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Everything posted by Angelus

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Vampire: Ed [/i] [B][spoiler]Actually, I think Electra survived. I know they showed her heart stop, and all. But earlier in the movie Matt said he'd like a pendent like hers, except in Braille. No one else heard him say this, just her. Then at the end of the movie, after she's already supposed to be dead. Matt finds a similar pendent to Electra's except in Braille. I think she has to be alive, and that was supposed to be a clue that she was.[/spoiler] Anyway, that's what I think at least. [/B][/QUOTE] I do agree in fact, and why is it that you are the only one who seems to have seen that? Personally I liked the movie and thought it was good. And yes I thought that it was a tad cheessy but hey, its based off of a comic book. COMIC book.
  2. one of my friends got ahold of gxp somehow (cant remember the specifics) but he has told me that he didnt like the series that much. But then he also said that some tenchi is better than none!
  3. I would suggest buying Tenchi Muyo on DVD for about $120 because it comes in a sweet package and it also has a crap load of extras that are very interesting. Also I heard a rumer that when the Tenchi Muyo series comes out with its 3rd season, CN will in fact air it. It is just a rumer but it makes me happy non the less.
  4. althoughI do understand what you are saying I seriously doubt that that is the case with this.
  5. uggg, I just typed a 30 minute long explination and then submited it just to find out that I wasnt logged in...thus my post was lost... anyway to sum up what I wrote in a fast way.. How? Washu is a goddess and she has lots of powers even though she locked most of her powers in to the 3 gems that Ryoko wants from tenchi(and yes Ryoko has one of them). how come no mention? Durring that episode Washu had only been around for an episode or two anyway so there was no need to have prior knowledge to her past. There is no mention of it since because it would be irrelevent to the episodes that came afterwards. Any more questions? Feel free to ask.
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