone knocked on her door. She didn't even care to look up, she knew it was her mother. Mrs. Azure opened the door to Darcy's small bedroom and began, "Darcy, dear, it's time for church-" She noticed the picture in her daughter's hands. "Oh. I'm sorry I didn't realize...We'll be back at noon. Bye." The woman closed the door again and her teenaged daughter continued to stare at the picture. Imagining what it would be like if Paco was here today. She sighed heavily and placed the picture back on her desk. She leaned back onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. She was so tired, but she had no idea why. Slowly, she drifted into sleep. At around 1:00 PM, she woke up again. She sat back up and peered around the room. That was odd. She couldn't here any sounds from downstairs. Weren't they supposed to be back by noon? That's what her mother had told her. She got up and walked downstairs. No signs of life. Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. She opened it and found two police officers standing there. She was shocked. As far as she knew, nobody in this family had done anything illegal. But by the look in there eyes, that just wasn't the case. The one on the right, a short, plump man with a large bald spot on his head was the first to speak up, "Miss Darcy Azure?" "Yes, that's me." she replied nervously. "Miss Azure, I'm afraid we have some bad news. I'm sorry to inform you that your parents, aunt, and uncle were killed this afternoon in a car accident. Darcy froze. The familiar, sickening feeling came to her stomach. She held back hot tears. She closed her eyes tightly and pushed past the officers. She broke into a run down the street. She had no idea where she was going, but she didn't even care. She heard the officers calling her name and telling her to stop, but she didn't care about that either. All that mattered was getting away from this. She ran until she saw bright lights ahead. She slowed a bit. The scene in front of her was that of a car crash, the one her family had been in. She saw a few drunk looking teens being handcuffed and taken to some squad cars. She recognized them. They were some of the rich people. Her whole body went numb. Why? Why? WHY? Why are those people so stupid? Why does God hate me so much? What did I ever do? That was all she could think. She turned and ran again. She ran to somewhere, yet nowhere. As she ran, she had an idea. She would get revenge on these people. She would take all of their material possesions they cared for so much and make them feel the pain of not having anything. It was nowhere near what she felt now, but close enough. That was the day that she decided to become a theif.[/i] [center]*************************************************[/center] Darcy's dream suddenly broke off. She felt herself awakening. She opened her eyes and noticed she was no longer in the snow covered alley way, but in some place much different. She was in a warm bed, with a fire going in a fireplace across the room. She tried to sit herself up, but cried out in pain. Suddenly a man came in. He was somewhat tall, but not too strong looking, with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. He smiled at her and said, "Oh, so you're awake. That was quite a fall you had. I'm glad I found you before you froze to death." Now it dawned on Darcy where she was. She recognized this man. This was the home of her next target, Eli Gray![/color]
[color=green][b]I was torn between Trowa ((like you said Artemis, our silent soldier, not the head of project Meteor)) and Quatre. Trowa is so mysterious, it's not even within my grasp how weird it is. Most people see Duo ((no offence to the Duo fans, for I am a former Duoholic, though now, my tastes have changed a bit)) as the best, because he's the most outgoing and cheerful but he was part of the whole [spoiler]Maxwell Church thing. I mean, having the closest thing you've had to home in a long time burnt down and the people who took care of you killed by soldiers is not a very pleasent experience :eek:[/spoiler]. But I think Trowa's even more interesting because he keeps that whole silence about him. Then there's dear Quatre Raberba Winner. King of the people with paradox personalities. He is an advocate of peace and a person who is determined to spread it, but still continues to be a soldier. Plus the personality change he went through when he was younger ((read the GN Episode Zero for more details)). But in the end, I ended up picking Quatre. Well, c-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers* PS-:) Love the animated Strongbad avi![/color][/b]
Writing The Queen of Theives ((My first poem here))
erinzyger replied to erinzyger's topic in Creative Works
[color=green][b]:D Thank you so much, everybody! :bawl: I feel so loved! :) Just kidding. And I will return all of your wallets ((for those of you who had them in the first place o.O)), under a few conditions: You must first give me all the worlds almonds so that I can destroy them so Clay will not ever almost die again! Second, I need you to give me Gregory Deegan. Finally, you must get rid of my gaurdian, Sensei! *points at Sensei who is currently watching football* He's planning to kill me with every breath he takes! *Sensei eats some popcorn* *I point some more* SEE! The fiend! Ahem, anywho, if you liked this poem, I'm writing a story to go along with it. It should be done by...Saturday at the extreme most. C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers while throwing almonds into a fire and flicking some at Simon Cowell while she's at it*[/color][/b] -
[color=green][b]"See ya later Eli!" Aiko called out as Eli left her to go train. She went to her locker to pick up her stuff before the last period of the day. She opened it up and was about to start packing, when she noticed a neatly wrapped package on top of all of her other things. "Huh? I wonder what this could be?" she wondered out loud. She picked up the present and read the small card attatched to it: [i]Aiko- I hope you like this present. It's a brand new tape recorder, with all sorts of cool attachments. I really hope you like it. Love-[/i] The card left off there. [i]They didn't sign it? Weird...[/i] She opened the packaging and sure enough, there was a tape recorder, attachments and all. Aiko's face lit up like the Fourth of July. "Oh wow! This is so cool! I wish I knew who sent it to me though...Whoever it is, they must know me very well. This is exactly what I've been wanting lately." she whispered to herself. She raised her voice and said, "But I'd better not be late for my meeting with Ms. M!" She put all her things in her backpack ((including the present from her secret admirer)) and headed off to her meeting. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: 'Kay peeps. I'm going away for Labor Day weekend and I'll be back on Monday, but until then, don't do anything major. DO NOT START THE TOURNAMENT! *ahem* Sorry for the outburst. C-ya on Monday![/color][/b]
[color=green][b]Aiko stared at the picture she had drawn during Science as she walked down the halls to her next class, Math. She couldn't understand why she had drawn him. He was just a friend, nothing special, but she had to admit, this was her best drawing yet ((considering her not-so-good art skills)). He was just a friend, nothing more. Or so she believed. She shook herself from these thoughts as she felt someone tap her on the shoulder with a glowstick. She turned to see another one of her friends, Eli Harris, grinning at her. "Who's that, your new boyfriend?" he asked with a teasing smile. "Hey! That's not funny Eli!" Aiko replied, blushing. Eli laughed and said, "I'm not here to tease you though, Aiko. I wanted to ask you something about the tournament." "Yea?" she answered, "Spit it out."[/color][/b]
[color=green][b]Aiko slid into the desk beside Suziki at the back of the science clasroom. She pulled out a small tape recorder, hid it in her desk, and put her finger to her lips. She was going to record the lecture for today and just play it out later. It wasn't exactly right, but it wasn't cheating. Was it? Both of the girls giggled and nodded at each other. As the lecture from Mr. Finelli, their practically ancient science teacher, began, Suziki scribbled something on a piece of paper and passed it to Aiko. The other girl picked it up and read: [i]So, wat is the deel with this Ars guy?[/i] Aiko smiled and wrote back: [i]First of all, your spelling sucks. Second of all, he's a second year that I know. I've never seen him in Journalism class before today, but he must have decided to start going. He's part of The KNIGHTS team.[/i] She pased it over and watched as Suziki read it with a smirk. She wrote back: [i]Oh, who cares about my speeling? Not me. So, he's from The KNIGHTS? Wonderful...[/i] Aiko read it and sighed. She scribbled down: [i]Yea, too bad I won't get to see him fight until Wednesday...But speaking of the tournament, the Weapons Team is going against the Fight Team tomorrow aren't they?[/i] She passed it back and Suziki sent back: [i]Yes, and I hav a feeling we hav a good chance of geting our butts kiked. ^_^()[/i] Aiko shook her head and wrote: [i]I'm sure you'll do well. But we'd better stop before we get caught. I'll talk to you after class.[/i] She sent the final note over to Suziki and then turned to her notepad. She doodled all over a few pages, most of which were pictures of microphones, foxes, and stick figures of her and Suziki destroying things with bazookas and other implements of destruction. She started to draw something new though ((something other than a stick figure)), and it took her a while to figure out what ((or rather who)) it was. She realized she had been drawing a headshot of Ars. She gasped and blushed. Why was she drawing him? Her train of thought was derailed when the sound of the bell rang through the halls. She snatched up her books, notepad, and "lecture recorder" and headed out of the science room with Suzuki.[/color][/b]
[color=green][b]Name: Rozalina Rasputin ((no relation to that wacko priest from Russia who just wouldn't die. :eek: )) Age: 20 Gender: Female Reputation: All Luck, Only A Bit 'O' Real Skill ((or so most believe)) Speacialty: Fast Talking and Lying Weapon (s): A pistol and two daggers hidden up her sleeves Apperance: Go [url=http://window.terratron.com/~sosman/anime/tenchi/kiyone/images/kiyone9.full.jpeg]here[/url] Bio: Rozalina hails from the cold northern country of Russia. She's the type of person who looks like they're all luck. It appears as if they have no skill at all, like all their successes are flukes. Her earlier attempts at theivery were, how shall we say..."unsuccessful". But through the years, due to a strong will ((or maybe just the fact that she was too stupid to give up)), she became very succesful indeed. But because of her earlier failures, most people consider them lucky flukes instead of real success. Quote: "Don't underestimate me, you-Hey! Look what I got here! Your wallet!"[/color][/b]
[color=green]Wow Eclectic! These are amazing! Much, much better than mine are. I especially liked "Cage". It has this feeling around it that makes me think. C-ya on the other side! *flys off on winged monkey soldiers that [b]do not[/b] belong to ars_magicae :P*[/color]
Oh I'm sorry. My mistake. I was looking at it wrong. I just took a second look and realized that you had it right. Gomen ne! *bow, bow*
Wow Klin! That's amazing. Much better than I could ever do... One thing though! The boy playing the violin...:sweat: His hand is reaching over the wrong side of the neck of the violin. It's still a wonderful picture, but I couldn't help but point that out. C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*
[color=teal][b]Aiko ran her hand through her hair as she sat in the seat at the desk at the front of the room. [i]Subbing for Mr. Matts in Journalism is sometimes fun but...[/i] She looked around the room at the classroom full of second years, most of whom were talking or passing notes or sending paper airplanes flying across the room. She sighed heavily. [i]Sometimes it's not.[/i] She heard the door open and another student walked in. It was Ars, another second year she knew. He looked pretty ticked as he sat down at his desk, but his mood seemed to lighten a little when he saw that she was subbing. The third year smiled at the class and cleared her throat. She took out a giant megaphone and yelled, "MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION NOW?!?!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and sat down. Even a paper aiplane that was still in midflight stopped. Aiko smiled again and put down the megaphone. "Now, class, I'm your substitute, Ms. Mitsume. But you all can call me Aiko! Now, will you please hand in your homework assignments from your last class?" Aiko asked. The students ((actually, only 2/3 of them)) handed in their homework. She put the papers in a file folder and stood up. "Class, I'd like you to split up into groups of two and work on the roleplay excercise you worked on in your last class." she instructed. The students split up into twos and found spots in the room to practice. Aiko began to correct the journalism papers. Ars stood up and walked over to her. "Hey, Aiko, I don't have a partner." he leaned against the desk and smirked at her. Aiko looked up from the papers to Ars. "Uh...okay. I guess I'll be your partner for this exercise." she replied with a nervous smile.[/b][/color]
[color=teal][b]I personally like Chrono Cross! I haven't really got that far into the game, but I'm hooked on it. My favorite character has got to be Kid. The attitude is everything. But anyways, the fight mode reminds me of Evolution words, and I kinda like it. Dunno why though...[/color][/b]
Sarah put her hand in the air and began to pull down. Out of what seemed like nowhere, a sword appeared in her hand. She slashed it down in front of her and grinned. [i]The Starlit Sword...Don't fail me now![/i] She went down into fighting stance. She sent a psychic message to her friends. [i]Okay. Here it goes! I think this will work if work together, people.[/i]
I love the poem, SailorStar! But I don't get the point of the second part. @.@ Wazzat all about?
Sarah looked around the cafe, searching for the source of the feeling she was getting. She could feel something, a wierd aura, in the small resteraunt. She put her fork down and raised herself out of her seat. She saw three people, about her age, maybe older, sitting together and talking in a booth. There she saw all the evidence she needed. One of the girls, one with black hair in a braid, pulled a web of water out of her glass. The blonde nodded to herself and went over to the table. "Excuse me." she said with a smile. The other three looked up, obviously alarmed. The other girl's web fell back into the glass. "Don't worry! I'm just like you! There's no need to worry. Watch this," Sarah cupped her hands and consentrated on them. A small star formed in her hands and began to slowly spin. "May I join you?"
[color=teal][b][u]I Am The Queen of Theives[/u] I am the Queen of Theives! I'm the best of them all. I am the Queen of Theives! All who stand in my way shall fall. I can make you laugh, but I can make you cry. I can help you live, but I can also help you die. I stand upon the rooftops and look down upon the city. I'll steal back what they took from me and won't show any pity. They took away my childhood, they took away my fun Now I'll steal away their riches before they can see the sun. I need no one to help me, so don't even waste you time Because I'll have stolen your wallet and cash, before the end of this rhyme. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry if it sounds lame. It's the first poem I've written in a loooooooooooooong time. Comments?[/color][/b]
[color=teal]Name: Kylie "Ky" Lupin ((no relation to Arsene Lupin [b]or[/b] Lupin III, I just like it as a theives name)) Age: 16 Description: Short blonde hair, bright blue eyes, light blue jacket, and khaki pants. Wears a light blue and white beaded bracelet on her left wrist ((it's counterpart is a dark blue and white beaded bracelet that belongs to her brother)). Khaki backpack where she keeps her tools. Weapons and Tools: Glaive, lock pick kit, mini mic and camera combo, grapling hook, some smoke bombs, her so-called "make-your-own-bomb kit". Bio: Born and raised in Mercury City, Kylie is new at theivery, but has wished to become one all her life. A strange dream for a child, but it was hers. Her inspiration was the stories of a child theif who traveled with the Tequila Gang named Ars Suichi that she heard from a local boy. But that's not the only reason why she wanted to become a theif. Kylie has a twin brother, Miles Lupin, who was kidnapped by a group of theives from Saturn City. She's hoping to track down these theives and find her brother with the help of her skills. Kylie traveled to The City of Theives in search of Ars Suichi, looking for apprenticeship. She found him and after a while he reluctantly agreed. Now, they've found out about the Bandit Game, they've gone to search for it ((^-^; though Ars would rather leave her behind)).[/color]
[color=teal][b]Name: Sarah Minestar (Pronounced: Mihn-eh-star) Age: 14 (Mweee! I'm the youngest!) Gender: Female Element: Star and Planets Features: See Attachment Weapon: Starlit Sword. A sword given to Sarah, made from the dying breath of her father. Bio: Sarah is an only-child who grew up living with her father. Her mother died when she was born and so she never knew her. Her father died about 6 months ago and that is when she realized her powers. It happened in a fit of rage that destroyed her trailer home. She blamed the fire on a carelessly thrown away match and everybody believed her. Sarah is a tomboy who cannot resist a fight. She is protective of her friends and is ready to go midievil on anyone who threatens her friends. [/color][/b]
[color=teal][b]Students bustled through the halls of Kurookami High School, some talking with friends, some talking to no one, and some talking outloud to themselves. Some were also giving swirlies, setting off fireworks, and generally getting into trouble. And some...Well, I don't think we want to know what they're doing. In the front of the school was a large clocktower and on that clocktower was a giant screen. Suddenly, that screen lit up and a girl with strawberry blonde hair appeared on screen. "Hello and good morning fellow students of Kurookami High!" Aiko Mitsume greeted the school with a smiling face. Everybody looked up to watch the report. The girl smiled again and said, "As you all know, I'm Aiko Mitsume and I'm reporting on the upcoming Kurookami High School Fighting Championship Extravaganza!" An excited murmur ran through the crowd. The Kurookami High School Fighting Championship Extravaganza was the high point of the year. The best of the best in the school clubs competed against each other to win the greatest honor in the whole school: School Fighting Champion. Aiko coughed to let them know that she wished to continue and they all turned back to the screen. "As I was saying, I'm reporting on the Championship. The fights are going begin tonight with the opening ceremonies and first fight. The event will start at 6:00 PM at the Mega Dome ((OOC: the fighting arena of Kurookami)) and end...Well, let's just leave it at 'when we finish'. Now for the schedule!" Aiko's image was replaced by pictures of the six teams: the Fight Team, Goth Incorperated, Digital Starlight, Card Game Masters, The KNIGHTS, and the Weapons Club. The moved to form 3 rows, the first and last of team pictures, and the middle one blank. Aiko's picture appeared in the middle row. "Now for the schedule! Todays fight is Goth Incorperated versus Digital Starlight. Tomorrow's is The Fight Team versus The Weapons Club. And on Wednesday's fight is Card Game Masters versus The KNIGHTS. That's all we have planned for now! This is Aiko Mitsume, signin' out!" The screens went blank and everyone resumed what they were doing, most now discussing the fights. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: People who do not have a fight can do other things. They can help other teams, plot against other teams, watch, just not care, or do just about anything. Remember, ANYTHING can happen at Kurookami! Be creative! C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*[/color][/b]
[color=teal][b]Definately Duo's. I cried a bit when I first read it. Call me a softie, but I did. I liked Quatre's simply because it had Quatre and I could make alot of jokes about Rasid. ^-^ Rasid is fun to make fun of! Wufei's was also sad, but it was a good story. o.O But seeing Wufei in glasses was freaky. C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*[/color][/b]
[b]Name: Akiko Kido Nickname: Aki Descendant of: Jyou Kido ((Can't help but use the Japanese names)) Crest: Virus ((Not a reflection of her personality, but more of a reflection of her alter ego)) Appearance: See attachment, but instead of the chinese outfit, she wears white dress shirt, a blue vest, and dark jeans. Personality: Geeky and shy. She's picked on at school alot, but doesn't let her parents know about it for fear that the bullies will worsen their attacks. Another thing she keeps hidden ((though not from her parents)) is her musical ability. She sings and plays the flute with much ability, but would never let anyone besides her parents know. D-Pihc Colour: Black Digimon- Fresh: Kiimon In-Training: Yaamon Rookie: Impmon Champion: Devimon Ultimate: Myotismon Mega: Beezlebumon Bezzlebumon Blast Mode Attacks- Fresh: Bubble Blow In-Training: Rolling Black Rookie: Bada Boom Champion: Touch of Evil Ultimate: Crimson Lightning Mega: Corona Blast Blast Mode: Death Slinger Other Notes- Yes, I know that is not the correct evolutions for Impmon. :) I liked playing around with the charts. And the Devimon and Myotismon in this are not the same as the ones in the series. Same species, not the same digimon. -_- I am confuzzling.[/b]
[color=teal][b]Okay peeps, I want to finally get this started. So, JJRiddler, I hope you don't mind that I put you in Digital Starlight. I just had a feeling it needed more members. Little Serenity, if you can find someone to be on your team with you, that'd be great, but if you can't, PM me and we'll figure something out. Fight schedules will be given in the first post. Once again, here is the revised Club Chart: Goth Incorporated: Kesaki_Inedia (Hanna) Avalon (Nariko Sorata) (Leader) ladyscorp2006 (Niki Valentine) G.D. Ryoko (Aoi Shinomora) Wind master (Zel Hasimoto) Digital Starlight: Geist (Eli Harris) Neoclone-7 (Hanako Kiribayashi) JJRiddler (Sear) Fight Club: Double_B_Daigo (Michael Sikal) (Leader) Jubei Yagyou (Shinjikyo Hiko) Tw34kY (Damion) oekakiotaku (Sharia Phoenix) Trigun11 (AkaSuki Takahari) Sakura Kid (Emisu Rojin) Card Game Masters: Ayokano (Kai Loonmo) (Leader) Braidless Baka (Sarah Denshaw) Weapons Club: Chichiri's Girl (Suziki Kowi) (Leader) eX_mErCeNaRy (Julius Kaen) Soul_Taker (Suzuki Tizuma) The KNIGHTS: Little Serenity (Rendea Ojiro) (Leader) Other: erinzyger (Aiko Mitsume) (Announcer) sweetreyes (Mitoko Narusegawa) (Principle/Referee) All set then? Okay! Let's get this show on the road! C-ya on the adventure forums![/color][/b]
[color=teal][b]Hmmm...My favorite Japanese band? Well, I like Melon Kinenbi ((Akai Freesia is playing on Music Match and now stuck in my head)), Morning Musume ((my sister and I love Night on the City of Tokyo and Otoko Tomodachi)), Gackt ((My friend Rynnie loves their song Vanilla and so do I)), BoA ((No. 1 and My Genie are my faves there)), and Hikaru Utada ((Simple and Clean and First Love...'nuff said)). That's all I can think of for now.[/color][/b]
[color=teal][b]Mweee! I love NMBC! I watched it alot as a kid and my sister rediscovered it about a year ago. My God, she was obsessed. I think the songs have been permanantely (sp?) driven into my head! Unfortunately, I haven't seen it on DVD yet, but the VHS is good enough for me. C-ya on the other side! P.S.- Thanks to this thread, "Making Christmas", one of the weirdest songs in this movie i.m.o., is stuck in my head. *walks off singing the song to herself*[/color][/b]