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Everything posted by erinzyger

  1. OOC: Hello again Baka! How'd you know I was going to do this? LOL, here is my enrollment form! IC: Re: Kyouiki Exchange I'm pleased to receive this opportunity to participate in the exchange program. Thank you ever so much! Sincerely, Michela Geraro New York City High School of Arts, New York City, New York ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Host, Pleased to meet you! I am Michela Ren Geraro. I'm the exchange student from New York! I am a 15 years old Hispanic girl going on 16 on December 24. My hobbies include soccer, writing, acting, drawing, anime/manga, and playing the violin/piano. I love the American bands Blink 182, Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Simple Plan, and Reel Big Fish (punk/pop rock in other words). Dislikes include Brittney Spears, Riley, and coffee with no sugar or creme. I play for my school soccer team. I must tell you I'm highly allergic to strawberries. Hope to see you soon! Yours Truly, Michela Geraro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Host Info Name: Minamino Suzaku Age: 16 Gender: Male Bio: Suzaku has been studying English at school since fifth grade and has almost mastered it enough so that he can have a casual conversation. He has three little sisters (Sazumi who is 10, Sana who is 12, and Miaka who is 14). They all are constantly bugging him like a certain someone I know *coughChichiri'sGirlcough*. His parents run a resteraunt downtown. He will be Michela's interpreter/guide/money bank/pillow friend (you'll get this later) for her stay in Japan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Eh meh, not sure if this is how it was supposed to go but there it goes anywho! *peace sign* C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*
  2. This should prove interesting! Why hello everyone! My name is Erin Nadia Angelina Sophia Anastasia Zyger IV. Nice to meet you all! I am 126 (13 by Earth Years) and I am a feminist and an otaku to the end. I love Gundam Wing, Yuu Yuu Hakusho, Wish, Clamp School Detective, Rurouni Kenshin, and I'm dying to see Gravitation. I've been writing since I was about...6 I guess, because that's when I got my first assignment to right a fairytale. That resulted in a story about a batboy (you know, a boy with bat wings and fangs) saving a beutiful princess by creating a hole in a wall. Luckily my writing skills have improved. These days I still write about fantasy, magic, faeries, and other things of that sort, but I have somehow developed a sense of plot. Along with fantasy I'm quite a good romance writer and a definite randomness authoress! I'm known at my sorry-excuse-for a middle school for coming up with the most, how shall I say, "unique" names and personality's for my original characters. For instance, in one of my recent stories (which I set up for myself last night) there is a character named Lyra who is a rebel, cat-girl, violinist who likes pop rock. Her partner in the demon-fighting organization that she has suddeny found herself belonging to is Deeana, a cat-girl, feminine, pianist who likes classical. That just goes to show you how diverse my characters can be. To win Otaku Idol would be like...I dunno, winning the Lottery for me because I haven't won much in my life. And then I'd be able to be proud of myself and know that Paula is [B]not[/B] the only good writer in this darn school! PS: I was looking this over and just noticed I put 12 instead of 13. I really am 13.
  3. All the sudden a dark green Z-Slink can sliding into the feild. The pilot opened the hatch, jumped out and jogged towards the other four. When she reached them, she brushed her bangs out of her eyes and said, "Yo guys! Sorry I'm late. Got stuck in traffic."
  4. OOC: *appears out of nowhere with Magical Girl Pretty Sammy cosplay outfit on* I am Magical Girl Pretty Erin and I'm here to save this post from floating into the land of forgetfulness! Here to help me is my wonderful friend Aben-Ohki! *Abenaki saunters out mumbling 'Why me? Why me?'* That's the spirit Aben-Ohki! Now let's save this thread! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I shook her head as she surveyed the puncture wound in Ryan's arm. Josmi: "Ryan, Ryan, Ryan...What [B]are[/B] we going to do with you?" A smile twithched across his face. He was still a bit mad at me for embarassing him. I could tell. "Ryan...I'm sorry...I really am..." Ryan: "It's okay Josmi. I know you. It's just your reaction to things." He smiled understandingly. "Besides, how can I be mad when I know we'll have someone to burry our sorry butts when we get ourselves blown up?" He laughed until he saw me pull out the peroxide. "Do you have to use that stuff?" Josmi: "Yes Ryan. And don't be whining to me about how it stings either." I grinned. Ryan turned away from me and said... Ryan: "I don't whine." I grinned even wider and pulled out a small tape recorder. He looked back at me and upon seeing the recorder said, "Okay, maybe once." I laughed and put it away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: 'Kay peeps! G2G to lunch so I gotta cut this short. Someone pick it up from there. C-ya on the other side! *peace sign*
  5. *bow, bow* I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make trouble! I just got the chara image in my mind a few days ago and I had to use it...By the way, Linkin Park does kick butt! *peace sign, smile* *thinking still with nervous smile* [I]Let's just hope I didn't screw up big time again...[/I]
  6. *running up to the board* WAIT! DON'T START WITHOUT ME! I HAVE MY CHARA! Name: Meiji Shiiri Age: 19 Sex: Female Description: Meiji has brown hair tied up in a ponytail (except for her bangs which are constantly having to be brushed to the side so she can see)and normally brown eyes ,but she wears violet contacts. She wears a black Blink 182 t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and has both ears peirced with silver hoop earrings (nothin' big, just about the size of a penny...maybe bigger...). She also has a silver chain attatched to her jeans (hmmm...how should I explain that...oh you get the drift, I'm sure you've seen it before). She's a rock loving, sarcastic, Zoid pilot who loves to mess with people's minds. But there is a more sensitive side to her that most have not seen. Zoid: Z-Slink (I don't think that's a real Zoid name...is it?) Zoid Weapon: Tail gun, small plasma cannon Zoid Armour: Not as tough as most but for what it lacks in defense, it makes up for in speed Zoid Description: Gecko-like Zoid. It's forest green with a red underbelly. Meiji hooked up a stereo system inside the cockpit so she can listen to music while she battles/practices. Low to the ground and fast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oi vey! I hope I made it in on time! C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*
  7. ooc: I'm sooooo sorry guys! Everytime I've tried to post, my time keeps getting cut short. This is like the 10th time I've tried...Anywho, I think that now that the resent action is over, I think I can finally make my 1st appearance...By the way, DarkOrderKnight, your signature poem sorta scares me...:eek: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Marth: "Now, before we plan the next strike, I'd like to tell you about a, how shall I say, [I]special surprise[/I]." Marth grinned and looked up to the door. "You can come in now Miss Ibby...Ibea...Ib- I stepped into light to correct him. Josmi: "Ibeopyv, sir. Can't believe you still can't pronounce it." The rest of the Marines turned to look at me. Most of them groaned in disappointment. Actually, upon seeing me, John almost fell out of his chair. John: "No! Not you again!" Josmi: "Long time no see, boys." I frowned. It had been weeks since I had found my way back to the base and they didn't seem to miss me at all. But then again, they never really liked me being there in the first place. Marth: "Ahem. As you know, Josmi was taken on one of our strikes weeks ago and after a while we finally gave up looking. But, by some stroke of good luck-" Ryan: "Or bad luck for us." Marth shot him a glare for interrupting him. Ryan just smiled. Marth: "As I was saying, she escaped and found her way back. Now she has agreed to become our medic again...Despite your dislike of her..." He observed the other Marines' glares. Josmi: "Thank you for that exaggerated introduction sir." I began to cross the room, ignoring the glares of annoyance from the others, until I saw Ryan's arm. "Schezar! What happened to you!" Ryan: "Oh it's nothing, nothing at all." He tried to hide the wound from the needle earlier. The other soldiers snickered. Josmi: "Don't you nothing me! This could get infected easily! How'd it happen?" Now it was my turn to give those guys my own death glare. The laughter immediately died down. Ryan: "Got jabbed with a needle..." He had lowered his voice so I barely heard it. Josmi: "You what?!?! That needle could have been dirty or used on someone else before!" I took my backpack off and started to open it before I was stopped by Ryan's firm grip. Ryan: "After the strike plan...Please?" He have me the most pitiful look anyone had ever given me. His pride must have been down by 75% by now. I decided it was okay. Josmi: "Fine, but you have to come and see me about it afterwards." I turned to Marth. "Sir, I'll let you go on with your plans while I set up." With that I turned and left. [I]I really do care to much about them...[/I] I thought. As soon as I closed the door, I heard them all erupt with laughter. [I]Oh yea, very bad idea. I'll have to find a way to make it up to the poor guy.[/I] I thought. I then continued down to my designated room to set up.
  8. Heh, heh...Looks fun! Here's mine: Name: Josmi Ibeopyv (pronounced: Eyebeeopiv) Age: 24 Description: A generally nice woman who loves to take care of people. Just keep in mind, if she puts you on bedrest...You should really stay there.:eek: She has reddish-brown hair that she wears up in a bun and almost sandy brown eyes. She usually wears a loose blue tanktop, dark blue jeans, and a lab coat. Also she wears glasses all the time, except for when she's sleeping. Speciality: Medic Weapons and Armor: Her tools of mass destruction (in other words her doctoring tools, ya know, scalpel, thermometer...I give up...), a dagger, and a pistol. As for armor...No armor really, she just wears clothes. Yay! I can't wait for this to start! Hey, what's that secret twist, eh? LOL, don't mind me. I know *changes into Xellos costume* "Sore wa himitsu desu". Well Ciao!
  9. Well then Shade, who are the lucky warriors and generals for this rpg?
  10. Zhil smiled in satisfaction as she surveyed the setup of her private gym room. [I]Almost like they can read my mind...[/I] She thought happily. Setting her bag down she inspected the boombox. It was up to her standards so she brought out her CDs and placed a few in. "Well, let's get this party started!" she said to herself, "Let's start out with some basics." As the music started, she got down to do some pushups. She realized the irony of this when she figured out the song. 'Just A Girl' by No Doubt. Perfect for her situation. Switching to one-handed pushups she started singing along. ~*~*~ Take this pink ribbon off my eyes I'm exposed and it's no big surprised Don't you think I know exactly where I stand This world is forcing me to hold your hand ~*~*~ Now Zhil stood up and picked a random excersise machine. The treadmill seemed good. She switched on the monitor and started running and continued singing ~*~*~ 'Cause I'm just a girl, little ol' me Well don't let me out of your sight Oh, I'm just a girl, all pretty and petite So don't let me have any rights Oh...I've had it up to here ~*~*~ As she sang, she thought about Drommau. Why did he keep getting into her head? She decided it was the song. It perfectly described how he treated her perfectly. Just like a poor helpless girly girl. [I]Hmph...Stupid, overbearing, overprotective, sneaky, always-treatin'-me-like-a-little-kid Drommau...[/I] ~*~*~ The moment that I step outside So many reasons for me to run and hide I can't do the little things I hold so dear 'Cause it's all those little things that I fear ~*~*~ Zhil took a drink from her waterbottle and continued jogging. [I]It's a wonder he hasn't tried to check in on me yet. Come to think of it, that's very wierd. Maybe he's actually decided to let me grow up! About time...[/I] ~*~*~ 'Cause I'm just a girl. I'd rather not be 'Cause they won't let me drive Late at night I'm just a girl, Guess I'm some kind of freak 'Cause they all sit and stare With their eyes I'm just a girl. Take a good look at me Just your typical prototype Oh...I've had it up to here! Oh...am I making myself clear? ~*~*~ [I]But if he has decided to leave me alone...Wait! Shouldn't I be happy? Am I beginning to like his overprotectiveness? Okay, I'm scaring myself...[/I] ~*~*~ I'm just a girl I'm just a girl in the world... That's all that you'll let me be! I'm just a girl, living in captivity Your rule of thumb Make me worry some I'm just a girl, what's my destiny? What I've succumbed to Is making me numb I'm just a girl. My apologies What I've become is burdensome I'm just a girl. Lucky me Twiddle-dum there's no comparison ~*~*~ [I]Oooooooh yeah, this is scary.[/I] ~*~*~ Oh...I've had it up to! Oh...I've had it up to!! Oh...I've had it up to here. ~*~*~ "Okay! I've gotta leave!" Zhil suddenly burst out. She shut off the boombox, grabbed her CDs and bag, and left. The room was making her think funny and she was getting out as fast as she could. [I]I guess I'll just go for a walk...[/I]
  11. "Dishes? Whatever Cheda...I'm goin' to the gym..." Zhil muttered to herself. Digging into her closet, she pulled out her red Adidas duffle bag and set it on the floor. She put in some comfortable training clothes, her water bottle, and her CD collection. [I]Ah, everything I need for a perfect day at the gym.[/I] She thought happily. [I]And the perfect way to get out of dishes![/I] She wrote a quick note to Cheda telling her where she had gone and then escaped out the window and down the flag pole. ~~~~~~ "What's taking her so long?" Zhil's housemate said impatiently. Cheda marched up the stairs to her friend's room and opened the door. No Zhil. But there was a note on the desk. She picked it up and read: Cheda- Gone to the gym. Be back in three hours! :cross: Promise to do the dishes when I get home! ~Zhil "GAH! Stupid Zhil!" she yelled in frustration. Then she stomped downstairs to watch some MTV and cool off. ~~~~~~ Drommau found himself staring off into space again as Myres jabbered on about the great show he had seen last night on the Superstation. He wasn't listening to him, he was thinking about what he was going to do about Zhil. Suddenly Myres yelled out, "We'er here!" Drommau snapped back to reality and opened the car door. He stepped out and headed towards the gym. It had been months since he had been there and it was time for a good workout. "Yo! Drommau! Wait up dude!" Myres called from the car where he was just getting out. Drommau turned and smiled. "Sorry My. I'm just sorta spacey today. Heh heh!" he laughed. "You thinkin' about that certain someone again? Eh?" his friend teased. Drommau smirked. Then he saw Zhil going into the front entrance. Myres caught up to Drommau and said, "Well lookie there Dro! There goes your dream girl right now." The other boy blushed but nodded and began to follow her in. He saw her go to the front desk and order a private room. The clerk happily handed her a key and she headed down the hall. Drommau secretivly followed her, Myres close behind. "Well here's your chance lover boy! Go for it," Myres urged. "Okay..." Drommau confidentally stepped forward and was about to speak when she shut the door and disappeared inside. "Ouch...Well, you'll se her tonight," Myres said hopefully, stepping out from behind a large potted plant. "Yea...next time..." Drommau sighed turning and going back to the desk to check in. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P.S.-There's a boombox in the private gyms that they can use to play music while they work out. That's why Zhil brought her CD collection. 'Kay? 'Kay!
  12. Nihao! OOO! This looks fun! Here's my charas. Tell me when it starts! ~~~ - Character Name: Piper Tikalante - Anime Stereotype: The Tomboy - Bio: Piper is just a girl who is just one of the guys. She's a good soccer player and is constantly competing with Jin on who's the best. Unfortunately she has yet to win. She's friends with Mestil, Azure, Strider, and Jin dispite their contradicting personalities. She lives with her older brother Raven in an apartment 2 blocks from the school. Along with soccer, she loves writing and drawing and she greatly excels in both of those subjects in school. Piper seems pretty much aware of everything except for Raeda, her best friend out of all, who has had a crush on her since the fifth grade. And though she's not aware of this secret admirer, she is aware of the powers she has that were given to her at the age of nine in a dream. They give her control over plants which she had been quite intrested in since she was 5. She hasn't revealed these powers to anyone, not even Raven and Raeda. - Powers: Plant powers. - Sworn Enemy: Anyone who even thinks of touching her garden, Preps, tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Character Name: Raeda Anyo - Anime Stereotype: The Guy who gets alot of attention but doesn't want it - Bio: Raeda has been Piper best friend for...well almost forever really and has had a crush on her since the fifth grade. The only problem is that she doesn't notice and besides he's already got girls practically (and sometimes literally) throwing themselves at him! He doesn't want all the girl attention, he just wants Piper to notice him as more than a best friend. - Powers: None. - Sworn Enemy: Anyone who tries to take Piper :flaming: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For a visual on what they look like, think of Piper looking like Naru from Love Hina and Raeda looking like Keitaro, also from Love Hina. Well, ciao! C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*
  13. erinzyger

    A new age.

    Nihao! Jeez I'm finding a lot of interesting RPGs lately. Anyway, here's my chara. Tell me when the games begin! Name: Miazu Syefrek Age: 21 Description: Reddish brown hair, amber eyes, and lightly tanned skin. A quick learner and very athletic but not always good under pressure. An excessive talker and dreamer. At most times she seems to be a bit ditzy but despite her outward appearence she is actually quite intelligent. Alignment: Good/Millitary Ship: Class R/The Ruors Biography: Miazu's older brother, Tekenshi, was in the military and ever since he had been her idol. She wanted to be just like him. So she trained and studied with him constantly so that when she got older she could become a soldier too. But a month before she was to be inducted into the army, Tekenshi died in action. She went into a deep depression and wouldn't eat, come out of her room, or talk to anyone. But then one night she had a dream that Tekenshi was telling her to move on and join the army. The next day, she finally came out, ate, got back on track, and joined the army. She still believes to this day that her brother is right with her everytime she pilots.
  14. Nihao! This sounds cool. Here's mine! Name: Pyru Zhyge Project Name: Menagerie Age: 15 Human Appearance: 5'4", skinny build, waist length blonde hair tied in a loose ponytail, aquamarine eyes, silver tanktop, black pants, black sandals, two hoop earrings in the cartilage of her right ear Demon Apperance: Same as human except for her hair is robin's egg blue and her eyes turn liquid silver. Bio: Pyru was abandoned at the age of 6 in a forest just outside the city. She lived there with nature as her only company until the age of 12. It was then that S.E.O. found her on a raid for test subjects. Being injected with the demon blood didn't seem to have much effect on her for some reason. S.E.O. discarded her as a fluke. Really, she was injected with a certain demon blood by mistake, that of a song demon. Pyru became fascinated with her new demon powers and went back to her old forest home to train herself. She created a flute to channel her voice energy. At the age of 14 she couldn't restrain her demon side's hunger for kill any longer. But then again she didn't want to loose control and kill innocent people. So she became a vigilante destroying evil demons to not only feed the demon inside her but to help fight the war against the evil beings. Weapon: Voice/Flute Speacial Attacks: Melancholy Melody~ This tune played on her flute creates a giant ball of energy that is hurled at the enemy on command Puppet Song~ This tune played on her flute allows her to take control of a demon's body temporarily Crecendo~ Pyru lets out a high pitched note that forms into a rope and binds the enemy Kokoro no Koe- A song sung by Pyru that forms a cube around the enemy that gets smaller and smaller until it crushes the enemy. This attack is a no-fail but the downside is that it takes a load of energy from her and can only be done once a week. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay so there it is. When's this gonna start anywho? Just let me know when you can! C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*
  15. [I]On the other side of town...[/I] Drommau glared at the picture in his hand. It was the one taken of him and Zhil on the last day of school. [I]Why do I even keep this stupid thing?[/I] he asked himself. On the day that the picture was taken they had been best friends, almost inseperable. But then Zhil started to 'grow up' as she put it. She didn't like it when he helped her get out of fights. She had said that she could fend for herself. "Why do I keep on helping her? She says she hates me but she's still like my little sister to me...And a big brother can't just give up on his little sister..." he whispered to himself. He drew the picture away from the paper shredder and put it back in the frame. He smiled to himself and said, "Just listen to yourself Drommau. You sound like an idiot. But then again may be I'm not." Turning around he placed another card on his unfinished card castle. It immediately crumbled. Drommau sighed, "Nope. I'm an idiot."
  16. Ying Warrior Name:Ori Ettusud (called Ori by friends) Age:18 Appearance:Forest green kimono with a short skirt (just above the knees) and long sleeves, waist length silver hair tied in a loose ponytail, garnet eyes, skinny and not that muscular, 5'6" Weapon: one long katana, multiple small daggers, her own mind (in which I mean her intelligence) Special Powers: speed Bio: Ori Ettusud is an orphan who had been living on her own from the age of 12. Though she is not as strong as most she is amazingly fast. This is because of practice from stealing food as a child. A wanderer who travels frequently (every few months or weeks) she has a wide knoledge of customs, languages, and geographical positions. Other: She loves training, traveling, and fighting. On the other hand she dislikes small places. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This sounds like a great RPG. When's it gonna start. Tell me when! Ciao~
  17. Nihao! *adds Canadian and Russian to her list* Okay so that adds more to that. But, sadly, no he still uses gel. I found a whole stash in his bathroom. *pouts* He just won't tell me how much he uses...The kind of music I'm looking for is anything with lyrics that would best describe their personalities. Thx neways! C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers*
  18. Nihao! I just started an RPG in the Adventure Arena called Le Angeline. If you wanna play and add on to the story just head on over and find it. It's fairly new so it shouldn't be that hard. Have fun!
  19. Zhil yawned as she rolled out of bed and on the hard wood floor. Too tired to stand up she rolled further over to the pile of crates in the corner and pulled herself into a sitting position. Yawning again she finally found the strength to stand. "Mmmm...My head hurts..." she whined. Last night she had been in a street fight which ended in Drommau saving her sorry butt again. [I]Stupid Drommau...[/I] she thought. [I]Why can't he let me finish a fight on my own?[/I] "Time for breakfast!" the familliar voice that belonged to Cheda, her room mate and the official cook of the house, from downstairs. "Yea, I'm coming!" Zhil yelled back. Throwing a glance at the picture of her and Drommau on the desk she said, "Hmmph. Stupid Drommau..." and left for breakfast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note to all: Please keep this at a G-PG rating. Thx!
  20. Nihao! I've got a question for everyone: [B]Who's your fave Yu-Gi-Oh! bishie!?!?[/B] I'm not even going to try to make a poll becuase I'd need to many selections. Just tell me in the post. And now for the other part of my post: [B]Anyone know where to get good Bakura and Malik pics and/or fanart?[/B] They're my faves and I need to complete the 3rd wall in my room! Thanx all! C-ya on the other side! *flys off on one of her winged monkey soldiers* :) ;) :wigout: :babble: :smirk: :angel: :freak: :whoops: :toothy:
  21. Nihao! How's everyone doin'? Well, here's my questions: 1.) What is Tro's nationality? I've got theories but I wanna see what other people think. 2.) How much hair gel does he (Tro) keep his hair up like that? He won't tell me. Says it's a secret... 3.) What are some songs that could be used for a song fic for each of the G-boys? I mean like, what song would best describe Wu-man or Hee-chan or Quat? They have no idea so I'm asking for suggestions from you guys *points to people reading the post* Please respond! And also if you're wondering yes, I really do call them by the pet name's used above (Duo's name is D-kun btw). Feel free to use them if you want...In fact please do use them. I just love watching their faces when I call them that. C-ya on the other side! *flys away on one of her winged monkey soldiers*
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