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Everything posted by G/S/B Master
OOC: Just as planned. ^_^. With three summoners, this will be quite the predictament. Makiyu put his sheath on the desktop and making sure that the sword is firmly inside of it. He took of his road coat and put on the hanger right next to his bed. Then he took he boots off and layed on the bed. [i]"This is the most strangest twist of fate ever. I wonder who this Garret character is. *sigh* Where are you Razaiki?"[/i] Makiyu thought to himself. Suddenly his eyes became lazy and his vision blurred. His eyes turned blank and it seemed like he stopped breathing. Makiyu fainted, but he was really tranced..... OOC: May edit this later. I'm in a hurry.
"I heard of the Cave of Fayth in the Northern Field." said Makiyu. "In the cave, is an orb where it hold a fayth, or a beast summon. Whoever can break the orb can get it. Thats all I know from my studies." "Hmm, well, lets go, that summoner may be closer to the cave then us!" exclaimed Sare. "We have to go to the far north to reach the cave." explained Makiyu. "If any of you want my coat to wear during the trip, you can borrow it. It'll be freezing cold up there." The 2 step sisters nodded and moved north up ahead. They moved up north until the skies have gotten dark and their vision was lowered since a blizzard was building up. "Wow......I......never....thought....this.....would... be...... this.... bad," shivered Kari. "We're almost there...... just hold on...." said Makiyu Kari and Co. walked up along the snow unil the reached a cliff. "Ok, we're supposed to jump of the cliff." said Makiyu "What!?!" yelled Kari. "You sure about that?" "Yes I'm very sure. You can either trust me or freeze to death." "Take the chance Kari. I'm guessing it's not that cold at the bottom." said Sare. Kari quickly nodded and jumped off with Sare. Makiyu looked behind and saw a shadow. Makiyu's eyes bulged out then rubbed his eyes to make sure. Once he saw a 2nd glimpse, the shadow was gone. "Whew, thought someone was following us." said Makiyu. Then he jumped off. Makiyu rode into the tunnel of rocks and soon it turned into little crystals of ice. Makiyu landed on his feet but he slipped since the ground was purely made out of ice. "You idiot." yelled Sare. "You should've told us that." "The text never said anything about this.. Anyways, text says that we have to go through some obstecles. After that, is the summoner's test. And I have no idea what that is."said Makiyu. "Well, lets go ahead." said Kari. Then the group walked across the room, every step made them slip and fall though.
OOC: Sorry if my previous post made no sense. I was in a hurry to finish it up >_< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1] [i]"Can't beleive it. I'm like..... half way around the world. I lost to Razaiki, and now I'm in a house with a pretty girl. This must be a dream or something."[/i] Makiyu then got undressed and turned on the water. Makiyu washed up then he relaxed in the tub but then he fell asleep. "Hey boss, you really finihsed him off," said a voice. "I think you cutted his vein," said another voice. "Nah, this is the way I imagined it, bloody and knocked out ahahha," Makiyu laughed [i]" WHat am I saying.... where am I..."said Makiyu confused. [/i] Makiyu focused his eyes and now he can see. It was 2 of Razaiki's thugs. He looked into the puddle and saw that he was Razaiki! Makiyu turned around and looked at the ground to see his body, flat on the ground, bleeding and staring blankly. Suddenly one of Razaiki's thugs yelled, "Look out boss!" "Razaiki" turned around to see a figure in a black trenchcoat. Makiyu then waved his sword around and fell. "I'm impressed how you destroyed that fool" said the man. "Who are you?" asked Razaiki "You'll know soon enough, here, have a hand," said the man reaching out to Razaiki with an outreached him. Razaiki grabbed the hand with a hard grip. "Hahahaha, nice grip, but mine is better." The man squeezed Razaiki's hand even harder then him. Makiyu couldn't feel Razaiki's left hand anymore. Razaiki grunted but Makiyu was screaming inside. "You have accepted the darkness within you Razaiki. Say good bye to your friends mwahahhaha." Makiyu saw darkness envoloping him in every direction. He felt sad and mindless and soon blacked out. Makiyu woke up in the tub. The water wasn't running anymore. He looked up and saw Kari. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
I think you can only get it as a promo in one game.
Maybe we should have a function where when you can PM more then one people with the same messege. It's useful for people to remind more then 1 person that an RPG is up.
I started when I was 3rd grade when they started giving them out in videos as a bonus. (I'm currently in 5th ^_^) I'm now starting to read mangas in Shonen Jump and nothing else (I can only buy them off from the book orders. I have no shops that I know so far that sells them). American Comics aren't my thing. They aren't so intresting. I always encourage my friends to read manga.
[COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1]It was one day in Maikan, a boy was in a grass field area training. Then suddenly a boy named Razaiki came up to him and asked, "Hey Makiyu, wanna duel?" "OK sure." accepted Makiyu The 2 warriors spaced themselves in the area. One of Razaiki's thugs yelled, "Begin!" Makiyu and and Razaiki charged at eachother and their swords were making sparks everywhere soon the Makiyu and Razaiki jumped away from eachother and they both shouted, "Bushido Dragon!"2 dragon like forms of energy was sprouted from both of their swords. They rised into the air and then dark clouds began to brew and rain started to pur down hard. The 2 dragons returned but they hit their owners instead in the chest, it somehow powered them up. THey charged at eachother again then when they got into collision, they were locked down. Soon they jumped away and ran at eachother again.This time, when they got into collision a flash was iminated and it blew Makiyu and Razaiki away from eachother. A colemn of light was made and it stopped rainning in the area. The 2 stood up but Makiyu was dazed. Razaiki took advantage and ran up to him to then slash him across the face. Makiyu took the blow then blacked out when he fell down. Makiyu woke up near a river which was near a river. He searched for his sword and put it back in the sheath. He decided to go into the village to know where he is. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
LOL, this is a complete rip off. Yu-gi-oh with the pity of pokemon and characters of Beyblade XD. I imagine they will be selling the way the pokemon people sold it. Use the same reptitive card over and over again in many booster packs XD. I however will buy the starter deck and chekc the game out.
I live in southern california, where air used to be full with smoke. Garden grove, CA to be more exact. Gang rate here are...... well, between high and medium. Graffitti are occasionally 2 miles away. And sometimes I even see "RIP somebody" on middle and high school announcement boards -_-. Really sad. My dad said most crimes starts at I.C.E (Internet Cafe Entertainment). It's actually true. One Internet Cafe got shut down by people since about 5 deaths occur there. Well, i'm not planning to move out of here, since my neighborhood is very protective, I do mean VERY :shifty:.
Sign Up Final Fantasy- The evil within (Rated T for teens)
G/S/B Master replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
RPG will start tommorrow. Sign ups will be closed the day after the RPG will start. -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue]Crud, jro13 posted before me >_
[SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue]"You're pathetic Zia," said Amaka. "Couldn't carry out a simple mission." "Shut up," siad Zia angrily. THen he launched at the huge man. Amaka removed his sword out of his sheath and swung it at Zia, making him fly towards a house. To be exact, in front of James's house. "Time to finish him off." grunted Amaka. He ran towards Zia's flat body, he raised his axe sword above his chest, then Amaka drove his sword into his chest, but then Zia caught it and swung his left arm to knock the sword away from Amaka. Then suddenly James ran out the door and witness the battle. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] I have a headache...... can't type right at all.
lmao, next time actually edit the post, not delete the post then repost it.
Lol, quanity is the only thing that'll keep this rpg up. Quality if and only if jro13 can actually make it in paragraph form (no offense though >_
Sign Up Final Fantasy- The evil within (Rated T for teens)
G/S/B Master replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
Note from meh: Kingdom of Spirits maybe deleted. THats why it dissappeared. I remember some of your posts, so don't worry, and kitty is in. -
Sign Up Final Fantasy- The evil within (Rated T for teens)
G/S/B Master replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
Lmao, this is going to be sucessful at this rate. I'm going to put up my character, people can still sign in. You can only change if you're willing to be the changed job forever. jro13 and crusader, be sure to write longer post then at Kingdom of Spirits. Name: Makiyu Orantue Age: 24 BirthPlace: Maikan Side: 19 Gender: Male Job: Warrior (I may change this during the RPG) Who are you guarding: Kari Sanai Weapon: Long sword (just a long normal sword with a small curve to the end) Character Description: 5'8 with blue eyes and pale skin with brown hair. Black shirt with a long red jacket that reaches to his feet. HIdden behind the jacket is his weapon attached to his belt. Black boots and gloves to match. He also have his red scar between his eyes. Character Abilities: Bushido Dragon- A small dragon made out of flames wraps around the sword, he aims at the enemy and the dragon rises up into the air to enlargen himself, then crashes onto the earth to inflict major damage to one enemy. Thundaga Sword- Red electricity envolopes the sword Firaga Sword- A huge flames covers his sword Blizzara Sword- A blue mist covers his sword, when it comes into contact to the enemy, they freeze up. Aid- prepares an assault to the enemy with a comrade Bio: Makiyu was born in Maikan where he grew up and eventually trained at the age of 6 with a wooden sword. Soon the sword got bigger and the material to train with got harder until it reached 4'8 and made from pure metal. He had great education, but fighting was his true calling. He had less then 3 friends to play around with when he was young, but Makiyu didn't knew his strength, so when poking his friends, it often hurted them and soon deserted young Makiyu. During his training, his rival ran up to him to duel him. Makiyu obviously accepted and his battle began. When the 2 owner's sword clashed, dark clouds were brewing and a rain poured through. But the 2 still kept his fighting going until suddenly a colemn of light appeared above the 2 warriors. The rain stopped pouring on the battlefield, but kept raining around it. Makiyu looked up at the sky, his rival took the chance and slashed him between the eyes and made a deep cut. After the slash, he black out and the last thing he saw was blood splurting out....... WHen he woke up, he was near a river...... I will have much mroe details about the bio in my first post. THe rpg will start soon, so sign ups are still accepted.... -
Asheron, I'm a begginner, but that deck is not a winning potential. Unless your opponent is a massive LP healer, SWoL is worthless. Switch both of the Self-destruct switches for Imperial order and Mirrior Wall for burning LP if you still wish to use SWoL. Might want some Rain of mercy in the deck to help the opponent get to the requirement of 7000 higher then you. But at least be careful when you're burning LP, Mirror Wall should be able to at least burn some LP and defend your monsters, speaking of monsters, get out some decent ones, like Gemini Elf.
Sign Up Final Fantasy- The evil within (Rated T for teens)
G/S/B Master replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
.......jro13, for pic, host that pic on a webpage (not on otakuboards). Plus, jobs are like warriors and black mage. Chracter abilities have to have description for each one. Please edit the post. -
[COLOR=royalblue][SIZE=1][i] The world of Gaia, the plains filled with fiends and history. Summoners gather around to gather the fayth/spirits to defeat the evil in the dark realm. Only 1 summoner and her/his guardians can defeat the evil within. The adventure may be brutal but it is rewarded with honor, respect, and friendship, but it may teach a thing or too. [/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How it will work: I'll PM you with decisions to make during the story. Like: You are now currently in ????, here's the things limited to you. -Join up with ??? at the bar. -enter a tourny - or do what ever you want THis maybe necessary to advance in the storyline. But if the people are all about advancing in the storyline, then it's fine, but I advise to put some fillers in to make it more realistic. I will consult some players about events coming up so that they don't get frustrated. Requirements: Your Post sample- give me a post from one of your RPGs, it helps if you gave me the title. THis'll also help me decide who's in and who's not. If you're a first timer, then you could do a decent bio with at least some work in it. Name: Age: BirthPlace: (can be any city you wish to make. Add a description about the city/town/village. I may use it in the RPG.) Side: (good or evil. We need a baddy >_
The good thing about New game+ is that you can get the same accessory over and over again, 3 cat nips and 3 iron dukes are really overkill, but it really helps (considering now that Yuna, Paine, and Rikku can destroy most bosses in 3 hits even without leveling up XD). I really hate Mount Gazaget side quests. But in the other hand, Mi'hen highroad quests are fun *wink wink*. FF X-2 will never get old.
The monster: It will not effect it's HP no matter everytime you defeat it. In a certain part of the game, if you chose to side with the Youth league, go to Bevelle to go through a gautlet of people. Very good EXP boosters :D. Train at the calm lands, it'll be to at least medium-hard battles. So you'll be ready for the many other battles you'll face... (if you did every side-quest in chapter 1, you cannot get Cat nip which is a very powerful accessory,) THe coins are for a new game called sphere break. Its very complicating, so I don't play that game much.
OOC: Erm, I didn't know what to write so i didn't post, sorry for the late appearance. [i] Draco was at the great hall eating breakfast with his thugs, Crabbe and Goyle when suddenly an owl came to the Gryffinddor table towards a chubby kid named "Neville Longbottom" and dropped an orb.[/i] "A remembrall, from my grandmother, it's supposed to turn red if I forgot something," commented Neville. When he caught the remembrall, it immediatly turned red. "What did I forget...." "What a brainless git," insulted Draco. His chronies chuckled a bit then continued grabbing everything in their reach. "Crabbe, Goyle, keep an eye on that Harry Potter."
The only words people around me are intrested about my language is cursing and food names (lmao, i'm serious about this). I speak Vietnamese by the way, I only speak Viet when it's with my friends or if I hate someone so much, make fun of them when they're not in the area XD. It doesn't really annoy me if someone ask to say something in another language.
Can you type the storyline for this?
Kaiba isn't evil -_-. THe most powerful cards in Anime- Winged Dragon of Ra (as it is the most powerful God card) The most powerful card in the game- Either Master Dragon Knight (5000/5000+special Effect) or Five god Dragon (5000/5000)