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Everything posted by Angelus

  1. I cant breath just because of all of the excitment that I feel for this game.
  2. Angelus

    X2: XMen United

    X2 is a great movie, I have seen it and I am happy with it. Other people on the list of names. I saw Remmy Lebeu. And for all you people who dont know, that is Gambit. I personally like what they did with Storm in this movie. She was angry deep down inside and Nightcrawler's personality was a nice contrast to hers. I also want to see the friendship of Pyro and Iceman be tested more in X3. If you have seen X2 then you can probably figure out what I am talking about.
  3. Interesting point about how the blood of Cordy didnt effect Connor Endymion. I had thought that Connor might have been acting under his own free will all along. It would make sence that Connor has just always seen Jasmine for what she really is. only read this if you have seen Indigo.(the latest buffy episode) Xander loosing his eye did suck, but tonights episode was very interesting. Faith took the girls out for some partying and Buffy scolded her. And she even hit Faith!!!! How dare she? Eventually the PS's decided that they would in fact rather have Faith as their leader because of Buffys current bad streak of decisions. Word on the street is that next week or the week after [spoiler]Angel will apear on Buffy and they will kiss.[/spoiler] If this information has been provided earlier in a spoiler I am sorry, but I dont read spoilers because they are just not cool. [size=1][b][color=darkblue]Please use spoiler tags when posting spoilers!! -Shy[/color][/b][/size]
  4. Tonights episode of Buffy was interesting but I do not think that I liked it very much. The part about this episode that I did like was the part where they fought the big bad. But I for one did not like the outcome of the fight either. Never the less, it seemst that those horrible things that we have been promised have started to materialize.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1][b]Who was your first kiss? How old were you? How was it? What were the circumstances? (Where, Time, etc) What was your Worst/Best Kiss?[/b] color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I was 17 years old when I had my first kiss HOW WAS IT?!?!? oh it was hot. And very moist. She has very soft lips. The circumstances? We were at her house in her basement just chillin and then I decided that I should kiss her because she is beautifull. It was dark out and we had all the lights off in her basement. We had a fireplace in the background to help set the mood! oooooo! My worst kiss? My worst kiss was of course my first kiss. My best kiss? That happened about 10 days ago. For some reason that kiss was speacial with my girlfriend. Not just like all the other ones I give her. this one seemed special and passionate. Full of love, ya know?
  6. Angelus


    I have not seen Guardian force, but Chaotic century does in fact havve a pretty interesting story line. I find the anime better than most other anime's once you get into the story line.
  7. hellsing, you cant DL something that isnt out yet. No matter how hard you try. They are going to be releasing the *** version in Japan soon soo... It may still be awhile before it gets to dvd.
  8. sorry for the double post but this is important to the topic. Here is an interesting point of view from a member of the band One Minute Silence... FILE SHARING VERSUS STUDENT POVERTY So what do you guys in OMS think of internet file sharing?' That was a question we were asked earlier this week by a journalist. It's a good question, and it sure is a controversial issue. Perhaps it's too controversial and complex a subject to address the issue without giving a bit of context to the point. So, we clarified the question with the journalist: Is it morally acceptable to steal copyrighted music from the Internet?Well, in order to formulate an educated opinion, we have to ask who is stealing music. So, we've been asking OMS fans at our shows what they think. We have learned that we have a hell of a lot of students in our audience, who don't have 17 quid available to buy CDs, so they share files and burn CDs. They love music, they'd love to be able to afford to buy CDs; naturally, as fans of the bands they like, they want the official release with the official packaging and all the quality of a commercial CD, but it's just not possible for so many of them due to financial restrictions. When faced with a struggle to pay for basic survival necessities, students are hardly going to prioritise a seventeen-pound bill at HMV or Virgin, and neither would I blame them for choosing the Internet option for getting hold of quality music. The average student works minimum-waged McJobs outside of college hours, earning money to at least afford rent for their digs. Obviously, the paltry student loan (which is not even a grant) doesn't cover basic expenses. Students typically choose between heating and food. Shopping for clothes isn't even relevant for the majority. By the time they leave college, they are saddled with a five-figure bill for their education. It's not an easy life, but it's what you have to do under the current order. With this understanding, I think the question is off-base. Should students steal from companies to get access to music? Maybe not; in a perfect world we'd all pay our way, but if we backtrack the point further, we should be asking ourselves 'should students be in a position whereby if they want to listen to music, they have to steal it?' I feel that we have to look at the source of the problem rather than a symptom. The source of the problem, (and it isn't limited to students), is that most of us are having to make similar financial choices between basic survival factors. When we eliminate the poverty suffered by so many, then we should be asking questions about basic morality and theft, but not until that point. My sense of proportion is offended by attempts to demonise students as freeloaders. Who is really freeloading here? The background to the current state of play can be illustrated by this exercise in basic hypocrisy: Back in 1997, the incoming New Labour government maintained and expanded the neo-liberal policies of their Tory forebears. The education advisor to Mr. Blair, Michael Barber, stated that education is an 'end-user activity,' and the 'end-user' of education is the employer. Let's look at end-user activities. Since I am the end-user of my television, I don't expect someone else to pay for my television. If I am the end-user of my bike, I pay for the bike; to expect someone else to pay for it is just parasitism on my part. If I hire a plumber, then I am the end-user of the plumber, so I pay the guy to fix my bath. So it follows that if the employer is the end user of education, then he should damn well pay for it! Why are we in a situation where the student affords a training programme which is set up to provide a stream of workers for corporate employers? Why should a student pay for the opportunity to be the object of exploitation? But that's precisely and explicitly what the government expects. Therefore we have corporate employers avoiding their responsibilities to afford the education which will benefit them, and the costs of education are passed on to the exploited. Meanwhile, because the student is expected to fund his potential opportunity to make a profit for the man, he can't afford the basic necessities of life and must endure a shift in a bar, or a night shift in Sainsbury's, or a shift as a security guard; and sometimes he must even learn to say 'would you like fries with that?' when he should be studying or relaxing after his studies. He's already got a job - his job is to prepare himself to look after the world when the current caretakers are gone. Why do we thank him by charging him for this responsibility? So in the grand scheme of things, it seems churlish to imply that he is freeloading just because he wants to listen to a few CDs. It's not his fault he can't even afford to stay warm without a soul-destroying evening job, which takes time out from time he could spend enriching his education or enhancing his life in general. To point the finger of blame at the impoverished student is missing the point - the point is that he IS an impoverished student, so how dare we throw stones at him! It's all of our faults for not making our voices heard loudly enough to ensure that education remains a right rather than a privilege, which must be paid for. To even ask the question, and aim it at OMS fans is to ignore any sense of moral proportion. EDDIE STRATTON ONE MINUTE SILENCE JANUARY 2003
  9. S@bretooth, the amount of money was not 97.8 billion but 97.8 trillion. And yes that probably is more than what Bill Gates does have. You are right about the sampling, the generations that are downloading all of this music are doing so because we like to sample. CD's are too expensive and concerts are getting more expensive as well.
  10. A long time ago I ran into a anime called DBZ. And DBZ was good, until I ran across Tenchi Muyo. The Tenchi Muyo OAV was/is the best out there.
  11. I found OB while I was looking for some Gundam Wing specs, and then I saw a link of some sorts to a message board area or something to that extent, a confusing number of pop ups and my clicking on different things that were hopefully getting me to a message board system... and then.... VOLA! I arived.
  12. The palestinians have a right to want their land back. If I were them I would be scratching and fighting for every last bit of land I could get back for my people. Way back when, when the UN divided Isreal and Palistine and set up their boarders this whole thing MIGHT have been settled. But givin todays happenings I do not believe any peacefull solution is on the horizon. In todays world Isreal is oppressing Palistine, and that adds up to alot of hate. Isreal goes into the west bank (I believe its the west bank region anyway) and they have bulldozers knock over Palestinian homes and villages. Then Isreal builds jewish settlments there. There are a great number of Palestinian refuges because of this and Isreal wont even acknowledge the fact that they are doing what they are doing.
  13. Robojox was sweet, it might be possible that robojox was based on whatever this unknown anime is.
  14. The 4th tony hawk game is ok for the series, I do think it is better than 3 but ..... I guess I just really hate the physics engine for the game. I hate the fact that I can beef up a character so much that he can wall ride up a 15 or more foot wall. It is stuff like that that really turns me away from the Tony Hawk series.
  15. G gundam is too new of a show, read origional post. The show he is looking fo aired when he was a kid. Unless he managed to get ***. bootlegs of G gundam that just came about about 3 or 4 years ago....... Thus, it is more likely that its not G Gundam because of the time difference.
  16. I heared it a couple of months ago early on a sunday morning and I almost wet myself. The song in its origional form is spectacular, and when Cash does it is more like another song. The NIN and Cash versions of the song are almost polar oppisits to each other in my mind.
  17. Angelus


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by vegeta rocker [/i] [B]i liked the old one what is it called? Think it might be the wicked or something like that. im too lazy to research it right now. [/B][/QUOTE] Is it called "Just got whicked" by Cold?
  18. Shy, dont forget about the return of Faith to Sunnydale when you are talking about the finnal battle. In last weeks episode Faith leaves LA with Willow so they can both join the good fight back in Sunnydale.
  19. Angelus

    Daft Punk

    the best Daft Punk song ever created is, hands down, around the world. When this song first came out with its music video I loved them. And the video for around the world, although not an anime, is still the best and most creative I think that I have ever seen.
  20. the best ones are Squaresoft Blizzard and Capcom
  21. Angelus


    Do you know how many episodes they are planing on making for the Xenosaga series?
  22. Angelus


    What company makes Xenosaga?
  23. The people at Sam Goodie told me that they were going to stop shelving these movies because they wernt selling enough of them to justify having them on the shelves. BUT, you can still order them in from other stores that still have them in stock or from their wearhouses.
  24. Go to a suncoast or sam goodie and have them order it in for you. Thats what I do/did.
  25. Sere, Cordilia is showing because its a demonic baby. Remeber way back in the first season when she was pregnate for an episode? And she was about ready to have the baby in the same episode as well. Well basicly its the same thing, its all weird and demon weird stuff. second, cordilia has never been able to use magic, then again this cordilia isnt cordilia.
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