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Everything posted by jblessing
[QUOTE=Anime Empress]Hi there! i've been haveing troble with myotaku account ever since the redeisgn (p?) of the main site. My profile info page only has the introduction on it, and thats all. There isn't even a "save changes button"!! I can't change anything now. Is this the same for everyone or just me? Could somone fix it for me? Everything is gone but the intro... EDIT:..hmmm..guess I'm not the only one..[/QUOTE] Problem fixed, however you will have to re-add the bottom portion if your bio again. Also, you need to make sure you do not go over the character limit when you use HTML or it will happen again.
I spent about three hours yesterday trying to diagnose the server problem, but not much luck to be honest. I did change a certain process in the PHP scripts that I am hoping will make a difference. Of course, we'll see how well it goes. Overall, the site seems to be faster today and their has been last strain as well. The real test will be in about 5 hours :D .
[QUOTE=Altron]Firefox. Meh. And talk about a new stress on the server due to bandwidth... a few days ago, there was [b]72 [/b]guests viewing the OB Anthology. I meant to get a screen-cap, but I didn't seem to work when I hit Print Screen. Ahh well.[/QUOTE] Yeh, it means that page is being index by search engine spiders. Usually, when we have a high number of guests it is because of spiders. Nothing much to worry about.
It is a problem we know about and are looking into fixing it. We're not sure if it is related to bandwidth or what, but increased server loads are generally causing the issue. Also, the 'Page not Found' errors and so-forth are when the server is not online, and is usually a result of us restarting it to fix the server load or otherwise related to the server load.
You already made a topic regarding this in the Technical Support forum, located here: [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44754"]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44754[/url] Please use that same thread for further discussion; there is no point in making two threads on the same subject. Also, pleaes make sure you have read the rules of this site located here: [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php"]http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php[/url] and if you have any further questions, please consule the FAQ on the left nav as well.
[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1]Everytime that I re-visit the Index page, the Arena Forum has retracted back to the bar: Why is this? None of the others do, they all stay how I want them, except for the Arena. Any ideas on this? I don't suppose it is in any way important, but it [b]is[/b'] annoying, heh.[/size][/quote] I am not exactly sure what you are describing, but are you saying it stays collapsed and never expands when you reload the page? If not, please be a little more clear. If it stays collapsed, then the best bet would be to erase your otakuboards.com cookies, as that information is stored through cookies.
[quote name='Solo Tremaine][color=#503f86]The point is that I can't do that: the options and 'Submit Changes' button have all disappeared from underneath the intro text box in my 'Edit Profile' page. So even if I do edit the text, there's nothing I can do to save it. [i]That's[/i'] the problem.[/color][/quote] I manually fixed your introduction and remove the last few characters that would've caused the problem. I should be able to provide more of a way to prevent this from happening in the future, or some kind of 'Safe Mode' to edit ones' site heh. :cool:
[QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]I'm curious as to if there are any future plans to allow comments from people without MyO accounts. I'd like to see that become an option at some point.
Basically, all we are asking there is for you to the list any of the anime characters that appear in your card. So if you have a Dragonball greeting you'd like to submit, and Gohan is in it, put that there (I believe he is a DBZ character, correct me if I am wrong :D ). Also, if you have a phrase like 'and to all a good night' type that as well. So, for the examples I listed above.. you would put: "gohan, and to all a good night" (without the quotes, obviously). Get the idea? It is to help improve searching abilities for greeting cards and allows us to have a more reliable database.
Both of the ideas you two just suggested have already been a part of our plans to implement. You'll see those and a whole lot more in our next batch of upgrades, and that's all I can say for now :)
Those forums are considered 'archives' and are meant to be read only, hence the name 'Anime Archives'. If you took the time to read the announcement in that forum,[url="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37263"] located here[/url], you would have seen that.
Ignored? I don't think thats the way I would put it and I see it rather insulting as well. All of the replies in the "Official Problems" thread I have noted, and added most of them to my 'To Do' list that I will tackle on my own free time. Unfortunetly, I do have other priorities outside of this network that I must take care of first. I simply do not have the time to resolve all the bugs or add all the enhancements we require, but when I get around to things, it is on my own free time AND will. Being the only programmer for this site, as well as the only one with the knowledge of how things have been set up, it tends to take longer for issues to be resolved as well. In the future, if you have a problem you can always just send me a PM or E-mail regarding it as a little bit of a reminder. I went ahead and fixed the problem with your PM count, its a previously known glitch that happens when someone deletes their myOtaku account and sent out PMs.
It will be coming. Along with a WYSIWYG editor as well (hopefully). That's all I'll say for now.
Well, I'm not going to use this thread to bash anyone else's decisions. I, however, decided to vote for Bush and am very proud of my decision. I think he did a great job leading our country the past four years, given the difficult tasks he had to deal with during his first year as well as economic problems. I honestly don't know whether or not the election results will be known tonight, and if they are, I am not going to wait until they are posted. It can wait until the morning for me. I feel strongly that President Bush will be re-elected, everyone I know is voting for him and the majority of the people at my precinct seemed to be voting for him as well. Anyways, no point in speculating -- we'll find out when we find out. Oh, and I feel there should be a constitutional ban on gay marriages. It shouldn't be a states' decision whether to allow it or not. Marriage is exactly that, marriage. It is between a man and a woman (regardless of race, heritage, etc) and that is how it always been defined in our society and should remain as such.
If you have any anime suggestions that are currently not on our list, then just use [url="http://www.theotaku.com/site/contact/"]this form[/url]. We'll be able to add it to our database from there. Also, in terms of reviews, we don't allow users to manually enter the title for it -- its to help keep the integrity of our data in tact (we only allow 1 review for each type). So, if you have a review you've written and it is not on the list, then just use the contact form and we'll get it on there
I just want to make a little bit of clarification on this real quick. We have looked at this issue before, and we've known about it for a while. It is something we deal with on a per-user basis. With the new backroom enhancements we have planned, we will also greatly improve the ranking system. I'm not going to provide any details yet, but it is something we will ask for feedback on shortly.
[url="http://www.otakuboards.com/profile.php?do=editoptions"]http://www.otakuboards.com/profile.php?do=editoptions[/url] Scroll down to 'Date & Time Options' and turn off Daylights Savings adujstment.
It is a good idea, something I have always wanted integrated into vBulletin myself. If not being able to actually change the order, it would be cool to be able to "float" favorite forums to the top. Unfortunatly, vBulletin does not offer this feature (obviously) nor are there any hacks available. If a hack does become available for it, I'll surely look into it and incorporate it into OB. However, I do not have the time to develop this on my own. I already have quite a plateful of work to finish up. OB 7.1 is going to be hard as it is, and I have a plethora of features/fixes/etc to do to theOtaku and myOtaku. So its just this: don't expect it anytime soon, if at all. :(
[quote name='Lore][size=1']The Edit link shows up for me in the Fanart and Wallpaper categories, but there's nothing but 'report artwork' next to the greetings.[/size][/quote] Ah, small bug is now fixed. Surprised this has not been mentioned until now. Thanks :D
Thanks. Bug Fixed. :cool:
You can now modify your Fan Art, Greetings and Wallpapers. Just find the 'Edit Artwork' link on the actual view page, and go from there.
There is a thread designated for all myOtaku problems located [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=35734]here[/URL]. Please use this thread for all future problems. To answer your question, go to your myOtaku backroom and find 'Edit Profile'. It is the very first drop down box, On or Off? If you would like to turn your site on, choose 'On' in the box. :) Its that simple.
[quote name='Chabichou][color=#004a6f']It seems these days that people are a lot nicer when they vote for fan art, so I decided to delete my art and resend it. My pictures had much better ratings this time, but my over all rating stayed low, bacuase the results of all the previous votes were kept. It says I have over 900 votes in total but that was before I deleted my art. Is this the way it's supposed to be or is it just a glitch?[/color][/quote] It is not a glitch, it is just how we handle overall statistics for the site. Your overall rating is not updated on each page load dynamically, rather it is calculated each time someone votes on a piece of yours. So, deleting an art does not neccessarily remove those votes. In light of this, I will come up with an algorithm to update user rankings and so forth dynamically, once a week or such. I'm not promising anything any time soon, as I still have a lot on my plate.
As Dagger pointed out, this topic has been discussed numerous times. We will not be supporting a chat on this website. There is no more to discuss here.
Azurewolf, if you would either send me a Private Message here or on myOtaku about the member in question that would be great. Last month we put up a[url="http://www.myotaku.com/account/terms_of_service/"] Terms of Service[/url] for this reason, as well as many others, and if James, Adam, or I feel the member has broken any consequences will follow. We'll handle this privatly, however. Let me know the username, and possible proof that may still be on your site. In the future, we do plan on adding many more features. Additions that will basicalyl solve problems like these -- but right now, our focus is on theOtaku and myOtaku feature implementations has been put off to the side. :(