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Everything posted by kernschatten

  1. D'oh that is pretty similar :o Ah well, just the same I've got a swell new wallpaper with Spike.
  2. There's been 8 CD's released, if you'd like to listen to them they have full length samples on the Yoko Kanno Project [url]http://jameswong.com/ykproject/music.html[/url]
  3. Dear god a live action Bebop... /me commits Hari Kari
  4. I think the runaway star of the movie was definetly the music :D! To me the movie was like a really long above-par bebop session, but honestly the music was fantastic... Yoko Kanno needs a medal or some statue in her honor. [i]Knock a Little Harder[/i] was such a beautiful way to end the movie... good god I'd watch it all the way through once more just to get that weak feeling the song produces... Uh, oh yeah watch the movie if you already haven't ;)!
  5. I think the effect came over really well, swanky work.
  6. [IMG]http://www.geocities.com/alexsoter/spike.txt[/IMG] I just got ahold of the Perfect Sessions DVD's and, well it is one swell series... anyhow I decided to whip together a wallpaper to commemerate the occassion. As far as my thoughts on this are concerned I think it came out better then I had hoped for 30 minutes work ;)! It is a bit busy though. If I put more time into it the overall product may be a bit better but for the time being I am satisfied. [b]Sources used for the image...[/b] Spike Outline from a commerative mirror ( [url]http://www.animate-world.com/products/779.htm[/url] ) Spike Train scene from movie [i]Knockin' on Heaven's Door[/i], scanned fromt he booklet for the [i]Future Blue's[/i] OST Spike Image was found online, don't remember where it came form ;)! [URL=http://www.geocities.com/alexsoter/spike800.txt]Wallpaper @ 800x600[/URL] [URL=http://www.geocities.com/alexsoter/spike1024.txt]Wallpaper @ 1024x768[/URL]
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