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Everything posted by erinzyger

  1. The last movie in which I cried while watching was Profoundly Normal.
  2. [COLOR=firebrick][B]I'd definately have to say "Only Hope" by Mandy Moore. *sigh* Yes, definately.[/COLOR][/B]
  3. erinzyger

    A Piece of Mind

    [COLOR=firebrick][B]OC: Yay! We're up and runnin'! BTW, long time no see sweetreyes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IC: Michelle put down her paintbrush and picked up the letter on her desk again. The paper was normal white paper. The text was normal print in Times New Roman and black ink. The envelope was plain white with her address on the front and no return address. She reread the words carefully. It made no sense. She shook her head slowly, folded it up, and put it in her shirt pocket. Her digital alarm clock went off, indicating that it was time for her to head for school. She grabbed her bag and walked down the stairs, being careful not to make a sound. She didn't need anyone talking to her this morning. The gray morning light felt almost pleasant against her skin. But then again, nothing could really be "pleasant" in her view after Alec died in the car crash. As she walked on, she spotted a broken gaurd rail and scattered metal. She shuddered slightly at the sight. She hated things like that.[/COLOR][/B]
  4. [COLOR=firebrick]Name: Michelle (mee-che-eh) Copperstone Age: 17 Gender: Female Description: Red/Blonde hair (waist length, a little wavy, and usually left down), multi-blue eyes, 5'4", blue tanktop, white longsleeve over shirt, darker blue pants, white/blue sneakers, occaisionally wears blue tinted sunglasses Bio: As a child, Michelle was a happy child with many friends and a loving family. But when she turned 13, her life came crashing down. Her older brother (who was her best friend and mentor) drowned while on a trip with some friends to a lake in the mountains. Michelle was devestated. She went into withdrawl and locked herself in her room. Her family and friends tried to talk with her, but all she did was sit on her bed and and mumble incoherantly to herself. She ate and drank sparringly and only came out of her room to use the bathroom across the hall. After a few months, Michelle slowly began to venture out of hiding. She began eating regularly and after a few more weeks, was back in school. But she never talked to anyone at any time. Even her best friends and professional counselors couldn't get through to her. They labeled her as "lost to grief". She spends most of her off-school time in her room painting or crying.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=firebrick][B]Name: Duvessa (Gaelic for "dark beauty") Age: 6400 Race: Devil Side: For a change of pace, evil. Appearance: Think Mimiru from .hack//sign, but with completely black armor and clothes and dark green stripes instead of yellow Bio: Duvessa is a beautiful devil with a knack for thievery. This is because she has premonitions and can detect her opponent?s moves with great ease. The technique is not flawless, but 95% of the time, she is dead on. Her weapon of choice is a crossbow. She is also a great actress. She is well known for luring love sick men to their doom by manipulating their souls and using their own feelings against them. She has joined the dark side after countless years of watching the war and not taking part.[/B][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=firebrick]Congrads Lalaith Ril! It's a good thing that you're honest with yourself and other people. *hugs* You know we love you anyways! Well, c-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers* P.S.- Present for you in the attachment! Computer wouldn't let me attach the first one (the one I drew in the Paint program for you)...Stupid computer...*kicks computer*...Anywho, aren't chibis just so cute?[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=firebrick]Hmmm...Little things that make me happy? Well... 1.) Hugs! I love the the way that getting hugs gives off that fuzzy feeling that makes you feel...well, loved! 2.) Spending time with my sister. She always has a funny idea that she's come up with or a new plot for a movie she just thought up. 3.) Being able to go up in my room and dance like a fool. There's no one there to criticize me, so I can do whatever I want! 4.) Getting compliments in sports or when dissin' someone from my guy friends. It feels cool to have people like them complimentin' me. It makes me feel like one of them. 5.) Rain Storms/Thunderstorms/lightning storms. They're just so...0.0 COOL! 6.) And always, hangin' here with my buds on OtakuBoards! C-ya on the other side![/COLOR]
  8. I absolutely cannot go to sleep without a DVD playing. For the last few months it's been Trigun actually. I just put it on title repeat so when I wake up, it's still playing. Oh yeah! It also always has to start on part two of episode two (Truth of Mistake). Otherwise, I can't make it. I know, I'm weird. C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*
  9. [COLOR=firebrick]Thank you too Doukeshi! I love the reviews:love2:! Anywho, I'm thinking about writing a sort of sequel to 'There Is' to explain Brandy's side:idea:. Ya know, how she found out where he was and all...I might use another song, but I'll try to work with it a bit more the next time. C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=firebrick]Thank you for the review Baka! *looks over story* You're right, it did fade out near the end. *looks back* Prolly because I was up till 12:00 A.M. writing it, but time is no excuse...*smiles* To the editing room I go! *tries to march off but runs into wall* Ow...[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=firebrick]Author's Note: Hello all! This is my first submission to the OtakuBoards Literature Section and my second finished work that wasn't a school assignment. *chibi tears* I feel so proud. *stops crying* Anywho, the song used in this story is "There Is" by Box Car Racer. Wondeful song! Please review! C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers* There Is Daemon stared boredly out of the window of the Greyhound bus. Rain pounded against the glass and lightning flashed in the distance. Some adventure this was...He had hoped this would take his mind off of Brandy, but all it did was make him think about the situation more. It had been a whole year since Brandy had left town. One whole, entire year since she had left everything she knew for an adventure. She told Daemon she had needed time to think about things. She told him it would help her become a happier person. All it was doing for him was dishing up a great big helping of angst. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* This vacation's useless These white pills aren't kind I've given alot of thought On this thirteen hour drive I miss the grinded concrete where we sat past eight or nine And slowly finished laughing in the glow of our headlights ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The bus came to an abrupt halt in front of a rest area. He didn't feel hungry or anything, but he got off with the others. Anything to get away from that bus. That stupid bus...Full of stupid memories...Okay, maybe they weren't so stupid, but they were useless. Brandy wasn't coming back and that was that. The rest area was just like any other. Fast food, gift shops, restrooms, vending machines, and...payphones. Maybe he could---no...that was stupid...She wouldn't even pick up. Even if she did, she'd hang up when she found out it was him. But still...It was so tempting. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* I've given alot of thought to The nights we used to have The days have come and gone Our lives went by so fast I faintly remember breathing, on your bedroom floor Where I lad and told you but you sweared you loved me more ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* He hesitated as he made his way to the phones. What if she didn't pick up? But there was a small voice in the back of his head that asked, "What if she does?" He answered himselft, "I'll have no idea what to say." He slipped forty-five cents into the coin slot and slowly dialed Brandy's cell phone number. One ring...Two rings...Three rings...Four rings..."Hello, you've reached the voice mail of Brandy Aiken. That's me! Um, I'm not here right now, so leave your name, number, and a short message after the beep. Ciao!" Beep... "Hi...uh, Brandy? The is Daemon. Remember me? Um...I'm on a trip to San Fransisco. It's pretty boring, but...Um...I'll call back later. Bye!" ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Do you care if I don't know what to say Will you sleep tonight Will you think of me Will I shake this off Pretend it's all okay That there's someone out there that feels just like me There is ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* He hung up the receiver and took a deep breath. "That was totally lame..." he thought, "Totally...I guess it's back to the bus." He exited the rest area and dragged himself back on the bus. He took his seat and began rummaging through his backpack, trying to find something to do. The first thing he cam to was a CD and CD Player. Unfortunately, It was Box Car Racer, Brandy's favorite band. He stuffed it back in the bag. The next thing he pulled out was a group of photos. The first was a picture of him and Brandy. He just growled, shoved them back, and continued his search. The third thing was a bulging envelope. "What's this?" he asked himself. Upon opening it, he found that it was his collection of notes from Brandy. His jaw dropped. If this wasn't weird, he didn't know what was. He shook himself out of this state of complete disbelif. He closed the envelope and decided he would just sleep. There wasn't much else to do. As he slowly drifted off into dreamland, one question stayed in the back of his mind. Would he ever be able to write her back? ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Those notes you wrote me I kept them all I've given alot of thought On how to write you back this fall With every single letter, in every single world There will be a hidden message about a boy that loves a girl ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* That night, Daemon sat alone in his hotel room in San Fransisco. Even with the nap he had had on the bus, he was still tired. He kicked off his shoes and eased himself down. He was going to enjoy himself tomorrow. It didn't matter that Brandy wasn't there. And so, for the second time that day, Daemon fell asleep. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Do you care if I don't know what to say Will you sleep tonight Will you think of me Will I shake this off Pretend it's all okay That there's someone out there who feels just like me There is ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The next morning, Daemon was awakened by a knock at the door. "Who the hell...?" he grumbled groggily. He rubbed his eyes and called out, "Who is it?" "Room Service!" a feminine voice replied cheerfully. He didn't remember ordering room service, but free food was always good. He pulled on a pair of jeans and opened the door. There stood Brandy. "B-Brandy?!" he stammered. "No, it's Madonna, " she replied putting her hands on her hips and smiling. Daemon smiled back and put his arms around her. She hugged him back and whispered, "It's been a long time Daemon. I missed you." "I missed you to Brandy..." he whispered back. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Do you care if I don't know what to say Will you sleep tonight Will you think of me Will I shake this off Pretend it's all okay That there's someone out there who feels just like me Do you care if I don't know what to say Will you sleep tonight Will you think of me Will I shake this off Pretend it's all okay That there's someone out there who feels just like me There is ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* THE END ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=firebrick]Who was your first kiss? My first real kiss? My bf, Blake. How old were you? 12 How was it? (He's gonna turn fifteen shades of red if he reads this but...) *sparkle eyes* AMAZING! Sorry, couldn't resist...But it was amazing. Simple and sweet...*sigh* What were the circumstances? (Where, Time, etc) At a school dance. What was your Worst/Best Kiss? The best kiss I ever had was on a bus ride home from our last day of GATE (Gifted and Talented Education for those who are wonderin'.) I don't have a worst kiss really.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=firebrick]Answer: I believe it's WW2, is it not? Salem Witch Trials for 1000, please Question If I'm Right: How many dogs were executed during the Salem Witch Trials because they were said to be involved with witchcraft?[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=firebrick]Answer: Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry I'll take Anime Music for 500, please. Question: Who sings the opening theme for Samurai Girl Real Bout High School? (This may be a little hard because I know RBHS isn't popular like SM, GW, and DBZ. You may have to look around a bit...;) But I know exactly where to find it!)[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=firebrick]Answer: Johannes Gutenberg I'll take "Odd Questions" for 1,000, please. Question: What does the word durrikan (from the english gypsy language) mean?[/COLOR]
  16. Name: Paprika Contaminer Age: 22 Description: Shoulder length cinnamon-colored hair. Same color eyes. Wears a long-sleeved, black, silk shirt, black shorts, and a black rose in her hair. She?s a usually cheerful woman who loves the Crystal Wars games. Country: France Bio: Ever since her brother joined the Crystal Wars games and became the French champion, it had been Paprika?s dream to join as well. Everything she did was in training for the Crystal Wars. She gave it her all. Finally, one day, her dream came true. She was on a tour with her brother in Japan at the age of 18. She was taking a walk alone when she saw something glinting in the sunlight. When she went to investigate, she found the Virus Crystal. She took her chance and took the Crystal. A few days later, she was approached by a mysterious man who she found was the leader of the Assassins Team, Shikaku Kitoku. He gave her an offer to join his team and she gladly accepted. Crystal: Virus Special Attacks: Infect- Infects the opponent with a virus that slowly eats away at their energy Total Crash- A giant bolt of black electricity Jester?s Protect- Uses a shield of black energy to shield a chosen person Team: Assassins Appearance in Crystal Forum: *See attachment IC: I hope it?s okay with you Shikaku! *peace sign* Zyger out!
  17. Ne, I had to pick none of these because I'm a bit of each. Really depends. For example: The Angel: I'm usually not an angel but there are those rare days... The Demon: Demonic is what most call me...But they don't know the half of it... *evil laugh* The Athlete: Me and my brother share this title. The Rebel: LOL, I agree with the dishes/chores thing, but I'm pretty cool when it comes to school (the rhyme there was not intended). The Bookworm: I love books and reading and I always will *huggles her Fafhrd and Gray Mouser book collection* The Comedian: There's no official comedian in my family, but my sister and I share this. The Musician: I seem to be the only musical one in my family...No one knows where I get it. The Brains: Okay, here's the one I'm least like. I may be good at writing, reading, art, and music, but if you tel me to hit the books, I'll usually be doodling on them instead. The Artist: I love art! My favorite subject in school besides music! The Emotional One: Your goldfish reference...Um...I actually...did that...My goldfish died....I cried, buried it in a shoebox coffin with cards and even made a cardboard headstone...Then again, I was six. The Silent One: Ah, for this, go see my dark side. I'm usually pretty loud and happy, but when I'm depressed or deep in thought I'm pretty quiet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So really, I'm a little bit of each.
  18. *edits post* There ya go! *smile*
  19. Name: Pan Mouser Type (Bard or Other): Warrior Age:15 Instrument/Weapon (depends on which type): Bow and Arrows/Panpipes (not a weapon or magical but found none the less) BIO: Pan (no not the DBZ character/Greek diety) grew up in the meadows. Her father and mother were sheperds and she was to be one two. She didn't like the idea, but there wasn't much else available. That was until she ventured into the treetops, a place she was forbidden to go. There she found a golden bow with silver arrows and a set of panpipes. She was delighted with her new discovery and quickly taught herself to play and use the arrows. The music was wonderful and her archery was second to none. So, she decided to become a wanderer, going from town to town, playing her panpipes and entering archery tournaments for money. She is known among the people as the Archer Nymph. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  20. Name: Josmi Ibeopyv (pronounced: Eyebeeopiv)* Age: 24 Sex- Female Description-She has reddish-brown, waist-length hair that is always getting in her way. She has sandy-brown eyes, but they're covered up by amber-colored contacts. She usually wears a tight black tanktop, dark blue jeans, one spike bracelet on each wrist, and a black, leather chocker with a silver dragon pendant. A serious dancer and artist. Bio- Josmi was taken to have the ESPM implanted when she was only six. She had been practicing her dance routine for an upcoming recital alone. She felt something hit her neck, but when she tried to feel for what it was, it felt like there was nothing there. It was actually a sedative. She slowly grew tired and finally she passed out. Then she was taken away to have the ESPM implanted. When she woke up, she was on the studio floor. She figured that she had just tired herself out and had fallen asleep. She picked up her bag and left for home. Nine years later, her powers were first revealed. She was walking home from school when she was approached by a group of seniors. They began to pick on her and pushing her around. When one of them pushed her too the ground, she put on her serious face and yelled, "You stop or I'll sic my demon dogs on you!" She knew it was lame, but it was all she could think of. They laughed and one of them teased, "Ooh! I'm scared! And I bet you're gonna send a horde of bats on us too!" Josmi felt a tingle of electricity run through her and suddenly three dogs, each enourmous and fierce, appeared and attacked the seniors. Then, a cloud of bats came flying out from the tunnel behind her. Terrified, the poor fifteen year old fled the scene. As soon as she left, the dogs and bats disappeared. Meanwhile at her house, she locked herself in her room not accepting food or drink from her parents. Three days later, she emerged, dehydrated and hungry, but still alive. After eating, she called her friend who had talked of having an experience like hers, Velise, and talked to her about the incident. She heard her mutter something...'Tjaden' was what she heard. When she asked what said, Velise answered, "Oh it's no-" Velise cut short. "Velise? Velise? Are you there?" Josmi decided that the phone battery had run out. But the next day at school, Josmi learned that Velise had disappeared. Ever since the incedent with the seniors and Velise's dissapearence, Josmi hardly said a word to anyone. The most she usually did is nod or shake her head. A smile was the rarest thing to come from Josmi. At eighteen, she moved to a small house, alone in the mountains That was until the "second accident" as she calls it. One day while painting, she thought to herself, "Sometimes, I wish my paintings could really...come to life..." Suddenly, the crane she had recently finished painting, peeled itself from the canvas and became three-dimensional. It looked at her and flew across the room to her. Though she was surprised, she reached out and touched it. It was solid! She tried it on a few other paintings. The effect was the same. Soon her house was filled with exotic animals of all shapes and sizes. She became fascinated with her powers and embraced them. But in the back of her mind, she always remembered what happened to Velise. She remembered the name she had uttered before her dissapearance..."Tjaden"...She decided to find this Tjaden and make him pay for what he had done to Velise. Abilities-Hallucinate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *LOL, does this name look familiar KnightoftheRose?
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MillieFan [/i] [B]I'm anti-yaoi. Ugh. I just don't see what the attraction is to it. Maybe I'm closeminded or whatever, but I just can't see what fangirls would find attractive about gay guys or making straight guys into gays.[/B][/QUOTE] Milliefan, I have two things to say to you: 1.) I know some people "make straight guys gay" as you put it, in fanfiction. Not all yaoi fans are like that. Sometimes it's never actually defined in the series whether a character is straight or gay (ex.- Trowa and Quatre). 2.) No matter if it's het, yaoi, or yuri- it's still love.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bishie [/i] [b]But since then...I guess YukixShuichi would be a VERY close second. I adore Eiri and the fact he beats Shuichi down, and the little pink haired fluff-ball still worships the ground he walks on, is just wow..if thats not devotion..i dunno what is!! Plus..we all know Eiri really does love Shuichi..its so obvious, even if he *is* cold..its still in every action toward shuichi! [/B][/QUOTE] Very true Bishie! It does come in an extremely close second. *looks at her banner and smiles* Such a cute pairing...but...*takes out a poster with a chibi Quatre and Trowa on it that says "3x4 Forever" on it* 3x4 is the king of all yaoi! *gets hit with multiple metal objects from the anti-yaois*...*sics Bob the Great (the leader of the winged monkeys) on them* Anywho, c-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers while the anti-yaois are getting introduced to Bob*
  23. Name: Tatiana Sashenka Age: 15 Nationality: Russian, but lives in America Powers: Mist/Water/Plant. She can create a mist around her at any moment. Her water powers are more rain centered (creating a thunderstorm for instance) but once in a while, she can pull off a giant tidal wave or "waterfall" but it drains her energy immensly. Her plant powers are more experimental than her other two. She has small control over it. But even though it drains her energy more than tidal waves, she can still use them as a last resort. Small things like growing vines aren't bad, but using them too attack is hard on her. Side: Xavier History: Tatiana originally lived in Russia with her family. She led a pretty much normal life until she turned thirteen. It happened while she was playing with her brothers by a pond in a forest. Beside the pond was a giant rock that they had been forbidden to climb. But, the youngest of her older brothers, Dmitri, decided to go anyway. He climbed the gigantic rock and while showing off, toppled off. Out of some strange reaction, Tatiana reached out towards the water bringing up a burst of strong water. With lightning speed, she maneuvered it over to her brother. The water burst up under him, keeping the poor boy afloat and then bringing him gently back to the ground. Her brothers were scared to death at the fact that their sister was a mutant. They all ran home to tell their mother of what they had found out. Scared and alone, Tatiana knew the consequences for being a mutant in her country. So she made a hard decission to make a run for it. With nothing but the clothes on her back and charity from a few good people, she made it to America! New York City to be precise. She lived for a few years; until she was fifteen. Then she met Nightcrawler, a mutant from the Xavier Institute. Nightcrawler told her all about the institute and Xavier. She liked the ideals of the place, so she decided to try it out. Within five days, Tatiana was enrolled in Professer Xavier's School for the Gifted. Appearance: Tatiana is about average height for a girl her age. Her dyed navy blue (originally blonde) hair is a bit above her shoulders, but the cut is a bit choppy (think Yuki Sohma from Fruits Basket). Her eyes are carmine (see attachment). She usually wears a light blue tank top underneath an odd sort of jacket (follow directions at the bottom of the post for an idea; it?s the one on the left) that she always leaves open and dark blue jeans (gee, can anyone guess her favorite color?). Personality: Tatiana is (despite being forced out of her country) is quite cheery and energetic on the outside. She loves playing games, no matter how simple or complicated for that matter, and dancing. Most of her friends happen to be guys; she seems to relate to them more than the other girls at school. She?s usually the leader when it comes to the pranks they pull and has gotten in trouble more than once for fighting. She?s your typical tough girl. But there?s one catch: Tatiana has never had a boyfriend, so she?s clueless when it comes to love. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For the jacket, go to: [url]http://cloverpetals.com/addiction/content.htm[/url] And then click rules, hit 'I accept', select 'anime' gallery, select 'couple', go to the pic where they're eating ice cream and look at the jacket on the left (Shuichi's jacket if you're familiar with Gravitation). I'm sorry, I already used the attachment for the eye color and I'm confused by web design and all that stuff! @.@ Lord help me! And the attachment is down here:
  24. Name: Anquisselia Race: Sprite Back Story: A forest sprite living in near a lagoon deep in the forest. She lives alone with only the spirits around her to confide in. She has a moody disposition. One moment she's happy; the next she's angry at the world. She has gold-and-green dragonfly wings and wears a tight gold shirt and cloth green flare pants. Her eyes are a cat-like yellow and her hair is a golden blonde. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm not sure if that's what you meant by 'back story' but I hope this works! *smile,smile*
  25. [COLOR=firebrick]Hmmm...Fave couple? Well, non-yaoi couple I'd have to say is Inu Yasha/Kagome. It's just...to cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! And the fanfiction is always (well, usually) great! LOL, I saw an add for the 2nd IY movie somewhere (can't remember where) and in the ad IY and Kagome were almost kissing and I went nuts! LOL (again), it was the moment I had been waiting for! I dunno if the ad was real...but who cares! As for yaoi couples, 3x4 (Trowa/Quatre). It's the most apparent of all the Gundam Wing relationships besides 1xR (Heero/Relena). Again, the fanfiction is absolutely adorable. I've looked at some doujinshi covers (non-hentai of course) and those are always adorably cute too! Well, there's my opinion! C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiirs listening to Metcha Hajiketcha Gattsu Tobashite* ... *falls off into a giant bowl of marshmellows because she's not paying attention*[/COLOR]
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