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Everything posted by jblessing

  1. Actually, if you look at the bottom of any thread as well as any forum.. you should notice the 'Forum Jump'. Here, you can select which Forum you want to visit, as well as its' category. It also has other quick links.
  2. [QUOTE=Katana]Whenever I log in to the OtakuBoards, I have the box that says "Remember Me?" checked so that I don't have to log in every time. However, I don't think it's working. Whenever I go here, either after coming on to the internet or after coming on from another website, I have to log in. Is there someting I'm missing...?[/QUOTE] Do you have any problems staying logged in on other websites? For instance, myOtaku. Or do you have to log back in their everytime just as you do here? Also, you may want to try this (if you're using IE). Go to Tools > Internet Options > Privacy Tab > Then, go to Websites and hit 'Edit'. Here, input [url="http://www.otakuboards.com"]http://www.otakuboards.com[/url] and press 'Allow' Let me know if this works. Also, make sure cookies are enabled as well.
  3. Let me just put my two cents in here as well. Obviously, a chatroom is a good idea -- however, it is also impracticable right now. Firstly, we can NOT afford to give our resources a way for an IRC chatroom. Our server as a whole right now is taking enough abuse and we have things coming that are far more important than a chat room. Secondly, the main reason we dealt away with the old chatroom was because of a lack of moderation, which is hard to come by. I am sure you've noticed, we do not just appoint anyone here Moderator privileges so why would we do the same with a chatroom? Most users around here that we would give OPs status in a chatroom would not know what to do with it. Of course, I understand about running bots to keep things under control. But as I've said before, its impracticable. You might say why not use another IRC server, like irc.webmaster.com. This also brings up another point. If we were to EVER have a chat, it would be on OUR server. Primarily because it rids of all the spammers, etc on other servers but gives us more controls. I would develop the chatroom to use forum nicks and passwords, and on other servers this is pretty much impossible. Yeh, I know what I have mentioned is redundant to what James' has said, but maybe it will get the point across. Running a chat system on our own server is something we can not afford to do at the moment. Also, we get rod of our old chat system for a good reason -- moderation. To put it simple, we won't be developing a chat-system integrated with the boards for QUITE a while. And thats all I have to say on the subject.
  4. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][color=darkred][size=1]I don't think anyone has responded to wristcutter's [url="http://www.myotaku.com/users/baron_samedi/"]valid point[/url] about underlining links. Did you notice my subtle linkage of 'Valid Point'? Aside from the colour difference, that is? Without it, you wouldn't have noticed. If you want it underlined we need to use the 'U' tags now. Any way to quickly and simply fix this?[/size][/color][/QUOTE] I will discuss this with James, and see what he wishes to do about it. Chances are, we might make the link to match the overall color of the skin. So, liquid would be blue and Geisha would be purplish. Anyways, we'll see and I'll leave it at that.
  5. No need, if you've read the FAQ you would've noticed the link to it :-D. Anyways, here's the link to all the vBcode: [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/misc.php?do=bbcode"]http://www.otakuboards.com/misc.php?do=bbcode[/url]
  6. [QUOTE=Transtic Nerve]it was never there in V6 though... I thought the list tag was there to indent to create a list.... kinda like blockquote does in HTML... I'm really picky about this for some reason... I don't want the image clase to the sides but I don't want it all the way in the middle either, and it creates the desired amount of space inbetween the top and bottom of the picture from the other lines.... I want it right where it is... where it has been... without that dot that was never there before. Unless theres a code in VB that can essentially put spaces in like   does in HTML.[/QUOTE] Don't worry, I fixed it for you. Just use the vbCode tag [ indent ] next time, instead of list.
  7. Actual threads are a different story ;) . It is pretty much pointless validating a thread, just because of all the non-sense code that can be added by users, or even by the WYSIWYG editor. And[i] wiccansamurai[/i], before you login.. there is a little checkbox that says 'Remember Me'. If you have it selected, your cookie will not timeout. However, if you de-select it, then once you close your browser the cookie will be deleted. (cookie is how your login info is stored).
  8. To expand on what Sara had said, a signature basically is a "footer". If used, it is placed at the bottom of your posts (you can also choose not to display on certain threads) and is usually used to describe yourself, give a little bit of information, etc in text or graphical form.
  9. [QUOTE=cloricus]1) Do you see them releasing a patch for this or would complaining have some effect? 2) [url="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.otakuboards.com%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=%28detect+automatically%29&verbose=1"]http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.otakuboards.com%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=%28detect+automatically%29&verbose=1[/url] Also just a note that the jukebox has a few problems in Moz 1.6 and ffox.8 both on clean installs and with then with adding apple updates (for midi handling) in the size of applet and working at all areas. I assume since even Opera and IE6(sp1) are having some troubles that this is a work in progress?[/QUOTE] I highly doubt vB3 will incorporate this into 3.0.0, it might be suggested and planned for a release in 3.1.0. Also, you may want to re-validate ;) . Heh. Apparently, a few issues slid past me as I modified the boards from the beta phase. All is good now, except for the '&'character. I'm not worried about it though. Still compliant :D
  10. [QUOTE=cloricus]I also wanted to complain about width but even just reading this thread I'm noticing it growing on me so for the moment I want say anything until I work out if I like it or not. Also I'd like to add another "bad" aspect; no where can I change how dates are portrayed and I'm locked into the silly American way of it. To me (and I assume other Australians) it is hard to look at the date and read it then realise that it doesn't work out and have to swap the month and day. So please add a setting so you can have custom dates or at least the choice of dd/mm/yyyy, thanks. And just to clear up some thing... This is a complete misunderstanding of coding web pages, it is extremely easy to have support for several different screen sizes. All it involves is a simple php script on the page that calls up a modified (or sql on the fly) adjustment for what the users screen size is (each browser reports a list of information of the clients computer and this can be used to call up the modified styles) so that it looks right and fills the screen or to the size that is wanted. Though it takes the site out of alignment for current standards though I notice you have moved to xhtml1.0 which is at least a start, a xhtml1.1/css2 system would have been much easier for maintenance but never mind... Though I must thank you for making it nearly 100% Mozilla compatible! Other than that I love it and I think it's great work by all involved especially Adam, James and Justin! Thanks.[/QUOTE] 1). For the time settings, just go to [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/profile.php?do=editoptions"]Edit Options [/url]and scroll down to Time options. You can customize your time zone, start of the week and DST settings as well. This is all the functionality vB offers for time settings and options. 2.) When I first started customizing vB3, the boads were XHTML 1.0 Transitional - compliant. All I have done is to ensure that the boards continue to be compliant. In the future, I might start customizing it to be 1.1 Strict but I do not see any point in doing that just now. 3.) The first thing we did befure setting the fixed width was ensure it would look appropriate in almost all browsers (mainly IE, Mozilla, Opera) and that no horizontal scroll bars would be present in 800 x 600 res. I tested it out myself on 5 different computer setups with 800x600, and it was fine. That is, with the page fully maximized. 4.) For your comment on browser-specific and resolution-specific functions, yes I know all about doing it. It isn't even just PHP, but also JavaScript. I use this to make sure setting parts of the site appear how it should in Mozilla just like it does in IE -- and of course, it does.
  11. If your account has not been properly activated (i.e.: did not receive email confirmation), then please follow this url: [url="http://www.otakuboards.com/register.php?do=requestemail"]http://www.otakuboards.com/register.php?do=requestemail[/url] Input the e-mail address you signed up with and submit the form. It will send the activation e-mail again. If this does not solve the problem, try changing your e-mail address. Particularly hotmail users, as OB mail can sometimes be treated as spam. Any questions or problems, please use the Contact Us link located at the bottom of the page. Thanks.
  12. [quote name='G/S/B Master']Ah, thanks. It's speeding up. I hope the mO/Otakuboards integration gets in tonight. I gotta update mine :P.[/quote]Yes, it is working. An announcement will be made about this tommorow. However, you can attach your account by clicking the link in your myOB [user cp] or by accessing this url: [url="http://www.myotaku.com/account/preferences"]http://www.myotaku.com/account/preferences[/url] Enjoy :D [i]Note: Its at the bottom of the page ;)[/i]
  13. Is your e-mail address up-to-date and current? If not, I will change your e-mail address and then send you a new password confirmation. Otherwise, PM me a temporary password and I *might* change it... if I feel it is your account.
  14. [quote name='stun gun Milly']I need to post my banner but i cant because it says that my storage limit exceeds by 200+ kbs. I cant delete the attatchments though because there are no checkboxes there... What do I do???:([/quote] Currently, we have no limits on how many attachments you are allowed to post on OB. Make sure that you check your image is below the maximum file size, which is 270400 bites.. not kb's.
  15. We have been developing an improved, new greetings card site that will incorporate myOtaku. For this reason, that page is outdated and will not be updated until we launch the new greeting card site. You can submit greetings now, at this address: [url]http://www.myotaku.com/account/greetings/[/url] The link can be found in the backroom of your myOtaku account.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]Joy for spammers! ...Please tell me there will be some out side control on multi-pming, like time/bulk/use limits or mod's attension when some one sends to like fifty people just to make sure. Or be able to remove yourself from being able to receive multi-pm's. [/B][/QUOTE] Receiving PMs has always been an option in vbulletin. Also, in vb3 you are only allowed to send the message to five users at a time.
  17. vBulletin 3 (the latest version of the forum software we are using) supports this, and OtakuBoards will be utilizing it once we unveil OB v7. :)
  18. jblessing

    Possible adware on your computer? We have in no way modified the word "love" to link to an outside page. What site does it link too? Also, try downloading Lavasoft Adaware - [url]www.download.com[/url] Might just be the answer to your problem.
  19. Well, we were not able to reproduce the problem. If you're still getting the error, try to follow these steps: Log completly out of your myOtaku account. Erase your internet cache and clear the cookies. Then, log back into myOtaku and go to your myOtaku.com [B]backroom[/B]. After you do that, click on submit fan art. Make sure you follow the guidelines EXACTLY as shown. Let me know if you still receive the error. If you do, please give me your computer specs.
  20. Could you copy and paste exactly what the error says? Also, describe how you get the error.. i.e., what would I have to do in order to reproduce it?
  21. What is your Internet Service Provider? (AOL maybe?)
  22. [SIZE=3][B][URL=http://myotaku.com]www.myotaku.com[/URL][/B][/SIZE] :D :rolleyes: -- No, seriously :). That's pretty much the whole idea between myOtaku and how we have it integrated with the forums thus far. Of course, it will be more seamless soon enough. Basically, everything you described above is what myOtaku allows you to do. I'm sure you knew this, as I see you are registered :-D.
  23. Does this happen through an AOL dial-up connection? Or just running a different ISP other than AOL but using the AOL software? If so, its possible that a member on this board was banned with and was using AOL, and since on dial-up your IP constantly changes.. it might just reflect a banned IP every so often. However, I highly doubt it. If it is just through the AOL explorer.. I'll check into it.
  24. It is a great idea and I know it is something that we have considering incorporating into myOtaku. We have tons of ideas and concepts that we wish to implement into myOtaku as well as the other Otaku websites. However, we also have run into some problems with getting the actual scripting part done for it. It should only be a matter of time before myOtaku gets even better, new sites appear on theOtaku, etc :)
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