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About cookiemonster74

  • Birthday 06/19/1989

Contact Methods

  • Website URL
  • AIM
    handle? does that me

Profile Information

  • Biography
    tall, blonde, blue eyes, hyper
  • Occupation
    psycopathic friek (silentdeath wrote that)

cookiemonster74's Achievements

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New Member (1/6)



  1. [color=pink]no he has a different problem.it comes up with that sign that says either your banned by someone or you haven't confirmed being registered.it dosen't just not shoe up his posts,he can't post entirely![/color]
  2. [color=pink]it's so mysterous!i like it exept for that little yellow thingy![/color]
  3. [color=pink]it's ok.i love the logo!i mean it's a little plain but nice![/color]
  4. [color=pink]It's beautiful but it won' let me download it![/color]
  5. [color=pink]silentdeath told me to tell you that it won't let his screen name post.he would like to know what happened.[/color]
  6. silentdeath told me bout' this Name:Rogue Powers:she can suck up energy and gain powers for short periods of time Short Bio:rogue is one of the students in Dr. Xavier's school for mutants.she grew up in the south and is good friends with wolverine. Apperance:green and yellow tight suit hero [img]http://www.tac.ee/~karelp/art/xmen/rogue.jpg[/img]
  7. *makes it my wallpaper* i love all your guys' wallpapers!
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