I just got ahold of the Perfect Sessions DVD's and, well it is one swell series... anyhow I decided to whip together a wallpaper to commemerate the occassion.
As far as my thoughts on this are concerned I think it came out better then I had hoped for 30 minutes work ;)! It is a bit busy though. If I put more time into it the overall product may be a bit better but for the time being I am satisfied.
[b]Sources used for the image...[/b]
Spike Outline from a commerative mirror ( [url]http://www.animate-world.com/products/779.htm[/url] )
Spike Train scene from movie [i]Knockin' on Heaven's Door[/i], scanned fromt he booklet for the [i]Future Blue's[/i] OST
Spike Image was found online, don't remember where it came form ;)!
[URL=http://www.geocities.com/alexsoter/spike800.txt]Wallpaper @ 800x600[/URL]
[URL=http://www.geocities.com/alexsoter/spike1024.txt]Wallpaper @ 1024x768[/URL]