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Everything posted by jblessing

  1. Add the following tags where you wish to have the text/images/etc centered: {center} text here{/center} Note: Replace these characters: {} with the following: []. If you need any assistance, pm me and I will glady fix it for you.
  2. You need to make sure you're logged into your myOtaku account. When it comes up, is there a drop-down box of different animes/songs? If so, all you have to do is select one of the songs you want to listen to.. it should start streaming soon [depending on your internet connection, as well as the size of the song]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The icons were always red for new posts, and not red for old posts. At least from what I remember. I don't remember it ever being the opposite. The Industrial style should have never been installed in my opinion. It had all these options and hacks in it that the technical guy at the time wouldn't even attempt to put into the skins James made (the tech guy did industrial). I hated that skin. It didn't look like OB in any way. It was like his attempt to take over the boards, in my opinion. [/B][/QUOTE] Yea, I noticed several examples of that.. for instance, the welcome message for logged in/logged out users.. where it showed your avatar, etc. All three of the forums' styles/templates were so buggy and had so many problems with them. I think it was about time James decided to do something about it ;) :p
  4. I have to agree with you, I think that the envelope should be gray for 'No New Posts' instead of red. I'll suggest to James that he changes it.
  5. jblessing

    Fan Art

    One thing that I am hoping we can do is on the actual form to submit fan art, put in the drop down box 'New Category' and then right under the drop down box let the user specify the name of the category so we can add it. That would also make things a lot easier, we'll see if we can do that though. Up to Adam :)
  6. jblessing

    Fan Art

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by FartMaster745 [/i] [B][size=1][color=#0099c]I think that we should be able to edit our fan arts caption, category, ect..(anything pertaining to text) This way when we submit fanart thats not on the list that happens to apear a week later we can change it.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, we have it set so you can not edit your previous works for a very good reason. Before each fan art actually appears on the site, it has to be approved by someone with the right powers @ theOtaku. This helps to keep anything offensive from appearing on the site. If you feel the desire to change your caption, title, category, etc... you can always delete your picture and re-add it. And to the original question, I think that we should have as many categories as long as their is at least a couple pictures in it. It would encourage people to draw/upload more art.
  7. It could very well be a possibility, and I know Adam would want to cover even more Anime than we already do. Of course, whats on our minds right now is Version Next and getting everything completed for that. Even when V Next launches, there is still lots that will have to be done. So, we'll see.. :)
  8. I've helped out theOtaku over the past few years as well as its forums, and I have to say, without James, OtakuBoards wouldn't be where they are today. He's made all the right decisions pretty much everytime, and his ideas are what keeps these forums floating. :). Taylow Hewitt: You should register yourself a domain name at [URL=http://www.godaddy.com]GoDaddy.com[/URL] , it is only 9 bucks. Then afterwards, you should check into Velegant Hosting, extremly cheap and a good way to help out theOtaku :), should be launching soon enough. Sky3: Yeh, I remember the old forums. They used the Infopop software. Spamming was a HUGE problem, and I can remember certain names that come to mind [surpisingly enough]. I think that since Adam went to vBulletin, its improved quite a bit. As well as with James in control :). There is a lot of things that most users here don't know about in what goes behind the scenes, how much work everyone puts into this place, as well as money. In the end, its all worth it :D
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