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Everything posted by Angelus

  1. Oh no, Samus can not have such melee weapons like you speak of. Metroid prime was created with the controls of the GC specificaly thought of. Metroid primes controls are one of the things that make it the game that it is. If you changed the controls then it would just be like every other game. thus it would loose its appeal.
  2. it is of my personal belief that there are no good ones in existance. But if you must I sujest a bond game or maybe even time splitters 2.
  3. Angelus

    Parasite Eve

    I personally own this movie and I would say it is definatly worth checking out at the least. It is true that it has little to do with the video game, and that is because the video game series is a spin off of the novel of which the movie is based off of. I myself would be interested in reading the book of which this is all based off of someday.
  4. [QUOTE=Kintaro]Ah I remember that day...a sunny wednesday afternoon, no class, and Starfox on Super Nintendo. I loved that game, some 3d for a wing shooter was nice at that time. I was sweating, my hands trembling, because I was about to make it: finish starfox. I remember seing the boss's face after all these hours spent on the game (no save possible *sigh*)....and suddenly: nothing. A blank screen, the vgs was turned off. I turned my head, dribbling like an undead (yes they do dribble), to see my mom who had unplugged the adapter of the nintendo to hoover the room...[/QUOTE] not to sound evil, but I would have killed her. When I play games I am like a man possesed, and you dont want to get between me and beating a game. Esp. during the end boss. But to make you feel better I will tell you a funny story. One of my friends was so into a game once that he forgot to use the bathroom and he pooped his pants while playing. He was around 11 at the time. We are much older now(college) so it is fun to make fun of him now and again for it. See now dont you feel better already?
  5. Angelus


    [QUOTE=satan665]I need to keep in touch better, I heard about this but didn't know anything about it being released. When did it come out? All of this retro/nostalgia music is starting to be a bit much, but this definitely sounds cool. Grohl is one of the last people of the 90's rock scene that is still interesting. Ah, remember when Pearl Jam was good?[/QUOTE] Remember when they released their latest CD riot act? It is basicly a bunch o B sides that finally got released. They are all decent songs, so dont say remember when pearl jam WAS still good. But you could definatly say remember when Pearl Jam was better?
  6. I may be going against the grain here but oh well, I believe that ROTK should NOT have gotten 11 awards. I do not believe the last movie of the series deserved it. But I think the reason why ROTK got so many awards was because of the fact that the Acadamy basicly shafted them in the previous years for 2 movies which should have won many more awards in the previous years. I am not saying ROTK was a bad movie, I am jsut saying it didnt deserve to win as much as it did this year.
  7. Angelus


    Probot is amazing, I dont know what much else there is to be said about it at the moment besides the fact taht I am glad to see that Dave will be doing some drums for a band that has a harder sound. And for the record Probot is not exactly "Dave Ghrol's metal album", Probot is a band. Kinda like how Andrew W.K. is a band and not just Andrew W.K. oddly enoughAndrew W.K. also tries to get old Metal heads from years past and get them to play with him as well.
  8. I have played this game and it is probably by far the WORST fighting game I have ever played.If I could consider Pong a fighting game I would rank it higher then Evil Zone. I had the game awhile back and I beat the game very easily. The graphics arnt that good, the controls are horrible and too simple for my taste in a way the games controls remind me of DBZ:Buddaki, only the DBZ game is MUCH MUCH MUCH more polished and fun to play. This game just made me angry, and eventually led to me selling it so I could buy another game that was worth my time.
  9. the ost frustrating moments for me would be learning to play RE for the first time and trying to beat the weapons on the Final Fantasy Games. RE. I dont know why, but for some reason it took me forever to get good at this game. I cannot explain howmany times Chris Reddfeild ran into a wall because of me. Someday he is gonna show up at my door and punch me in the face for all of those walls... And Final Fantasy, well in Final Fantasy 7 and 8 the Weapons are hard as all heck to kill. In FF7 I have still yet to beat the Ruby and the Emerald Weapons. I have tried and tried and almost beat them....but in the end I would just get hammered by one big attack and then the battle would be over. And in FF8 I have a hard enough time trying to GET to the Omega Weapon in Ultamecia's Castle that I just stoped trying.
  10. FFCC is a great game. Simply put it is spectacular. Why is my statement true? The game is just so darn fun! I hae a blast playing the game in single player mode, but Multi player....its like real magic. The reason why there is no real character development is because there is no practical way of doing so while still keeping the game multiplayer. I understand that FFCC is a "Final Fantasy" game. But do not buy this game looking for FF12 or something like that. This game is not all about story and sweet graphics, this Final Fantasy is about fun and playing with your friends. So remember its not bad, its just different... And highly addictive..
  11. get the trailer here [url]http://www.newsaskew.com[/url] all in all I will probably take my girl friend to see this move and indulge in some warm happy fuzzy feelings that this movie will probably deliver in a corny way.
  12. I think tenchi and Ryoko would work together, that series is not done yet. I watched episode 14 and Ryoko's character seems to be developing a bit more again. But I whole heartedly agree that Tenchi Ayeka would never work because she is so uptight that if you put a lump of coal up her behind, you would get a diamond in about a week.
  13. My fav war movie would have to be Heartbreak Ridge, I just love movies where marines get to kick some serious butt.
  14. Angelus

    Is it right?

    oh yes, I very much dont care. I will still buy this game and I will probably still enjoy it very much.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rttocs77 [/i] [B]I think LOTR and The Matrix triology are some of the MOST overrated films of all time. [/B][/QUOTE] And we manage to love them in spite of that
  16. hands down the best love song has to be "last kiss" by Pearl Jam
  17. I would have to say that Super Metroid is the pinical of all SNES games, it doesnt matter that no one else will agree with me on this, but at least I know it is true
  18. Jason Scott(the red ranger) goes to my school, Creighton U. He is getting a law degree at the moment. I know that is kind of irrelivant but I just wanted to say that.
  19. Angelus

    Johnny Cash

    words can not express the loss that we are all experiancing right now.
  20. I wont lie to any of you, I dislike the GameCube and I disliked the 64. That being said Mario Party 4 might be the single best 4 person game that Nintendo has ever created. After playing Mario Party 4 I almost liked Nintendo again...of course then I realized that no one game could carry a system. But none the less MP4 is so addictive. And it is addictive because of its simplicity. And of course it is amazingly fun because it is also so very very simple. I sugest everyone buy MP4 if you have a GC.
  21. the very fact that SD Gundam was made in the style in which it was angers me to the point of hating the series without me even seeing a single episode. If the Gundam series doesnt put out a new GOOD Gundam soon than I might start loosing hope in the Gundam genre.
  22. I dont want to sound like I dont like Golden Eye, but I cant play it anymore. And why? Because it plays, looks, and controls like poop. And that is why Nightfire is simply a better game. Nightfire also proves that 007 games dont need to be based off of a movie to be good as well, and that is a point that should stick out about this game.
  23. Angelus

    Cheap Trick

    I agree that cheap trick's greatest hists is a good compalation cd...But why do you call them the "best old-new band"?
  24. yes they did that but he never tried to use any magic either.
  25. Avril is about as punk as my right thumb. That being said, someone said that Blink 182 is punk just like Avril. To that statement I must say NAY!. Blink is not punk either. People must understand that these two entities are a sub genre many people like to call pop-punk. Because influences are both pop and punk. So follow me when I say that Blink and Avril are also not Pop. They are both Pop-Punk. They are neither pop nor punk. Okay, everyone. As a side note, I dislike Avril. She is what I call a poser. She likes to think she is punk even though she is not. Posers in music disgust me. And yes this even includes Good Charlot for all you people who think that they might actully be punk. It saddens me that durring that last couple of years everyone and their dog think that they suddenly listen to punk music when they are actully just listening to a bunch of pop punk posers.
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