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Kabu Darkborne

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Everything posted by Kabu Darkborne

  1. OK what i said was basically if you get a opening tell me i have a made up char and digimon who can make total havoc lol....
  2. i hope you don't mind but i made a little story up hehe boy will vegeta be pissed... ok here 's my bio name: Kredion appearance:wears a black outfit with a white sash. he looks alot like gohan but with long dirty blonde hair(witch ain't spiney at all)and a black cloak bio:you will learn as the story moves on... attack: dragon crusher (2 kei balls crushed into one to make a red glowing ball of condensed energy,)duel dragons(two kei balls trown at the same time, and finally his last main move is legend of the twilight onces weapons: a glowing personal force field.(high expenisve)
  3. *cough* everquest is about gnomes dwarf and elfs lol so it is about the sam ething heh no fountaions of life thru... here i go.. name: Kredion Aymni age:19 Race:half dragon (i have no wings or tail but i can see well and i can float) weapons:Two swords and a wristshot... bio:this half dragon was abandoan at a young age when his mother and father were killed by the deamons.... she personal hates all of the shadow monsters and uses monster cards to summon as well at his figth skills
  4. In the year 3486 ( this is not a futurestic game thru more futurestic then it is normally.) The people of norrath banded together and prepare for a war that will certainally change the world forever in this tense time only a few selected heros can step forward and stop the massive desteraion before it happens... In the great halls of palsa the fortress of the world and safehouse to the few remaining erudites a master and begining of the twilight lay Leylia Darkborne and Tenaru Ug'ets are two of the four grandmaster teachers of the lessons of the nameless. Their legecys are there grandchildren leylia's grandchildren were spilt up when they were born by a kidnapper the one twin Nall darkborne is with his grandfather Reyas a High Dragon of the Ring Of Scale. while the other child was called Kredion and was lost for over 17 years till his mother caught the trail of the his kidnapper and got the answers out of him before he died... he whispered the evil words [COLOR=crimson]Neriak[/COLOR] the Lair of evil the dark elf city... Now their mother goes in to find him but may come out with something else....... IF you wish to sign up plz do this name: (first and last plz)Trell Ka (plz don't use the name Kredion I have a plan for it in the future) age:17 ( funny huh) race: Dark Elvein bio: he was raised in Neriak as a lslave built for battle to please his masters what trell ka doesn't know is he has a very important future.... other: (moves and such)ultravision and double dragon (please sent me a tell for more info)
  5. SCREAM!!!!!!! hey juu would this be anyhting like the legendery game Eq (everquest)? if so i can i just make a char form that world and transfer it?
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