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Everything posted by Geotenx

  1. Name: Earned the nickname Flash by townsfolk whom he met in the forest. However he knows nothing of his real name. Age: 18 Who he was on Lowne: Defender of the Lowne Crystal within the scepter. Powers: The ability to manipulate light, changing it to any brightness, heat, direction and so forth. However he cannot create his own. Personality: Easy going and easy to talk to, however he usually stays alone and does not go over to talk to others unless he already knows them. He is not usually talkative unless osmeone he knows is around. He now spends most of his time wandering forests in search of shards of the Lowne Crystal. He does not know that his duty was to do this but he found something interesting as he held one, his power was stronger and the magic swelled in his very vains. He felt a strange quest when he touched one he stumbled by, almost like an ancient memory, so he searches for more. Hopefully to one day gather them all and restore the former power of Lowne and his own spirit. Transformation: After a blinding flash(where he got his name, however he doesn't mind anything you call him) he emerges stronger with a spear in hand and is more able to concentrate his powers, however this doesn't happen much. With each jewel shard he gathers his transformation becomes stronger, as of now he has one and this is as far as his form goes... now... is that ok?
  2. Well... most my ideas have already been taken... So... here I go... Name: William Mathews Age: 16 Code-name: Cyclone Power: the ability to control wind, manipulate it, and create it. Can use it to fly or make tornados/hurricanes. Also use gusts to sway things in air or knock enemies off balance. He can also use wind to intensify his attacks and cut or provide knockback to his opponents. Description: Not the richest but manages to find a way. Tries to attend school and does when he can. This is most of the time, however sometimes he can't for there is his rent to be paid. William is very to himself and hardly speaks unless he is with someone he knows. He has brownish hair and eyes that change depending on his shirt of that day. His height is 6 1 Side: None... yet... Bio: William hasn't quite figure his ability out yet nor does he know he has them, however his parents have when they saw him hovering an inch off the ground. With their hatred towads mutants, he was forced to run away. However he didn't think he was a mutant and always was fitting in with others. At least as much as you can as a somewhat lonerish person who doesn't share many of same interests does. Now he tries to make it on his own on low paying jobs while trying to go to school. He lives in a low quality apartment living off the bare minimum. Even though he has little money he is generally rich at heart. It is very hard to get him angry but when he does he is almost uncontrolable(thats usually when his powers come out because he hasn't learned to control them yet). He is a smart kid and a quick learner with little care of what others think as of now. Mage 15 didn't you use that same profile in another RP? I thought i remember you from somewhere using that same thing... Tell me if it needs work...
  3. Hopefully I won't be messing anyplans up or what not... I have decided to start out without powers so that way before I jump into anything I can get an idea of what's going on. ... let me think here... sorry about the hall of elders RPG... the one i am currently doing but I had no idea there had been other people who were in RPG's with the same powers as me and my friend had picked... Well anyway one of you might want to look into that, it's kind of the same concept... Name: William Mathews Code Name: Power: Control/manipulate light, including pushing it together so close it forms a ball of energy. Age: 16 Alliance: undefined Bio: Relatively smart kid, gets past classes with good grades while putting forth next to no effort. Has semi long dirty blonde hair, can't tell it's too long becasue it curls in front and back, flat on top. Wears T-shirts, sweaters, and jeans, never shorts. Only colors he wears are blue, grey, white, & black. He has yet to discover his powers, yet sometimes strange occurances happen by his powers starting to show. He secludes himself from the main group of kids at school. However when he does talk to people the generally like him.
  4. I have one event planned. I just want the players too come up with the plot layout and story line, I think it would be funner for evryone if we didn't know what to expect. Perhaps normal people will find out about mutants, perhaps some teams of players will be created, perhaps some war will take place. I am hoping that this story will be full of surprises and twists. But to do this, I want everyone to take a part in making this story come to life and be interesting.
  5. The Hall Of Elders is roughly a modern time like RPG, this is [B]NOT X-MEN[/B]. The players would then be mutants or normal. Normal people would prolly end up teaming up together but... let's just let the story roll out itself... In this there is no set of events that I want to occur, just one. That will remain untold until time comes, I will slap it in a post somehow. This one event is way this has got its name. This event will also explain why the battle has come. I will wait for people to get a good idea of their chars and have their chars start to gain control of their new abilities. Oh, and to make this known let's give our chars room to grow in all aspects, so they wouldn't have greatness in the begining... I am attempting to have a player created city, a player created plot, and a player created adventure. So I only have one event and the rest shall be made by what the players make. In this way I am letting everyone in this have a hand in the plot and letting however many people join up put their heads together and come up with an interesting and unique plot, hopefully better then one that a single person would come up with on their own. All though people don't quite know about the mutants walking around with them, surely prejudice would uprise if they did. Recent scientific discoveries lead to evidence that there may have been a recent implosion of a star. This star emitted a strange type of radiation, an unknown type. Researchers are looking for what effect these rays may have caused but all remains unknown. Even to the people who had obtained powers through the radiation. A couple of rules you should follow 1) You can [B]ONLY[/B] have [B]ONE[/B] power 2) You can't control others characters unless you ask them in a message. Ask them what they want their character to do in the situation and then put that in your post if you chose. This way no one is upset because someone made they're nice innocent char a tough guy for one post, or the other way around. 3) You [B]MUST[/B] have a [B]WEAKNESS[/B]!!! Every power has a flaw, you don't have to tells us this in your bio post if you don't want but rather have it come out at times and have players discover it... We are running an honor system so we are trusting that you won't change your weakness in the middle of everything... Also just try to keep things logical, for example if your power is fire then your weakness would most likely be water. Of course you would most likely think more into it, not like the presence of water would be your weakness but perhaps when you touch it. Not the best example but it gives the point. 4) Try to keep things realistic(as possible as it can be with mutants) and don't have your char with a power that wouldn't be able to beat three other mutants beat three mutants... you have to get hurt unless your power is invulnerability. 5) Try not to use the same power as someone else. It will be funner if every one has differnet abilities and limits and strength. So don't expect everyone to be on the same power level... Not every one will be super advanced. 6) People are welcome in the middle just kind of slip in... You will be in a slight disadvantage because you most likely won't be as advanced as the others but whats fun without a little challenge? Above all... Have fun... And post your forms like this in this thread... Be Creative! Real Name: Codename(what partners will call you... Mutant name): Power(possibly a description if things are confusing): Looks: Background: ____________________________________________________________________ Here is me Name: Gage Macalevy Power: Gravity Mutant Name: Tonnage Looks: Brown hair, green eyes, 5 foot 11, Brown leather jacket with a white undershirt, ripped and faded jeans, is obvious about being one of the "top dogs" in town. Background: Lives with distant cousin Ralph Odolph after parents died in a fire. He now lives off any spare change he can come up with, no matter what that means doing. Gage has basically secluded himself from the big crowd in highschool and thinks of himself as one of the few leaves going against the breeze and fighting the pull downwards to becoming something bad. He is standing on the fence between becoming something bad, however, he can still go either way. He has no school life any more for he is currently keeping up with rent.
  6. [I]The quake tore down trees and buildings in the nearby towns with it's might. As building clashed and crashed into their suroundings Geotenx still lay stunned on the ground. He slowly lifted himself at first with his hands then recovering a bit using his legs. The strongest fighter the boy knew was laying there unconscience and a beast of a man stood somewhere out there in the darkness and there being no protection for Geotenx. He thought he was scared but fear is only an image that he is to figure out later. Meanwhile Lurking in the darkness the odd stranger still hunted for something, searching among debris and fallen trees.[/I]
  7. "Zan!" Geotenx shouted as he ran toward his stunned comrad. Geotenx grabbed his "sword" and got ready to fight, but then he felt the firm grasp of Zan's hand on his shoulder restricting him, calming him. Still he clenched his dagger with all his might and grinded his teeth. The wind howled as it cut through the tree branches and rustled their leaves. Now Darkness had begun to fall.
  8. Name:Geotenx Age:13 Hometown: None anymore Looks; youthful warrior weilding a sword, hair is short and blonde not done a certain way. Bio:Nephew to Tenx, Father and mother assassinated so he went questing to discover who while crossing a forest he met up with another warrior who tryed to stop him, they fought as hard as they could and ended up wasting all their energy and time for they were fighting family. Tenx and Geotenx set off on the quest together.
  9. [I]At this word a small child of about the age 10 crawled out of a bush and followed Zan.[/I] "Hey Zan. Where are we goin?" [I]He spoke as he lifted a dagger above his head in hopes of a fight.[/I]
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