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About KrypToniK

  • Birthday 10/19/1988

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  1. what about Olimar from Pikmin? :p I think the next SSB will come out near the time when they anounce the next Nintendo console....Don't know though, well see. Hope it will be good. MORE CHARATERS!
  2. WOW! 14. That is real young and in my opinion stupid. Why would you be that young and not use any protection in the first place? Anyways, best of luck to your friend. *Don't take this post offensivley, just my opinion*
  3. I guess I could if they really wanted me to, but I don't see why they would want me to lie to them. I guess it really depends on the situation.
  4. Go out with your current girl. Then when she dumps you...you go out with chick A. So you win either way. :laugh:
  5. The movie wasn't what I expected it to be. Could have been better. And to DareDevil wasn't even a popular comic. Oh wel, can't wait till X-Men 2. :D
  6. Looks pretty much the same as the first one, if not better. The first one I thought was going to be one of the best movies until I saw it. It wasn't what I expected it to be. Very disappointing. Hope this one will be better.
  7. Japenese, I don't know. But my favorite 'Asian' film is probaly Shaolin Soccer. Very funny, too.
  8. Hmm...religious bashing? I never really heard of someone fighting with someone because of their religion. Sometimes people just can't find anyhting else to make fun of you, so they turn to your religion. :cross:
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