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Everything posted by Angelus

  1. hey If I was going to kill myself I would die in a hail of gunfire! whoooohoooo. I guess a good old shootout somewhere would be the best way.....oh yeah. Good thing I dont have guns and am not suicidal!
  2. My fav ffcharacter would have to be Squall from FF8. I say that because at the time that the game came out I felt alot like Squall. I thought that he was a FF guy who was like me only just still alot cooler than I could hope to be. Lets not forget that Squall has a Gunblade. as far as a ff game that I prefer more than the others, I would have to go with FFT. What a great game, and if they dont make another than Square is going to be hearing from me.
  3. my guess at why he didnt know how to use magic was that since he was in the game and not just playing the game he didnt have access to any menu's of spells that he could choose from. I might be wrong but that was just my thoughts on the matter.
  4. my fav anime would have to be Tenchi Muyo because of the crazy story line, different style of animation, and all of that off ball humor that is in it. Might I also add that I am talking about the OVA of Tenchi Muyo.
  5. Smashmouth is still around? Thats depressing. In my own oppinion after their first album fu su mang (I believe that is what it was called) they started to go down hill. their first album had so many good and fun songs on it. And funny as it might be the 1 hit off of that album (walking on the sun)also happened to be the worst song on the album. Once smashmouth came out with their next album they decided make their sound follow the path of the more pop freindly radio crap. In my mind they lost substance when they did that.
  6. I really dont want to go around the house and count them all, so I will just give some ruff estemates. Cd's - around 300 (not including burt cd's) burned cd's - around 50 tapes - around 150 records - around 150 maybe more,I am not sure. I cant limit my musical tendicies to just one genre of music, as you can see my music spans from records to the modern day CD. I like too many different kinds of music to find one prodominate style that I have more of than the others.
  7. I was in love with the first game and I dont really know what to think about the changes. But I am sure I will like it because the series is great anyway. Woot.
  8. I beat this game awhile ago at school between classes. I think it is probably one of the better 007 games ever made.
  9. Outlaw star is a good series and I do think it is a good buy. I think it is probably even one of my fav anime series too. Hope you all enjoy it.
  10. Angelus


    I really didnt ever like stained. Somehow they always found a way to make every single one of their songs sound exactly alike. I never bothered to try to figure out the names of their songs because I could never tell the difference between them.
  11. Angelus


    I saw this movie a long time ago when...well lets just say it was new when I saw it. And when I first saw it I thought it was one of the best movies ever created. But once I saw Leon the international version I found that this movie was way better than I ever thought it was before. The movie is beautiful in everyway shape and form. I also think that everyone here should go watch this movie.
  12. LP isnt really that good. They are definatly overated as well. I can honestly say that I only like about less than a third of their songs, and that LP actully is really boaring live. I was so happy Mudvaine played before them so I could get my $'s worth from that concert.
  13. Not to go against the grain here, but I hate SES because they have horrible lyrics, and musicly they, as a band, are lacking. and please no one so "Ohhhh they are soooo punk rock" ever again. I can understand why people might like them, but please understand that SES is not punk. Thank you, goodbye.
  14. I have never seen the fagile being sold for that much money. I always see it for about 18. $30 is a crazy amount of money.
  15. yes givin the vastness of space itself the probability of there being some other life forms other than that of earth the chances are pretty high. And even if the aliens were just some random bug or low level plant life, that could still be classified as an alien organism.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i] [B]i didnt really like the "black album", either. i enjoyed "master of puppets" and "ride the lightning" the best. if you think metallica is incapable of screwing up a record, then you're the one who leads a "sheltered life". [/B][/QUOTE] I actuly think that with each album they put out they get a little better and take their sound in a new a slightly different direction. I actuly dont like much of the old Metallica material.. So yeah, Me not living a "sheltered life".
  17. I think it is great. The songs are good, granted the sound is different. I even really like the way that they didnt do a lot of production on their new cd. Why you ask? Because it gives the album a more live feel. The album just screams imperfection and that is exactly how a live show is. So yeah, I know St Anger is no black album, but if you were expecting St Anger to be musicaly like the black album then you must lead a very sheltered life. Every other Fan I know is always pissed when thier "new" albums arnt "as good" as the black album was. I mean crap stop looking through your little box and see that it is good even though it isnt another black album.
  18. its not a good cd, its a great cd. all the songs on it are very powerful and make this album great. 1 remedy 2 suffocate 3 cure my tragedy (a letter to God) 4 stupid girl 5 dont belong 6 wasted years 7 whatever you became 8 sad happy 9 rain song 10 the day seattle died 11 change the world 12 black sunday 13 kill the music industry When I bought the album it came with a bonus dvd that had the stupid girl video on it and about 30 minutes of on the road preformances, behind the scenes, and such like that. It is a great bonus dvd. My fav songs are suffocate, stupid girl, sad happy, rain song, and kill the music industry. Buy this album!
  19. yes, please if you are going to download the whole album then you might as well just buy it. When people download whole albums thats just not cool.
  20. I think their last album was much better than their new one.
  21. Ghost and Niobe were in the movie for about a grand total of 40 seconds or so. But think that the idea for this game still makes it a must buy, just so you can get more filler for the 2 new movies.
  22. Angelus


    the video looks really good, and it complements the song very well. Also, their new album "Sing the Sorrow" is a solid album and I would suggest it to anyone.
  23. If scooby do was never around I would have been a much happier person growing up. I really disliked the show. And I will leave my coment at that.
  24. I have been listening to this guys in Omaha Nebraska for the past 2 -3 years and they are awesome. I cant remember any of their older stuff besides "James" at the moment. This guys are the real deal, and I sugest you all try to find them and give them a try. The song James would be a good song to try and find because the song is about a guy named James that the lead singer really hates and you can tell from all the passion in his voice from when he sings the song. its great stuff
  25. I am thinking that I hate the first cd and I will love the second cd the only songs on the first disk I will like would be Calm Like A Bomb - Rage Against The Machine Dread Rock - Oakenfold and probably This Is The New S**t - Marilyn Manson Zion - Fluke The Passportal - Team Sleep Bruises - Unloco but over all I think the soundtrack wont be as good as the first movies soundtrack
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