Social Control
Jonathon Tyson
There are times that men will dream, looking to the stars to find something that they cannot explain. They hope that they will be able to find meaning or some form of truth. But in all truth they are afraid and that is all that they are. They seek to look away from the truth, looking instead to delete themselves from the aspects of reason. The fact that they are mortal, the eternal truth that all men must face. That all things that dare call themselves ?alive,? must come to grips with. The terms of mankind are that of purity, the purity of loss, and the truth that all of them are nothing more than an animal. An animal, incapable of the perfection they so seek. So, to rid themselves of this truth they create religion. Ah yes, religion, the one true staple of human society, created from the fear that he is just another animal, and maintained as a symbol of power and ability throughout society. There is no true meaning to it, no real divine being that will in some way save those that become his or her servants. All of it is fiction that is made up to protect people from the truth that they are in no way immortal. There is no proof of anything that has been said by the religious theologians of the past. All that we can do is believe. And if we do not believe in something that we cannot prove, nor have the slightest bit of proof of, we are labeled as evil.
Well if such is the case then label me as evil. For I believe in nothing that I cannot prove. I cannot prove the existence of a Supreme Being of one form or another. Nor is it that I can say that I myself am in any way shape or form a good creature. I am a creature of nature, the same laws that apply by nature to all forms of life, also must apply to me. Why then would I deny those laws by saying that I have a soul while other animals do not, I cannot logically say that I am above them, for as I am alive and they are as well, we must have the same natural rights. But man is allowed to ignore this? Because his morals tell him that he is able to do whatever the hell he wants to. But is that in the slightest bit right? Our entire system of morals comes from our activities with our own species. But yet we find ourselves able to control the fate of another species? I see neither honor nor morality in such a thing.
But! Back to my original discussion on man and the way that he hides himself from the simple truths. Accept the fact that life is short. If you do not you will retain a sense that you are in some way immortal. This is in no way the case. There will be no god to save you when you are about to die. Perhaps there will be some form of divine afterlife, but that doesn?t mean that it will help you while you are here on earth. As such is the case it is best said that all people should try to live their life the way they wish to live. Not squander it looking to impress the masses of their society to gain a higher social rank. But most people will ignore this. Allowing their interests and other things that actually make the diverse group that they are cloud into the ideas of their friends. That is when there is no more socialism in any truth. There is instead nothing but a control of society on the actions of another. If one is not being hurt by those actions why is it that we ignore them? Is there some reason that we should not think and feel, as we want to?
The answer is simply no. No there is no reason that by nature we should follow that which society gives us. We are not machines. If such were the case my entire argument on society?s control on it?s members would be of little use. But we are alive. And as such we must act on the instincts that we have been given. To deny this is nothing more than a plea to be something that we are not now, nor shall ever be. Whilst you are going about your busy day, remember what you have read or heard here. That you are a free will, and spirit and that no one should ever be able to take that away from you but yet we allow them to. In conclusion! Be you! That?s all that is important. If your friends find the real you to be something that they don?t like then maybe they aren?t the right friends for you. Keep this in mind while you are going about in your social shells.