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About Emjay

  • Birthday 10/18/1988

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    I like SUM card games, and I do lots of arts
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  1. well, I wouldn't eat anything cold, I won't eat anything raw, I would die next to my dead friend. Sides- if I were insane, I wouldn't know what I'm doing- or that's how it feels, since I'm still sane and I haven't ate a person before, that is yucky- I won't even eat CARROTS cold just fruit and desserts, I don't eat salid, so don't aks "what about salid" any wayz NO NO NO NO! If you live through that you will know for the rest of your life that you ate a friend!
  2. my name is Mary Jane, but I don't like the name Mary Jane as much as I like to just call my self M.J, or Mary Jay (I like to spell that out completely- no abreiviations in my name) I don't know what it means because I never thot abaout that before, I just like to turn it around different ways
  3. well, in the desert, I would die- I mean- It's no problem to me if I die surrounded by a few friends, it's much better than eating them while the thot lingers in yer head until you DO die! And if you were at home with no food- just get the phone book
  4. I got this from this cartoon where they were like- in space, I can't remember what it was called, but here's what they said: One dude: "Huston, we have a problem" Huston: "why do you always call me when you have a problem, why can't you just call to say hello er something?!?" here is another one from ET (entertainment tonight, I wouldn't de cot dead watching that one movie) Interviewer: "Why should they continue the races" (something like that) The dude he interviewed: "Because Dale Earnheart died, but NASCAR didn't die with him" I have sumore but I don't remember any right now
  5. ooooooooooooooo! I love babies! I like baby food too, congrats! I wish I was a mommy!
  6. :) Hi every body I am Mary Jay, I am 14, and I'm new. I didn't see a place where I could post this, so if there is somewhere, I want some one to show me. I have a few :huh: to want answered. First- why couldn't I pick my own av? it didn't say browse, and was that what the little bar that said "picture" for? um.... that was all. But anywayz HI!
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