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G/S/B Master

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Everything posted by G/S/B Master

  1. lol gifts this year 3 sets of clothes (1 set of PJs the rest is normal.) 4. Dynasty Warriors 4 Extreme Legends for PS2 5. Dynasty Warriors 4 for PS2 6. Pokemon Sapphire for GBA 7. Baseball bat (erm, I was really surprised.... it now resides under my bed and easy to get when somebody breaks into the house....) 8. Network adapter for PS2 9. Final Fantasy 11 10. A watch -_- 11. $50 Good christmas this year XD
  2. Peter pan's world, I think you'll have to go through like a warp portal, can't help you though. Peter Pan's world: Just fight your way into the cabin, you mihgt want to switch to peter pan though when you enter to save this one girl.... Dark Sora Hp:???? (it's a 4 digit number, dunno whats the hp) Dodge roll is a must in this battle. Just use any charge attacks you have (Ragnarok or Arc Arcunam if you have them). Soon when you done some damage, he'll split into 3 sora, if you attack the wrong sora he'll dissappear, but if you attack and the sora doesn't dissappear, keep hacking and slashing away at him. After the battle, HEAL!!!!!! You don't really want to get killed in the next battle. Save, switch goofy or donald for Peter pan if you didn't already. GO out the door and I think you'll be outside on the bridge. Watch this cool FMV and prepare a wild battle ;D. Heartless Ships: Mini boss THis is straight forward fly and cast fire magic at them. If you want, before the battle put a fire magic as the shortcut, and during the battle, lock-on, and tap the fire magic button, it's like a huge firey machine gun Boss: Pirate dude (forgot his name >_< XD) what ever you do, DO NOT CAST FIRE MAGIC ON HIM. Unless you like to fly or get damaged a lot, because if you do, he'll be on fire (literally) and run around like a mad man, this is why you need peter pan, ecause at least 2 out 3 members of your party will survive if you accidently cast fire on him. If you want, destroy the heartless people for extra cash, health, and exp. After the battle, a funny FMV will commence. The clocktower scene Fix the clocks so it goes to midnight I think. End stage. (2 bosses appears)
  3. lol 10 gifts under my christmas tree, again spoiled. I overheard that some of my gift are clothes (sisters -_-'). Well, I seem to ahve 1 envolope under the tree too ( w00t money). FOr my mom, 6, dad 3 (one from each family mebmer :D), sister 16 (good to have tons of friends eh?). 35 gifts in all under the christmas tree (unless my mental math has thrown me off). We gave away 12 gifts to friends and teachers. Can't wait till I open presents XD. P.S. I'm so giddy ^_^
  4. It would be the Millenium Rod. You can control people to give you the items anyway :D. But really I would want the Millenium Necklace. It shows me the right path to take to make my life "perfect"
  5. As Sean walked into the slum, left hand covering the scractches and holding in the blood made by the fall, he heard a very quiet steps behind him. He spun aorund and find Yuki [COLOR=royalblue]"What are you doing here Lianna?" asked Sean.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]"You remember the invitation right?" said Yuki[/COLOR] Sean thought back to where he was in the dress shop to drop off his gloves. [COLOR=royalblue]"Oh yeah, follow me." said Sean[/COLOR] Sean ran north but partly limping. Yuki followed him through all the way. Sean reached to Leo's house and noticed that the door was opened ajar and open the door slowly with his right arm. There was a creak with every inch of it open. Leo stopped eating and rushed towards the door to see Sean enbracing his right shoulder. [COLOR=darkblue]"What happened to you?" questioned Leo as he tried to force Sean hands off the ound [/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"I was coming back from the wall market when my transprotation got cut off." said Sean. "I was resorted to jumping the piles of machinery which lead to Sector 7. WHen I jumped off I landed on my right shoulder and it strated to bleed. Oh yeah, a girl was following me. Oh no, where's Lianna?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]"Don't worry Sean I'm right here!" cheered Yuki[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Erm, this is----"said Sean[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]"Lianna." quickly lied Yuki[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]"Err, hello Lianna," greeted Leo.[/COLOR] [COLOR=deeppink]"So this is your place, kinda err, different." mumbled Yuki[/COLOR] YUki wondered off in the house while Leo quickly ran off to get the badages for Sean's wound.
  6. Name: John Komiyo Nickname: Johnny Age: 16 Gender: Male Eye Color: blue Hair Color: auburn Appearance: 6'1 Black shirt, red vest, jeans, sketchers shows and a small silver necklace hidden beheath his shirt. Demeanor: Johnny is an all around people's person. Very social and loves to make friends, especially with the girls :naughty: Pokemon: Name: Salamence Nickname: Makiyu Attacks: Hyper Beam Fly Body Slam Dragon Breath Attached: Dragon Scale Name: Typhlosion Nickname: Hinoken Attacks: Flame thrower Thunder Punch Flame Wheel Hyper Beam Attached: Magnet Name: Gengar Nickname: Dakron Attacks: Shadow Ball Explosion Hypnosis Dream Eater Attached: Focus Band Name: Poliwrath Nickname: Fighter Attacks: Mind Reader Dynamic Punch Surf Mega Kick Attached: Polkadot bow Name: Pidgeot Nickname: Aerial Attacks: Wing attack Fly Steel Wing Mud Slap Attached: Soft Sand Name: Lanturn Nickname: Diver Attacks: Thunder Rain Dance Surf Attract (Diver is a female gender) Attached: Mystic Water Others: John's intelligence is above normal, but he's not a smarty pants. THough his intelligence of pokemon is rivaled with any known professor. He is Prof. Oak's prodigy and he was born (you guessed it) pallett town. He moved to New bark town to learn under the proffessor there and got his first pokemon Cyndaquil. He then traveled around the Johto Region and caught many other pokemon. He moved back to Kanto to catch 2 more pokemon. WHen he moved to the Hoenn region thats where he saw a Salamence, he battled it and caught. After that battle every one of his pokemon was exhausted. He uses Salamence only for tough fights.
  7. OOC: hahaha, I was waiting for someone to post. Radaghast should've started off with some tv show host greeting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a dark damp cave, many people were circled around a robed man and a marked symbol as large as the crowd surrounding it. There was 4 poles lit with fire, blue fire. A man spoke chinese to him, the mn int he middle nodded and grinned slightly. A chorus of voices immediatly started. The man in the middle glowed brightly. His hair raised and his eyes glowing. "Be careful Magiku," said a woman in a chinese. "And win the tournament for everyone." "I will sister." said the man in the middle whispering. Magiku finally was gone in a white flash. The man instantly teleported to the house's front door. He walked away from the door to take a look of the mansion "Holy sh*t," said Magiku in english. "This is one hell of a house," Suddenly Magiku heard a girlish voice. "This looks a lot bigger up close..... a lot," siad a voice. Magiku turned his head towards the driveway to see a young blue haired girl brimming with energy. "You've got to be kidding me." laughed Magiku. "This is my competition? I have a better time to waste then this." Then his eyes glowed green a bit then faced towards the door.
  8. G/S/B Master


    Otakuboards is my sanctuary. My way to get out reality and join with the well intellect.
  9. It's either Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors series or Bass from various Megaman Games... Lu Bu- Many descriptions can be used on him. Black haired, halbered holding, *** kicking machine. It's very fun to go against him, though there's a high chance of getting wiped out in 1 combo by him (if you're using a maxed out character then you might have a chance again him...). Lu Bu is also a fun character to use for yourself, he's too powerful and too much as a tank. (Taishi Ci is a tank himself but yeesh, Lu Bu IS NOT A TANK!!! He's can destroy a tank himself if he lived in this century) His personality is always revolved around his betrayal and his over confidence. Which makes him a cool character in my point of view Bass- Cool loookin and powerful. Bass also has a huge ego lol. He's a pain to beat in many games (including the battle network series for GBA).His Gospel ray is very powerful and as cool lookin as his style.
  10. As Sean walked out satisfied with the boy he walked out of the Wall market and to his surprise..... "AHHHH SHIT!!!!!!!!!! MY CHOCOBO IS MISSING!!!!!!" screamed the boy. Sean flinched and widen his eyes and said[COLOR=royalblue]"Uhhhh." stammered Sean. "I'm sure...."[/COLOR] "GAH, JUST SHUT UP!" yelled the kid. He ran away south towards the church. [COLOR=royalblue]"That kid sure cares about his chocobo." said Sean softly. He turns his head to the many layers of machinery."Hmm, maybe I could jump through this heap of junk to get to sector 7..."[/COLOR] Sean ran up to the pile of metal junk and started to climb up it and soon when he reached the top, jump his way through. Yuki followed him swiftly without any quick rests. Sean stops periodically to catch a breath and makes large leaps to make up for time. Soon he reached near Sector 7 and jumped off to land on the ground, only to land on his huge arms and face many bloody scratches on his right shoulder. Sean moaned in pain on the ground, and then he slowly got up. [COLOR=royalblue]"Ugh, that was a nasty fall..." said Sean weakly. "At least I made it...to sector 7."[/COLOR] Yuki followed him all the way waiting at the edge of the pile and waited till Sean moved into Sector 7. Sean walked limping to the slum and finally got there. Yuki leaped off and landed hard on the ground, but she got on her feet. The theif ran after Sean and entered Sector 7.
  11. OOC: Baron, sorry if I overacted, well, about the chocobo issue, don't know for sure is Zidargh will let me, but eh. Also, I can't really type any better then this soo.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR=royalblue]"So this is your work room."mumbled Sean[/COLOR] Sean first open the latches in his left glove's knuckle compartment to withdraw the materia inside, and then he did the same thing to his right glove, then put the 10 materias into a small bag attached to his belt. Sean removed the gloves and put them on the table. [I][COLOR=blue]"Hmm, so he have some materia.."wondered Yuki[/COLOR] [/I] [COLOR=royalblue]"Can you make these gloves a but more stronger?" asked Sean "And if you have some spare time, also make me a vest of some sort."[/COLOR] [color=DarkRed]"Hmm, ok," replied Rydia. "But it's going to cost you." [/color] Sean walked out of the work room and placed a pile of Gil on the clerk's table and he walked out of the store towards the buffet. [I][COLOR=royalblue]"It feels weird enough without my gloves on," sighed Sean. "I have a feeling that someone is following me, probleby my imagination"[/COLOR] [/I] Sean stopped to cast a suspicious stare at every corner his eye can see. Then he continued on to the buffet place. Yuki however was following quitely...... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry Ohkami >_
  12. Lol, good thing I'm young before it happens. You scared the living ******* out of me. Good thing my dentist is the one who calms and relax people, before they amke your gum go numb and yank your teeth out >_
  13. As John walked out of the battle arena and out of the Gym, he went to the pokemon center when suddenly a trainer rushed up to him and said "Hey, did you know some guys are stealing pokemon near Kentat Forest?" "WHAT!?!?!??! Who are these "guys" called?" asked John "Umm, Team Aqua" said the trainer "I dispise them." said John. "Tell everyone that the gym is closed, becuase I'm coming after Team aqua!!!!!" The trainer nodded and ran to every trainer in the pokemon center's lobby about John's announcement. John ran back to the gym to tell everyone. He grabbed his backpack, then he went to his Pokemon storage to grab 4 pokeballs, then John went outside with a note on a sign. John hang it up on the door, and ran to the harbor to a nearby man. "Are you selling any tickets, to Okat City?" asked john breathing heavily. "No, but I have tickets to Myrrsilth Isle," siad the man. "After that stop, take this ticket to a sailor, you'll get to Okat city in no time." "Thank.... you," said John slowly. The man gave him 2 tickets and John ran towards the ship, flashing his ticket to a sailor and off he went to Myrrsilth Isle. [I]During the trip....[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Talking about Luxury," said John. He walked to his room and saw a mini refrigerator, a huge bed, and a small clean bathroom. John tossed his backpack to the side and let all of his pokemon out in the room. 6 red lights exploded. 1 of them went into the kitchen and into the the bathtub. John ran after it and turned on the water before it turned into a chinchou. John ran back to his room to make some space for his Poliwhirl, Typhlosion, Haunter, Pidgetto, and Crocanaw. "Ahh, this is the good life." said John. Suddenly a siren rang and a PA said "WARNING A POKEMON STEALER IS ABORD, EVERYONE TO THE CAFETERIA!!!!!!!" "WHy does this has to happen." sighed John.
  14. My sleeping pattern controls me, and I don't control my sleeping pattern. Weekdays: 11:30-6:43 sometimes 4:46 PM- 11:38 PM. Ending up all wonky Saturdays: 12:00- 10:58, I need to sleep ealier... Sunday: 10:30- 6:38 As you can see, my sleeping pattern is random, I can't control it, but probebly my sleeping drug can (If I even have one -_-)
  15. My favorites for PS1 and PS2 1. Final Fantasy X and X-2- play X first to get the story line and for the heck of it, then X-2. 2. Final Fantasy 7-8 (doesn't really matter which game you play first) 3. Dynasty Warriors 3/Xtreme Legends and Dynasty Warriors 4/Xtreme Legends- these game got me addicted to the whole series. Must have. 4. Soul Calibur 2- better then Tekken 4 in my opinion. 5. Suikidon 3- I don't really have to explain this, play it yourself :) 6. Grand Theft Auto vice City- good game, but beware of the glitches, many of them are damn funny lol. 7. Shadow Hearts- this game is not known by many but it's a good game, it old really, but it's a classic 8. Kingdom Hearts- Har har, whether you hate Disney Characters or not, this will swallow your soul and own your life, so addicting, it took a loong time for me to recover. there's more games out there, go and find them. ANd play them.
  16. OUt of Topic: GTA still has hookers in my game and I'm in the US. Strange... Into Topic: I think Manhunt shouldn't even be considered as a game. It should've been taken out of production. Rockstar games has taken adult games to a new level. Manhunt is way to violent, nonetheless too gruesome to watch. The only pros about it, that it actually has a decent storyline lol. If adult actually play games, I think they need a hobby.
  17. OOC: due to everyone's criticism, I'll stop posting for a bit of time, trying to think what should happen in the story, gah...
  18. G/S/B Master

    the lone star

    Adding to CB shin's post, the RPG forum is for group activity, you want this in in the poetry thingy forum. Plus the to bo continued thingy is very excessive and annoying, Put in chapters maybe?
  19. 4 level 99 neopets on my master account with all abilities (well not all but you get the point), over 300,000,000 neopoints in my bank account, have all the items from the Fairy queen, and my shop is maxed out plus selling fairy items at outrageous prices (people actually buy from my shop -_-). If you want my username, then I have to battle you :D. I have 8 accounts, I amke 4 each year just for maxing it out. I had no life back then, then I quit becuase it was boring. My guild was awesome, I had every answer for fairy cross puzzle and other logic things. lol, I was the top donater for that guild, they're filthy rich and giving out fairys daily. The messege board was always so active... N00Bs join the guild I'm in for tips. Well, I hope that they improved.
  20. LMAO, I hated Furbys, actually. I bought one when it was popular. Taught it words, brought it to school and made it say "Yo teacher, you're my sl**." lol, just kidding, that was my friend's. That was the last time I saw him :(. I actually made a club with everyone in town called "I hate Furbys" every week we would bring Furbys we stole and made a bonfire fueled by Furbys lmao. When it stopped being popular, we disbanded it and went on with our lives. (I was 9 at the time we made the club lol.) Furbys are evil little devils -_-. Hate 'em forever. ANd forever in my nightmares eating my brains out :shifty:
  21. "Training session has begun, Haunter vs Crocnaw!!!" announced John Kids from every room crowded together around the pokemon arena as John threw 2 ultra balls into the air. 2 pokemon flew out, crocnaw landed feet first as Haunter remained in the air. "READY BEGIN!!!!!!!" yelled John Crocanaw begin with a hydro pump which pushed Haunter towards the ceiling. Haunter dissappeared and reappeared behind crocanaw to use night shade. Crocanaw flinched as Haunter prepared a shadow ball which made a direct hit on Crocanaw. Cracanaw used slash but it went through Haunter. Huanter use this chance to use Hypnosis. Crocanaw fell asleep as it slumped down to the ground. Haunter used a combination of nightmare and dream eater to finish the battle. "Whoa, crocanaw got burned, totally." mummured a boy. "Poor Crocanaw" said a girl sadly. "You have learned right here that physical attacks does not affect ghost pokemon. But attacks like Hydro pump can affect a ghost pokemon." Sean said. "Go back to the gym, You should've ate breakfast by now." The kids walked away in a single file line to every door avalible. "You did a good job, both of you." admired John. "You two deserves a rest." John aimed the 2 pokeball at the pokemons and walked away from the battle arena.
  22. OOC: Lol, thats ok, after I pulled Rydia into the story, I would pull you out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the convosation with Sean and Yuki, the old man returned and said "Rydia has fallen a sleep again, come back in the afternoon." [COLOR=royalblue]"Ok, you wanna come Lianna?" asked Sean[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Go where?" replied Yuki[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]"Umm, there's this guy named Leo, I'm coming back to his place before 10:00, you wanna come?" said Sean[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Uh sure." replied Yuki suspiciously[/COLOR] Then suddenly a girl walked out of the curtains yawning and rubbing her eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I cannot identify terra's font lol, I'll prolly edit this post later, but if terra or Ohkami post, then I'll continue with another one.
  23. Name: Kio Masashi Age: 26 Gender: Male Weapon(Max Three): Masamune ( if I can't have Masemune then I'll have the brotherhood sword) Magic(Max five): Thunderga, ultima, regen, and cura Summon(one only): The Magus Sisters (FF X summon) Description: Hair like Cloud's except auburn colored, black eyes with a reddish outline, sephiroth like outfit without the armor. Black boots, and 1 sheath attached to his belt. Bio: Kio got his parents slained by the one winged angels and he's determined to destroy them no matter how much luck or whats in his way. He's out in Midgar somewhere in the slums training for the day he get his revenge. He can be happy sometimes, but most of the time, he could be sad or have a really bad additude. He's sometime reffered as the "Fallen Angel" in some places. Kio knows that his father is was a SOLDIER because of his strange green glow in his eyes....
  24. Sean growled near a corner of Leo's house. He woke up having drool all over the floor. Sean quickly cleaned it up and went outside. [COLOR=royalblue]"I'm going back to the wall market to get a decent breakfast." yelled Sean. "I'll be back"[/COLOR] Sean ran out of sector 7 and he stopped to a kid holding a reign that was on a chocobo. [COLOR=royalblue]"How fortunate." mumbled Sean. "Take me back to the Wall market, heres your pay."[/COLOR] THe kid glared at Sean for a moment and he and Sean hopped on the armored chocobo and it took off. It was a while till hte chocobo stopped at the Wall market. [COLOR=royalblue]"Hey kid, I'll get ya something if you stay here." said Sean.[/COLOR] "Thanks, but I'm going with you, a kid needs breakfast too." siad the boy. Sean and the kid walked into the wall market and entered the BUffet place. "What do you guys want?" said the waiter. [COLOR=royalblue]"The soup." Sean quickly said[/COLOR] "The special." the kid whispered. "1 soup and a special" yelled the waiter. "It'll be on it's way." [COLOR=royalblue]"Hey kid, i'll be walking outside the the place, tell me when breakfast is done." whispered Sean[/COLOR] The boy nodded and Sean ran off. He wondered around until he heard talkings about "a girl who can sew good defensive materials into your clothes, including weapons like gloves ect." Sean immediatly ran to the dress store. THe owner was on the table sleeping. [COLOR=royalblue]"Hey, psst, wake up." said Sean quietly." WAKE UP!!!!!!!!"[/COLOR] The old man woke up and and nearly slapped Sean silly, but he dodged right on time. "WHat do you young fellow want?" said the owner weakly. [COLOR=royalblue]"Is there really a girl that can make good defensive clothing just for battle?" said Sean[/COLOR] "Yes, why?" siad the owner sounding suspiciously. [COLOR=royalblue]"I need to make my glove a bit more stronger." said Sean in a low tone.[/COLOR] "I guess Rydia can do it." said the old man in a normal voice. " I'll go get her." Sean sighed as he walked towards a chair, sat down, and fell asleep.
  25. John ran to the pokemon center and immediatly asked for nurse joy's attention. "Hello, welcome to the pokemon center how may I help----," said nurse joy "Typhlosion again, I need a sleep ball." interrupted John. "Oh not again, here I have it already." said Joy Nurse Joy handed John black ball with a blue crescent shape on it, and john ran back to the gym where the walls were burnt. "Alright, GO SLEEP BALL!!!!!!!!!!" yelled John Typhlosion got his head smacked by the sleep ball and he turned into a red light which entered the ball. The pokemon did not fight against it, instead a pop sound was made and Typhlosion was caught. "Whew, that was close." said John "I need to stop interruping Typhlsion's resting time," said a boy. "Kyosuke, didn't I tell you before NOT TO ENTER THAT ROOM!!??!?!?!?!?!?!" roared John. The boy froze in terror as John walked up to him and threw him across the lobby. "Oooo, at least John didn't sick his crocnaw at him." mumured one boy from the left room poking his head out. "Too late, Kyosuke is going to have bite marks tonight." whispered another boy. John did unleash his crocnaw to bite Kyosuke's left arm. Though Crocnaw hesitated so that it wouldn't hurt that much. Kyosuke went limping off to the right room where he could be healed. "Kyosuke should learn his lesson by now, one more incident, and one great army boot out of the gym." sighed John Kids snickered in the lobby and left. John went into the middle room and opened a trap door in the wooden floor. He entured and many dusty pokeballs were found. John placed the sleep ball in one of the sockets listed "Typhlosion." He reached to his belt to grab a pokeflute and he played a song. A haunter came out of nowhere staring at John. He immediatly threw an Ultra ball at haunter and caught it without fighting. "Let see if Crocnaw can beat Haunter." mumbled John.
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