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Everything posted by GroundXero

  1. What site? 250free.com? And I can't get this darn explosion to look right... Well I had new idea I am going to put a fighter plane in between Ground and Xero. :D [size=1][color=blue]Combined double posts. -Charles[/color][/size]
  2. Oh okay one more question. Where can I upload the image at?
  3. I call it a signiture but I guess some of you call it a banner, I dunno. What should I do for my Banner/Signiture? I was thinking maybe a nuclear exploision cloud with Ground Xero in faded letters in front. Sound good? Please reply.
  4. In my opinion, yours is better than the original. Just looks more natural. :p
  5. Thanks alot. It really helped, one of the walkthroughs had a very helpful tip. Thanks again.
  6. [SIZE=4]LEGION[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]THE LEGEND OF[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]EXCALIBUR[/SIZE] I am on the second mission after cross the stone bridge and beat the 3 soldier who run up on you, how are you supposed to take out that gang black knights?
  7. Just think about it like this He soars of seas of pearl streets of gold His glides upon the peaceful winds of Heaven He smiles into Jesus face And watches down on us all. I hope read this helps heal some of the pain but, I know that some wounds can never be mended.
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